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The Ten Commandments

Review: The last few weeks we talked about:

1. “FBC Cumming – 1*3*5*1” and how it applies to our BFG. Our objective is not to
teach for knowledge, but rather to teach for obedience.
2. Obedience is better than sacrifice. A story about Saul’s disobedience found in 1
Samuel 15.
3. The greatest commandment. Jesus’ response to the question, “What is the greatest
4. The second greatest commandment. Jesus tells the story of the Good Samaritan.
5. Manna provided by God. God expects obedience when he gives instructions.

Would anyone like to try to repeat from memory Matthew 22:37-39?
Jesus replied: “‘Love the Lord your God with all your heart and with all your
soul and with all your mind.’ This is the first and greatest commandment.
And the second is like it: ‘Love your neighbor as yourself.’

Let’s review the story from last week, the story of the manna provided by God, by
retelling it as a group. We want to retell it as faithfully as we can to the events
recorded in the Bible. We do not want to add to it or leave out anything important.
Who will get us started?

Did anyone have a chance to tell any of the stories we have been studying to
someone? Remember to look for opportunities to tell these Bible stories to someone
God places in our path this week.


The event in today’s story occurs during the time Moses is leading the Israelite people out
of Egypt and to the Promised Land. After two months they came to the Desert of Sinai and
camped there in front of the mountain (Mt. Sinai) for a long time.

The Ten Commandments

Exodus 19 & 20

God told Moses what to say to the people. He gave clear instructions to Moses and to the

God began by reminding the Israelites all that he had done in leading them out of slavery in
Egypt. He told them he had “carried them out on eagles’ wings.”

He also made it very clear that he wanted them to obey him fully and keep his covenant.
God told them that if they did obey him fully and kept his covenant, then they would be his
“treasured possession” out of all the peoples on the earth. He told them that although the

whole earth is his, they would be set apart by him and for him as a kingdom of priests and a
holy nation (a holy people).

The Israelites followed Moses instructions and prepared themselves. They followed Moses
out to the foot of the mountain. The mountain was covered with smoke and the whole
mountain trembled violently. The Israelites heard Moses speak to God and heard God
answer Moses.

God called Moses to the top of the mountain. So Moses went up. The people had been
warned not to set foot on the mountain. God sent Moses back down to the people to get
Aaron and bring him up too. He was to warn the people that they were not come up.

God spoke the Ten Commandments to Moses:

1. There is only one God; you shall have no other gods.

2. Do not make idols in any form, nor shall you worship or sever them.
3. Do not misuse or dishonor the name of God.
4. Keep one day of the week as a holy day to honor God.
5. Honor your father and mother.
6. Do not murder.
7. Do not commit adultery.
8. Do not steal.
9. Do not lie.
10. Do not covet other people or their things.

This concludes this story from the Bible.

Retelling the story

Let’s review this story by retelling it as a group. Don’t worry if you cannot remember all 10
of the Ten Commandments. We will be working on these for several weeks and we will
learn them together. We want to retell the story as faithfully as we can to the events
recorded in the Bible. We do not want to add to it or leave out anything important. Who
will get us started?


The questions and discussion about the Ten Commandments should be focused beyond the
events that tell the story of how God gave them to Moses and address the fact that they
were given by God for his people to follow. Exodus 19:5 states this purpose in the first part
of this verse: “Now if you obey me fully and keep my covenant, then out of all nations you
will be my treasured possession.“ It is not important that the participants grasp the
meaning or purpose of each commandment in this study. This study will serve as an
introduction to the Ten Commandments and that subsequent sessions with look at each
commandment and explore how Jesus addressed them during his ministry. A foundation
should be laid for obedience to the commandments.

Can you list the Ten Commandments?
Note: the first four address our relationship with God and the other six address our
relationship with other people.

Why did God give the Ten Commandments?

As a guide for godly living
To be obeyed

What did God want the Israelite people to do?

To obey him fully and become his “treasured possession.”

What did God mean when he told the Israelites that they would become a God’s “treasured

What did God mean when he said they were to become a kingdom of priests and a holy
nation (a holy people)?

What does this story tell you to do? (Will you try to obey it and see if God will prove himself
to you this week?)

Memory Verses

Let’s review the memory verses, Matthew 22:37-39

Jesus replied: “‘Love the Lord your God with all your heart and with all your
soul and with all your mind.’ This is the first and greatest commandment. And
the second is like it: ‘Love your neighbor as yourself.’

The Ten Commandments

1. There is only one God; you shall have no other gods.
2. Do not make idols in any form, nor shall you worship or sever them.
3. Do not misuse or dishonor the name of God.
4. Keep one day of the week as a holy day to honor God.
5. Honor your father and mother.
6. Do not murder.
7. Do not commit adultery.
8. Do not steal.
9. Do not lie.
10. Do not covet other people or their things.

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