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Received January 29, 2020, accepted February 28, 2020, date of publication March 5, 2020, date of current version March 17, 2020.
Digital Object Identifier 10.1109/ACCESS.2020.2978638

Roughness Analysis of Sea Surface From Visible

Images by Texture


1 School of Electronic and Optical Engineering, Nanjing University of Science and Technology, Nanjing 210094, China
2 StateKey Laboratory of Satellite Ocean Environment Dynamics, Second Institute of Oceanography, Ministry of Natural Resources, Hangzhou 310012, China
3 Southern Marine Science and Engineering Guangdong Laboratory (Zhuhai), Zhuhai 519082, China
4 Scripps Institution of Oceanography, University of California at San Diego, La Jolla, CA 92093-0213, USA

Corresponding author: Jingsong Yang (

This work was supported in part by the National Natural Science Foundation of China under Grant 41676167 and Grant 41621064, and in
part by the Open Fund of State Key Laboratory of Satellite Ocean Environment Dynamics of China under Grant SOED1009 and Grant

ABSTRACT This paper presents a roughness analysis of sea surface from visible images by feature
measurements of texture for the first time. The algorithms presented in this paper include six texture
feature measurements of sea surface use gray level co-occurrence matrix, gray level-gradient co-occurrence
matrix, Tamura texture feature, autocorrelation function, edge frequency and fractional Brownian motion
autocorrelation. The empirical relationship between wind speeds (or sea surface roughness) and image
texture roughness are estimated based on the extracted data. Our experiments have demonstrated that our
texture methods and empirical relation between wind speeds and image texture roughness can potentially be
used to analyze sea surface roughness from visible images.

INDEX TERMS Sea surface roughness, gray level co-occurrence matrices, gray level-gradient
co-occurrence matrices, tamura texture features, autocorrelation function, edge frequency, fractional
Brownian motion.

I. INTRODUCTION Sea surface roughness is a critical parameter affecting

Light reflected and scattered from a sea surface flooded with momentum exchanges between air and sea. Zhang et al. [2]
random surface waves and wave breakers is depended on the evaluated the effect of sea surface roughness on ocean sur-
surface geometry. For example, wavy surface slope forms face wave with a coupled atmosphere-wave-ocean model.
alternating reflection intensity variations in the observed sur- Observational studies about the sea surface roughness are
face images. While the wave fields at sea are random, waves used the coupled model calculations. A typical typhoon case
and their surface shapes do attend to statistical equilibrium Vongfong is chosen to examine the effect of sea surface
states under steady wind conditions [1]. Geometrical surface roughness on typhoon wave modeling. Their results indicate
roughness is closely related to dynamical surface roughness that the distribution of significant wave height is obviously
of surface wind-wave boundary layers. Our hypothesis is that affected by the sea surface roughness.
the image of surface wavy pattern can be measured as texture In the past, a number of analysis methods of sea sur-
roughness which is related to the sea surface roughness. One face roughness have been proposed for optical, microwave,
motivation of our research is to build up a capacity for ocean and radio remote measurements. During the Southern
wave observations, measurements, 3D reconstructions, and Ocean Waves Experiment (SOWEX) an aircraft carried a
property estimations based on wave features extracted from downward-looking video camera to document the sea sur-
2D visible images. These approaches can also be applied to face. Walsh et al. [3] developed a numerical simulation
analysis of other reflecting surfaces of transparent or opaque scheme that relates image contrast to the gravity-capillary
objects. waves’s contribution to the sea-surface mean square slope
(MSS). A simple optical model for the small-scale rough-
The associate editor coordinating the review of this manuscript and ness of the water is proposed to relate the appearance of
approving it for publication was Vladimir M. Mladenovic . the aircraft image in the video to the small-scale MSS.

This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 License. For more information, see
46448 VOLUME 8, 2020
H. Pan et al.: Roughness Analysis of Sea Surface From Visible Images by Texture

