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Misspecifying GARCH-M processes

Enrico Capobianco
Department of Statistics, University of Padua (IT)
October 23, 1995

We consider the relationships between ARCH-type and Stochastic
Volatility models. A new class of volatility models, called Generalized
Bilinear Stochastic Volatility, is described following an approach that
transforms an initial GARCH-M process. The focus here is on the
interpretation of some simulation results, with a special care devoted
to model misspeci cation.

Key Words: ARCH-type and Stochastic Volatility models; Bilinear

Processes; Generalized Bilinear Stochastic Volatility; Misspeci cation

 Currently a Postdoc Visiting Scholar at Stanford University, PDP Research Lab.

1 Introduction
The strong impulse that motivated the eld of nancial time series volatility
models1, after the seminal work on Autoregressive Conditional Heteroskedas-
tic (ARCH) models [11], materialized soon in a wide spectrum of method-
ological proposals and applications, making of this eld an highly desired
ground for testing statistical inferential techniques. Nevertheless, some of
the aspects related to ARCH-type models and initially pointed out in [11],
have not yet captured the same interest. In this paper we will deal with
some of these aspects, which automatically lead us to look at ARCH-type
models not as structural features of the Data Generating Process (DGP) for
which we have temporal observations, but as potentially incomplete models,
i.e. models with some latent structure or features which are not immediately
revealed but can be possibly discovered in a subsequent stage of the speci -
cation analysis.
We propose here a new class of stochastic volatility processes and we
compare them to the models from which they are originated. We present
some simulation experiments. Our goal is to verify the potential of this
class of models for discovering features of the underlying DGP that were
not eventually accounted for by the original model because of misspeci ca-
tion. Therefore, assuming that some misspeci cation can possibly occur for
GARCH-M processes with time-varying parameters represents a sort of mas-
ter hypothesis for our results. We think that this is not a bizarre hypothesis
and o er some motivations for it.
The paper will proceed as follows. In section 2 we brie y introduce
ARCH-type and Stochastic Volatility (SV) models; we also report on the
relationships between them and bilinear processes. In section 3 we describe
the model here chosen for the analysis, i.e. the GARCH-M, and show how
to switch to a new and more complex class of stochastic processes. Section
4 deals with model interpretation and misspeci cation issues, in the light of
other author's investigations too. Section 5 reports about some simulation
experiments and section 6 is for the conclusions.
1 See, for example, [5, 23] for discussion and [4] for an extensive review.

2 Volatility Models
The simple ARCH model is given by the following speci cation for the ob-
served returns yt and the related volatility process ht:
yt = xTt b + t (1)
where t=Ft 1  N (0; ht)2 and
ht = 0 + 12t 1 + : : : : : : + q 2t q (2)
The order of the model is q and the i coecients must be non-negative
in order to satisfy the non-negativity constraint required by the conditional
variance ht. A well-known generalization of the ARCH is the GARCH model
[3], and independently [22], which allows for the presence of the lags ht i in
the speci cation of the conditional variance:
ht = 0 + 12t 1 + 1ht 1 (3)
resulting in this case the GARCH(1,1) model3.
An alternative and also popular class of models is known as Stochastic
Volatility (SV). Here a stochastic mechanism is introduced, i.e., a random
and independent (from the past information) shock that drives the volatility
process, together with other predeterminated variables. Now ht is no longer
observable, due to the contemporaneous random variability added by the
separate noise.
In [1] a GARCH(1,1) is generalized to a SV model as follows:
t = ht2 zt (4)
with zt  i:i:d:(0; 1) and the volatility process given by:
ht = w + ht 1 + ht 1ut (5)
t 1 is the information available through the observed data up to time t-1.
3The volatility process is not considered stochastic so far, but it changes according to
the past information set Ft 1.

with ut  i:i:d:(1; u2), ut > 0, (zt) and (ut) independent each other and with
respect to F t 14. Without the substitution, the same equation de nes an
example of SARV or Stochastic Autoregressive Volatility models.
Quite interestingly, ARCH-type models have revealed connections with
other general stochastic processes too; an example is given by the Bilinear
processes. In [15, 24, 25] this subject is considered. While in [25] it is shown
how dicult is to try to separate the dynamics involved in the rst two con-
ditional moments of the distribution of interest when ARCH and Bilinearity
are contemporaneously present in a model such as:

