Times Nie Web Ed April 18 2022 Mum

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BE N N E T T, C OL E M A N & C O. LT D. | E S TA BLI S H E D 183 8 | T IM E S OF IN DI A .


➤ Did you know ➤ An educationist charts ➤ La Liga: Villarreal
TODAY’S Shakespeare gave us 1,000 out how perseverance can beat Getafe as Gerard
MONDAY, APRIL 18, 2022
Newspaper in


new English words? Learn help one to reach his/her scores before being
more on ‘Language Lab’ goal despite obstacles injured Microblogging site Twitter is try-
ing to thwart billionaire Elon
PAGE 2 PAGE 3 PAGE 4 Musk's takeover attempt with a
'poison pill' — a financial device
that companies have been wielding
CLICK HERE: PAGE 1 AND 2 against unwelcome suitors for

One Board exam or split X-PLAINED
terms: CBSE may restore
pre-pandemic format
for Board exams
The ingredients of each poison pill vary, but they're all designed to give corporate boards an option
to flood the market with so-much newly-created stock that a takeover becomes prohibitively
expensive. In other words, the intent of poison pills is to make the acquisition a costly affair for
acquirers, thereby discouraging the takeover decision. The potential acquirer is compelled to nego-
tiate with the target’s board of directors, rather than proceed unilaterally. The strategy also gives a
company more time to evaluate an offer and can give the board leverage in trying to force a direct
negotiation with the potential acquirer.
f reports are to go by,

I the Central Board of

Education(CBSE) is all set
For the academic
session 2021-22, the
CBSE has bifurcated
to return to only one phase the board exams A poison pill is officially known as a shareholder rights plan, and it can

of class X, XII Board exams, into two different appear in a company’s charter or bylaws or exist as a contract among shareholders.
like it was in the pre-pan- phases According to experts, the poison pill The strategy was pop-
ularised back in the
demic era. According to has gained prominence in the recent
reports, the education ministry is in favour of conducting
months, courtesy Covid, though it has
1980s when publicly-
held companies were being
Can a poison When else have poison pills
a single board exam for classes X and XII. Following
instructions from the ministry, the CBSE may restore the been used for over four decades in the stalked by corporate raiders pill be negoti- been used?
pre-ppandemic format of Board exams from next year.
stock markets. Experts say, as compa-
such as Carl Icahn, an ating ploy?  Netflix successfully fended off billionaire investor
Carl Icahn in November 2012, using a poison pill
Once the CBSE restores the old pattern of Board exams, American financier, now more Although they are supposed
neither two phases nor flexible practical pattern will be nies are reeling from market carnage frequently described as to help prevent an unso- that would have made it more expensive for Icahn,
or any other person or group, to accumulate more

available for students. "activist investors"
due to wage cuts, furloughs, etc, their A takeover is a bid by a
licited takeover, poison pills
shares of Netflix if they acquired 10% of the com-
also often open the door to
 For the present academic session, the first phase valuations have eroded. This has potential acquirer to further negotiations that pany without the approval of its board
of Board exams was completed in December last obtain a block of  The pizza chain Papa John’s adopted a poison pill
year. According to CBSE, the second phase of exams made otherwise sound companies vul- can force a bidder to
in July 2018 in a rare instance of a company trying
shares in a company that can sweeten the deal. If a
will start from April 26 in offline mode nerable to hostile takeovers at beaten give it a controlling stake in the higher price makes sense to to block its founder from taking over
down valuations by cash-rich rivals or target company. A hostile the board, a poison pill can  In September 1985, in the wake of rumours that
 In 2020 and 2021, the Board exams could not be the consumer goods company Philip Morris was
takeover is a situation where simply be cast aside along
conducted owing to the Covid-19 pandemic vulture funds. Plummeting stock such takeover bids are mount- targeting it, the McDonald’s Corporation said it
with the acrimony it pro-
prices explain the sudden resurgence ed without the consent of the voked, clearing the way for had adopted a poison pill plan to prevent “abusive
incumbent management takeover tactics”
in the adoption of poison pills a sale to be completed.
EMISSIONS MAY STAY IN THE HOW DID ELON MUSK REACT TO But on Thursday, he indicated that he upping the ante. With an estimated for-
AIR FOR SEVERAL DAYS: STUDY TWITTER'S ANNOUNCEMENT? was ready to wage a legal battle. Musk tune of
has publicly said that its $43 billion bid $265 billion, Musk would seem to have
Musk, a prolific tweeter with 82 million is his best and final offer for Twitter, deep enough pockets to raise his offer,
followers on Twitter, had no immediate but other corporate suitors have made although he is still working out how to
reaction to the company's poison pill. similar statements before ultimately finance the proposed purchase