Crossingham et al. [4] described a laser slope gauge that uses a statistical behaviour under a surface constraint. Different
a digital technique to measure the refraction angle of a laser parameters may be adjusted in the simulations, such as swell
beam after the beam has passed through the air-sea interface. direction or sea-state roughness.
It can be a useful and reliable tool for all types of water Detecting and understanding sea surface roughness are
surface roughness measurements. Burrage et al. [5] described important in a range of oceanographic application. Weissman
an airborne experiment that an L-band microwave radiome- and Bourassa [15] studied changes in the sea surface rough-
ter was used for retrieving sea surface salinity (SSS), and ness from the combined effects of wind and rain, on scales
L- and S-band reflectometer systems were used to retrieve sea of tens of kilometers using the QuikSCAT scatterome-
surface roughness (SSR) descriptors including mean square ter (NRCS) and simultaneous NEXRAD three-dimensional
slope and wind speed under a range of surface wind and measurements of rain. Tanck et al. [16] presented a new
wave conditions. Hollinger [6] found a definite frequency- method for extracting the rms height and correlation length
dependent correlation between wind speed and microwave of sand ripples on tidal flats from multi-frequency synthetic
brightness temperature of passive microwave from the sea aperture radar (SAR) data. The normalized radar cross section
surface. Freedman et al. [7] introduced the aquarius scat- (NRCS) of tidal flats that are covered with sand ripples is a
terometer, a total-power L-band radar system, for estimat- function of the soil moisture as well as of the surface rough-
ing ocean surface roughness. This is a relatively simple ness. The variation of the NRCS is dominated by variations
low-spatial resolution power-detecting radar, without ranging of the surface roughness. Stolte [17] published radar, sonar
capability. Garrison et al. [8] made use of the global position- and roughness experiments. The roughness conditions can
ing system (GPS) delay mapping receiver from the NASA be characterized by three wind speed ranges: wind below
Langley Research Center to generate post-correlation power- 2.5 m/s, increasing wind up to 15 m/s, and higher wind
versus-delay measurements form GPS signals reflected from speed. Radar backscatter and sonar conditions reflect these
the ocean surface. These data were used to estimate ocean characteristics. Hamlington et al. [18] positively identified
surface roughness. Initial results suggest that reflected GPS the 2010 Chilean tsunami in satellite altimeter measurements
measurements with small low-power instruments can be used of sea surface roughness. It is likely that tsunami-induced
to correct the roughness effects in radiometer brightness tem- changes in sea surface roughness are observable with other
perature measurements to retrieve SSS more accurately. types of space- and airborne sensors. Pan et al. [19] pre-
Surface roughness affects propagation of electromagnetic sented fractal dimension measurements of sea surface from
waves in the surface boundary layers. Zhao et al. [9] car- nearshore single images by six fractal methods.
ried out a study of the influence of sea surface roughness Our research focuses mainly on three aspects: texture mea-
on the electromagnetic wave propagation in a duct envi- surements from visible images, estimations of wind speed
ronment. The roughness of the sea surface is computed (or sea surface roughness) functional dependency on tex-
by modifying the smooth surface Fresnel reflection coef- ture features based on the extracted data, and sensitivity
ficient to account for the reduction in the specular reflec- of the methods through tests under four type noises. This
tion due to the surface roughness resulting from sea wind. paper is organized as follows: Section 2 presents the tex-
Benhmammouch et al. [10] studied effects of sea surface ture measurements of sea surface from visible images by
roughness on electromagnetic waves propagation in a three- gray level co-occurrence matrix (GLCM), gray level-gradient
dimensional domain. The 3D parabolic equation method is co-occurrence matrix (GLGCM), Tamura texture feature
used to solve the wave equation. A new approach is pro- (TTF), autocorrelation function (ACF), edge frequency (EF)
posed to model the propagation above rough sea surface. and fractional Brownian motion autocorrelation (FBMA)
Bass et al. [11] described experiments on scattering of radio approaches. Section 3 presents relations between sea surface
waves from a rough sea surface. Amplitude, frequency, and roughness and wind speed. Section 4 presents the experimen-
space-time characteristics of scattered radio signals at dif- tal results of texture measurements, empirical fittings, error
ferent states of the sea surface are presented. Inversely, analysis, effects of four noises and so on.
parameters of sea roughness can be determined by charac-
teristics of scattered radio signals. Guissard [12] discussed II. TEXTURE MEASUREMENTS
the description of the ocean surface by a vertical displace- In analysis surface wave dynamics, it is convenient to
ment spectrum for microwave remote sensing applications. describe the shape of sea surface in Fourier linear expansion.
Berizzi et al. [13] showed a method of fractal analysis of However, an ocean wave field is a nonlinear and random
ERS-1 SAR images, and presented the results obtained by process. For the purpose of extracting wave field statistical
three different algorithms. Fractal dimension of the sea sur- parameters, such as surface roughness, it is more efficient,
face is closely related to its roughness. Garello et al. [14] we believe, to represent the surface image directly by non-
outlined a method for simulating the ocean surface as seen linear descriptors, such as texture features attempted in this
by a space borne SAR. A statistical approach was chosen in paper. This section describes how to perform texture mea-
order to integrate the different mechanisms responsible for surements of sea surface from nearshore still images by six
the imaging of the surface waves. A 2D sea-state surface was texture methods, which are gray level co-occurrence matrix,
simulated, then divided in facets and each facet was given gray level-gradient co-occurrence matrix, autocorrelation

