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Practical no.

1. Title: - Identify the use of different types of tools and their designation systems.
2. Relevant Course outcomes: -
 Interpret geometries of various cutting tools.
3. Practical Outcome: -
 Identify the use of different types of tools and their designation systems

4. Theoretical Background: -
Cutting tool
- A cutting tool is typically a hardened metal tool that is used to cut shape and
remove material from a workpiece.
- A cutting tool is a wedge shaped and sharp-edged device that is used to
remove excess layers of material from workpiece by shearing during machining.
Types of tools .
Tools can be classified on the basis of the number of major cutting edges taking
part in the cutting process at the same time
On this basis cutting tool can be divided three groups indicated below -
 Single point cutting tools
 Double point cutting tool
 Multipoint cutting tool
Single Point Cutting tool
 It consists of only ant main cutting edge
 Used in turning shapes planning . etc.
 Made of hard materials like high carbon steel . HSS ceramic diamond etc.
 More wear and tear due to single edge
 Comparatively cheaper and simple manufacturing
Double point cutting tool
 Consists of two cutting tools
 Drill is the only example
 Due to two cutting edge reduced shacks and unbalanced cutting Force

(Draw Single line Diagram for Double Point cutting tool)

Multipoint cutting tool -
 Contains more than two main cutting edges
 Runs faster than single point cutting tool
 More wear resistant and less heat is generated which makes it to last
 Difficult to design and manufacture
 Expensive

(Draw Single line Diagram for Multi Point cutting tool)

Application of different tools
Single point turning tool: -
For performing the turning operation in the Lathe machine
Drill (Double - point)
To drill hole in workpiece
Milling tool (Multi point )
Used in milling machines to cut a workpiece while rotating
Grinding wheel
Abrasive device used on the grinding machine for grinding operation i.e.. re-
sharpening of tool.
Tool designation-
Designation or nomenclature of a cutting tool is meant the designation of the
shape of the cutting part of the tool .
The two systems to designate the tool shape. which are widely used are: -
- American standards association ( ASA) system
- Orthogonal make system (ORS)
American standards Association (A.S.A.) system
ASA system utilizes three mutually perpendicular planes for reference purpose
namely machine longitudinal plane, machine transverse plane and reference
plane, Tool signature in ASA system consists of two make angles two clearance
angles, two cutting edge angles and the nose radius of a single point cutting tool
The sequence of writing tool signature in ASA system along with the name of
various angles is dissipated below . It is to be noted that different persons may
use different symbols but the sequence must be maintained

ASA system of turning tool designation

0°- 5° - 6°- 6°- 10°- 30°-1/12

Back make angle ( ) – 0°

Side make angle ( ) = 5°
Back clearance angle ( ) : 6°
Side clearance angle ( ) = 6°
End cutting angle ( ) = 10°
Approach angle ( )=30°
Nose radius (r)= 1/12 inch
Orthogonal Rake System (O.R.S.)
Orthogonal rake system (O.R.S.) also utilizes three mutually perpendicular
planes for reference purpose namely cutting plane . orthogonal plane and
reference plane. similar to the ASA system tool signature in ORS consists of
two rake angles two clearance angles . two cutting edge angles and a nose
radius of a single point cutting tool. Note that in ASA system. nose radius is
measured in inch unit The sequence of writing tool signature in ORS along with
the name of various angles is depicted below. As usual the sequence cannot be
altered but alternatively notation can be used . A typical example is also
provided below

0°- 4°- 1°- 10°- 8°-15°- 60°- 0.8

Inclination angle ( ) = 0°
orthogonal make angle ( ) = 7°
Orthogonal clearance angle ( ) = 10°
Auxiliary orthogonal clearance angle ( )= 8°
Auxiliary cutting edge angle ( ) = 15°
Principal cutting edge angle ( ) = 60°
Nose radius (r ) - 0.8 mm
5. Experimental Setup: -

6. Resources Required: -

S.N. Name of Resource Suggested Broad Specification Quantity

01 Single Point Cutting tool 01

02 Double Point Cutting Tool 01
03 Multi- Point cutting tool 01

7. Result:-

8. Conclusion:-

Dated Signature of the Teacher

Practical no. 2

1. Title: - Draw the tool with nomenclature taken for re-sharpening

2. Relevent course outcomes: -
 Interpret geometries of various cutting tools.
3. Practical Outcome: -
 Carried out Re-sharpening operation on grinding machine by Students
4. Theoretical Background: -

Shank- Part which goes into is used to hold the tool. tool holder i.e. shank

Flank: - Surface below and adjacent. to the cutting edges.

i. Major flank: It lies below and adjacent to the side cutting edge.
ii. Minor Flank: It Ties below and adjacent to the end cutting edge.

