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9/81/94 11: 5? Internat’ | Rect if ier-> Product Information Page 882 fer!Rectifier IRGPCS50KD2 INSULATED GATE BIPOLAR TRANSISTOR: ‘Short Circuit Rated WITH ULTRAFAST SUFTRECTOVERY DIODE UltraFast CoPack GBT Features : + Snom ereut rated -10ps 125°C, Vog = 15V tf Vces=600V + Swrtching toes rating inciudes all “tai” ‘onses ie TADoRcb wot utatet odes : 1 Opnmced tor gh operating eauency iver S2)| bp Veron) 27V QVae = 15V, lo= 204 fz n-channel Description CCovpackaged (GBT are a natu! extension of memationa! Rectiters well Known ‘GBT line They prowde ne conven ence of an IGE" and an atatast recovely diode in one package, resuiting substantia: bevels to hos! of igvctage. nigh-current, applicatons Absolute Maximum Ratings toeeiae Parametr Uns aE Taare ae Lg TEBE Coates Cas CHET Se ; Paseo Cowcte Curere te Gierped ietictve ond Cent eo tes toe_| Bove Somnons FORST OHTA a a ‘Shar orev Weta ve (oegeaae eeeeeceere Sate Emer Volge : AY Oe os [asim Power Diespaton [Operating Jareton and | Storage Terperetre Rene ! ti : Soterng Terperaure for tO sée,_ ©” “Sour woasar rer TEReT—— orang Tora 632 WS Seer Deter Ren r ‘Thermal Resistance _L_. Parameter z H ars crs Birctonte Cave (GB ! Re “ircton Case Bode : “ow es ‘aca SMe tat peased eutase s Rae Thrctomanbeshpieal sock mart [== = ww Wweignt fe t i lacs] 89/81/94 11:16:48 Internat'] Rect: ier> Product Information Page BEG IRGPC50KD2 TOR) Electrical Characteristics @ T, = 26°C (unless otherwise specified) | Paranetor in. "Typ. Max: Units [ace Caine Beatie VOR 67 [St cy di Teese Coat ot readewn Yet 06 JPeros, | Coleen Sahran Vata 207 te 1 23. Gare Tesh Vorage sot— Tas] ‘Terpecatse Coe’ of Tvesbod! Votagd —- | 14 | Forward Tarsbonaurance eT Zero Gee Vouage Catecee Curert — {250 ov a Se] Mees WV. eg = ON, T= PS Dae Ferra Voting Be salir) v “esas pepe 8A, Tye 150°C fe ‘Gate Eriter Leakage Curent = ]s00! na 7 vers ov Switching Characteristics @ T, = 25°C (unless otherwise specified) [ Parameter ‘win. [ryp. Jax, Conditions te aia Gate Ormge non] = [ia “Ogee re Charge werany i fen a le = 30K, Voc = 480V em | Me # 154,85 * 590 ‘ | Energy losses indo a and ee Ey | Tarot Sting Lowe E et) hg Lose fee ert reut Wiratand Te ‘tarvn Siay Tne Rie Tine es ata vec © any eee eerie’ Faline | Energy losses nude a and Tow! Seteneg (one 45 =~" my | dade reverse recovery. [interl Emmer inure 73, Hi" Measures Sm trom package Tres Copactance 00 Te = | ouper Capectance Zo Revere Trarset Capactance 2 fe | ne Reverse corey he 50 ‘hone oak Reverse Recovery Curent is Diode Reverse Recovery Onarpe Bonn | Diode Peak Reve of Fact Recovery Notes 4 Repetive rating: Var20V, pulse way Imo ymax hncton temoeratare 89/81/94 11:17:28 Internat’! Reetifier-> Product Information Page BB4 [TeR] IRGPC50KD2 Load Current (A) 1. Froqueney (ke) Fig. 4 -Typicai Lozd Curent vs Frequency (Laaé Curent = tpus of Rundarental) = z 8 a 3m g 5 i 5 a 2 tw 8 ol g 2 & é 2 nf 2 veo t Vg. Coder Erase vonage) Vee. eee Bre Voge Fig. 2 - lypicat Output Characteristics Fig. 3 - Typical Ivans'er Charactenstcs 9/81/94 11:18:68 Internat’] Rectifier-> Product Information Page BBS IRGPC50KD2 Tor SOT aH Me evisemen| oy Le Zw a : i gett | 3 Bal... $F i Ty Batt 2 5 a g | 2 frre meen 8 3 rr 5” t 2 + Spree ft c + 8 {et Tie aut 7 go i L 7 | I TT rr oe Dk we WO Te, Case Temperature (°C) To. Case Temperature) Fig. 4 - Maximum Colector Current vs. Fig. 5- Colector-to-émter Votage ¥s. Case Temperature Case Temperature = a4 al 1 as rie Thermal Response Zc) onan | oo" oom 3008 om o z 1° ty Rectangular Pulse Duration (sec) Fig. 6 - Maxmurr ISBT Effective Transient Thermal impedance. Junctionto-Case 89/81/94 11:18:52 Internat’! Rectif ier-> Product Information Page 686 IRGPC50KD2 B Veg. Collector-to-Emiter Votage (V) Fig, 7 - Typeal Capacitance vs. Callector-to-Erntter Votage z i 3 é Be RG, Gate Resrtance {2} Fig. 9 - Typical Switching Losses vs Gate Resistance Total Sastening Losses (rnd) Veg Gate-to-Cmter Vokage (V) Gg. Tota: Gate Charge (20) Fig - Typical Gate Charge vs. Gatecto-Emtier Votage To. Case Temperature (0) Fig. 10. Typical Switching Losses vs Case Temperature B9/81/94 11: IRGPC50KD2 TeR ‘otal owaching Losses (mu) 2 Internat’ k Reetif ier-> Product Inforsation Page 687 a F z i) OB é : | : LTT AT i s i Ae 3 ay Vege, Coarse, Yotage Fig. 11 - lypical Sw.ching Losses vs. Fig. 12-Tum-Of SOA Colector-to-Emnitter Current Instantaneous Fosward Curent- Ip (A) eras 32 ae Forward Votage 2105 - Vew (V} Fig. 13- Maamurr Fowara Voltage Dro vs. Instantaneous Forward Current 89/81/94 11:28:18 Internat’ I Rectif ier-> Product Infornation Page 828 IRGPC50KO02 ‘ie (M8) act fans) ae Fig. 14. Zyoical Reverse Recovery vs cit Fig. 15- Typica. Recovery Curent ve dit ‘00 eiyzat (antsy = igidt- (As) Fig. 16 - Typrcal Stored Charge ve dit Fig. 17 - Typical dipeswidt VS civct 9/81/94 11:28:58 Internat’ | Rectif ier-> Product Information Page B49 IRGPC50KD2 TOR Fig. 18a - Test Crcut for Measurement of Ys Ean Eat ese bene fete arg Fig. 18¢ - Test Wavetorns for Circut of Fig. 18a, Fig. 18d - Test Waveforms for Circuit of Fig 18a, Dering Een, taoen & Defining Eee, tes Qe be Internat’ | Rectif ier-> Product Information Page 18 1 [TOR] IRGPC50KD2 CA = Fig. 480 - Macro Waveforms for Test Circut of Fig. 18a, cov djeciee Fig. 19 - Clampeo .nductwe Load Test Fig. 20 - Pused Collector Current Cacut Test Creut

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