Paper 1: Concept of Health and Disease

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Summer '10 - Winter '19 
● Concept of Health and Disease 

1. *DALY 
2. *Natural history of disease  
3. *****HDI 
4. Active surveillance 
5. *Multifactorial causation of disease 
6. Sentinel surveillance 
7. **Deprofessionalisation of medicine 
8. Community Treatment 
9. Community diagnosis 
10. *Tertiary Prevention 
11. *Primordial Prevention 
12. *Levels of prevention 
13. *Iceberg phenomenon  
14. *Epidemiological triad 
15. Physical quality of life index 
16. Isolation and Quarantine 
17. Concept of disease surveillance 
18. Health Care delivery indicator 
19. Web of causation 
20. International classification of diseases 
21. Mental dimensions of health 

1. Indicators of health - classify, Mortality indicators 

● General Epidemiology 

1. Case Control study 


2. **Epidemic Curve 
3. *Notification of Disease 
4. *Cold Chain 
5. **Disinfection 
6. *Confounding 
7. *Relative and attributable risk 
8. Case Control vs Cohort 
9. *Death Certificate  
10. *Generation time 
11. Population attributable risk 
12. Standardised mortality ratio 
13. Odds Ratio 
14. Uses of Epidemiology 
15. Definition and types of epidemics 
16. Randomisation in RCT 
17. Chemoprophylaxis 
18. Tools of measurement in epidemiology 
19. Vaccine vial monitor 

1. ***Epidemic - define, Investigation of epidemic 

2. **Epidemiology -Define, uses, examples, tools of measurement, Classify 
epidemiological studies  
3. ***Randomised control trials 
4. Descriptive Epidemiology - describe, uses 
5. Cohort study - steps 
6. *Case Control study 
7. Classify Epidemics, features of water borne and food borne epidemic with 

● Screening 

1. *Criteria for screening 

2. *Evaluation of screening test 
3. Lead time 

1. Lead time, types of screening, evaluation of a screening test 


● Communicable Diseases 

1. Zoonoses 
2. DPT vaccine 
3. Carriers in Cholera 
4. Investigation of food poisoning 
5. Transmission of AIDS 
6. **Immunization against H1N1 
7. *Control of meningococcal meningitis  
8. Carriers in typhoid 
9. Measles vaccination  
10. Lepra reaction  
11. Problem families oral rehydration therapy 
12. Epidemiological basis for eradication of polio 
13. Rabies Immunization 
14. *TB with HIV 
15. *MDR TB 
16. Acute flaccid paralysis in polio surveillance  
17. Reduced osmolarity ORS 
18. Rabies Post exposure prophylaxis  
19. HIV post exposure prophylaxis  
20. Influenza diagnosis 
21. RA 27/3 vaccine /rubella vaccine  
22. Prevention of Neonatal tetanus 
23. Control of rodents 
24. Dengue haemorrhagic fever  
25. Management of dengue fever 
26. Syndromic approach for urethral discharge 
27. General principles of vector control 
28. Dots strategy 
29. Extrinsic vs intrinsic incubation period 
30. Serological markers of hepatitis B 
31. Yellow fever vaccine 
32. Control of rabies in dogs 
33. False negative results of sputum smear microscopy 
34. Aldehyde test of Napier 
35. Control and prevention of ebola virus 



1. Strategies of polio eradication 

2. **Malaria - Epidemiology, prevention, control 
3. HIV/AIDS - Epidemiology, prevention, control 
4. RNTCP - DOTS strategy, various treatment categories and regimen, factors 
responsible for emergence of DR TB 
5. Communicable diseases - General measures for control, examples 
6. Dengue - *Epidemiology, clinical manifestation and control, Classify 
arboviral diseases  
7. Rabies -Epidemiology, prevention and control 
8. Measles - Epidemiology, prevention and control 
9. Food poisoning - define, state causative organisms, Investigation 

● Non - Communicable Diseases 


1. *Tracking of Blood Pressure 

2. **Assessment of obesity  
3. *Primary prevention of cancer  
4. Prevention of cervical cancer 
5. *Prevention of coronary heart disease  
6. Breast cancer screening 
7. *Sickle cell anemia 
8. Risk factors for diabetes mellitus 
9. Multifactorial etiology of cancers 
10. Prevention of cancer 
11. Prevention of road traffic accidents 
12. Health effects of tobacco products 
13. Primary prevention of rheumatic heart disease 
14. Role of screening for diabetes 
15. BMI 

1. Oral cancers - Epidemiology, prevention, control 

2. Accident - define, types, prevention & control, risk factors of RTA 
3. *Obesity - Epidemiology, assessment, prevention & control 
4. Common cancers in india - Factors responsible for causation, control 
5. Rheumatic heart disease - Epidemiology, prevention, control 


6. Diabetes mellitus - Epidemiology, prevention, care 
7. ***Coronary heart disease -Epidemiology, Magnitude of problem, risk 
factors, prevention and control, stanford three community study 
8. Vision 2020,causes of blindness, National blindness control programme 

● Medicine and Social Sciences 


1. Socialisation of a person 
2. *Cultural factors in health and disease 
3. **Doctor - Patient relationship 
4. Social security measures in health  
5. *Social defence 
6. *Functions of family  
7. Social Pathology 
8. Acculturation 
9. Socio-economic status scale  

1. Role of family, examples 

2. Doctor - patient relationship; Consumer protection act in relation to 
medical services 

● Environment and Health 


1. **Presumptive coliform test 

2. Disinfection of well water 
3. Hazards of noise 
4. DDT 
5. Slow sand filtration 
6. **Sanitation Barrier 
7. Effect of climate change on health  
8. Removal of hardness in water 
9. Septic tank 
10. Oxidation pond 
11. Hazards of radiation  
12. **Indices of thermal comfort 
13. Hazards of air pollution and its prevention 


14. Safe and Wholesome water 
15. Control of house flies 
16. Space sprays against mosquitoes 
17. Standards of ventilation 
18. Health hazards of urbanization 
19. Modes of transmission of arthropod borne diseases 
20. Break point chlorination 
21. Indoor air pollution 
22. Control measures for hospital acquired infection 

1. *Integrated vector control, Enumerate vector borne diseases 

2. ***Air pollution - causes in urban areas/sources, indicators, health hazards, 
prevention, control  
3. **Define safe & wholesome water, Enumerate water borne diseases, 
*Describe water purification at large scale, urban area, small scale  
4. Healthful housing - Criteria, Diseases asso. with poor housing 
5. Solid waste - Disposal in urban areas 
6. Noise pollution - sources, hazard, control  

● Genetics and Health 


1. *Eugenics 
2. ***Genetic counselling 
3. Human genome diversity project 
4. Genotype and phenotype 
5. Specific protection with reference to genetic disorders 
6. Health Promotion measures for genetic disorders 
7. Human Genome Project 

● Biostatistics 

1. **Methods of sampling 
2. *Normal Curve 
3. Null and alternate hypothesis in tests of significance 
4. *Histogram 
5. ***Measures of central ​tendency  


6. Relative Deviate 
7. Sampling errors 
8. Chi square test 
9. Measures of dispersion 
10. Bar charts 
11. Alpha and beta errors 

1. Measures of dispersion - Enumerate ; Standard deviation 

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