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Green Computing

Seminar Report Submitted in Partial Fulfilment of the Requirements for the Degree of

Bachelor of Engineering
Information Technology
Submitted by
Harsh Gupta : (Roll No. 19UITE9010)

Under the Supervision of

Abhisek Gour
Asst. Prof.

Department of Computer Science and Engineering

M.B.M. University, Jodhpur
April, 2022
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Green Computing

Seminar Report Submitted in Partial Fulfilment of the Requirements for the Degree of

Bachelor of Engineering
Information Technology

Submitted by
Harsh Gupta : (Roll No. 19UITE9010)

Under the Supervision of

Abhisek Gour
Asst. Prof.

Department of Computer Science and Engineering

M.B.M. University, Jodhpur
April, 2022
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Department of Computer Science & Engineering
M.B.M. University,
Ratanada, Jodhpur, Rajasthan, India –342011


This is to certify that the work contained in this report entitled “Green Computing” is
submitted by the individual Mr. Harsh Gupta (Roll No: 19UITE9010), to the
Department of Computer Science & Engineering, M.B.M. University, Jodhpur, for the
partial fulfilment of the requirements for the degree of Bachelor of Engineering in
Information Technology.

They have carried out their work under my supervision. This work has not been
submitted elsewhere for the award of any other degree or diploma.

The seminar report in our opinion, has reached the standard fulfilling of the
requirements for the degree of Bachelor of Engineering in Information Technology in
accordance with the regulations of the Institute.

Abhisek Gour
Asst. Prof.
Dept. of Computer Science & Engg.
M.B.M. University, Jodhpur

Prof. N.C. Barwar

Dept. of Computer Science & Engg.
M.B.M. University, Jodhpur
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I, Harsh Gupta, hereby declare that this seminar titled “Green Computing” is a record
of original work done by me under the supervision and guidance of Abhisek Gour.

I further certify that this work has not formed the basis for the award of the
Degree/Diploma/Associateship/Fellowship or similar recognition to any candidate of
any university and no part of this report is reproduced as it is from any other source
without appropriate reference and permission.


(Harsh Gupta)
7th Semester, IT
Enroll. - : 18R/04610
Roll No. - 19UITE9010
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I, Harsh Gupta would sincerely like to thank Dr. Nemi Chand Barwar, Head of
Department, Computer Science & Engineering, MBM Engineering College, Jodhpur for
the support and availability of facilities by the department. I wish to express my deepest
sense of gratitude to Asst. Prof. Abhishek Gour, for her able guidance and useful
suggestions, that helped me in completing the seminar work, on time. His guidance,
encouragement, suggestion, and constructive criticism have contributed immensely to
the evolution of my ideas on the report.

Finally, yet most importantly, I would like to express my heartfelt thanks to my family,
friends, and peers for their blessings, wishes, and support for the successful completion
of this report.
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Green computing is an effective approach towards designing, manufacturing, using and

disposing of computers and its resources with minimal or no impact on environment.
The goals of Green computing is to manage the power and energy efficiency, choice of
eco friendly hardware and software, and recycling the material to increase the product’s
life. The term Green computing came into existence with the launch of Energy Star
program in 1992 by U.S environmental protection agency. It aims towards electricity
saving and less amount of heat generated by the computers. Widespread use of
computers and related IT products has a very bad effect on the environment. Personal
Computers are bad for environment because they are not biodegradable and the parts
and pieces will be around forever and are rarely recyclable. Environment pollution
could be because of the defects in manufacturing techniques, disposal techniques for
computers and components. There are toxic chemicals used in the manufacturing of
computers and when we use informal disposing they put harmful impacts on our
environment. So to save our environment and to reduce the harmful impacts of
computers we have to aware about it. Green computing can also develop solutions that
offer benefits by aligning all IT processes and practices with the core principles of
sustainability, which are to reduce, reuse, and recycle. The concept of Green computing
has begun to spread in the past few years, gaining increasing popularity. This seminar
report describes that today computer is an essential part of our life, No one can not to do
any work without computer, but we have to be aware about the harmful effects of
computer on our environment. We discuss about the various efforts to improve the green
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1. Introduction 1
1.1. What is Green Computing 1
1.2. Need for Green Computing 2
1.3. Aim for Green Computing 3
2. History 5
3. How can we achieve Green Computing 6
3.1. Techniques which companies can follow 6
3.2. Techniques which we can follow 11
4. Applications, Pros & Cons 13

5. Summary of Study 15

References 17
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List of Figures

1.1 Green Computing 2

1.2 Need for computing 2
3.1 Steps to achieve Green Computing 6
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Chapter 1

Green computing is the study and practice of minimizing the environmental impact of
computer system and related resources effectively and eco-friendly. It is an emerging
concept towards reducing the hazardous material and save our environment from the
harmful impacts of the computer, CPU, servers and other electronic devices.