VOLUME 8, 2020 46449

H. Pan et al.: Roughness Analysis of Sea Surface From Visible Images by Texture

function, FBM autocorrelation, edge frequency and Tamura 2) TEXTURAL FEATURES

texture feature methods. In order to estimate the similarity between different gray
level co-occurrence matrices, Haralick et al. [20] proposed
A. GRAY LEVEL CO-OCCURRENCE MATRICES 14 statistical features extracted from them. To reduce the
This section describes the texture measurements of sea computational complexity, only energy (ASM ), correlation
surface from nearshore still optical images by the approach (COR), contrast (CON ), entropy (ENT ) and inverse differ-
of gray level co-occurrence matrix (GLCM). ence moment (IDM ) are applied to represent the surface
roughness features.
1) DEFINITION 1) Angular second moment (or Energy):
Let us suppose that the analyzed image is rectangu- g−1 X
lar and has Nx columns and Ny rows, and the gray level ASM =
P2 (i, j, d, θ) (6)
appearing at each pixel is digitized into Ng levels. Let
i=0 j=0
X = {1, 2, 3, · · · , Nx }, Y = {1, 2, 3, · · · , Ny }, and G =
{0, 1, 2, · · · , Ng − 1} be the sets of column index, row index, 2) Contrast:
and gray level values respectively. The set X × Y is the
coordinate set of image pixels ordered by their row-column g−1 X
X g−1
designations. Thus, our images can be represented as a func- CON = (i − j)2 × P2 (i, j, d, θ) (7)
tion that assigns some gray level in G to each pixel or pair of i=0 j=0
coordinates in X × Y ; f : X × Y → G.
3) Entropy:
One way of specifying the image texture-context feature is
through the matrix of relative frequencies. It is constructed as
g−1 X
following: for any two separated pixels with gray level i and j X
separated by distance d in the direction θ in an interest region ENT = − P(i, j, d, θ)logP(i, j, d, θ) (8)
of an image, we calculate the frequency of appearance of the i=0 j=0

pixel combination in the image noted as P(i, j, d, θ). 4) Inverse difference moment:
P(i, j, d, θ) = #{[(k, l)(m, n)] ∈ (Ly × Lx )
g−1 X
×(Ly × Lx ) | f (k, l) = i, f (m, n) = j, d, θ} (1) X P(i, j, d, θ)
IDM = (9)
where # denotes the number of elements in the set. 1 + (i − j)2
i=0 j=0
For a specific case that angle, θ, is quantized into 45◦
5) Correlation:
intervals, the four unnormalized frequencies are defined by:
P(i, j, d, 0◦ ) g−1
g−1 X
X i × j × P(i, j, d, θ) − µ1 × µ2
= #{[(k, l)(m, n)] ∈ (Ly × Lx ) COR = (10)
i=0 j=0
σ12 × σ22
×(Ly × Lx ) | k − m = 0, |l − n|
= d, I (k, l) = i, I (m, n) = j} (2) where
P(i, j, d, 45◦ ) g−1 X
X g−1

= #{[(k, l)(m, n)] ∈ (Ly × Lx ) µ1 = i P(i, j, d, θ)

i=0 j=0
×(Ly × Lx ) | (k − m = d, l − n = −d) or (k
g−1 Xg−1
−m = −d, l − n = d), I (k, l) = i, I (m, n) = j} (3)
µ2 = j P(i, j, d, θ)
P(i, j, d, 90◦ ) i=0 j=0
= #{[(k, l)(m, n)] ∈ (Ly × Lx ) g−1
X g−1
×(Ly × Lx ) | |k − m| = d, l − n σ1 = (i − µ1 )2 P(i, j, d, θ)
i=0 j=0
= 0, I (k, l) = i, I (m, n) = j} (4)
g−1 g−1
P(i, j, d, 135◦ )
σ2 = (j − µ2 ) 2
P(i, j, d, θ)
= #{[(k, l)(m, n)] ∈ (Ly × Lx ) i=0 j=0
×(Ly × Lx ) | (k − m = d, l − n = d) or (k − m
= −d, l − n = −d), I (k, l) = i, I (m, n) = j} (5)
GLCM is a symmetric matrix, and its order is decided by
The distance d and direction θ are to be specified with the the gray-scale order of the image.
proper value according to a particular application, and are Contrast is a measure of the amount of local variations
used to compose all the available P(i, j, d, θ) in the research present in an image. For an image with smooth surface
region. profile, with low levels of local variation, the entries in the

