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English Training & Coaching (E.T.C)

Gauri Diwadkar (9920602283)
Practice Worksheet (E.T.C)
Year: 2019-20 Grade: IV Board:

Students are liable to misuse certain words which have similar sounds but have different meanings. Such words
are called homophones. Such pairs of words are given below. Read aloud in groups:
1. Accept : I accept your offer.
Except : All except Ram were present

2. Beside : Her house is beside her college

Besides : Besides money, he gave the beggar food

3. Berth : You can sleep on the lower berth in the train

Birth : The birth of a baby daughter delighted us all.

4. Brake : Put a brake on your speed

Break : Do not break anybody’s heart

5. Cereal : I have cereal with milk for breakfast

Serial : Granny watches the serial ‘Ramayan’ every night

6. Dose : Take one dose of the green medicine now.

Doze : You may doze off to sleep after taking the medicine

7. Farther : They moved farther down the road in search of the boy
Further : I do not wish to trouble you any further. (anymore)

8. Grate : Grate the beetroot for the salad

Great : Indian history is filled with great kings

9. Hoarse : I have a bad cold and my voice is hoarse

Horse : People rarely buy a horse nowadays

10. Loose : Wear loose clothes in summer

Lose : Do not lose your temper, please

11. Meet : We were thrilled to meet Ruskin Bond in Mussoorie

Meat : Vegetarians do not eat meat

12. Pore : There are many pores in the human skin

Pour : Shall I pour you some tea?

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English Training & Coaching (E.T.C)

Gauri Diwadkar (9920602283)
Practice Worksheet (E.T.C)
Year: 2019-20 Grade: IV Board:

13. Pain : I have pain in my legs

Pane : The boy broke the window pane

14. Peace : Every country wants to live in peace.

Piece : Give me a piece of your chocolate, please

15. Right : You have the right to speak

Rite : Her funeral rites were performed by her son
Write : Write a letter to her at once.

16. Steal : It is not easy to steal heavy machinery

Steel : This box is made of steel

17. Waste : Waste not want not

Waist : We children do not have to bother about having a good waistline

18. Wait : Please do not wait for me. I will be late

Weight : What is the weight of this box?

19. Vain : Proud Snow White’s Mother was too vain of her beauty
Vain : All her hard work ended in vain
Vane : The vane shows the direction of the wind

20. Zealous : I am zealous of my work

Jealous : We must not be jealous of others.

Fill in the blanks with the (right / rite / write) words given in the brackets:

1) Growing children need _____________ (loose / lose) clothes to ____________ (wear / ware)

2) Please _____________ (right / write / rite) to your father and tell him that it is his ___________ (write /

right / rite) to perform the funeral (right / rites / write) of his only sister.

3) Do not __________ (steel / steal) this plate. It is only made of (steal / steel) and not silver.

Disclaimer: These worksheets are for programmed for PRIVATE USE”. Strictly non-permissible to be
shared or sold externally without the consent of the programmer.
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English Training & Coaching (E.T.C)

Gauri Diwadkar (9920602283)
Practice Worksheet (E.T.C)
Year: 2019-20 Grade: IV Board:

4) All will __________ (accept / except) your kind offer __________ (accept / except) Malti who is too

__________ (vane / vain) to do so.

5) My house is _____________ (besides / beside) an ashram so ___________ (beside / besides) money we

donate food and clothes too.

6) You are not ____________ (allowed / aloud) to read __________ (aloud / allowed)

7) This is the ____________ (tail / tale) of the ___________ (tail / tale)

8) I _____________ (knew / new) that you will buy a ____________ (new / knew) dress for the party.

Make sentences using the following pair of words:

Peace – piece

Stair – stare

Lessen – lesson

Pale – pail

Plane – plain

Disclaimer: These worksheets are for programmed for PRIVATE USE”. Strictly non-permissible to be
shared or sold externally without the consent of the programmer.
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