(B )(yt ) = (B )t +

ij yt it j (6)
i=1 j =1
where E (t=F t 1) = 0 and

ht = 0 +
XR i2t i + 0(^yt )2 +
XS j(yt j )2 (7)
i=1 j =1
with y^t as the forecast for yt calculated at time t-1, in [15] a state space
formulation is given for a Bilinear process obtained from an ARCH model.
Starting from: 1
yt = tht2 (8)
ht = 0 + 1(yt2 1 0) + : : : : : : + q (yt2 q 0) (9)
and given:
yt2 = 2t ht (10)
with 2t = t 1 + 1 and yt2 = xt + 0, after some calculations it is easy to
obtain the bilinear state space representation:
yt2 = xt + 0 (11)
p X
xt = ixt i + i xt it 1 + 0t 1 (12)
i=1 i=1
When the volatility equation is written as ht = w + ht 1 + [ + ht 1]ut, replacing
t for ut and given = 0, a GARCH(1,1) is easily obtained. Now ht is measurable with
respect to F t 1 and the model results conditionally heteroskedastic.

where t is distributed as a 21 random variable which results not centered
and having a variance equal to 2.
In these examples the models considered were quite simple. We will study
the case where we have a more complicated model set-up, as the one given
by the GARCH-M process, and we transform this process obtaining a new
volatility characterization with several stochastic features which di er from
the initial ones.

3 A new class of stochastic volatility processes

3.1 The general framework
Our candidate model for the analysis is the Generalized Autoregressive
Conditional Heteroskedastic with e ects in Mean (GARCH-M) [12].
The importance of the relationships between market risk and expected re-
turns is crucial in nance theory, and this model takes into account the risk
premium allowing for the introduction of the volatility process in the condi-
tional mean equation. Following [9] we represent the GARCH-M model with
a time varying mean-variance ratio:
yt = btht + et (13)
b t = b t 1 + vt (14)
ht = a0 + a1t2 1 + a2ht 1 (15)
t = yt Et 1(yt) (16)
with et and vt which represent zero-mean uncorrelated white noises whose
variances are respectively ht and Qt, where ht measures the volatility and bt
is the so-called price of volatility. The novelty here, compared to the original
model, is the time-varying coecient relating the rst two conditional mo-
ments, which is assumed to be distributed as a random walk, instead of being
a constant term. Thus, an additional source of randomness is introduced.
[9] proposed the use of the Kalman lter algorithm in order to estimate the
model in the given state space representation; it's well known that a likeli-
hood function can be obtained via the prediction error decomposition and
the same function must be maximized with respect to the parameters of
interest. From a methodological point of view, the recursivity of this estima-
tion procedure seems a suitable and convenient property to exploit in order
to avoid the diculty of operating a separate estimation of the conditional
mean and variance parameters in the way usually done for other ARCH-type
models. With the state space framework and the Kalman lter built on it,
the estimate of the two equations can be executed in two sequential steps
at each observation in the available sample. First, at time t, an estimate of
the conditional variance ht is obtained and a new innovation value t can be
computed from the Kalman lter; then, this last value is used to calculate
the updated quantity ht+1 and the process is repeated as before, at each ob-
In this more complicated set-up, given the presence of various stochastic
in uences co-acting to drive the underlying observed process, it seems inter-
esting to analyze the possible consequencies of misspecifying, for instance,
the price-of-volatility formulation, i.e. bt, and/or the market risk premium,
i.e. btht. Both of them represent a very important subject of discussion in
nance, given that there exist no unifying theory behind and homogeneous
results on the empirical side (see, for example, [2]) that justi es the recourse
to a particular functional form for the risk premium or a given price-of-
volatility speci cation.

3.2 A new formulation

New interesting formulations can be obtained through a transformation of
the GARCH-M process, whose complexity depends on the variable selected to
represent the volatility process. We show here one of the possible derivations5.
Consider the following GARCH(p,q)-M model:
yt = btht2 + t (17)
ht =
X it2 i + X j ht j (18)
i=1;p j =1;q
5 A more detailed explanation is o ered in [8].

where t  NID(0; ht) and t = yt Et 1(btht2 ) is the innovation of the

model. The coecient bt can be described by an AR(p) process6 :