46450 VOLUME 8, 2020

H. Pan et al.: Roughness Analysis of Sea Surface From Visible Images by Texture

GLCM will be clustered along the diagonal of the array, TABLE 1. The calculated weights of integrated frequency.
consequently producing a low value of contrast. On the other
hand, a high value of contrast implies that the image has a
rough surface profile.
Autocorrelation is a measure of grey level linear dependen-
cies in the image. A high value of autocorrelation implies a
linear relationship between the grey levels of cell pairs, and
hence, a smooth surface profile.
Energy provides a measure of repeated transitions of the m45
cell pairs, which indicates textural uniformity. High values of b=
(m0 + m45 + m90 + m135 )
energy occur when the grey level distribution in the image has m90
either a constant or periodic form, with the vector displace- c=
(m0 + m45 + m90 + m135 )
ments often falling on the same (i, j) grey level pair. m135
Entropy is a measure of randomness of the image. If the e=
(m0 + m45 + m90 + m135 )
image is not texturally uniform, many elements in the GLCM 1
will have low values and hence, the entropy will be large. mi = (12)
fi − fave + 1
where f is ASM , CON , ENT or IDM .
The calculated weights a, b, c, e of integrated frequency
The displacement parameter d is important in the compu-
P(i, j) are listed in TABLE 1.
tation of GLCM. Applying a large displacement parameter
value to a fine texture would yield a co-occurrence matrix
that does not capture the textural information, and vice versa.
The gray level co-occurrence matrix method, for an exam-
A displacement parameter value equal to the size of the tex-
ple 2-D histogram, is frequently used in various applica-
ture element would tend to improve the classification result
tions. However, the gray level-gradient co-occurrence matrix
with texture features.
(GLGCM) takes into account the information of both gray
For displacement parameter determination of our experi-
level and gradient among pixels in an image [21]. The ele-
ment, we use d = 1, 2, · · · , 10 and 10 as our upper limit of
ment h(i, j) of GLGCM is defined as the probability of the
range. Fig.1 shows the graphs of texture values (ASM , CON ,
pixel number which has gray value i in the normalized gray-
ENT and IDM ) versus quantization schemes. Four orienta-
level image F(m, n) and gradient value j in the normalized
tions of 0◦ (blue solid), 45◦ (cyan solid), 90◦ (green solid) and
gradient image G(m, n). Therefore, the gray level-gradient
135◦ (black solid) are selected for parameter determination.
co-occurrence matrix provides the space relationship pixels
Several conclusions have been drawn from this experi-
and their adjacent pixels.
ment, as follows:
In order to avoid complicated calculations, first, we nor-
(1) ASM and IDM decrease with the increase of d. ASM
malize gray-level image and gradient image. The gradient
remain stable in the range of d = 5 ∼10 and IDM is stable
level normalization has the equation form of
between d = 6 and 10.
(2) ENT and CON increase with the increase of d. ENT g(m, n) × Ns
G(m, n) = INT [ ]+1 (13)
remain stable from d = 4 to 10 and CON become stable gmax
starting from d = 5. where g(m, n) is the gradient image, gmax is the maximum
(3) The orientation parameter θ is relatively less important gradient value in matrix g. Ns is normalized maximum gradi-
compared to other factors in co-occurrence matrices, so we ent value. We set Ns = 128.
use θ = 0◦ , 45◦ , 90◦ and 135◦ for they cover efficiently all The gray level normalization has the equation form of
directions of sea surface images.
f (m, n) × Ng
5) INTEGRATED FREQUENCIES F(m, n) = INT [ ]+1 (14)
In order to take into account the information in four orien-
tations and their proportions, we use integrated frequencies where f (m, n) is the gray-level image, fmax is the maximum
to represent texture features of sea surface, as follows: gray value of matrix f . Ng is the maximum gray value after
normalization. We set Ng = 128.
P(i, j) = aP(i, j, d, 0◦ ) + bP(i, j, d, 45◦ ) Then, Hij is found form counting the number of pixels
+cP(i, j, d, 90◦ ) + eP(i, j, d, 135◦ ) (11) which satisfy F(m, n) = i and G(m, n) = j. The total amount
of Hij are calculated by the equation (15)
a+b+c+e=1 Ng Ns
m0 H= Hij (15)
(m0 + m45 + m90 + m135 ) i=1 j=1