Face:- Top portion along which chips slide. Designed in such in an such way that the chips
slide on it in upward direction.

Base: - Portion lies opposite to top face of the shank.

Cutting edge - Edge on tool which from the workpiece. It removes materials lies on face of
i. Side cutting edge –Top edge of major flank
ii. End cutting edge - Top edge of minor Fank.

Nose or cutting point - Intersection of major and minor. cutting edge.

Nose Radius - Radius of nose, increases life of tool.

Heel: - Curved portion and intersection of base and flank of tool.

Angles of single point calling tool.

The various angles of the single point cutting tool have great importance. Each angle has its
own Function and speciality.
 End cutting edge angle
 Side cutting edge angle
 Back rake angle
 End relief angle
 Wedge angle
 Side rake angle
 Side relief angle
5. Experimental Setup: -
6. Resources required

S.N. Name of Resource Suggested Broad Specification Quantity

1 Single Point Cutting tool 1

2 Grinder 1

7. Resources used
Broad Specification Quantity
S.N. Name of resource
Make Details

8. Results: -

9. Conclusion:-

Dated Signature of the Teacher

Practical no. 03
1. Title:- Use different tool holders and their use with specific applications.
2. Relevant Course Outcomes: -
 Use relevant cutting tool insert and tool holders for different machining
3. Practical outcomes: -
 Select and Use tool holder for given a Tool .
4. Theoretical Background: -
 Tool holders for turning machine: -
Carbide inserts are held mechanically in a specific tool holder. We have seen the design at two
types of tool holders for holding Inserts, the cutting tool geometry remains the same. there by
ensuring consistency in performance chip breaker can also be incorporated to break the chips.
the same tool holder can be used for machining different materials simply by changing the
appropriate grade inserts. which results in reducing in inventory cost Higher cutting speed can
be used to increase productivity. Tool changing time is considerably reduced as tool need not
to be foul out for grinding but the insects can be replaced on the machine itself without
resetting the tool holder.

 Tool holders for milling machine: -

Thruways, carbide tips are usually 127 mm square size for face milling Triangular tips with 9
to 12 7 mm inscribed circles one used for end milling slot milling and shoulder milling
applications Tips are available both in positive and negative make versions.
These carbide Inserts could be brazed. inserted or could be thruway type inserted in the case of
inserted type cutters the carbides are brazed to the insert. which is mechanically hold. in the
cutter body, milling cutters with modular concept are available in which on the same body
several type of cutters for different applications can be positioned in cutters relative to both
radial and axial planes and further with negative neutral or positive cake.
 Tool holders for CNC machine: -
A tool holder that holds the end to hold the is a machining component mill in place. Its tool in
in place purpose is as precisely and firmly as a barely perceptible increase in runout can ruin
your project or of brake your cutting tool.
Different types tool holders have levels of runout and balance. There is tool holder is the time
it takes mills as Types Tool used to change end it directly impacts your bottom line. holders
vary based on the method to hold the end

varying levels of runout also variation. in their spans. and durability. Another important factor
to consider when picking a CNC

mill in place. Here is the CNC milling tool holder basic Overview of the types

Shrink fit holders - This type of holders. uses heating and cooling to applying clamping force
to tool shrink fit holders offer powerful the cutting tool grip and can dramatically extend tool

Collect chucks: underline A (mil) collect chuck with a slotted collar Standard by millimetre
well. and they can be grips the end collects are sized customised as well.
End mill holders : These parts use a set screw to secure the cutting tool . They have small
diameters and are available in a variety of lengths .

Tap holders : This category includes right Heating and cartridge - style tap holders, adopters
are also available so you can use mare tools at the same holder.