Moscow bars PM Boris Johnson, top WhatsApp launches

O British ministers from visiting Russia 'Communities' to
rganic aerosols, such as those released in cook-
ing, may stay in the atmosphere for several
days, because of nanostructures formed by fatty
acids as they are released into the air, finds a
ussia has barred PM Boris Johnson help users organise
study. Scientists say, these types of aerosols have long
and other senior British officials from Last month,
group chats
been associated with poor air quality in urban areas, but
entering the country over their sup-
their impact on human-made climate change was hard to
port for Ukraine, the Russian foreign
Russia said it
gauge. The latest study goes a step further and says,
ministry said on Saturday. The full list of 13 had placed
because of the diverse range of molecules found within
aerosols, and their varying interactions with the environ-
British politicians on the so-called “stop list” President
issued from Moscow includes Indian-origin minis-
ment, they increase pollution.
ters — UK chancellor Rishi Sunak, home secretary Biden, PM
Previous research suggests that gas cook-
Priti Patel and attorney general Suella Braverman Justin Trudeau
— as well as deputy PM Dominic Raab, foreign
ing produces about twice as much PM2.5 as secretary Liz Truss and defence secretary Ben
of Canada and
electric. It also produces nitrogen oxides Wallace. The Russian foreign ministry said the list a dozen top US
(NOx), including nitrogen oxide will be expanded in the “near future” to include officials on a
(NO) and nitrogen dioxide more British politicians and parliamentarians.
“stop list”
(NO2), carbon monoxide (CO),
and formaldehyde (CH2O or Britain has supplied Ukraine with new anti-ship missile systems, that barred
HCHO). All of these pollu- armoured vehicles and other military equipment. Besides, Johnson them from
entering the n a bid to make chats safer, Meta-owned

tants are health risks if not made a surprise visit last week to Kyiv, where he promised to send
more military equipment and missiles WhatsApp has announced a new feature called
properly managed country 'Communities' that will enable users to bring
together separate groups under one umbrella
and manage these busy conversations in a secure

World's coral reefs may disappear in 3 decades

and private way. The company said that
 With the new fea- 'Communities' are protected with end-to-end
ture, people can encryption.
receive updates

nvironmental scientists have warned that the
world's coral reefs — the 'canaries in the coal Coral reefs are home to over sent to the entire
ing announcement mes- groups about specific
'Community' and
mine' of climate change — may vanish in the a quarter of all ocean life. easily organise
sages that are sent to classes, extra-curricular
coming 30 years. Forecasts show that coral everyone and control activities or volunteer
reef eco-systems around the globe are likely to become
They are also a source of smaller discussion
over which groups can be needs
functionally degraded by 2050, if the goals of the Paris food, livelihoods, and cultural groups on what
included," said
matters to them  The company said, it
Agreement are not met. Even with drastic emission heritage for 500 million WhatsApp. For example,
is also making improve-
reductions to ensure that global warming is kept within  "Communities a school principal can
1.5 degrees Celsius above pre-industrial levels, up to 90 people, and protect coast- ments to how groups
will also contain bring all parents togeth-
per cent of the world's corals could still vanish in the lines and communities from powerful new tools er to share must-read
work on WhatsApp,
next three decades, leaving behind a reef structure that whether or not they are
will lose many of its functions, they added.
storms and erosion for admins, includ- updates and set up
part of a Community
02 “Knowledge of languages is the doorway
to wisdom.”
Roger Bacon


HAPPINESS WORDS 5 Fun facts about the


from around the world

The most common letter in English is “e”.
According to ‘Readers Digest’, “In an analy-
sis of all 240,000 entries in the Concise WORDS IS CALLED A ‘BLEND’ (OR,
Oxford English Dictionary, editors found
that the letter E appears in approximately 11 LESS COMMONLY, A
per cent of all words in the common English ‘PORTMANTEAU WORD’)
vocabulary, about 6,000 more words than the Many new words enter the English
We bring 10 untranslatable words spreading joy runner-up letter, A. What’s more: E is the
most commonly struck let-
language in this way. Examples are
“brunch” (breakfast +
and well-being that the world could really do ter on your keyboard, and
the second most popu-
lunch); “motel” (motorcar +
hotel); and “guesstimate”
with right now... lar key after the
s p a c e
(guess + estimate). Note that
blends are not the same as
bar. It’s one-third of compounds or compound

lecturer at the University ultimately experience, more types of the single most-used word
of East London, Tim Lo- well-being. nouns, which form when
in English —“the”— and two whole words join