VOLUME 8, 2020 46451

H. Pan et al.: Roughness Analysis of Sea Surface From Visible Images by Texture

Fifteen texture features can be extracted from the GLGCM,

such as small-grads advantage, large-grads advantage, gray
level asymmetry, and so on. We select Energy to represent sea
surface roughness. It reflects the uniformity of the gray level
distribution of image. Energy is large for coarse textures, and
small for fine textures.
Ng Ns
Energy = P2ij (17)
i=1 j=1
The origin of GLGCM is in the upper left corner of image.
The gray axis is vertical downward through the origin, that is,
gray level increase with the increase of i. The gradient axis is
horizontal to the right, that is, gradient level increase with the
increase of j. For coarse texture images, H (i, j) are mainly
distributed near the gray axis and only a few are away from
it. For fine texture images, H (i, j) are all scattered along the
gradient axis.


The coarseness gives information about the size of the tex-
ture elements. The higher the coarseness value is, the rougher
is the texture. If there are two different textures, one macro
texture of high coarseness and one micro texture of low
coarseness, then, the macro texture is only considered. The
essence of calculating the coarseness value is to use operators
of various sizes. A large size operator is chosen when a coarse
texture is present even if there is a micro-texture and a small
operator is chosen when micro texture is present only [21].
The coarseness measure is calculated as follows:
Step1: Taking the average at every pixel over neighbor-
hoods whose sizes are the power of two. The average over the
neighborhood of size 2k × 2k (k = 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5) at every
pixel is:
k−1 −1 y+2k−1 −1
x+2X X g(i, j)
Ak (x, y) = (18)
i=x−2k−1 j=y−2k−1
where g(i, j) is the gray-level at (i, j).
Step2: For each pixel, calculating the differences between
the non-overlapping neighborhoods on horizontal and verti-
cal directions:
Ek,h (x, y) = | Ak (x + 2k−1 , y) − Ak (x − 2k−1 , y) | (19)
Ek,v (x, y) = | Ak (x, y + 2k−1 ) − Ak (x, y − 2k−1 ) | (20)
Step3: For each pixel, selecting the best size which gives the
highest output value:
Sbest (x, y) = 2k + 1 (21)

FIGURE 1. Relations of textural features and displacement parameter d .

where k maximizes E in either direction:
Ek (x, y) = max(Ek,h (x, y), Ek,v (x, y)) (22)
Then the normalized GLGCM Pij can be found as
Step4: Taking the average of Sbest over the image to be the
Hij coarseness measure Fcrs :
Pij = (16) m n
Ng × Ns 1 XX
Fcrs = Sbest (i, j) (23)
where i = 1, 2, · · · , Ng , j = 1, 2, · · · , Ns . i=1 j=1

