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LOPA Research Report

Rouge Relations

Louisiana State University

Feb. 24, 2021

Communications Analysis

Communication Engagement and Insights

The research below includes data that was gathered by conducting a content analysis of

LOPA’s social media posts. Our team performed this social media content analysis in order to

further our understanding on how LOPA is portrayed to social media users. This analysis will

assist our team as we make decisions regarding social media. Their social media posts consisted

of content that could be broken down into six separate categories. The Facebook and Instagram

posts were separated between registry, podcast promotion, collaboration, community, career

opportunities, and holiday posts.


The Facebook data collected was from November 2021 to January 2022. The majority of

the posts in these three months were categorized into community. Engagement for most of their

posts range from two to fourteen likes and zero to three comments.

# of Followers: 6,055 people follow the page

# of Likes: 5,676 people like the page

Date Total Posts Content

Jan. 2022 24 Posts Total Registry- 3

Podcast- 3
Collaboration- 1
Community- 12
Career Opportunities- 3
Holiday- 2
Dec. 2021 25 Post Total Registry- 0
Podcast- 4
Collaboration- 1
Community- 15
Career Opportunities- 0
Holiday- 4

Nov. 2021 24 Posts Total Registry-1

Podcast- 2
Community- 14
Career Opportunities- 1
Holiday- 5


The Instagram data collected was from January 2021 to January 2022. In the beginning of

2021, there was a lack of consistency in the number of posts being uploaded per month. LOPA

has a high number of followers compared to other non-profit organizations; however, the

engagement with their followers should increase.

# of Followers: 1,689 Followers

# of Following: 213 Following

Total Posts: 263

Month Total Content Engagement

Jan. 2021 14 Registry- 2 Registry- 54 Likes
Podcast- 2 Podcast- 20 Likes
Community- 6 Community- 228 Likes
Holiday- 4 Holiday- 50 Likes
Feb. 2021 14 Registry- 1 Registry- 13 Likes
Collaboration-3 Collaboration- 52 Likes
Community- 10 Community- 195 Likes

March 15 Podcast- 1 Podcast- 57 Views

2021 Collaboration- 1 Collaboration- 11 Likes
Community- 12 Community- 178 Likes
Holiday- 1 Holiday- 15 Likes

April 11 Registry- 1 Registry- 23 Likes

2021 Collaboration- 1 Collaboration- 11 Likes
Community- 7 Community- 153 Likes
Holiday- 2 Holiday- 18 Likes

May 2021 10 Registry- 2 Registry- 40 Likes

Community- 2 Community- 30 Likes
Holiday- 6 Holiday- 97 Likes

June 2021 11 Podcast- 7 Podcast- 57 Likes

Collaboration- 1 Collaboration- 8 Likes
Holiday- 3 Holiday- 42 Likes

July 2021 10 Registry- 2 Registry- 17 Likes

Community- 7 Community- 47 Likes
Holiday- 1 Holiday- 10 Likes

Aug. 2021 8 Registry- 8 Registry- 58 Likes

Sept. 2021 4 Registry- 1 Registry- 9 Likes

Community- 3 Community- 35 Likes

Oct. 2021 7 Registry- 1 Registry- 5 Likes

Collaboration- 1 Collaboration- 87 Likes
Community- 5 Community- 41 Likes
Nov. 2021 10 Community- 4 Community- 89 Likes
Career Career Opportunities-
Opportunities- 1 10 Likes
Holiday- 5 Holiday- 55 Likes

Dec. 2021 14 Podcast- 2 Podcast- 12 Likes

Collaboration- 2 Collaboration- 7 Likes
Community- 9 Community- 142 Likes
Holiday- 2 Holiday- 14 Likes

Jan. 2022 10 Registry- 1 Registry- 10 Likes

Community- 5 Community- 98 Likes
Career Career Opportunities- 8
Opportunities- 1 Likes
Holiday- 3 Holiday- 44 Likes

Current Communication Channels


LOPA’s website provides easy access for the public to learn about organ procurement

and is easy to navigate. The website consists of factual information and organ donor stories that

help establish the core values of their agency. The website also includes links to become a donor,

volunteer, and contribute. The inclusion of these links makes it easy for users to get involved

with LOPA. On their website there is also the option to select the language you prefer. This

option is important because it allows for growth in minority organ donors.