(B )bt = rt (19)
or equivalently:
bt =  1(B )rt (20)
where (z) = 1 1z ; : : :; pzp and rt  WN (0; r2).
As an assumption regarding the squared transform of the coecient in
equation (20), we allow for the following relation to hold:
b2t = t 1 + kt (21)
where t = 2(B )t 1 + 2(B )kt, with kt that takes only positive values. This
process could be seen as a control input vector, whose nature is exogeneous
and therefore independent from the variable of interest, i.e. volatility, in
our context. To verify the last relation just de ne t = rt2 and replace rst
for rt2 in b2t =  2(B )rt2 and then for t in its AR formulation. More gen-
erally, a complete signal-plus-noise model related to the process b2t is given
by b2t = t 1 + kt and t = Ft 1 + Gkt. and the framework built up so
far should be interpreted as follows. The rst important assumption is that
the risk premium is not time invariant, but varies with agent's perceptions
of the underlying economy uncertainty, that it's like to say according to the
opportunities and preferences of the investors toward risk. Then, another
assumption is with regard to the choice of relaxing the usually retained ran-
dom walk hypothesis for the distribution of the coecient bt of risk aversion,
i.e., the slope coecient in the conditional mean linear equation relating the
excess returns to their variance.
The following relation is easily shown to hold:
b2t ht = (t 1 + kt)(
X it2 i + X j ht j ) (22)
i=1;p j =1;q
Note that it's possible to generalize the process for bt to a stationary and invertible

and thus we can obtain ht as:
ht = kt
X j ht j bt 2 + X jht j t 1bt 2 + X it2 it 1bt 2 + kt X it2 ibt 2
j j i i
The evidence here is that ht represents in fact a process with respectively
an autoregressive term, a bilinear part, a mixed input7 and a not necessarily
gaussian colored noise.
De ning x2t = (yt t)2, with t  NID(0; ht ), where ht is distributed as
in equation (18), we don't observe exactly x2t , but only a noisy version of it
can be measured. Since ht represents a state variable, once an appropriate
transformation of equation (23) is taken, a complete state space model then
results. As a rst step, we aim at representing a markovian form for the
model. This allows for standard speci cation and estimation techniques to
be applied. But in order to do this, it is shown in [21] that some assump-
tions are required in cases were nonlinear predictor spaces are considered.
In particular, we must x the state vector dimension in a way that both
the available information and most of the structure of the original model are
Therefore we rst nd a so-called vectorial bilinear form by xing the
vector = [ 1; : : :; ::::; j]T and the state vector Ht = [Ht(1); : : : ; Ht(m)]T ,
where the new state variable is indicated by Ht(j ) = ht m+j , for j =
1; : : : ; m. We are thus assuming that the dimension of the state vector is
m8. Then, we have to apply consequent transformations to the other vari-
ables and coecients involved. Given the scalar control input, we just adjust
for the coecients i (i.e. it becomes a component of the vector ) and the
variables t2 i (i.e. which are transformed in t). As a last step, we de ne
some new time-varying quantities, according to pt = bk2 , qt = b12 , At = pt ,

Bt = qt , Ct = qt 0t and Dt = pt 0t. Thus, we obtain the following new

t t

7 In this term di erent forces are acting together; the lagged squared model innovations,
t2 , the inverted time varying squared coecients bt 2 and the lagged process t 1.
8 This assumption, commonly retained, is for some aspects crucial. We follow here the
common practice of xing a nite dimension, but how to x it is an open problem. We
are considering this topic in a companion paper.

transformed volatility speci cation:
Ht = AtHt 1 + BtHt 1t 1 + Ctt 1 + Dt (24)
yt = G0Ht + vt (25)
where G = [0; : : :; t 1]0 and vt is an additive noise derived form the represen-
tation obtained under the conditions established by (21). Note that this is a
Quasi-Markovian Bilinear representation for the Stochastic Volatility process
(also called GeBiSV in [8]), where the word quasi stands for the fact that
the usually retained gaussian assumption about the noises distribution here
is not necessarily satis ed. Moreover, the original volatility is recovered by
ht = F 0Ht, where F = [0; 0; : : :; 1]T . The new measurement equation is the
zt = x2t + vt = b2t ht + vt (26)
where the new process zt measures with a noise vt the previous process b2t ht
and vt  NID(0; ht), or alternatively we assume that vt = ht2 ut, with ut 

