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Kick Off the Year With

Student-Led Conferences
WEEK As a class… As a teacher…

• Design Leadership Notebook® cover(s). • Share and model your personal

• Begin to create the About Me section, including Leadership Notebook.

personal and class mission statements. • Gift Leadership Notebooks
• Share information about Student-Led to students.
Conferences with students and families (perhaps
with a video or newsletter).

• Brainstorm what will live in your • Introduce the My

Leadership Notebooks. Leadership and My
WEEK Celebrations sections.

• Include the leadership-role application in the
My Leadership section. • Encourage students to
• Create a Celebrations Menu as a class and apply for classroom and
include it in the My Celebrations section. schoolwide leadership roles.

• Select work samples that represent an area of • Introduce the My

strength and an area of growth. Include work Learning section.
WEEK samples in the My Learning section.

• Share the master
• Begin to practice conferencing with an conference schedule.
Accountability Partner or with small-group chats. • Work with students to
make the room welcoming
for families.

• Review and begin to complete the WIG® template. • Introduce the My

• Select a WIG from the menu. WIGs section.

• Introduce the “strategy menu.” • Share conference-
day reminders.
• Synergize around a plan for families who are
unable to attend.

© Franklin Covey Co. All rights reserved.

EDU1815062 Version 1.0.4

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