The engagement on LOPA’s Instagram posts is not consistent with their high number of

followers. Although they are posting consistently, they could benefit from adjusting the content

of their posts. By analyzing the data from Instagram, the focus of their posts are community

related information and they receive an average of 176 likes per month.

Community based content includes information about events, staff focus, and survivor

stories. Podcast promotion posts consist of videos and stories that are featured on the episode.
Registry posts include a link for followers to press on to become an organ donor. Career

opportunity posts allow for users to become interested in starting a career with LOPA. Holiday

posts are inclusive to many races, religions, and sexualities and help to establish a sense of

community within LOPA. Collaborative posts have the potential to increase engagement and

attract users to their Instagram page.

LOPA has an established color scheme that is consistent throughout their posts which

helps in brand recognition as their followers scroll through their feed. Their posts are centered on

a graphic design style and could benefit from the use of picture-based content. The Instagram

posts are consistent with the Facebook posts; however, LOPA could benefit from creating

content that is tailored for Instagram exclusively. By adjusting the comments on their posts to

ask their followers questions could increase the relationship between LOPA and their followers

which would also increase engagement on their page.


LOPA creates great content for their Facebook page. Their posts are consistent and they

do a great job at informing their followers of upcoming events and how they can get involved.

Their posts are tailored greatly for Facebook and are directed towards the audience that uses

Facebook as their main form of social media. They often repost other organizations' posts as


The Gifted Life

The Gifted Life is a podcast with the goal of raising awareness about the need for organ

donations. Their podcast is posted every other Friday and consists of interviews, stories, and

factual information about donating. This podcast is available on Apple Podcasts, Android,

Google Podcasts, RSS, Spotify, iHeartRadio and Tune in. LOPA promotes the podcast on
Instagram, Facebook and their website and encourages their followers to listen. The Gifted Life

is a great way to create a community within LOPA and help to spread awareness (The Gifted

Life Podcast).

Image and Reputation

LOPA has a positive reputation and image for helping to save lives within Louisiana.

They have established this reputation by impacting the lives of those in need throughout the

whole process of their organ transplant. LOPA is transparent with their community regarding the

success of their agency. They post their achievements on their website, Instagram, and Facebook.

Sharing their achievements and success stories has helped to build a positive reputation in the

community. The positive reputation is evident through analyzing comments, shares, and

reactions to LOPA’s accomplishments.

Public Relations Efforts

In an effort to increase awareness for donor registry, LOPA recently announced their

collaboration with LA Wallet. LA Wallet will now allow individuals to sign up to be an organ

donor via the LA Wallet app making donor registration easily available. The announcement of

this collaboration was featured on multiple news sites which will create awareness for the need

of organ donors.

Currently LOPA is celebrating Black History Month on their social media platforms.

They have conducted multiple interviews with African Americans and they have also posted

information about black history. Actively posting throughout Black History month could lead to

an increase in engagement within the black community.

Messages Communicated and Received

The overall message portrayed by LOPA is making life happen. The goal that is

communicated is to save lives by creating awareness, increasing registry, and sharing the facts

about organ donation. LOPA communicates that they are there for the community every step of

the process and encourages the community to help save lives by posting emotional videos about

organ donation. Consistent communication with the community shows that LOPA is timely,

organized and dedicated to saving lives.

Interpretation and Application

Based on this analysis, our team will now be able to identify the type of content that is

consistent with LOPA’s beliefs. Having a firm understanding on the type of content and key

messages posted will help us contribute to the success of LOPA’s communication. Rouge

Relations will apply this analysis to the content we post as we assist LOPA in saving lives.

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