mas specialises in a field Shinrin-Yoku (Japanese): For- appears in the most com-
known as positive psy- est bathing (or shinrin-yoku) together, for example:
mon English noun (“time”), website, blackboard,
chology, the study of what broadly means taking in, in all of the most common verb
makes human beings happy. In 2015, one’s senses, the forest atmosphere. darkroom.
(“be”), in ubiquitous pro-
Lomas started the Positive Lexicogra- Not simply a walk in the woods, it is nouns like he, she, me, and
phy Project, a crowdsourced treasury the conscious and contemplative prac- we, not to mention tens of 5. SHAKESPEARE
of global terms of well-being. With the tice of being immersed in the sights,
help of far-flung strangers on the sounds and smells of the forest.
thousands of words ending GAVE US 1,000 NEW
in -ed and -es.
internet, he’s since mined 140 Tarab (Arabic): Musically in-
languages to come up with a whopping duced ecstasy or enchantment. In English language wouldn’t
1,200 words. Each has its own unique Arabic, this sense of losing your- 2. THE LONGEST WORD YOU CAN be the same without William
shades of meaning not fully captured
in English translation. He argues
self in the music is called Tarab.
Though the specific songs, emotional
MAKE USING ONLY FOUR LETTERS Shakespeare. The Bard invented over
1,000 words, which he incorporated into
that engaging with these “untranslat- reactions, and reasons behind those re- IS ‘SENSELESS’ his writing. Just some of the fantastic
able” terms can help us imagine, and actions may vary from person to per- The letters B, A, and N can spell words and phrases invented by this
BANANA, which is six letters long, and famous poet include: ■ Addiction: Being
son, being moved by music is a uni- Paris literary crowd. It refers to the art the letters S, E, and D can spell SEEDED, psychologically or physically dependent
versal experience — even babies some- of leisurely strolling the streets of which is six letters long. The longest on something, usually a drug. ■
times cry when they hear certain songs. Paris without any goal or destination words with no repeated letters are “der- Bedazzled: Blinded by something incred-

Charmolypi (Greek): It is a mix- simply for the pleasure of soaking up matoglyphics,” “misconjugatedly,” and ibly wonderful. ■ Cold-blooded: Either
ture of the words “happiness” and the city's beauty. These aimless pedes- “uncopyrightables” (but we’re probably an animal with cold blood (like a reptile)
“sadness”. Thus, charmolypi is a trians are known as "flâneurs." not going to use any of those words in a or a way to describe someone who’s cruel

feeling that combines sorrow and joy. It Merak (Serbian): The Serbian sentence anytime soon!). and indifferent to emotion.
does not simply mean having mixed feel- word merak is a wonderful little ■ Swagger: To walk in a way that shows
ings about something, however. The feel- word that refers to a feeling of bliss
ings are integrated, in that joy springs and the sense of oneness with the uni- 3. THERE ARE NINE DIFFERENT you’re boasting or disrespectful.
■ Break the ice: To
from right in the middle of sorrow. verse that comes from the simplest of WAYS TO PRONOUNCE ‘OUGH’ relieve the tension or

Sprezzatura (Italian): It’s “stud- pleasures. It is the pursuit of small,
ied carelessness,” a character of IN ENGLISH silence in a conver-
sation by talking.
effortlessness. Whether it pertains This sentence contains all of them: “A
to fashion, leadership style, or charm, rough-coated, dough-faced, thoughtful
it’s an inherent grace that makes the ploughman strode through the streets of
complex or difficult look — appear to Scarborough; after falling into a slough, he
be — simple. Sprezzatura is an Italian coughed and hiccoughed.
word that first appears in Baldassare
Castiglione’s 1528 ‘The Book of the
Courtier’, where it is defined by the
author as “a certain nonchalance, so
as to conceal all art and make what-
ever one does or says appear to be with-
out effort and almost without any
thought about it”.

Fjaka (Croatian): The sweetness of doing nothing. In a world that

Orka (Swedish): Completing a
prioritises the ability to multitask above all else, not trying to check the task isn’t always just about hav- daily pleasures that all add up to a great
next item off your to-do list can seem overindulgent or even ing enough physical energy for it sense of happiness and fulfilment.
counterproductive. But if you do manage to surrender your whole mind and

— you also have to care enough to Mir (Russian): Mir is a short and
body to not doing anything at all, it can feel almost euphoric. Croatians call this actually expend that energy. You might beautiful word that holds two very
all-encompassing relaxation fjaka. have orka to throw a surprise birth different, yet equally important
day party for your best friend, but meanings in modern Russian: “World”
you might not have orka to study for a and “Peace.”

quiz that probably won’t affect your Fika (Swedish): Fika means
final grade. ‘a sociable coffee break’, but

Flâner (French): Perhaps it’s no coffee break as
one of the most Parisian of all we know it. Fika is an op-
French words, the verb "flâner" portunity to ‘pause and
was defined in the 19th century by the reconnect each day’.

