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The Effects of GMO’s on The NBA

The Effects of GMO’s on The NBA

Damien Gilbert
NorthWest Career and Technical Academy
English 12 Period 1
Ms. Acosta
December 3, 2021
The Effects of GMO’s on The NBA


GMO’s have a huge impact on the whole world but they also have a huge effect
specifically on the NBA. As NBA players strive for greatness and to improve their bodies each
and everyday so it is very important to watch what they put in their bodies. There are many
reasons why GMO’s are bad and we need to stop using them as soon as possible.
The Effects of GMO’s on The NBA

Reference Page (2020, October 6). Press statement - NBA destroys products containing

genetically modified organisms (gmos) worth over K90,000.00 [17/09/2020]. National

Biosafety Authority.


GMO facts – the non-gmo project. (n.d.). Retrieved December 3, 2021, from

Safety, <a href="/taxonomy/term/816" hreflang="en">Center for F., & Nutrition</a>, A. (n.d.).

Science and history of gmos and other food modification processes. U.S. Food and Drug

Administration. Retrieved December 3, 2021, from

The Effects of GMO’s on The NBA

GMO’s are turning people into aliens at this point and we really need to cut it all out as

soon as possible. Although there are a lot of bad flaws there are also a lot of benefits from them

as well. The question is does the benefits outweigh the flaws? Well for athletes they need the

best of the best nutrition and for NBA players they have made an interesting choice. Although

some say that GMO’s are good, GMO’s are bad because of health and safety reasons, the

environment they are grown in, and the effects that it has on everybody.

The first reason GMO’s are bad is because of the environment that they are grown in.

The NBA has actually destroyed all GMO products fed to their players back in september 2020.

They destroyed around k90000 worth of GMO foods. GMOs are bad because they have toxic

crops and toxic lands that they are grown in.The way GMOs are grown has way too many
The Effects of GMO’s on The NBA

chemicals that are not just harmful to the pests but also harmful to other insects such as

butterflies, moths, and insects.

The second reason why GMOs are bad is because of health and safety reasons.

Research is very little on the health effects on GMOs but studies have shown that animals fed

GMO products have developed health problems. Connecting straight to humans it has shown

that the more people that have consumed GMO foods the growth of disabilities. It is not a

coincidence that when something is fed more that a health issue grows randomly. Connecting to

the NBA these athletes need the best of best nutrition year around and can not take any risk.

Some risk that these NBA players would be taking is a risk of organ damage, gene transfer,

allergic reactions, and toxicity. Would you be willing to risk your million dollar career over food

that is not grown traditionally and has no culture to it whatsoever.

The last reason why GMO’s are bad is because of the effects it has on everyone. GMO’s

are not created naturally therefore the effects are not natural. According to scientists you have

more of a chance of getting a disability if you eat GMO foods. The same toxins that are put into

those animals are not put into your body and they get to work. This is also why you can see the

correlation between us and the animals in size. Chickens are grown to be double their natural

size and overtime you can see that humans continue to get bigger and bigger every generation

due to our food.

Although it seems like it is an easy decision to say that GMOs are all bad there are

actually some good to GMOs. GMOs help end food shortages as it is much easier to produce as

much food as we want now. Now this is where the problem comes in. Are we willing to sacrifice

our bodies and our health just for some food? Not only does GMOs mess up our physical health

but our mental health is very much at risk as well when we consume GMOs

What is happening to our food is not right. There have been deaths and disabilities from

just doing something as simple as eating. As humans we should not complicate our health and
The Effects of GMO’s on The NBA

our lives. The NBA has clearly banned GMOs for a reason and seems that they have been

doing really good without it.

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