5. Resources required: -

S.N. Name of Resource Suggested Broad Specification Quantity

Tool holders of following:-

i. Lathe
1 1
ii. Milling machine
iii. CNC machine

6. Conclusion: -

7. Result: -

Dated signature of the Teacher

Practical no. 04
1. Title:- Use different clamping devices and their use, available in the
2. Relevant course outcomes:-
 Use relevant locating and clamping devices for components
3. Practical outcomes: -
 Select and Use clamping devices for a given component
4. Theoretical background:

 Definition of clamping: -
The various forces are acting upon the workpiece during a machining operation. Clamping is
defined as a device which direct the clamping force on a strong supported part of the
workpiece and does not obstruct the path of cutting tool as well as that of loading and
unloading of the workpiece.
 Use of clamping devices: -
Locating and clamping principles are used :
i. To reduce operation time and increase productivity.
ii. To achieve interchangeability.
iii. To reduce skill requirement.
iv. To reduce the cost of production.
 Types of clamping devices: -
1) Clamping screws
2) Hook bolt clamp
3) Lever type clamps
 Bridge clamp
 Heel clamp
 Swinging strap (Latch ) clamp
 Hinged clamp
4) Quick acting clamp
 C- clamps
 Quick acting nut
 Cam operated clamp
5. Pictures of various clamping devices: -
6. Resources used: -

S.N. Name of Resource Suggested Broad Specification Quantity

Clamping devices described

1 1

7. Conclusion: -

8. Result: -

Dated signature of the Teacher

Practical no. 06
1. Title: - Use different locators and their use available in the workshop.
2. Relevant Course outcome (CO’s): -
 Use relevant locating and clamping devices for components.
3. Practical outcome: -
 Select and Use locating and clamping devices for a given work peace
4. Theoretical background : -
Pins of various designs are made of hardened steel and are the most common locating devices
used to locate a workpiece in a jig or future. The shank of the pin is press fitted or driven into
the body of the jig or fixture.

Depending upon the mutual relation between the workpiece and pin, the pins may be
classified as :
(1) Locating pins, (2) Support pins, (3) Jack pins.

1. Locating Pins :
When reamed or finely finished holes are available in the workpiece, these can be used for
purposes. Locating pins are classified as ;
A. Conical locating pins : These pins are used to locate a workpiece which is cylindrical
and with or without a hole. Any variation in the hole size will be easily
accommodated due to the conical shape of the pin.
B. Cylindrical locating pins : In these pins, the locating diameter of the pin is made a
push fit with the hole in the workpiece, with which it has to engage. The top portion
of these pins is given a sufficient lead either by chamfering or by means of radius to
facilitate the loading of the workpiece.

2. Support Pins :
With these pins, the workpiece can be supported at convenient points. In the fixed
type of support pins, the locating face is either ground flat or is curved. Adjustable
type support pins are used for workpiece whose dimensions can vary, e.g. sand
castings, forgings or unmachined faces.

3. Jack Pins :
Jack pins or spring pins are also used to locate the workpiece, whose dimensions are
subject to variation. The pin is allowed to come up under spring pressure or
conversely is pressed down by the workpiece. When the location of the workpiece is
secured, the pin is located in this position by means of the locking screw.
4. Diamonds Pins (Radial or Angular Location) :
Workpieces such as connecting rod or lever, which have two previously machined
and finished holes at the two ends, may be located with the help of two pins
projecting from the base surface of a jig or fixture, which will fix into the two holes in
the workpiece.

5. V- location: -
In V-location, workpieces having circular or semicircular profile are located by means
of a vee block. The V-block should be used correctly so that the variations in the
workpiece size will not affect the location.

Vees can be used both for locating and clamping a workpiece. For these two vees are
employed, one fixed and the other sliding one. The fixed V acts to locate and the
movable or sliding V acts to clamp and hold the workpiece at one end and forces it
against the fixed V at the other end.

6. Resources required: -

S.N. Name of Resource Suggested Broad Specification Quantity

1 Conical locating pin 1

2 Cylindrical locating pins 1
7. Conclusion

8. Result

Dated signature of the Teacher

Practical No. 7
1. Title :- Design jigs and fixture for machining of a given simple component.
(part I).
2. Relevant Course Outcomes :-
 Use relevant Jig and Fixture for components and machining operations.
3. Practical Outcome :-
 Design box type jig for small rectangular component.
4. Theoretical Background:-


Jigs are specifically designated machine parts, which can be manufactured by any of
the following methods:

(a) Machining, (b) Forging, (c) Casting and (d) Complicated.