3. Which weekday is 5. What does the 7. Which is the world’s
LANGUAGE domingo in Latin proverb - second largest French-

Spanish and Errare speaking city?

dimanche Humanum 8. What is the meaning of the
in French? est - mean? Arab word Habibi?
1. What do you call a native of 4. What is 6. What word is
another used in Hawaii Answer: 1. Kenyan 2. Albanian
Kenya? 3. Sunday 4. Fresco 5. Err is

n oxymoron is a figure of speech, usually SOME EXAMPLES OF OXYMORON word for wall both to greet and human 6. Aloha 7. Montreal
one or two words, in which seemingly con- IN LITERATURE: 2. What is the official language painting or to say goodbye? Canada 8. Sweetheart
tradictory terms appear side by side. This “I do here make humbly bold to present them in Kosovo? mural?
contradiction is also known as with a short account of themselves...”
a paradox. In speech, oxy-

Jonathan Swift
morons can lend a sense of
humour, irony, or sarcasm. The “The bookful blockhead, ignorantly Fun activities that
word is derived from two read, / With loads of learned
help develop

ancient Greek words: oxys, lumber in his head...”
which means “sharp,” and Alexander Pope language learning
moronos, which means “dull” or “stupid.” “He was now
in children

composed to ord games: Games offer a break
EXAMPLES: order a funeral from tedious work, but not a
Same difference of modest mag- break from learning. There are
Friendly fire nificence...” Samuel thousands of language games to make
Virtual reality Johnson education fun. Expand your children’s
Controlled chaos vocabulary with word games. It can
“O anything of nothing first create! / O
Freezer burn Silent scream Terribly good  be as simple as pointing out
heavy lightness, serious vanity! /
Wise fool Close distance Stiff drink items at home or during
Misshapen chaos of well-seeming forms! /
Black light Clearly confused a road trip e.g. “I am
Feather of lead, bright smoke, cold fire,
Genuine fake now mixing the butter
sick health!” William Shakespeare,
into the batter” or
Romeo and Juliet, Act 1, scene 1
“Tall buildings are also
“It was the best of times, It was the worst called skyscrapers”. You
of times.” Charles Dickens, might even give the definition or Riddles: Riddles are fun ways to use helping develop their communication
A Tale of Two Cities share background information about words and paint pictures of scenes or situ- skills. Exchange stories about daily
these words. Games like Scrabble, ations. Read or say riddles aloud to each events. Broaden their imagination with
Twenty Questions, Pictionary or a other and explain to your children the dif- fantastical stories and let their creativity
round of Charades also ferent definitions of a single word e.g. grow as you make up stories about any-
Queries relating to encourage vocabulary devel-
opment and communica-
school as in a place of learning or school
as in a group of fish to help them under-
thing and everything around them.
Songs: Aside from harnessing their musi-
language skills tion skills.
Jokes: Telling age-appro-
stand the riddle better.
Rhymes: The repetitive chanting, reading,
cal abilities, songs also help children learn
new words. Lyrics have a sense of rhyme
Do you find grammar confusing? Do you get stuck with words priate puns also help foster writing, or hearing of rhymes promotes and rhythm so it will be easy and enter-
good humour and creativity in good listening skills and memory retention, taining for them to sing along.
when writing a letter, an essay or a blog? Do you have a aside from developing speech. You can Tongue twisters: Tongue twisters are an
children. This encourages wordplay
fear of public speaking? Or do you simply want to improve and imagination. You can read through also let your children tell you about their excellent and fun way to teach children
your communication skills? Times NIE is here to help kid-friendly joke books and take turns favourite toys using rhyming words. correct pronunciation and enunciation of
telling witty stories. Avoid being too Storytelling: Sharing stories – whether words. It is a fun way to train their tongue
you to master the intricacies of the English language. real or make-believe – can provide a good to pronounce words. Start with simple
critical of their gags, speech, or
Just shoot us your queries on toinie175 @gmail.com articulation. bonding time with your children while ones and work your way up.
It’s not just a place where you get to learn Einstein’s Theory of
Relativity. It’s also a place where you can think beyond the
classroom. Hence we say, SCHOOL IS COOL!
MONDAY, APRIL 18, 2022