46452 VOLUME 8, 2020

H. Pan et al.: Roughness Analysis of Sea Surface From Visible Images by Texture

where m and n are the effective width and height of the image
Apparently, Fcrs describes the texture roughness charac-
teristic of sea surface images. The method of Tamura texture
feature is more intuitive to human visual perception than other
roughness extraction methods.
Autocorrelation function can be used to describe the image
texture roughness and periodicity according to the correlation
between a particular pixel and its neighborhood pixels. Image
texture roughness can be represented by the decline speed of
its autocorrelation function [21].
Autocorrelation function is defined as
PNx PNy FIGURE 2. Probability distribution comparison of edge point densities of
j=1 f (i, j)f (i + ε, j + η)
the large and small roughness texture.
C(ε, η) = PNx PNy (24)
i=1 j=1 f (i, j)
The maximum gradient g is used for edge detection.
where f (x, y) is original image, x = 1, 2, · · · , Nx , y =
1, 2, · · · , Ny . ∂f q
g = ( )max = fx2 + fy2 (27)
Autocorrelation function, the correlation of all image pix- ∂r
els and their adjacent pixels with a certain distance, can be
Gradient function g(d) based on the variable distance d
used to describe image texture feature. Image roughness,
between pixels is defined by
regularity and other visual features of image texture can be
obtained by evaluating the relationship between autocorrela- g(d) = |f (x, y) − f (x + d, y)| + |f (x, y) − f (x − d, y)|
tion function C(ε, η) and parameters ε, η, for example, by the
+|f (x, y) − f (x, y + d)| + |f (x, y) − f (x, y − d)|
decline speed of autocorrelation function with the increase
of ε, η. If autocorrelation function declines slowly with the (28)
increase of ε, η, then the texture is smooth, and vice versa.
where d determines calculated edge size of the gradient func-
In order to accurately reflect the correlation between spec-
tion. If the selected d value is small, then g(d) is short edge
ified pixel and its neighborhood pixel, we set ε, η between
gradient, else if the selected d value is large, then g(d) is long
1 and 10.
edge gradient.
For given ε, η values, correlation between pixels in the
After the calculation of the gradient values, the edge point
coarse texture region is higher than that in the fine texture
numbers with different d values are calculated. After normal-
region. In order to quantitatively calculate the image rough-
ization, probability distribution map of the edge densities P
ness, we select the second order moment as a measure, which
with the change of d values are obtained. When P value is
is defined as:
large in the range of small d value, the image texture is fine
and there are many short edges in it. When P value is large
T (ε, η) = ε2 η2 C(ε, η) (25)
ε η in the range of large d value, the image texture is coarse and
there are many long edges in it.
T (ε, η) value is higher, image texture will be more rough. We choose 1 as the minimum value and max(M , N ) as the
maximum value. When d is large enough, P will be 0. For our
E. EDGE FREQUENCY experiment, we only need to find approximate change trend
The texture image to be analyzed is a two-dimensional of d and P and obtain the maximum value Pmax .
function {f (x, y), x = 1, 2, · · · , M , y = 1, 2, · · · , N }, The texture can be distinguished by the number of edge
the gray value of each pixel is regarded as the function value. points in unit area. For small roughness texture, there are
Edge point detection is to calculate local maximum value and relatively small changes in pixels, and the edge point number
its corresponding direction of the gradient of f (x, y) [21]. will be small in unit area. For large roughness texture, there
The gradient of f (x, y) in the direction θ and along r is are relatively large changes in pixels, and the edge point
defined as: number will be large in unit area. In conclusion, the edge
∂f ∂f ∂x ∂f ∂y density is relatively large for rough texture.
= + = fx cosθ + fy sinθ (26) Probability distribution comparison of edge point densities
∂r ∂x ∂r ∂y ∂r
of the large and small roughness texture are shown in Fig.2.
∂f The larger the Pmax , the greater the roughness, the smaller
where the maximum value of ∂r can be found by letting
∂( ∂f
∂r )
the Pmax , the smaller the roughness. So the maximum value
∂θ = 0. of edge point density is selected to measure roughness.
VOLUME 8, 2020 46453
H. Pan et al.: Roughness Analysis of Sea Surface From Visible Images by Texture