NID(0; 1) 9. In more compact form, the observations from the described

stochastic system are represented by zt = Htht + Gt ut, where Ht = b2t is
the measurement
(stochastic) matrix and Gt = I , in the regression case, or
Gt = ht .2

4 Interpreting the new models

In the seminal work on ARCH models (see, for example, [11]), some mis-
speci cation aspects were discussed for which clear answers have not been
found yet. ARCH models could theoretically be the result of a misspeci-
ed underlying regression model with non-ARCH errors, thus implying that
some omitted variables or structural changes are possible features of the DGP
which result unobserved or latent at the rst stage of the analysis. In [?, ?]
this aspect is underlined like the fact that ignoring a residual conditional
mean nonlinearity would have important consequencies for the theoretical
9Simply assuming that the disturbance in the conditional mean equation is a white
noise, we obtain a regression model with stochastic regressors ht and time-varying coe-
cients b2t .

understanding of the dynamics involved and the empirical analysis, particu-
larly with regard to point prediction.
Recent work on nonlinear time series models strongly directs the atten-
tion to this fact and various important contributions seem to justify the
hypothesis that some nonlinearity is not fully accounted for by ARCH-type
models. For example, in [13, 14] an approximation of the joint density for
conditioning and conditioned variables is introduced using an Hermite series
expansion about the gaussian density which allows the deviations from it to
be captured by the higher order terms. ARCH processes can be modelled
too, with particular insight for exchange rates because of residual nonlin-
earity evidence, even after that the conditional heteroskedasticity had been
accounted for.
Other interesting papers, related to BDS test [19, 20], extended param-
eterizations involving the conditional density of normalized errors [17] and
Markov Switching structures [6, 16] respectively indicated that (1) extra non-
linearity is present in the model after the routine ARCH-type analysis (2)
there is statistical signi cance of shape parameters in the error distribution
(3) regime shifts have impact on the observed time series.
Therefore, we could reasonably look at ARCH e ects more as a phe-
nomenon with a strong misspeci cation nature than as a structural aspect
of the DGP at hand, at least in many cases and under various conditions.
The present paper suggests which changes could occur in the model once it
results misspeci ed and, from the simulated graphs shown in the next sec-
tion, that the possible misspeci cation may be harder to detect than what is
expected. While in [25] the intervent of bilinearity is explicit, as a feature of
the DGP, here second and higher order interactions show up in the volatility
process from a transformation of an original Garch-M process. In our set-up,
at a rst glance, it appears more problematic to try to separate the di erent
sources that drive the observed DGP, thus leaving the misspeci cation causes
not easily identi able.
Ignoring which is the best approximating DGP governing the mean-
variance ratio can have important consequencies in terms of a correct model
speci cation. Therefore, a rst contribution here given is to show interesting
consequencies which derive from a possibly incorrect choice of the functional
form of the market risk premium term for the expected volatility, i.e. g(bt)hpt.
In our example we assume an AR speci cation for the mean-variance ratio;
then, to choose the functional form of the volatility term characterizing the
risk premium term is important since we could nd two completely di erent
volatility processes, once we slightly deviate from the initial model condi-
tions. In the following section we complement our technical results with
some simulation experiments which show, not surprisingly perhaps, the sim-
ilarity existing between di erent classes of SVM. This is not a surprise in
the light of the many possible empirical phenomenons that can in uence
volatility and the observations at hand, but nevertheless it is worthwhile to
mention that this same fact can have some relevance for understanding co-
variance nonstationary settings which, according to some recent literature,
are gaining more and more credit between researchers in the eld (see, for
example, [18]).

5 Simulation experiments
We generate data from a time varying parameters GARCH(1,1)-M process
obtained as a special case of the general framework here presented. Then an-
other simulated time series is derived from a GeBiSV(1,1) process obtained
in correspondence of the rst one. We investigate the degree of misspeci -
cation that we could possibly face when we consider a risk premium as in
the GARCH-M set-up without pursuing the investigation of a di erent func-
tional form for it.
The general structure of the models we want to generate is given by:
yt = ERP1;t + et
with ERP1;t = btht2 , et  NID(0; ht ) and ht given by equation (18). Then

zt = ERP2;t + vt
with ERP2;t = b2t ht, vt  NID(0; ht ) and ht given as in the GeBiSV speci -