Green computing is basically concerned with the Computers when they are
manufactured, used and disposed with no side effect on environment. Use of computer
plays a vital role in our environment pollution. In this era 70 percent of energy is
consumed by our computers which are not in properly used and is still turned on and
that consumed energy is main reason of co2 emission. So now there is a big need to
save our environment and live a healthy life.


Green computing is an application of environmental science which offers economically

possible solutions that conserve natural environment and its resources. Green computing
is designing, manufacturing, using and disposing of computers and its resources
efficiently with minimal or no impact on environment. The goals of Green computing is
to manage the power and energy efficiency, choice of eco friendly hardware and
software, and recycling the material to increase the product’s life. Go for Green
computer reduced your electricity bill and give a full rest to your mind. Now in these
days, we use the star management strategies and technologies that reduce energy
consumption waste.

Chapter 1: Introduction 1
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Chapter 1: Introduction 2
You can add an image as shown below in Figure 1.1 –

Fig 1.1: Green Computing


Fig 1.2: Need of Green Computing

Chapter 1: Introduction 3
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Chapter 1: Introduction 4
Computers have become an inseparable part of the modern generation. It saves our time

and effort and makes lives easier. But it also consumes significant energy, generates

heat, and has several other negative impacts on the environment.

● Due to high energy consumption, computers and other electronic devices impact
our environment and depletes water, air, and land. Consequently, it brings climate
change, air toxicity, acid rain, etc.
● The increasing emissions of harmful greenhouse gases such as carbon dioxide
result in pollution and deteriorate the environment. It increases global warming and
climate change.
● Computers and their peripherals, data centers, networking devices, etc., produce
carbon dioxide in abundance. In addition, some parts of a computer are
non-biodegradable or recyclable.
● Manufacturing computer products involves toxic chemicals for fire protection,
electrical insulation, and soldering. Exposure to these chemical fumes over a
prolonged period can cause miscarriages, cancer, etc.
● Improper disposal of these devices can be harmful to the environment as they have
certain hazardous chemicals and materials like lead, cadmium, mercury, etc., in


● Energy efficiency and power management

● Using eco-friendly hardware and software
● Minimizing the usage of hazardous substances
● Recycling materials
● Increasing products’ lifespan

Chapter 1: Introduction 5
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Chapter 1: Introduction 6
It is an effective strategy to reduce the carbon footprints that IT systems leave. Using

information & communication technologies (ICT) helps grow segments affecting

carbon emission. In addition, green computing applies management technologies and

strategies to reduce energy wastage.

Furthermore, green computing is vital for every class of systems, from large data

centers to handheld systems. It helps create a sustainable business process, spreading

awareness, and running environmental initiatives to build a better future.

Chapter 1: Introduction 7
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Chapter 1: Introduction 8
Chapter 2

Old computers were massive and consumed much more energy. It took a significant
amount of time to manage them as well. They always consumed power even if they are
idle because there was no sleep/hibernation mode or energy management to save power.

This challenge resulted in creating an innovative program – Energy Star in 1992 by the
US Environmental protection Agency (EPA). The Energy Star program aims to
recognize and promote energy-efficient monitors, eco-friendly devices, and other
climate control technologies. It led to the foundation of what we call today “Green

At the same time, sleep mode came into being and spread across consumer electronics.
This made it possible for users to enable the sleep mode in case of inactivity. As a
result, energy savings increased while reducing carbon emissions.

Moreover, TCO Development – a Swedish company- initiated a TCO-certified program

to popularize CRT computers’ low electrical and magnetic emissions. In addition, the
program then expanded to incorporate criteria on the usage of hazardous substances,
energy consumption, and ergonomics.

Chapter 2: History Of Green Computing 9

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Chapter 2: History Of Green Computing 10

Chapter 3

Fig 3.1: Steps To Achieve Green Computing

IT systems involve people, hardware, software, and networks. So, if you want to apply
green computing, you must cover each one of these. The solution you provide must also
address end-user satisfaction, regulatory compliance, proper management, and a decent
return on investment.

Here are some of the techniques that an IT company and other companies can
follow to adopt green computing:

Chapter 3: How can we achieve Green Computing 11

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Chapter 3: How can we achieve Green Computing 12

3.1 Increasing Product Lifespan

Applying green computing needs you to ensure the products have longer lifespans to
limit e-waste and avoid the need to manufacture more. You can also emphasize building
or using products with modularity and upgradability. As a result, small modules or parts
can be manufactured and replaced to upgrade the system instead of manufacturing the
system as a whole.