F. FBM AUTOCORRELATION In our experiments, the actual vertical height between our
Brightness difference of image I (x, y) with step s can be anemometer and sea surface is 5.28m. Conversion the 10m
calculated as follows [21]: wind from 5.28m wind is by [23]:
1 X u10 = 1.08u5.28 (34)
I (x, y) = f (x, y) − f (x + k, y + l) (29)
]N (s)
k,l∈N (s) For this experiment, the actual expression of roughness in
where f (x, y) is original image, x = 1, 2, · · · , Nx , y = term of wind speed becomes:
1, 2, · · · , Ny . ]N (s) is the number of pixels in a ring with z0 = 0.15(1.08u5.28 − 1.6)2 + 0.366 (35)
inside radius s-1 and outer radius s. N (s) can be represented
as follows: B. ERROR ANALYSIS
N (s) = {k, l | (s − 1) < k + l ≤ s }
2 2 2 2
(30) Mean square error (MSE) and relative error (RE) are uti-
lized as evaluation criterion. Here the MSE is adopted as
The autocorrelative function of brightness difference of main criterion because MSE can characterize the prediction
image I (x, y) can be calculated as follows: accuracy. MSE and RE are defined by
Nx X N
1 I (x, y) X 1 X
(Ytrue − Ypred )2
RI (s) = [ I (x + k, y + l)] MSE = (36)
Nx × Ny ]N (s) N
x=1 y=1 k,l∈N (s) i=1
(31) 1 X | Ytrue − Ypred |
RE = (37)
N Ytrue
Given two arbitrary natural numbers (s, t), R can be calcu- i=1
lated as follows: where Ytrue is the measured value, Ypred is the predicted value,
RI (s) s and N is the number of prediction samples.
R = ln[ ]/ln[ ] (32)
RI (t) t
where 0 < R < 1, RI (s) is one autocorrelation function with IV. EXPERIMENT RESULTS
the variable s and RI (t) is another autocorrelation function This section describes the experimental results on the rela-
with the variable t. tionship between wind speeds (or surface roughness) and
R varies with s and t, and can be used to describe the image texture roughness, error analysis of the six texture
texture feature of any image. For images with large rough- methods, effects of four noises (Gaussian, impulse, random
ness texture, there is strong correlation between pixels. The and multiplicative noises) and so on.
calculated autocorrelation functions of brightness difference
image with different natural numbers (s, t) have relatively A. ROUGHNESS ANALYSIS
big differences, and calculated R values are all scattered. For The data are acquired at a site in Lian island coast
images with small roughness texture, the correlation between of Lianyungang city (China). The site is chosen for the
pixels is weak and the calculated autocorrelation functions advantages of high wind speed and wave fluctuation, less
will be clustered. The calculated R values are clustered and impurity in seawater and good observation location. A total
their distribution is relatively concentrated. According to of 3647 sets of data were collected in this experiment.
the change characteristics of R, we can represent the image Each set of data includes one image of sea surface and
roughness by calculating its variance D. If the calculated R its corresponding 5.28m wind speed. Image data are col-
values are dispersed, the variance and roughness of the image lected using single camera with image of 3264 by 2468 pix-
will be larger, else if the calculated R values are concentrated, els (See Fig.3(b)) and wind speed data are obtained by a
the variance and roughness of the image will be small, so R SMART SENSOR anemometer (AR-816) with an accuracy
can be used to represent the image roughness. of 0.1m/s (See Fig.3(a)). The measured values of wind speed
are between 0∼3.9m/s (weak wind). The horizontal length
III. EMPIRICAL DEPENDENCE OF SURFACE ROUGHNESS of the field of view is approximately 6 meters and the vertical
AND IMAGE ROUGHNESS width is about 5 meters. The aperture of the camera’s lens is
This section describes our experimental study of measuring F1.8 at 2.0× optical magnification.
surface roughness from images. In the experiments of roughness analysis of sea surface
by the six texture methods (See Fig.4), the values of image
texture roughness are extracted from sea surface images first.
An empirical relation of sea surface roughness and wind
Then relations between wind speeds (or sea surface rough-
speed at 10 meter height used here is from [22]:
ness) and image texture roughness are constructed by using
z0 = 0.15(u10 − 1.6)2 + 0.366 (33) Whisker charts based on the extracted data. The maximum
value of the upper whisker line is the point at which there are
where the unit of z0 is 10−4 m. 25% data points whose values lie above the maximum value.

46454 VOLUME 8, 2020

H. Pan et al.: Roughness Analysis of Sea Surface From Visible Images by Texture

FIGURE 3. (a) View of the vision equipment used for the experiment
(b) Original captured image.

TABLE 2. The fitting errors of six texture methods.

The minimum value of the lower whisker line is the point at

which there are 75% data points whose values lie above the
minimum value. The red solid point is the average value of
each set of data.
Fig.4 shows that the wind speed gradually increases with
the extracted values of image texture roughness. TABLE
2 shows that the fitting accuracies of ACF and FBMA meth-
ods are higher than the other four.

Four different types of noises with different parameters
are added to the sea surface image to evaluate the noise
suppression performances of six texture methods.
1. Gaussian noises
Different Gauss noises are added to the sea surface image
for algorithm comparisons. The noise mean values are all set
to 0 and variance δ values are 0, 0.02, 0.04, 0.06, 0.08, 0.10,
0.12, 0.14, 0.16 and 0.18 respectively. Examples of images
with different δ values of Gauss noises are shown in Fig.5(a).
The roughness values obtained by six texture methods can be
found in TABLE 3(a).
2. Impulse noises
Different impulse noises are added to the sea surface image
for the comparisons. The noise density D values are 0, 0.02,
0.04, 0.06, 0.08, 0.10, 0.12, 0.14, 0.16 and 0.18 respectively.
Examples of images with different D values of impulse noises
are shown in Fig.5(b) and the roughness values obtained by
six texture methods are listed in TABLE 3(b).
3. Random noises
For random noises, the added noise density D values are
also 0, 0.02, 0.04, 0.06, 0.08, 0.10, 0.12, 0.14, 0.16 and
0.18 respectively. Examples of images with different D values FIGURE 4. The relation schemas of six texture methods.
of random noises are shown in Fig.5(c) and TABLE 3(c)
shows the roughness values obtained by six texture methods.
4. Multiplicative noises 0.08, 0.10, 0.12, 0.14, 0.16 and 0.18 respectively. Examples of
Different multiplicative noises are also added to the sea images with different variance values of multiplicative noises
surface image for comparisons. The mean values of noise are shown in Fig.5(d), and the roughness values obtained by
are all set to 0 and variance values are 0, 0.02, 0.04, 0.06, six texture methods are listed in TABLE 3(d).

