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2.1. What is “shopping habit”?

2.1.1 Clarifying “shopping habits” definition

Shopping habits according to Dawson et al (2006), are set of attitudes that

characterize the patterns of consumers' choices. Apart from the essential internal
factors, which are recognized as influential to buying behaviour, there are a number of
external situational contexts that affect consumer choices. Consumer behaviour is a
combination of customers' buying consciousness and external incentives which are
likely to result in behaviour remodeling.

Consumers shopping habits refers to the selection, purchase and consumption

of goods and services for the satisfaction of their wants. There are different processes
involved in the consumer shopping habits (Ramya, 2016). Many factors, specificities
and characteristics influence the individual in what he is and the consumer in his
decision making process, shopping habits, purchasing behavior, the brands he buys or
the retailers he goes. The society’s culture such as norms, convention, customs
religion, festivity, class, lifestyle and other subculture influence how individual
consumers buy and use products and help explain how groups of consumers behave.

A purchase decision is the result of each and every one of these factors. An
individual and a consumer is led by his culture, his subculture, his social class, his
membership groups, his family, his personality, his psychological factors, etc.. and is
influenced by cultural trends as well as his social and societal environment.

2.1.2. Factors impact to shopping habits

According to Ramya (2016), the consumer behaviour or buyer behaviour is

influenced by several factors or forces, which are listed in the below figures.
Source: Ramya (2016)

In order to study factors that are indicated on top of the figure, Ramya (2016)
has indicated the surveys questions that the researchers and are able to use, which is
very useful for this study:
 Who is the market and what is the extent of their power with regard to the
 What do they buy?
 Why do they buy?
 Who is involved in the buying?
 How do they buy?
 When do they buy?
 Where do they buy?

Based on Ramya (2016) figures of factors impact on consumers shopping

habits, Seikh Quazzafi has come up to a more concise conclusion in her study in 2020
that it can be concluded that, there are four main factors which affects consumer
buying behavior such as Personal factor (Age and stages of life cycle, Occupation,
Personality and Lifestyle), Psychological factor (Motivation, Perception, Learning and
Memory), Social factor and Economic factor (Personal Income, Family income,
Income expectations, Savings, Consumer credit and Other economic factors).

It can be clearly seen that, of the four main factors mentioned above, Covid 19
has greatly influenced nearly all of these factors, based on age, sex differences (which
affect susceptibility to illness), social relationships, psychology, shopping behavior,
and the related effects on an individual's income and reserves. This means that the
shopping habits of consumers will have noticeable changes

2.2. The impact of Covid 19 on the world in general and Hanoi in particular

COVID-19 widespread could be a worldwide well-being emergency having
already destroying affect on the world economy. The primary official data on
the diseases with the modern coronavirus SARS-CoV2 (the epidemic
being ordinarily called COVID-19 in media) has risen in China, being spread along
these lines to Europe, EuroAsia and America (Mayo Clinics, 2020; Hui et al., 2020).
The research performed by Van Dorn and Yu (2019) have proven that all
coronaviruses tainted in people spread from human to human,
so hypothetically there's no danger of transmission from human
to residential creatures. The normal brooding period is 5 – 6 days, varying between 1
and 14 days, the light side effects counting fever, hack and breathing challenges.

The history of event and dispersal of SARS-

CoV2 infection among populace is as of now a questionable subject
at worldwide level, the US President, Trump, specifying as potential sources
including a logical mischance from a virusology research facility from Wuhan,
or indeed a worldwide activity of China of spreading the infection as
an unused shape of financial war (The Gatekeeper, 2020). At display,
the contamination with the modern coronavirus SARS-CoV-2 influences over 3
million people at world level, but this number is persistently expanding and
the data on the revelation of a therapeutic treatment with certain comes about or
the improvement of an antibody is being late (Corbu, 2020).
Senior people, people with a lacking resistance framework and
who endure from dreary clutters are primarily influenced, among which
most passing cases happen. The earnestness of COVID-
19 indications can change from light to extreme. Certain therapeutic prove on
the event of self-immunization at the cured patients is still unsure.

On April 1, 2020, a partial national lockdown was requested by the Vietnamese

government (Vietnam 2020), closing shopping centers, eateries, fitness centers,
kindergartens, schools, and colleges. Travel limitations were too executed,
and public transportation was ceased. Grocery stores and drugstores begun working
with a security separate of 2 m amid communication (M.K. et al., 2021). The Covid-
19 widespread has been very hindering in terms of transport supportability of families
in Hanoi, which leads from the fact that children have to stay at home during the
school year for social quarantine (Nguyen, 2021).

