Nur Hadhirah BT Mahamarowi

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The Qualities of A Good Student

Leading life as a student nowadays could get so tough that they wished they were adults
instead. The grown-ups may have forgotten this but for us students, the burden that we
carry on our shoulders are sometimes unbearable and for those who think that they
could not take it anymore, they may resort to negative actions even to the extent of
killing themselves.

Living life as an ordinary student is already a heavy cross to bear, let alone being a good
one who is the apple of everyone’s eyes. If we are aiming to be one, than we must know
the tips and ways of being one or we will definitely live in misery.

Basically, a good student possesses the ability and willingness to learn subjects even if
they are not interesting. Also, a good student has the ability to apply and achieve goals.
Then, a good student should acquire good academic skills which is the most important
quality to a good student. The ability to read comprehensively, write effectively, speak
fluently and communicate clearly are the key areas in which a good student must be
proficient. Having skills in all these areas will make a student shine in class.

Next, how well a student can interpret and perceive meanings from a conversation
greatly determine the quality of a good student. A good student always perceive the
right meaning form a conversation, but an average student often misunderstands the
original thought of the speakers or writers and may arrive at the wrong conclusion.

Discipline in managing time is an important ability that every good student must
possess. Delaying tasks such answering assignments or reading textbooks, may give a
negative impact on the ability of a student to achieve his or her goals. Many surveys
suggest students must understand concepts rather than just memorizing them.

Memorized facts and theories will stay in student mind as long as they are still studying
in school or college. However, once they are out of school or college, the whole thing will
be flying out of the window and be gone with the wind. All the core concepts will be
forgotten. Therefore, it is essential that good students understand the concept of what
they are studying rather than just blindly memorizing whatever is presented in the

Last but not least, to be a good student, I want to emphasize that all of us must follow
the ways that have been mentioned above. It is highly commendable for us to be good
students, as it will raise our self-esteem and helps us to command respect from others.

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