Jigs are fabricated in different pieces and joined together by welding. Normally jigs
are made of hardened steel, which are wear resistant, corrosion resistant, and
thermally in Sensitive. Their dimensional accuracy directly influences the accuracy of
performance of the operations Where these are used.


Template Jig:

This is a simple plate of metal or wood which carries correct locations of holes to be
made in the workpiece. Size of template jig should be same as that of the workpiece.
It is overlapped with the workpiece and drilling is done quickly. Use of this jig avoids
the marking operation completely.
Plate Type Jig:

If the work is to be done on very large scale, an improvement can be made to template
jig that is plate type jig. This uses a plate having drill pushes and suitable means to
hold and locate the works that it can be clamped to the plate and holds drilled directly
through the bushes in correct positions.

Open Type Jig:

In this jig the top is kept open and workpiece is placed on the base of the jig and the
drill plate. Carrying the drill bushes is placed on the top to guide the tool. After the
operation is over, the drill plate is removed and workpiece is replaced. It is shown in

Swinging Leaf Type Jig:
This type of jig carries a leaf or plate, arranged at the top or on one side, which is
capable of swinging about a fulcrum. It is normally the drill plate itself which is
pivoted about a point at its one end. A swinging leaf type jig is shown in Figure 4.15.
The work is loaded and unloaded with the help of swinging bolt.

Box Type Jig:

When the holes are to drill more than one plane of the work piece, the jig has to be
provided with equivalent number of bush plates. For positioning jig on the machine
table feet have to be provided opposite each drilling bush plate. One side of the jig
will be provided with a swinging leaf for loading and unloading the work piece, such
a jig would take the form of a box. Such a jig should be as light as possible. Since it
will have lifted again and again. Typical figure of box type jig is shown.
5. Resources required: -

S.N. Name of Resource Suggested Broad Specification Quantity

1 Box type jig 1

2 Plate jig 1

6. Conclusion: -
7. Result: -

Dated signature of teacher

Practical no. 08
1. Title: - Design jigs and fixture for machining of a given simple component. (part II)
2. Relevant Course Outcome: -
 Use relevant Jig and Fixture for components and machining operations.
3. Practical Outcome: - Use of Milling fixture for milling operation.
4. Theoretical Background: -

Designing of jigs and fixtures depends upon so many factors. These factors are analyzed to

design inputs for jigs and fixtures.

The list of such factors is mentioned below:
a) Study of work piece and finished component size and geometry.
b) Type and capacity of the machine, its extent of automation.
c) Provision of locating devices in the machine.
d) Available clamping arrangements in the machine.
e) Available indexing devices, their accuracy.
f) Evaluation of variability in the performance results of the machine.
g) Rigidity and of the machine tool under consideration.
h) Study of ejecting devices, safety devices, etc.

Classification of fixture:
a) Turning fixtures
b) Milling fixtures
c) Fixture for grinding
d) Fixture for broaching
e) Fixture for boring/drilling
f) Tapping fixture
g) Fixture for welding
h) Assembling fixture
Milling Fixtures:
Fixtures used to perform different types of milling operations are called milling fixtures. The
fixture is probably located on the table of the machine and secured in position by means of
bolts and nuts. The workpiece located on the base of fixture and clamped. The fixture and
associated jigs holds the workpiece and direct the tool to right position by avoiding frequent
measurement and marking. The experience of varying forces by the workpiece are also
overcome by the concerning fixtures and jigs. Proper locations of the fixture on the machine
table is usually achieved with the help of two tons provided under the fixture base. These tons
enter a T-slot of the table to provide the required location. The fixture base can then be
secured to the table by means of T-bolts and nuts. The fixtures for milling operations are
designed and described on the basis of milling operations, milling techniques and clamping
power techniques.

a) On the basis of types of operations, the milling fixture may be of different types are
listed below: These are straddle milling fixture, face milling, slot milling, plain
milling, side milling, form milling and gang milling fixtures.

b) On the basis on technique of milling machining, milling fixtures are named as single
piece milling Fixture, string milling, reciprocal milling, index milling and abreast
milling fixture.

c) On the basis of clamping power and clamping method milling fixtures are named as
fixture with Mechanical clamping, hydraulic clamping, pneumatic clamping,
automatic clamping and vice jaw clamping fixture.
5. Resources used: -

S.N. Name of Resource Suggested Broad Specification Quantity

1 Various fixtures 1

6. Conclusion: -

7. Result: -

Dated signature of teacher


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