2.3. Previous studies on impacts of Covid 19 on shopping habits

The current COVID-19 widespread has moderated down the economy. The
governments of all nations are searching for ways to assist citizens, counting
conceding charge payments, paying benefits to assist businesses, reimbursing wages,
and making lease commitments in order to moderate the negative impacts on buyer
living benchmarks. It is clear that these changes have influenced buyer investing,
genuine bequest speculation, monetary provisioning, and numerous other regions of
buyer life. Customers, who incorporate each characteristic person purchasing
merchandise and administrations, have changed their shopping behavior as a result of
the current circumstance. The reality that the circumstance with respect to the modern
widespread is dubious and it isn't known how rapidly it'll pass has drawn consumers’
consideration to expenditure, especially on wellbeing, cleanliness, and nourishment.
Utilization has facilitated and maintainability and renewables have come to the fore
once more (Rommer, 2020)

Dealers and service companies have moreover had to adjust to this new

period and offer consumers what they require. In later months of
operation, dealers have not had many opportunities to welcome their clients.
After reviving, be that as it may, they confronted increased costs related to cleanliness
and cleansing of their premises. Shoppers are regularly afraid to visit shops due
to conceivable contamination, meaning they purchase quick and as it
were buy necessary products. As a result, numerous retailers have opened online
stores (Stefko, 2019), pushing traditional ‘brick and mortar’ shops to the foundation
(Tran, 2021). They have too centered on the complexity
and assortment of items advertised, natural acquiring, streamlining the shopping
process, and shortening the consumer’s decision-making time.

Understanding the way that consumers choose an item is an irreplaceable

component in the marketing procedure of any substance (Rajogopal, 2020). In typical
circumstances, the consumer’s choice whether or not to select a item is frequently
related to its natural and outward characteristics. Within the setting of the Covid-19
widespread, there's a alter within the appreciation of the usefulness of a few items, the
accentuation being on giving nourishment and less on the luxury goods and services
sector (OECD, 2020a). The introduction of exceptional measures within the setting of
the spread of coronavirus within the world leads to radical changes within the way of
life of citizens and the commerce environment (Ho et al, 2020).
Nowadays, shoppers are uncovered to an expanding extend of items and data that
have not been seen some time recently. This leads to
an expanding differences of buyer request and challenges retailers to supply the
proper items concurring to customer preferences. A
recommendation framework could be a instrument to meet this
challenge, particularly wants and expectations of clients. It makes a
difference keep steadfast clients and draws in unused ones. An unusual view of how
to hold customers through databases and calculations is given in a ponder by
Rodrigues and Ferriera. Their objective was to
supply shoppers with confidently tailored advertising suggestions and in this
way increment deals for retailers (Urbaníková, 2020).

Online commerce has developed rapidly in the last period due to the
recommendations of keeping the social distance (Silvivius, 2020). Ferrel et al (2020)
argue that the current challenges and openings are based on
the execution of innovations and changes in showcasing endeavors pointed at
building connections and advancing shopper welfare. Within
the future, showcasing investigate ought to center on particular issues related to
the widespread, the work environment, and technology. With the same opinion, Jihyo
Moon (2020) study how online and offline shopping behaviours have changed during
the unprecedented COVID-19 pandemic.
Customers who don't fastidiously hone social distancing, or certain that they
can successfully adapt with COVID-19 are exceptionally likely to utilize offline
shopping channels. In expansion, able to anticipate buyers who have information of
COVID-19, have positive acknowledgment of government approach, and
are certain that they can successfully adapt with COVID-19 to utilize online shopping
channels. The major factors that affected the consumers’ determination of
offline conveyance channels or online shopping channels were
social separating, acknowledgment of government arrangement, state of mind toward
COVID-19, and subjective standard. Customers who had negative states of
mind toward COVID-19 and accepted that the individuals around them might respond
to their practices adversely demonstrated that they would utilize more online rather
than offline shopping channels.

Nguyen et al. (2020) found that, in Vietnam, buyer request for books

has moved toward online shopping. A think about in
France examined shopper use portability and online – offline
substitution reactions amid the widespread by analyzing billions of credit-card
transactions, finding that the online-shopping choice mellowed the harshest impacts of
the pandemic on utilization consumptions whereas reflecting the flexibility of
a solid economy (Bounie, Youssouf and John, 2020).

In the Vietnamese context, using data analysis methods, Nguyen et al. (2020)
has shown the relationships between consumers and online versus offline shopping
choices in relation to consumer income and consumption. Research shows vulnerable
components during the epidemic period, the effects of social inequality and gender
differences on consumers' shopping habits; and at the same time make
recommendations and solutions for the above-mentioned shortcomings. Studies have
shown that online and offline shopping always go hand in hand during the epidemic
and they cannot be in a competitive position. Online shopping needs delivery to
complete the online-to-offline process. Thus, to support the development of online
shopping, it is essential for local authorities and the managers of delivery platforms to
issue arrangements and directions that guarantee both  the health and safety of
delivery drivers and the quality of products sold in virtual shops.

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