Impact of Covid-19 on Post pandemic, challenges abound

as schools gear up to overcome all
different fields of work Principal of Delhi Public School, Panvel, Anita Dua, an experienced educator and able administrator narrates
her experiences of dealing with present day challenges in education in a chat with Sugandha Indulkar
Q As schools have resumed operations defined by education systems.
n In order to address a particular need at
post-pandemic what challenges do you
face on a regular basis? the individual or small group level, educa-
While schools have done their best to tion systems may increase the instruc-
make sure learning is not disrupted and tional time or employ specially trained
students get access to top-quality educa- professionals.
n To address inequalities in a way that is
tion in the form of online resources and
excellent mentorship, the harsh reality is more cost-efficient or in the context of
that even once the schools are functional resource constraints, education systems
they will pose numerous challenges as can direct additional financial or human
getting back to physical formal education resources where demand is highest equal-
will not be easy. ising opportunities for learning and
Challenge of maintaining safety pre- achievement
cautions, lack of practice of writing, loss
of interest and motivation, mental health Q What is your advice to students who
blocks, lack of social interaction, and fear will be appearing for their Board exami-
of alienation are a few of those chal- nations in the near future, when
Anita Dua, Principal everything around them is so
lenges that every school has to bridge
during physical schooling to maintain a unpredictable?
offline mode, when classes were
balance between academics and co-cur- conducted online? Tough times never last, but tough people
ricular activities. do. You’ve got to stay focused and strong
Examinations should be conducted online
to be successful in tough times. The main

he International Conference only if there is a fear of infection. Offline
of impact of COVID-19 on Ed- Q How do you overcome them? focus should be on written practice as the
examinations assess students’ under-
ucation, Science, Engineering
Inculcating the habit of writing by hand term two offline examinations are based
and Management (ICCESEM),
n standing and skills in an appropriate and
Exercising daily, following a balanced on a subjective paper. Students will have
organised by the Dunne’s Institute, Co- n fair manner.
laba was held recently at the K.R. and healthy dietary regime to independently work without easy ref-
Cama Hall. People of various arenas n Talking to a school counselor and being
erence from online websites, with no spell
attended through offline and online on
Q What strategies should teachers checks and good speed of writing.
in touch with teachers and friends adopt to bridge the learning gap which
zoom. The aim of the event as ex- Practice till you get perfect. Create
pressed by the principal was to discuss n Taking the vaccine and maintaining has taken place due to the pandemic?
social distancing at home daily goals and set reminders for yourself
the effects of the COVID-19 pandemic Three key policy components of initiatives to complete tasks within specific windows
on different types of professions. The n Staying in touch with social circles in
to address learning gaps may be cited as of time. Stay healthy.
event started with the lighting of the schools/friends from part of school clubs
lamp by the trustees of the Dunne’s follows: # Identify and be attentive to the
n Productively using time by signing up
Institute, followed by a prayer. n A personalised approach to learning is learning gaps.
The inaugural speech delivered by for activities and courses online highly sensitive to individual needs and
Viraf Chiniwala (trustee) conveyed n Staying positive and motivated by join-
# Concentrate on the efforts which are
adapted to differences between learners. required for bridging these gaps.
the importance of this conference as, ing organisations and clubs
“To learn from the struggle of these ing these hard times, and admired In- It means that both collaborative and #Be responsible and ask yourself what
n Developing new skills and hobbies
very brave people”. Mr. Jowal, from dia for its contributions, “I’m so proud autonomous learning opportunities are
the Indian Army, spoke on the chal- Emerging from of my country, which the world responsive to the needs of each learner,
needs to be done in the ‘present’ and
what is the predictable future if no
lenges faced while preparing sailors thought was poor; look how rich we Q Should examinations be conducted in
for different championships and December 2019 in are”. Next, Beatrix Hagmann, Coun-
under the guidance of learning goals action is taken.
Olympics. He expressed that, “Sports sel and head of chancery, spoke about
and Education should go hand in Wuhan, China, the Swiss-India relation and coopera-
hand.” Surg Cdr Swati, from the Indi-
an Navy, talked about being a frontline
health worker during COVID-19. While
coronavirus disease tion during COVID. She believes the
pandemic has “made people more com-
passionate and responsible”. Anubhav
talking about the lessons learnt, she 2019 (COVID-19) has Khanduri, senior manager at a popu-