VOLUME 8, 2020 46455

H. Pan et al.: Roughness Analysis of Sea Surface From Visible Images by Texture

TABLE 3. The roughness values affected by four noises.

FIGURE 5. Images affected by four noises with different values. can seriously affect the marine ecosystem and cause social
and scientific concerns since they seriously effect fragile
Experimental results show that the roughness values marine and coastal ecosystem. The amount of pollutant dis-
changes with the change of noise parameters. The changes charges and associated effects on the marine environment
of roughness values in TABLE 3 and Fig. 6 show that the are important parameters in evaluating sea water quality. Oil
edge frequency method is less affected by noises and has good spills can easily be seen but it is difficult, even for an expert,
noise suppression ability. to specify the scope of oil spill at sea.
The six texture methods are examined in order to evaluate
C. OIL SPILL DETECTION their performance in surface oil film detection. Fig.7 con-
Oil is one of the major pollutants of the marine environ- tains two aerial images with several oil patches. Six regions
ment. It may be introduced in diverse ways, such as natural in Fig.7(a) and seven in Fig.7(b) are selected for analysis.
sources, offshore production, sea traffic, tanker accidents, In Fig.7(a), Part 4 and 5 are areas with oil and Parts 1, 2,
atmospheric deposition, river run off and dumping. Oil spills 3 and 6 are areas without oil. In Fig.7(b), Part 4, 5 and 6 are

46456 VOLUME 8, 2020

H. Pan et al.: Roughness Analysis of Sea Surface From Visible Images by Texture

TABLE 4. The roughness values of oil parts and no-oil parts.

very different. From the above it can be concluded that the

GLGCM, EF and GLCM methods have better performance
in oil spill detection than others.

We have established a new sea surface image analy-
sis technique for extracting sea surface roughness mea-
surements from visible images based on a novel concept
of sea surface random field can be represented by texture
features. The algorithms presented in this paper include
gray level co-occurrence matrix, gray level-gradient co-
occurrence matrix, Tamura texture feature, autocorrelation
function, edge frequency and fractional Brownian motion
autocorrelation approaches. All six texture feature measure-
ments constructed from sea surface images are effective. Our
experiments have demonstrated that they all have one-to-
one correspondence with sea surface roughness as shown by
the empirical relations between wind speeds (or sea surface
roughness) and image texture roughness we have found. Our
texture methods can analyze sea surface roughness from
visible images properly. The autocorrelation function and
fractional Brownian motion autocorrelation methods are bet-
ter in performed error analysis. The edge frequency method
performs well under perturbation test by adding four different
type noises. The gray level-gradient co-occurrence matrix,
edge frequency, and gray level cooccurrence matrix methods
have a better performance in oil spill detection. In future we
FIGURE 6. The calculated curves of image texture roughness affected by
four noises. will continue work toward reconstruction 3D sea surfaces and
transparent objects from 2D images.

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HAILANG PAN received the Ph.D. degree in XIN ZHANG received the Ph.D. degree in phys-
image processing and pattern recognition from ical oceanography from the Scripps Institution
Shanghai Jiao Tong University, in 2006. He joined of Oceanography, in 1992. He is currently an
NJUST, in 2007. He is currently an Associate Emeritus Researcher with the Scripps Institution
Professor with the School of Electronic and Opti- of Oceanography, University of California at San
cal Engineering, Nanjing University of Science Diego. After his postdoctoral position at Caltech,
and Technology (NJUST). He made many pro- he joined the Scripps Institution of Oceanogra-
gresses in the research of image analysis and 3D phy. His main research interests are in ocean sur-
reconstruction of human motion, meteorological face dynamics, experimental fluid mechanics, and
maps, and transparent objects. His research inter- image processing.
ests include computer vision, computer graphics, and image processing.

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