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OPENING PRAYER: Father, help me to discover the great potentials in me.

BIBLE PASSAGE: Matthew 20:25-28 KJV.

MEMORY VERSE: Matthew 23:11


Christian leadership can be described as ’knowing where God wants people to be and talking the
initiative to use God’s method to get them there in reliance on God’s power’. Every believer in Christ
must see himself/herself as a potential leader who carries the grace of God to to lead others in the
fulfilment of divine mandate (Heb.12-24).

This mandate or assignment is to propagate the gospel and mature believers in the faith who lives will
glorify God (Mark 16:15, Matthew 28:19. Christian leadership is aimed not so much at directing people
as it is at changing people. It is therefore, important to understand what Christian leadership entails and
how to harness the potentials in us a leaders in any capability. (1 Peter 5:1-4).


There are some essentials of Christian leadership which make it a little different from the leadership
theories and definitions of the modern world.

1. Calling: Christian leaders are usually called by God. There are quite a number of examples of leaders in
the bible who received genuine call from God e.g. Moses, Gideon, Perter, Paul, etc. Any believer can be
called for a specific purpose in God’s vineyard (Ex.3:10,14; Judge 6:12-14; Matt.4:18-19; John 21:15-17;

2. Character: This is serious the test of the real you from the inside. It refers to the set of moral qualities
that distinguish you from others. These qualities include honesty, courage, integrity, humility,
perseverance and decisiveness. (Prov.4:23).

3. Gifts/Potentials: These enhance the call and character of a leader in order to effectively achieve set
goals of leadership (Prov.18:16).

4. Knowledge and Skills: These are the corresponding complements to the calling, character and the
gifting/potentials of a would-be leader (Ex.18:19-24; Neh.4:9-17). Leadership competencies are
enhanced through knowledge and skills (Acts 22:3).

5. Commitment: A potential Christian leader must develop sense of responsibility and commitment to
impart lives positively. The concern should not be that of profit making (1 Peter 5:1-4).
6. The Power of Christ: The inner fuel, guide, and force at work through the Christian leader in achieving
eternal results is the very power of Christ which is characterised by a walk of faith and the leading of the
Holy Spirit (John 14:12; Rom.8:14; Col. 1:27; Phil. 2:13, 4:13).


There are certain things expected from Christians in preparation for leadership. These include:

1. Ability to follow Christ and inspire others to follow Him as well (1Cor.11:1).

2. Adopting the servant-leader model of leadership as exemplified by Christ. Christians should be

service-oriented, willing and ready to go or do as commanded (John 13:12-15).

3. Being charismatic: Good communication skill, ability to share visions with people and carry them
along as well as manage material resources (Hab.2:2; Neh.2:17-18; 4:15).

4. Being proactive and firm with decisions (1 Sam.25:14-19; Esther 4:16)

5. Having emotional intelligence: ability to manage emotions such as anger , anxiety, fear, excitement,
etc. (Eph. 4:26; Phil.4:6; 2 Tim.1:7).

6. Being a good role model: living an exemplary lifestyle (1 Tim. 4:12).

7. Manifesting the fruit of the spirit and other Christian virtues such as integrity, compassion, empathy,
confidentiality, etc. (Prov.11:3; Phil.4:8).

CONCLUSION: Those who will lead God’s people must be in addition exemplify sacrifice, devotion,
submission and lowliness.


State six essentials of Christian leadership.

What constitutes preparation for leadership?

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