3.2 Server Design

Data centers consume a significant amount of total energy across the globe, around
100-200 times more than common office buildings. Data centers can implement green
computing to design energy-efficient data centers. It must address all the aspects of
energy utilization, from IT devices and equipment for air conditioning, heating, cooling,
and ventilation to the constriction and location of the building.

Companies must focus on the best practices for designing eco-friendly data centers in
different areas like IT systems, electrical systems, cooling systems, environmental
conditions, air management, recycling waste heat, and electrical generation on the site.
At the same time, the design must optimize the usage of space, efficacy, and
performance of data centers.

3.3 Optimizing Software

The best ways to optimize software and deploy it are:

Chapter 3: How can we achieve Green Computing 13

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Chapter 3: How can we achieve Green Computing 14

3.3.1 Virtualization

It refers to the process of abstracting or dividing computer resources such as processors,

storage, memory, etc., into virtual computers or virtual machines (VMs). Here, two or
more virtual instances run on a single, robust physical system. It helps conserve system
resources by eliminating the requirement for original hardware while reducing cooling
and power consumption. It also reduces the need to manufacture more hardware.
Virtualization helps distribute work effectively so that servers don’t consume energy
when not in use. They are either running or in sleep mode. As this technology is energy
efficient, many service providers are offering software packages to enable virtual

3.3.2 Creating efficient algorithms

Efficient algorithms can be one of the factors influencing the number of resources
needed for a computing function. Algorithm changes, for instance, making a search
algorithm faster, can help reduce resource utilization substantially. Hence, IT companies
must make sure the programmers write better, efficient code.

3.3.3 Allocating resources strategically

IT teams can use algorithms to route data to a data center with less expensive electricity
available. It saves the cost. Similarly, they can also route traffic away from a data center
that experiences warmer weather. This approach allows them to shut down systems and
avoid air conditioning while reducing energy usage.

3.3.4 Using terminal servers

Terminal servers are servers or hardware devices providing terminals like PCs,
smartphones, tablets, printers, etc., that share a common connection to the terminal
server. Using terminal servers eliminates the need for terminals to have a network

Chapter 3: How can we achieve Green Computing 15

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Chapter 3: How can we achieve Green Computing 16

interface, modem, or card of their own. If you implement terminal servers, you can save
energy consumption as well as cost.

3.4 Power Management

Effective power management is a big step towards green computing. And each
company, no matter how big or small, can implement this and protect the environment.

That said, there’s an open industry standard called the Advanced Configuration &
Power Interface (ACPI), which allows systems to turn off their components like hard
drives and monitors automatically after certain periods of being inactive.

You can also hibernate the systems when most of their components like RAM and CPU
turn off. In addition, some programs enable you to adjust CPU voltages manually,
reducing electricity consumption and heat generation.

Furthermore, hard disk drives with a small form factor of around 2.5 inches consume
lesser power than larger drives per gigabyte. Also, solid-state drives (SSDs) store data
in DRAM or flash memory. As there are no moving parts in them, they consume even
less power.

In addition, IT companies must manage power in GPUs – one of the biggest power
consumers in computers. Use energy-efficient ways like using no graphics cards instead
of a shared terminal, desktop sharing client, etc. You can also utilize motherboard video
results or choose a GPU that consumes less power when idle.

Chapter 3: How can we achieve Green Computing 17

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Chapter 3: How can we achieve Green Computing 18

3.5 Material Recycling

Another excellent way to embrace green computing is to recycle materials in computing

devices. It will prevent harmful substances like mercury, lead, cadmium, etc., from
reaching landfills. You can also replace some equipment, instead of manufacturing them
all over again, reducing emissions and saving energy.

Additionally, IT companies can re-purpose or donate computers that they no longer use
to nonprofits and charities. Also, parts of outdated systems and supplies like paper,
batteries, and printer cartridges are recycled. However, care must be taken while
recycling old computers due to privacy issues as they can contain some data of the
previous users that needs destruction before recycling.

3.6 Cloud, Edge, and Parallel Computing

Cloud computing helps IT companies adopt green computing by addressing issues like
resource consumption and energy usage. The approaches like virtualization,
energy-efficient data centers, multi-tenancy, etc., enable cloud computing to reduce
energy usage and carbon emissions. Using cloud computing eliminates the need to have
energy-consuming data centers.

Moreover, edge computing allows you to redistribute computation near the users to
lower costs. It lets you have smaller data centers, where maintenance is also less in
terms of energy consumption and cost.