advised that “positive choices today, lar TV news channel talked about the erseverance is defined physically like rummaging the leaves to take risks. One has to understand
make meaningful differences tomor- posed one of the unsung hero: journalists. He revealed as the steadfast pursuit of a out of school yard, staying strong resistance.
row”. Rahul Narwekar (lawyer/ MLA, the barriers faced by these frontline mission, a task or a journey after an intense sports match, The most important thing is to exer-
Colaba) talked about the social and greatest challenge workers and said that it was during
despite the distraction, dis- preparing the mind to learn the new cise regularly. You never know who
community work during COVID. He this time that “Value of human life
expressed that “These crises have to humankind within was truly interpreted; it indeed is couragement and obstacles. math equation or staying focused you can help when you keep going
taught us much more than medical priceless”. Dr. Indu Shahani expressed It is vital because it plays a on subject matters or simply get- after what you want so it is important
emergencies”, reminding us that In-
dia stands for gains beyond their own.
75 years since that, “the spirit of young India was so
good that we continued with learning”.
pivotal role in building ting ready to to keep pushing yourself.
Afterwards, Mrs. Nautiyal,
(keynote speaker and principal of
World War Two Lastly, Shreyansh Pandey (ex head boy-
Dunne’s) said that “hardwork can beat
a character that
keeps on no matter
come to school.
Following easy ways like
The benefits of perseverance are at
your fingertips but only if you are
Dunne’s Institute), delivered a beau-
tiful speech, revealing the challenges
(UNDP, 2020) talent”. The event ended successfully
with the vote of thanks by Mr. Kumar
how hard things are. quitting and avoiding the situa- willing to go after them. The realisa-
Life is full of tion can never make the tion that there are 86,400 seconds
that the education system faced dur- from IRAJ.
complexities that challenges go each day.
even students away. These are What are you doing
can feel it basic tips to today so that tomor-
that way. be followed when one has to row you are a step
Practising persevere. Don’t be afraid of closer to where you
perseverance would help students to failures want to be, if not now
excel in all the things that lie ahead as perseverance comes from then when?
of them not just academically but failing and getting up again. LYDIA D,
English faculty,
otherwise too. Try to be a better person at Shri Natesan Vidyasala
For students the challenges can be least to the barest level. Begin MHSS

Impact of Covid -19 on kids

BTS MESSAGE: MENTAL WELLBEING AND HEALTH chool is a wonderful place for dents were ready to experience new

S children to explore and learn

new things.
activities, they were excited for on-
line sessions too, as they would be able

angtan Sonyeodan, popularly The lockdown was a challenging Apart from studies they can master to meet and talk with their friends.
known as BTS is the biggest time for all. I found solace in their different activities like art, craft, But it was not worth it, classes on-
boy band on the planet. Ever songs as I navigated one of the dance and singing. While children line are not as effective as offline ones.
were happily enduring the taste of They had internet issues, besides con-
since their debut in 2013, they have most important years of my school
school, there came the bothering fear centration issues too. Other games dis-
put out nine studio albums and won life. I am inspired by the honesty for Covid. tracted them from concentrating on
numerous accolades. Their relatable and sincerity with which they create They were very frustrated and an- online classes.
and raw lyricism which touches on their music. Undoubtedly, their noyed as they were not allowed to meet It affected their studies and made
themes of mental health, salad days
and the journey towards loving and
accepting oneself etc. has connect-
artistry and the message that they
spread through their
music will continue
their friends due to the pandemic. It
was so boring for them and they start-
ed being obsessed with electronic
them lack in everything they were
good at. It mainly affected their health.
Spending most of their time in front
Save water
gadgets. of gadgets affected their eyesight and “Water, water everywhere
ed them with millions worldwide and to inspire genera- They were so dogged into it as they fixing themselves in one particular but not a drop to drink”.
earned them a following of loving tions to come. were not able to exit from the gadget position for hours made them lazy and ou must have heard this sev-
and loyal fans called the ARMY.
I discovered BTS during the lock-
down and I soon became an ARMY.
Urvi Dhonde,
world to talk and spend some time
with their parents. They were not
much interested in the virus and were
dependent on others for even doing
their daily routines. So, friends, let us
make use of our valuable time in a
Y eral times in your life. It
means that although there is
water all around us in rivers,
always ready to leave their house and fruitful way to reorient ourselves from oceans, sea, wells, ponds, lakes,
enjoy the outer world. the past experiences. I wish this pan- which are all over the planet earth,
LAUGHTER HEALS THE MIND In the meantime, the government an-
nounced that children can at-
demic would soon come to an end and
kids would enjoy their beautiful child-
but it is polluted and cannot be used.
More than 70% of the earth’s sur-
tend classes online. Stu- hood to the fullest.

