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Teacher Cha; Charismatic, Humble and All for Goal

Being a teacher is being passionate. It takes time, effort, determination, consistency and love.
Being a teacher requires you to be a person of dignity, ethics, moral values and principles. Having this
kind of job is not always about blue skies, butterflies or even rainbows. And, it is not described as a job,
it is a passion, something you love doing. Being a teacher, your mind, soul and heart is into it. You are
entrusted to hone and mold the hands of these children whose future is inside of it. Working as a
teacher, you will always go back to the reason why you have started it and why you are doing it. It is a
purpose, a calling and a mission.

With this, I have never been so inspired of this person I know. She is one of the teachers that
have motivated me to be like them. She is someone you can look up to and someone who is really
passionate of what she is doing. You can see it in her works, in her craft, in her smile and in her life. It is
evident and you cannot doubt where her heart belongs. In her life, she is a dignified one, may it be
inside the classroom or outside. She brings honor to her profession and people respect her as a person
and as a professional. Inside the classroom, everything is inline, from the management, organization,
designs and facilities. She really applies a plan that is so systematic and creative. She teaches not just in
an ordinary way but in a way that students will be triggered to learn. The class she creates is something
you want to for you can enjoy it that even her coworkers enjoyed. Everything is aligned. She knows what
she is teaching. The questions are clearly answered. As evident to the pictures, this teacher is
resourceful and creative. She does not settle for less, she wants more because she believes that her
students deserve better and nothing beats teaching when there is fun learning. She creates and plans in
order to have a good result. She is innovative from the designs to selecting instruction and to facilitating
assessment. Her students as any other students are diverse and she embraces it. She teaches 40%
indigenous students and loves them so much. There is one picture showcasing her hugging all her
students one by one during the end of class for Christmas break. She gives them rewards and enough
punishment so everything is balance. She is compassionate. She also engages parents for the
betterment of their children. I have attended one of her class and it is really glowing. The atmosphere
there is so light and you can see the genuine of their smiles. She has also made her school proud as she
mentors students in competition inside and outside their school. She became a spokesperson, a writer,
journalist, photographer and videographer. Two of the competitions she has joined won in National
level. I can say that she is a successful teacher but she told me that she always want room for
improvement that is why she never stops. Learning never stops. Her passion for growth is overflowing
and evident.

She is more than just the pretty face with good posture but she is a modest, innovative, creative,
compassionate and passionate teacher I have ever known. She always falls in love with her profession.
She once said that she works with the eagerness of going for the best and not settle for less. A real goal-
oriented professional that have already proved herself but still keeps her feet on the ground and lifts
others to the best they can. A person who sees potential in others when no one sees it. She is a
professional teacher and she is the ever supporting cousin of mine, Ms. Cynthia P. Oňedo.

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