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Title: Develop Industry Knowledge
Performance Objective: To consider the appropriate venue or site arrangement
Supplies: Bond Paper (A4)
Equipment: Computer, cellphone and internet connection
Steps and Procedures:
1. Enumerate different industry knowledge.
 Industry knowledge is the ability be familiarize with all the areas related to it.
 It is the knowledge and awareness we have about the event and its intricacies.
 We must be skilled in doing and using technologies and equipment as well as the
2. List the importance of industry knowledge.
 It is crucial to have this Industry knowledge for us to not have a room for mistake but
there are times that we cannot avoid it and the best service comes with failures and
experiences. This knowledge we have in industry can be accumulated through our
handling it personally. It is learning by experiences that we can give the best quality of
 Also, we cannot give what we do not have; our event will be chaotic without even the
knowledge of organizing, budgeting, planning and executing.
 We can become globally competent when we develop our industry knowledge.
 We will never be out of demand when we are knowledgeable and experienced enough.
3. Enumerate ways to increase your industry knowledge.
 Industry knowledge comes with experiences and the following are some ways we can
apply to increase our knowledge:
 First is research and data collecting. We must be familiarizing the event, people, and
facts in order to put something on the table of our clients.
 Second we must be open to communication because it is always the answer to
problems arising your way.
 Third, use the advantages you have in social media platforms to do marketing.
 Fourth, improve our learning through courses or seminars that can nurture us. Take
every opportunity of learning.
 Lastly, is the mantra of being teachable. Be open to criticisms in order to improve, listen
to mentors and also share your experiences and knowledge for you to develop as well as
you develop others.
4. Identify 6 ways to maintain and develop industry knowledge and skills.
The following are ways to maintain and develop industry knowledge and skills:
 First, use your professional/ social networks. You must have connections to suppliers,
other business and people in order to ask help and for you to be informed on areas you
do not know about.
 Second, subscribe to industry/trade magazines, blogs and newsletters. Being updated on
what is happening is important for us to be able to apply it to our plan. Reading articles,
blogs, and other papers will also help you knowledge about a thing because what is
written there are the experiences of others working in the same field.
 Third, is to ask your employer for support. We must have a support system because we
cannot work just by ourselves we need people to work hand in hand to have a better
 Fourth, undertake refresher course. Go to seminars, trainings, and course that will
further increase you and gain new skills.
 Fifth, Watch webinars and podcasts. Watching episodes of shared experiences will give
you the idea so you know what to do when you encountered the same instances.
 Sixth, is to enlist a mentor. It is important to seek advice from someone who is already
experienced and have expertise in this field. Asking question does not make you less of a
5. Identify the importance of soft skills in the industry such as:
5.1 communication- open communications is important in order for us to come up with
solutions and great ideas. Miscommunication often occurs in this industry and we know th result
of it so we must not avoid communicating to people in order for us to be able to create
something beautiful.
5.2 leadership- Leadership and followership come and in hand. You must not act like a boss but
be a leader that works and helps others. It is important to motivate, increase, and improve the
people around. It is not about us being the leader but about us being the worker.
5.3 problem –solving – Problems arises as abruptly and the ability to think and have this skill will
make us get through it and come up with a better plan.
5.4 teamwork- we cannot do it ourselves and teamwork makes a business successful because
everyone is different. That differences being orchestrated and put together will make the event
successful. We all have skills and multiple intelligences that when put together magic occurs.
5.5 creativity- this must not be left behind because we want especially our client that is
beautiful and enjoyable. It is not just about the designs but the activities and the programs and
the whole area of event managing. We always go for aesthetic and essential.
5.6 Adaptability –nothing is permanent, the ability to adapt immediately will bring you to places
of greatness and good relationships with others.
5.7 Time management- we must know our priority and time management is important for us to
attend on the right time and right place. Nothing beats a person who multi-task and do better at
his or her job.
5.8 Emotional intelligence- we are dealing with people. it is always part of the job to be
empathetic and considerate as well as compassionate especially to our staffs and workers. We
can also use these to all people involve in the event so the relationship we built will be strong.
5.9 Critical thinking- Critical thinking skills are important for us to be able to think rationally and
not just based on our emotions. we can express our thoughts and ideas in a better way in order
for good communication to happen.
6. Identify the importance hard skills in the industry such as:
6.1 data analysis- we are collecting data and facts that must be evaluated and analyzed. We
must have this skill in order to integrate them in the actual plan. We must be able to see
through it what is important, what needs to be top prioritize and other things to consider.
6.2 financial skills – Financial literacy is important because we are talking about the money of
our client. We must be wise in spending in order to meet all the needs in the events. Budgeting
is a great help.
6.3 typing speed- This is also important in order to save time and in order to give out the
information quickly. Flexibility and speed in working is important, tardiness and slow action have
no room for this kind of work.
6.4 computer skills- everything now can be done through computers. And, people we are
dealing with are no longer isolated so we must communicate also in the way others
communicate so we can never be out of trend.
6.5 technical skills- this is important because events have many technicalities especially to the
equipment we are using. Delay of the event often occurs because of technical problems or
difficulty. We must be skilled enough to fix it as soon as possible to save the event.
6.6 presentation skills- we are proposing to clients and we are selling ourselves so we must
present to the best of our ability because the decision of stakeholders are at risk in the way we
present ourselves and our project.
6.7 marketing skills- networking and marketing are important in order for us to reach people.
We must be able to apply it in different modes may it be through social media so we can spread
the words and make our names known. The ability to market our services will give us numbers
of clients.
6.8 management skills- Management is a skill that is important for we are not just talking about
people but we are talking about the process, equipment and all in all in an event. An event
can be a chaos or a success depending on our ability to handle circumstances. We cannot
blame the situation but we can blame how we manage it.
6.9 writing skills
- Communication comes in different ways and writing is one of it. The ability to use words,
comprehend and persuade others will really give the yes answer to others. It includes business
letter skills that we can use in writing different letters for our communication to business

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