Parallel computing, similarly, helps reduce energy consumption as multiple small-size

computations or functions can run simultaneously on multiple processors that interact
through shared memory, instead of running on separate hardware consuming more

Chapter 3: How can we achieve Green Computing 19

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Chapter 3: How can we achieve Green Computing 20

3.7 Telecommuting

Remote work is rising high, especially after the covid-19 breakout. Implementing
teleconferencing and working from anywhere come with many benefits like reduced
emissions from travel, the convenience of workers, and higher profit margins due to low
office maintenance.

Here are some of the techniques that we can follow to adopt green

● Use products with the Energy Star label because they consume less power and
are manufactured with green computing concepts.
● When you don’t use your computer, please turn it off to save power.
● If you want to catch a break but not turn off the computer, you can put it on
sleep mode to save power.
● Go for energy-efficient displays like OLEDs that consume low energy, save
battery life, and go easy on your eyes.
● Use dark themes or dark mode as it requires less energy.
● Try not to use screensavers as they consume power when the system is idle.
● Reduce monitor brightness as high brightness needs more power.
● Try using LED instead of CRT monitors to save energy and reduce carbon
● Dispose of e-waste safely as computing devices have hazardous materials to
pollute the environment. Such materials need formal disposal in laboratories.
● Use low-VOC inks, energy-efficient printers, recycled paper, and
remanufactured ink cartridges. You can also go paperless wherever you can.
● Buy energy-efficient components such as SSDs instead of HDDs.
● Use emails as your mainstream communication rather than fax.
● Implement Voice over Internet Protocol or VoIP to reduce metallic wastes and
wiring infrastructure

Chapter 3: How can we achieve Green Computing 21

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Chapter 3: How can we achieve Green Computing 22

● Allow your employees to work from home wherever possible, as commuting to
work leads to more fuel usage.
● Shop online if that’s feasible, instead of going to shops by burning fuel in your
● Try partnering with companies that also adopt green computing, not the other
way around. It will help change the mindset and promote green computing.
● Use renewable energy in your data centers.
● Create strategic power management across your organization, including the IT
team for proper device management, data collection, and energy consumption.
● Spread awareness on green computing within and outside your organization.

Chapter 3: How can we achieve Green Computing 23

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Chapter 3: How can we achieve Green Computing 24

Chapter 4

4.1 Applications of Green Computing

● Connected heating and lighting: The usage of connected devices for heating and
lighting (through IoT), such as smart thermostats and LED technologies, is on
the rise. This helps reduce energy consumption as you can control them easily
with an application.
● Electric vehicles: Instead of depleting fossil fuels like petroleum, vehicles can
now use electricity for running cars. And this application of green computing is
in high demand these days, which explains why lots of options are available
from different manufacturers such as Toyota, Tesla, etc.
● Data centers: Data centers consume high power, and maintaining them is an
overhead. World’s top tech giants like Google, Amazon, and Apple strive to
build energy-efficient data centers with minimal environmental impact and cost.
● Alternative energy: Big tech firms are now implanting alternative energy
sources like wind energy, solar power, etc., to fuel their data centers.
● Recycling devices: Computers, mobile phones, and other electronic devices
contain harmful chemicals, rare metals, and whatnot. Manufacturing them on a
large scale is hazardous, which is why companies have started recycling these
● Other uses of green commuting are wireless networking, cloud computing, edge

computing, parallel computing, and more.

Chapter 3: How can we achieve Green Computing 25

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Chapter 3: How can we achieve Green Computing 26

4.2 Advantages of Green Computing

● The major advantage of Green Computing is it reduces energy usage through

green computing techniques that controls the carbon dioxide.

● Green computing uses less energy for electronic products during their produce,

use and dispose.

● By using this technique it saves energy and money to.

● Green computing even includes environment policy to encourage recycling and

lowering energy use by individuals and business.

● It is a powerful approach to utilize resources such as computers, office space,

heat , light, electric power in an environment friendly way.

4.3 Disadvantage of Green Computing

● The major disadvantage of Green Computing could be actually quite costly.

● Some computers that are green may be considered underpowered.

● Rapid technology change.

Chapter 3: How can we achieve Green Computing 27

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Chapter 3: How can we achieve Green Computing 28

Chapter 5

Conclude here…

Chapter 5: Conclusion 29
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Chapter 5: Conclusion 30
[1] Green Computing , Paul Kirvan, ,
accessed 18 April 2022.

[2] International Journal of Advanced Research in Computer Science , Mavinder

Singh Assistant Professor Department of Computer Science Miri Piri Khalsa
College, Bhadaur (Barnala), Anup Singh Sidhu Department of Computer
Science Guru Nanak College, Budhlada (Mansa) , Available Online at

[3] Introduction to Green Computing for a sustainable future, Amrita Pathak , , accessed 18
April 2022.

[4] Introduction chapter : Green Computing technologies and Industry in 2021,

Albert Sabban ,, accessed
18 April 2022.

References 31

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