he famous quote, “Laughter is the need any reason to do it. It comes from burns calories. It lightens the angry mood, face is covered by water. If water in
P. VIDHATHRI, our planet earth runs out it will be
best medicine,” was not found any- within one’s self. It is said that laughter is which in turn helps a person live longer. It Class 8, Bharatiya impossible for humans, plants, as
where, but it is derived from the a powerful antidote to our stress, pain, relaxes one’s muscles and decreases the Vidya Bhavan Sri
well as animals to survive. Water
proverb “A merry heart does good, like and conflict. Laughter strengthens the pain that is present in our minds. Vidyalaya, Tirupati
pollution leads to water scarcity.
medicine, but a broken spirit dries the immune system, boosts mood, diminishes Laughter brings people Follow practices to
bones,” “A happy heart is a good medicine pain, and protects from the damaging together and strengthens avoid water pollution
and try to save water.
and a cheerful mind works healing, but a effects of stress. Nothing works faster or relationships. It brings
broken spirit dries up the bones” as per more dependably to bring mind and body people closer to others. Class III A, NSN Memorial
the Holy Bible. back into balance than a good laugh. Sarah Nadaf, class V, D.A.V. School, Chitlapakkam,
A person may laugh, and he does not It not only protects the heart but also Public School, Thane Chennai
Never let your head hang down. Never give up and sit down and grieve.
Find another way.
Satchel Paige
MONDAY, APRIL 18, 2022

Will need to boost campaign to get back on track after back-to-back losses
heir confidence severely dented after Sanju

two comprehensive defeats on the trot, Samson
last edition’s runner-up side Kolkata
Knight Riders would seek to get their
inconsistent campaign back on track
when they face Rajasthan Royals in

Photo: PTI
an IPL match on Monday. KKR were
beaten by Delhi Capitals and Sunrisers Hyderabad
by 44 runs and seven wickets respectively in their last
two matches. They had earlier lost to Royal Chal-
lengers Bangalore.
With three wins and three losses, KKR are at the
mid-table while the Royals have won three matches
and lost two games till now.


KKR had an impressive start to the league with
three wins from four matches but the back-to-back
losses had taken them down below the top-4 and they
would look to regain that slot. But to do that they will
have to pull themselves up in both batting and bowl-
ing. None of the batters, except for Andre Russell,
has been consistent so far while the likes of spinner
Varun Chakravarthy and pacer Pat Cummins have senior spin colleague Sunil Narine is also in the same
dished out average performances. boat with just four wickets. Australia Test captain
Russell is the current top-scorer for KKR with 179 Cummins, who joined late due to national commit-
runs from six matches and has also contributed with ment, also needs to step up and do better than his cur-
Andre Russell is the current five wickets with the ball. Captain Shreyas lyer has rent figures of three wickets from as many matches.
not been in the best of form with just one half-cen-
top-scorer for KKR with 179 tury in his name for a total of 151 runs in six match-
es, Nitesh Rana and Venkatesh Iyer have been lack-
runs from six matches and has ing in consistency, while Sam Billings is struggling The Royals, on the other hand, will start as
to get runs. favourites in Monday’s match with the tournament’s
also contributed with five highest run-getter and wicket-taker in their ranks in
Jos Buttler and Yuzvendra Chahal. Chahal has been
wickets with the ball. NEED TO STEP UP in top form with 12 wickets from five matches, also
In the bowling department, none, except pacer with a fine economy of 6.80 and he would fancy to add
Umesh Yadav (10 wickets from 6 matches) has been more scalps to his name, especially against a strug-
up to expectations. Chakravarthy, KKR’s highest wick- gling KKR batting unit. Veteran New Zealand pacer
et-taker last season, has been struggling big time with Trent Boult (7 wickets from 4 matches) is the other
just four wickets from six matches. Chakravarthy’s Royals bowler who has been doing well. But senior
India spinner Ravichandran Ashwin is terribly out
of form. He picked up just one wicket from five match-
Upcoming IPL Matches es while conceding 143 runs and it remains to be seen
how long the team management will persist with him.

vs The Royals, however, have not fired as a batting
unit with the likes of captain Sanju Samson (117 from
5 matches) and the hugely talented Devdutt Padikkal
(114 from 5 matches) failing to click so far. Their bat-
ting has revolved mainly around Buttler, who has set
the IPL on fire with 272 runs from five matches with
APRIL 18 7.30 PM one hundred and two fifties. Shimron Hetmyer has
been the only other Royals batter who has done well
so far with 197 runs from five matches with the help
Brabourne Stadium, Mumbai of one half-century. PTI

