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age uRaga az wernt MINISTRY OF ROAD TRANSPORT & HIGHWAYS mere ; Fosemmert of fn NATIONAL HIGHWAYS AUTHORITY OF INDIA asia ssetnatruction of 3 lane western side Flyover from Design Km 0.300 [Existing Reman gehtCBefore Iyothi Mahal Sunction)| to Design kn 2.770 [Existing Ke 1096.210 (Beyont ‘Ramesh Hospital Junction] on NH-16 in the state of Andhra Pradesh on EPC mode. TESTING AGENCY Reg. Office:- Annoor Test Labs and Engineering Services Pvt Ltd. ¥2/90, Venus Bazar, Snnagar Colony, Gannavaram, Krishna Dist. Ph: 08676256700, 9908056677.7093910033. Mall ID, (Dare of testing: - 05-11-2021) INTRODUCTION Introduction and Background Project Location ‘Objectives of the consultancy ROAD INVENTORY DATA Carriageway Type Road Type Pavement Type Pavement Width ‘Shoulder Type Shoulder Width Topography Carriageway Furniture CONDITION DATA Pavement Condition Data Roughness Ruluing TRO. No. ATLES/BM/2020/2012280059 Annoor Test Labs & Engg. Services Prt Lid, Gannarvaram Figure 1-1: Project Lacation Nap Figure 2-1: Carriageway Type Distribution Figure 2-2: Road Type Distribution Figure 2-3; Pavement Type Distribution Figure 2-4: Pavement Width Distribution Figure 2-5: Shoulder Type Distribution Figure 2-6: Shoulder Width Distribution Figure 2-7: Topography Figure 2-8: Carriageway Furniture Figure 3-1: Lane Wise Cracking Distribution Figure 3-2: Lane Wise Ravelling Distribution Figure 3-3: Lane Wise Bleeding Distribution Figure 2 4: Lane Wise Potholes Distribution Figure 3-5: Roughness Index for Inner and Outer Lane for LHS carriageway Figure 3-6; Roughness Index for Inner and Outer Lane for RHS carriageway Figure 3-7: Roughness Condition Index for each lane Figure 3-8: Rutting on the Left Carriageway Figure 3-9: Rutting on the Right Camageway List of Tables ‘Table 1-1: Project Road Details. ‘Table 2-1; Carriageway Type. Table 2-2: Road Type .. ‘Table 2-3: Pavement Type Table 2-4: Pavement Width, Table 3-1 Pavement Distress Rating Guidelines. Table 3-2: Lane-wise Roughness Distribution.. ABBREVIATIONS Dar Distonce Measuring Instrument Gis Geographical Information System GPs ‘Geographical Pesitioning System HR High Resolution Network Survey Vehicle Road Measurement Rata Arquisition Syctom ight of way ‘Transverse Profile Logger Village Roads For AnnorTest Labs & Eng, Services PY Li 4 of : Autorfea Signatory TRQ. No. ATLES/BM/2020/2012280059 Anmoor Test Labe & Engg. Services Pvt La, Gannarvaram 1 INTRODUCTION 1.1 Introduction and Background Conducting of NSV survey on 3 lane westem side flyover from Design Km 0.3000 [Existing Km. 1098.680 (Before Jyothi Mahal Junction)] to Design Km 2.770 (Existing Km. 1096.210 (Beyond Ramesh Hospital Junction)] on NH-16 in the state of Andhra Pradesh an EPC mode. 1.2 Project Location The state of Andhra Pradesh is located in the southern part of India. The projact road etart {ang end chainages are shown in below Table 1-1 and the GIS map of Project Road is given in Figure 1-1, Table 1-2: Project Road Details Pavem stat End a = eee Cac er id (m) (m) 2 NH16 ~ Western side Flyover Figure 1-1: Project Location Map For Annoat Test Labs 8 Engg Services Put. Lt. ff Authorised Signatory. 1.3 Objectives of the consultancy As art of consultancy service, the consultancy Engineer hac to carry out condition surveys using Network survey vehicle, TRO. No. ATLES/BM/2020/2012280059 Annoor Test Labs & Engg. Services Prt Ltd, Gannarvaram ‘+ Pavement condition survey, to control the defects of the pavement. ‘+ Roughness of the pavement, to determine the roughness ef the pavement. ‘The consultancy has conducted the NSV survey on 05/11/2021. The following items have been collected to upkeep and maintenance of bituminous surfacing in good condition. ‘+ Road Inventory survey using NSV ‘+ Pavement condition survey using NSV ‘+ Roughness