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Republic of the Philippines

Region I
Senior High School
Urdaneta City, Pangasinan

Name : ______________________________ Grade & Section: ____________

Date : ______________________________


QUARTER 1 – 7th Week

Quarter 2: The Human Person in Society

Title of the Activity: Social Interaction and Society
Most Essential Learning Competencies: Recognize how individuals form societies and how
individuals are transformed by societies

I. Directions/Instructions: In this lesson, we take a backward step to see a broader perspective on

the background of our intersubjective relations, society: social relations and social systems.

Points to Remember
Social interaction is a dynamic, changing sequence of social actions between individuals or groups
A social interaction is an exchange between two or more individuals and is a building block of
A Society is a group of individuals involved in persistent social interaction, or a large social
group sharing the same spatial or social territory, typically subject to the same political authority
and dominant cultural expectations.

II. Activity 1: Habernas: Social Theory

Objectives: Recognize how individuals form societies and how individuals are transformed by
Procedure: Analyze the following table and answer the guide questions below.

Two types of Interaction in the Society

Social Relation Kind of Interaction How one treats the other in
the Social Relationship
Transactional Instrumental or Strategic As an object, a means for
Action attaining one’s goals (subject-
Personal Communicative Action As a fellow subject, a fellow
person (intersubjective)

1. Describe what happens in schools and business establishments if relations are dominantly
transactional or are dominantly personal.
2. Can societies still exist if social systems are destroyed?

3. Is Habernas saying that we better go back to primitive society where relationships were
highly personal?


Objectives: Demonstrate an understanding of how individuals form societies and how individuals
transformed societies.
Procedure: Build a diorama of a miniature community using the following materials: 1 whole page of
an old newspaper, 12 inches of masking tape, 4 empty plastic bottles, 1 pen, scissors.
Guide Questions:
1. What do you think are the elements essential to the building of society? Why? Do you think
they are important?
2. Did you see a common element among the community you build as to the community were
you lived? Enumerate.

Activity 3: Solidarity
Objectives: Explain how human relations are transformed by social systems
Procedure: Fill in the Table Below.

Organic Solidarity Mechanical Solidarity

Strengths Weaknesses Strengths Weaknesses

Guide Questions:
1. Give examples for each strength and weaknesses.
2. Explain how individuals form societies and how individuals are transformed by societies.


III. Enrichment Activity:

What type of solidarity are you more comfortable with? Why? Looking at the discussions on the
advantages and disadvantages of mechanical and organic solidarity, are you willing to live with the
disadvantages of the type of solidarity you would like to be in? why?


Category 1 2 3 4
Creativity Ideas are vague Simple ideas and Interesting entry. Unique and
or unclear. little variation in Some variation in original entry.
Repeats words word choice and word choice and Hooks the
and sentence sentence sentence reader.
structure structure structure Uncommon word
choice and
Organization Ideas and The ideas and The ideas and The ideas and
concepts are concepts is concepts are concepts are
randomly somewhat hard pretty well exceptionally
arranged to follow organized. One organized. One
idea or some idea or some
may seem out of follows another
place in a logical order
Comprehension The reader can The reader can The reader can The reader can
understand little understand ideas understand most understand all of
of what I am less than half of of what I am what I am trying
trying to what I am trying trying to to communicate
communicate to communicate communicate

IV. References

Introduction to the Philosophy of the Human Person/Brenda B. Corpuz et. Al p.95-118-133

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