Photo: PTI


erard Moreno wueze’s late winner to topple Torres said. Enes Unal pulled one
scored one goal Bayern on Tuesday, again back for Getafe three minutes

ew No. 1 Iga Swiatek
and set up another made the key pass by playing later with his 15th goal, sec- powered Poland into
before the Villar- Manuel Trigueros clear to ond only to Karim Benzema’s the Billie Jean King
real striker was beat David Soria. Gerard had league-leading 24. Cup Finals for the first time
substituted because of injury to be substituted in the 61st af- But the end came for and they were joined by other
during his team’s 2-1 win at ter he was attended by team Getafe’s unbeaten run of 10 newcomers Italy and Kaza-

Getafe in the Spanish league doctors. He touched the back consecutive home games. khstan. Other winners in-
on Saturday. of his right thigh before walk- The previous loss was in cluded the Czech Republic -
Despite struggling with in- ing off gingerly. late October at Alfonso six-time winners since 2011 -
juries this season, Gerard has Perez Coliseum in Madrid. Spain, Canada and the U.S.
been a key player in Villarreal’s Villarreal remained in sev- The finals are in November at
impressive run to the Champi-
UNLUCKY WITH enth place, while Getafe slid a venue yet to be decided.
Iga Swiatek
ons League semifinals after INJURY into 15th. AGENCIES Swiatek overpowered Ro- three times since winning the
ousting Juventus and, this mania’s Andreea Prisacariu 2019 final. Kazakhstan upset
week, Bayern Munich in the
knockout rounds.
Emery said Gerard had a
muscular injury but team doc-
VALENCIA LOSES 6-0, 6-0 in the first reverse sin-
gles to secure Poland’s unas-
visiting Germany in Nur-Sul-
tan when Elena Rybakina
tors had yet to determine how ■ Valencia lost to Osasuna 2-1 sailable lead. She’s won 19 st- overhauled Angelique Kerber
long he would be out, leaving raight matches, two as the 4-6, 6-3, 7-5. Kerber, trying to
CLEAR TO BEAT in question his availability for
in its second-to-last league game world No. 1 after Ash Barty’s keep Germany alive, broke for
Gerard gave Villarreal the the European semifinals before it played the final of the retirement. “It took us a few 5-3 in the decider but Rybaki-
lead in the seventh minute and against Liverpool in two weeks. Copa del Rey years, step by step, to progress na produced her best tennis in
helped to make it 2-0 in the “He has not been unlucky with and qualify,” Swiatek said. front of raucous support and
16th when he stole the ball in injuries this season. We hope ■ Valencia plays Villarreal on “Hopefully in the finals won the last four games.
midfield to start a counterat- this is not serious and that he Tuesday then faces Real Betis in we’re going to show even The Kazakhs won 3-1. The
tack. The Spain striker, who recovers quickly because we the Copa final next Saturday more progress. I’m really Czechs were taken the dis-
also set up Samuel Chuk- really need him,’’ defender Pau proud of us.” Poland eventu- tance by Britain and prevailed
ally won 4-0. France has lost 3-2 in Prague. AGENCIES
Photos: AFP

Q U IZ T IM E ! Q3: In a 400m hurdles race,

how many hurdles do
athletes have to jump over?
Q6: What kind of bow does
archer Deepika Kumari
specialise in?
a) Compound Bow
b) Longbow
Q9: Who broke Pete Sampras’s
record of maximum Grand
Slams in tennis?
a) 8 b) 10 a) Rafael Nadal
When was the Fed Cup
Q1: launched?
a) 1955 b) 1966
c) 20 d) 6
c) Recurve Bow
d) Recurve Barebow b) Roger Federer
c) Daniil Medvedev
Which cricketer scored
c) 1977 d) 1988
175* against Zimbabwe in
Q7: In a badminton game, the
winner is the first one to
d) Stefanos Tsitsipas

Who is the only female
Q2: British athlete to have
won titles in Olympics,
a) Sunil Gavaskar
b) Kapil Dev
reach ____ points.
a) 11 b) 16 c) 21 d) 40
1 b. 1966
2 b. Sally Gunnell
c) Ravi Shastri 3 b. 10
Commonwealth Games, European
Championships, and World
d) Rahul Dravid
a) Cricket
The national game of
China is ________
4 b. Kapil Dev
5 b. 10
6 c. Recurve Bow
a) Jessica Ennis-Hill The regulation goal in
b) Sally Gunnell
c) Katarina Johnson-Thompson
a) 15 b) 10
basketball is __ feet high. Deepika
b) Table Tennis
c) Football
7 c. 21
8 b. Table Tennis
Kumari 9 b. Roger Federer
d) Dina Asher-Smith c) 5 d) 12 d) Karate

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