of the pavement survey using NSV 2 ROAD INVENTORY DATA 2.1. Carriageway Type Carriageway type of 3 lane western side flyover an NH16 is divided carriageway. Carriageway Type Undivided 0% La ‘Start End Carria Cor eT CL ne Ca Ea 6.494058 05-11-2021 — 16.509897 Road type of 3 lane western side flyover on NH16 is 6-Lane and 4-Lane. For Annoor Test Labs & Engg. Services Pvt Lid of* Authorised Signatory, ‘TRO. No. ATLES/BM/2020/2012280059 Annoor Test Labs & Engg, Services Pvt Lth, Gannarvaram Figure 2-2: Road Type Distribution rr Code Chainage NH 16 | NH 6 Eng Rood Survey Cua) Ee PES 16.494851 PTs 0.665430 iis | Has NH 16. [us 2.3. Pavement Type ‘TRO. No. ATLES/B/2020/2012280059 16.506112 For Annoor Test Labs & Engg Services Pt. Lid. ae Authorised Signatory 16.510036 | 0.665556 180.649537 £80.653046 0.66217 Annoor Test Labs & Engg, Services Prt Ltd, Ganearvaram ‘Table 2-3: Pavement Type a ad oa Cr eres er sa Creer ety) 3 lane wie | western side | 01300 | 2.4 Pavement Width Pavement width of 3 lane western side flyover on NHI6 is 10.5m on Elevated Flyover section and 7m on 4-Lane LHS Side and Chainage wise details are given in Table 2-4. Pavement Width nen 36.494851 | 80.699537 stom | sprayanas | | 16.509697 | 90.665420, se.aoaasi | 90.649597 spy “|e For Anno Test Labs & Eng. Series Pt. Lid Annis PBPLIS 2 Big Services Prt Lid, Gannarvarum ‘TRO. No. ATLES/BM/202072012280059 2.5 Shoulder Type ‘Shoulder type of 3 lane western side flyover on NH16 is presented in prescribed format as Annexure. Shoulder type Figure 2-5: Shoulder Type Distribution 2.6 Shoulder Width Shoulder width of 3 lane westem side flyover on NH16 is presented in prescribed format as Annexure. Shoulder width Figure 2-6: Shoulder Width Distribution 2.7 Topography General Topography of 3 lane western side flyover on NHI6 Is presented in Figure 2-7 below and Chainage wise details are given in prescribed format as Annexure. For Annoor Test Labs & Engg. Services Pvt Lid one TRQ. No. ATLES/BM/2020/2012280059 2.500 2.000 1.500 1.000 0.500 ‘0.000 - Fat se 4Lane Carriageway 1.026 Elevated Fyover Length (km) Figure 2.7: Topography 2.8 Carriageway Furniture Carriageway furniture details of 3 lane western side flyover an NHI6 are given In prescribed format a5 Annexure and presented in Figure 2-8 below. Carriageway Furniture Cautionary Sign Htline crossing lwAsset Type 4 1 Figure 2-6: Carriageway Furniture 3 CONDITION DATA 3.1 Pavement Condition Data ‘The following guidelines used to rate the pavement distresses under 1-5 scale (Very Poor to Very Good). The data collected at S00 m interval. ‘Table 3-1 Pavement Distress Rating Guidelines heute fear Very Good (<5%) Good (5 - 10%) Fair (11 - 20%) Guidelines for Maintenance ‘Management of Primary, Secondary and Urban Roads Cracking 500m S| 70. No. ATLESBM/20202012280059 Anmoor Test Labs & Engg. Services Prt Ltd, Gannarvarim ¥ "For Annoor Test abs & Engg. Serves Pv Lid Authoriseu Signatory. Gers Bence ccuri nares Pocus Poor (21 - 30%) (Ministry of Transport & Very Poor (>30%) Highways) | Published by: Indian Road | _ Congress - Year 2004 | Guidelines for Maintenance | ¥ory Good (0%) Management of Primary, Good (1 - 5%) ‘Secondary and Urban Roads | Ravelling | 500 m_—_| Fair (6 - 10%) (Ministry of Transport & Poor (11 - 30%) Highways) | Very Poor (>30%) Published by: Indian Road | Congress - Year 2004 _| Very Good (0) ‘As per IRC & TRL, pot holes ae Good (1) should be in 9% of surface area Red 500m | Fair (2) As per ToR, it should be in | (Nos.) | Poor (2 - 5) ‘numbers; hence international Very Poor (> 5) _ best practices rating was chosen, |Wery Good (50%) > _ 7 | | | Very Good (<2%) ‘Guidelines for Maintenance 7 Management of Primary, ee ‘Secondary and Urban Roads: Patching | 500m _—_| Fair (6-15%) (Ministry of Transport & 7 - Highways) | | ace” Published by: Indian Road | Very