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Assignment 1-A (BRM)

Select the most suitable option

1. In qualitative research interviews are usually conducted

a) In research laboratories

b) In a structured and systematic manner

c) Using a loosely designed interview schedule

d) In a haphazard manner

2. Interviewee verification is an aid to

a) Reviewing the literature

b) Developing the methodological framework

c) Developing the analytical framework

d) Establishing the validity of the data gathered, and

consequently it is an aid to establishing the validity of the

3. When you begin to design your data gathering method you

a) To your research supervisor for help

b) To your friends and classmates for help

c) At what everyone else in the class is doing and then, based

on what they’re doing, you design your data gathering

d) At your research statement/question and then you decide

what it is that you are trying to accomplish with the research
and what it is that you really need in terms of data

4. A response rate in a research project is

a) A count of the number of responses received in a data

gathering exercise

b) A record of the speed at which respondents respond in a

data gathering exercise

c) A count of the number of valid responses received in a data

gathering exercise

d) A record of the speed at which a research supervisor

responds to a request for help during the research project
5. The higher the response rate

a) The more work for the researcher

b) The less likelihood there is that all of the data will be analysed

c) The less valid the research

d) The better. Non responses change the nature of the study and
the claims that can be made about the study

6. SPSS, Atlas ti and NVivo are all examples of

a) Conceptual frameworks

b) Methodological frameworks

c) Data analysis software packages

d) Analytical frameworks
7. When the researcher designs the data gathering methods for
the research project

a) She/He gets all the help possible

b) She/He designs data gathering methods of which they have

some experience

c) She/He ensures that at least one of the methods is a


d) The researcher, at the same time, develops a sense of how the

data will be analyzed

8) Simple and small quantitative data sets can be analysed

a) Only with the use of a software package like SPSS

b) By simply counting the numbers and calculating simple

statistics in relation to them

c) Using Atlas ti

d) Using NVivo

9. If there is a great deal of quantitative data to analyse it would

be appropriate to use

b) Atlas ti

c) NVivo


10. The first stage in the four stages of data analysis is the stage

a) Describing data

b) Gathering data

c) Collecting data

d) Managing data

The work of data analysis is a substantial project, what goes

into the thesis or the report of the research is

A synopsis of all of the analysed data

A complete account of all of the analysed data
A partial account of the analysed data
A biased account of the analysed data

Statistics are used in quantitative data analysis for two


Addition and subtraction

Description and prediction
Multiplication and division
The calculation of means and modes

Graphing data, like tabulating data

Is helpful in the construction of a theoretical framework

Is helpful in the calculation of the mean, mode and median
Allows for the communication of the range and the
interquartile range
Allows for the communication of large quantities of data in a
very succinct manner
A good way of learning how to present data is to

Examine how other researchers present data, e.g. in journal

Practice writing theoretical frameworks
Read about the different research methodologies
Study the different ways of gathering data

Qualitative researchers rather than objectively studying the real


Acknowledge and study multiple realities

Believe that there is just one reality of which we are all part
Refuse to engage in ontological debates
Refuse to engage in epistemological debates

Many of the data collection methods used in qualitative

research produce data that is

Language based
Relevant only to the institution within which the research was
carried out
Based on mathematical principles
Accessible only to senior academics
The key to the presentation of data is

The story, the narrative, that the researcher is trying to tell to

illustrate or explain the data
To present the images first and then the text
To present all of the figures and tables together and then the
To present all of the matrices together and then the text

The research diary is

A good place to jot down ideas for conclusions and to develop
rough drafts of conclusions
Is of little use to the researcher
Is of little use to the research
Is of little use

The entire research project is an exercise in

The writing of the research project

Is a simple task
Is a monumental undertaking
Is routine and unimportant
Is the most important and the most critical aspect of the
research project

Research conducted in class room atmosphere is called

Field Study
Laboratory Research
Empirical Research

The statistical tool used to identify the degree of association

between two variables is:

None of these
The statistical tool used to project the value of one variable on
the basis of another variable:

Standard deviation

Cumulative frequency value is used to draw:

Frequency polygon
All of these

A positive correlation occurs when:

Two variables remain constant

Two variables move in the same direction
One variable goes up and the other goes down
Two variables move in opposite directions

Every research proposal, regardless of length should include

two basic sections. They are

Research question and research methodology

Research proposal and bibliography
Research method and schedule
Research question and bibliography

Exploratory research is performed when:

Researcher does not know about the variables of study

Researcher does not know about the variables of study
'Research wants to test the impact of variables on research
Research wants to test the impact of variables on research

Research hypothesis is:

A confirmatory statement about relation between variables
An assumption about relation between variables
A partially confirmatory statement about relation between
None of these

Mean, median, and mode measure the:

Central tendencies of a data set.

Frequency refers to:
Gaps in data
Repetition of data
Average value of data set
None of these

The most important feature of depth interview is:

Directing towards the solution
None of these

When the researcher knows what data is required for the

research project and how best to gather that data

The researcher gathers the data

The researcher analyses the data
The researcher can design the means to gather the data
The researcher manages the data

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