From the general model we have the following GARCH(1,1)-M model:
yt = btht2 ; ht = a1t2 1 + c1ht 1
with bt = b0 + 1bt 1 + rt. Then, the correspondent GeBiSV(1,1) model is
given by:
zt = tht + vt
ht = kt 1ht 1 t + 1ht 1t 1 t 1 + 1t2 1t 1 t 1 + kt 1t2 1 t 1
and de ning kt t 1 = mt, it follows that t 1 t 1 = 1 mt, and thus we have,
after some more calculations, the following nal form for the volatility:
ht = 1mtht 1 + 1 mk ht 1t 1 + 1t2 1

This last equation, together with the zt variable is the GeBiSV model which
was simulated.
Three experiments are presented; for each of them the size of the sim-
ulated set of observations is n=300. They di er for the distributional as-
sumptions about the kt innovation in uencing the risk aversion coecient
t which characterizes the GeBiSV formulation. In one case we adopted a
Uniform(0; 1) distribution, in another case a Poisson distribution whose
mean is 0.05, and then other results are obtained under the hypothesis of
a Normal( = 1;  = 0:3) distribution. The parameter structure of the
conditional mean, risk aversion coecient and volatility coecients in the
three experiments is xed at the following values: b0 = 0:5, 1 = 0:4,
r  NID( = 0;  = 0:2), h0 = 0:4, a1 = 0:1, c1 = 0:7, s0 = 0:8, 1 = 0:2
and 1 = 0:2.
From the visual inspection of these generated DGP's and the related
volatilities we can notice that, under some conditions about the residual dis-
tributions and the model structure, stochastic processes with very similar
characteristics but di erent nature and order of complexity can be derived
from the variation of the functional form of the systematic term in the con-
ditional mean equation. Even if the resulting data patterns are quite close in
our models, important di erencies are introduced since both the risk aversion
coecient and the volatility process present a di erent stochastic character-
ization from the starting GARCH-M model.

Figure 1: First Experiment: Gaussian case.

Further experiments were done in order to verify the sensitivity of the

generated DGP's and volatilities to the parameter model structure and inno-
vation distributions; the results suggested that the range of parameter values
and distributional hypotheses which present the previously underlined inter-
esting features, with regard to the simulated returns and volatilities, is not
particularly restrictive. In summary, under a value around 0.5 for the autore-
gressive coecient in the risk aversion relation and controlling the GARCH-M
and GeBiSV volatility coecients in order to avoid contemporaneous (i.e.,
with regard to both the autoregressive and the exogenous model components)
near unitary situations, the framework results quite stable. Two di erent
level coecients were adopted in the volatility equations so that it's easier
to recognize the similar pattern structure characterizing these two di erent
volatility formulations.
From the observation of the generated DGP's and the related volatilities
we can see that stochastic volatility processes of di erent nature and order
of complexity have, not surprisingly perhaps, similar shapes even if they are
not characterized by the same functional form for the systematic term in
the conditional mean equation. A rst consideration which derives from the
given results is that if we consider the case where one or more regime shifts
Figure 2: Second Experiment: Uniform case.

are encountered in the conditionally heteroskedastic data at hand, in the

analysis of some subsample periods we could nd that stock returns show
volatility structures with di erent underlying dependence laws. In other
terms, according to the various possible regimes one can observe di erent
volatility shapes. As a result, we could misspecify our initial model and
not be able to recognize the presence of covariance nonstationarity for the
series at hand. In this important but (in the light of the previous results)
possible case, there would be the not only the possibility of misspecifying
the true model, due the mis-acknowledgment of the presence of a switching
regime stochastic nature for the GARCH-M process, but also of ignoring that
di erent volatility processes could be plausibly be suspected of co-acting and
thus characterizing the various regimes. Therefore, a shift between classes of
volatility models and not simply between models in the ARCH class could
occur, according to the regime considered.

Figure 3: Third Experiment: Poisson case.

6 Conclusions and future research directions

The results given in this paper extend the analysis of the relationships be-
tween volatility stochastic processes and allow for interesting conjectures
when the starting point of the analysis is a GARCH-M model. The structure
of the GARCH-M model has not been unanimously and uniquely speci ed
yet, particularly with regard to the choice of the risk premium functional
representation. Thus, misspeci cation is possible if one deviates from the
usually retained assumptions and this comes to be relevant for the inferen-
tial aspects involved since di erent classes of volatility stochastic processes
can be underlying the observed time series.

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