Poor (>30%) Congress - Year 2004 Yen Good (0-2-0) | as per IC SP 16-2004 ony three Rovghnese Good (2.0 - 5.0) ‘conditions Good, Average & Poor (100m Fair (5.0 - 8.0) is given for different surface. And arn Poor (8.0 — 10.0) we have considered the grading | Very Poor (10. as per SP 19-2001 Vertical Scale. | = Very Good (0- 5.0 | Guidelines for Maintenance _ mm) See Primary, in Good (5 ~ 10. Secondary and Urban Roads Rutting 100 m Fe ata (Ministry of Transport & (mm) “air (11.0 - 20.0 mm) Highways) Poor (21.0 — 50.0 mm) | published Indian Road | Very Poor (>50mm) _| Congress - Year 2004 Guidelines for Maintenance | Very Good (0%) Management of Primary, | Good (0 - 1 %) ‘Secondary and Urban Roads | Depression | 500m _—_ Fair (1 - 2 %) (Ministry of Transport & ) Poor (3 - 5 %) Highways) | | Bad (> 5%) Published by: Indian Road Congress - Year 2004 | ‘Summary of Cracking fer 3 lane western side flyover on NH16 is presented in Figure 3-1. For Annoor Test Labs & Engg, pee Ld, ‘Authorised Signatory Annoor Test Labs & Engg. Services Pot Ltd, Gannarvaram [782 Ne. areesrerze2an012200059 =2030% 330% Figure 3-1: Lane Wice Cracking Distribution Summary of Ravelling, Bleeding & Potholes for 3 tane westem side flyover on NHI6 is presented in Figure 3-2, Figure 3-3 Figure 3-4, Ravelling eax 247 =15% 0 =510% 0 =1030% 0 30% 0 Figure 3-2: Lane Wise Ravelling Distribution For AnnoorTest Labs & Engg, Services PL a Authorised Signatory. u 2 B Potholes on 4. Potholes on Flyover marae BONO 247 2ar—2a7 1031.03 1No o ° ° ° ° u2Noc 0 o o o o =35Nos 0 o ° ° ° 25Nos 0 ° o o ° Figure 3-4: Lane Wise Potholes Distribution The detailed pavement condition data was collected via visual condition is provided format in Annexure which indicates the sum of the pavement distresses at 500m interval. prescribed 3.2 Roughness Roughness is one of the important parameters for determining the furctional characteristics of pavements. The roughness of road surfaces is measured using Laser profilometers as per the guidelines Provided in the IRC: 82-2015, which is attached to the NSV survey vehicle. ‘The detailed IRI data captured by Laser profilometers are presented in Annexure in prescribed format ‘The Roughness Index observed for both the lanes (LHS and RHS) are presented in the figures below; spe Pvt.Ltd Annoy, Test Labs & Engg. Services Prt Lid, Gannarvaram For Anoor Test abs & En TRO, No. ATLES/B3/2020/2012280059 Figure 3-6: Roughness Index for Inner and Outer Lane for RHS carriageway Roughness Index Rating as per IRC-SP-16: 2019 for each lane is presented in Tahl= 3-2 and Figure 3-7 below. Table 3-2: Lane-wise Roughness Distribution Eee ened Roughness Range (in em la 3 ie re eee ate Met ete aes inkm) —_inkm) —_inkm) in Km) Annoor Test Labs & Engg. Services Prt Ltt, Gannarvaram Length (km) 1 “ ee ° u RQ u 2 8 Very Poor >4.26 o1 03703 o 0 ePoor-33t0<426 02/03 05 02 on SFair>25510330 1: a og 023 Good < 2.55 ; 087 oar or 3.3. Rutting Lane wise rutting presented in Figure 3-8 & Figure 3-9 for the left and right carriageway respectively. ‘The detailed rut data captured by Laser proflometers are presented in Annexure in prescribed format. Figure 3-8: Rutting on the Left Carriageway Figure 3-9: Rutting on the Right Carriageway Authorized Signatory For Anoor Tet abs 8 Eng. Series Pt Li. For Annoor Test Labs & EnggoServities PVU, Ltd. TRO, No. ATLES/BM/2020/2012280059 Annoor Test Labs & Engg. Services Prt Ltd, Gannarvaram 3.36 3 488 2.84 283 89 257 3.13 [ae5 3.76 3.34 3.06 265, 239 2.35 1.64 “261 1.96 1.75 2.04 1.83 2.22 For AnnoorTest Labs & En ri i or Fat aba bg. Service Pt Lit, Gonnararam Authorised Signatory ection samen. romdos)) fore cre Pree ere ‘est Date: 13 2am 2020 Ce) ee Fresnel sched € For Annoor Test Labs & Engg fe Ug. TRO. No. ATT R9/R84/200072012280059 C C ccc

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