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Notes on Phen-Pro

I wanted to follow-up with you in regard to Phen-Pro. The following is a list of resources that lead to my
apprehension regarding this chosen course of treatment. In establishing a basis for conversation, please
understand that Phen-Pro is not an actual medication you can buy, but a patented course of treatment. (1)

 Dr. Anchors (inventor of the Phen-Pro method) claims that Phentermine is not “speed”, which is
chemically accurate. However, it is an amphetamine which can be habit forming and abused. Medically
however, amphetamines can be used to treat hyperactive children, narcolepsy, and as a short-term
appetite suppressant in dieting as in Phentermine.
 The Physician’s Desk Reference (PDR), the authoritative source of FDA-approved information on
prescription drugs warns against combining Phentermine with SSRI’s such as Prozac and Zoloft. (Big
red book at Peter’s house)
 5-HTP (5-Hydroxytryptophan) is a pre-cursor for the production of serotonin (5-HT). While advocates and
some studies show it may help promote weight loss. This has not been extensively studied. These are
individual opinions and testimonials that may or may not be supported by controlled clinical studies or
published scientific articles on 5-HTP. 5-HTP should not be taken with antidepressants, weight-control
drugs, other serotonin-modifying agents, or substances known to cause liver damage, because in these
cases 5-HTP may have excessive effects. People with liver disease may not be able to regulate 5-HTP
adequately and those suffering from autoimmune diseases such as scleroderma may be more sensitive
than others, to 5-HTP. (2)
 Dr. Anchors, “…find[s] it impossible as yet to provide a reliable, detailed understanding of how Prozac
extends the action of Phentermine.” (3) He is making an educated guess how it works.
 Possible side-effects include mania, schizophrenia, anxiety, seizures, symptomatic enlarged prostate,
severe hypertension , tachyarrhythmias, stage III or IV Cardiac Heart Failure (CHF) or litigious nature of the
patient. Preexisting heart valve disease is not a contraindication. (4)
 If you decide to pursue the Phen-Pro approach, note Dr. Anchor’s warning – “Note! Caffeine increases all
the side-effects of phen-pro without making it work better. Patients should switch to decaffeinated
coffee. The caffeine in soft drinks and tea is negligible. Only coffee matters.” (5)



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