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LIstening Comprehension
A n a l y z i n g P h o t o g r a p h s S


1 Assumptions the
These assumn
Tou may have to make assumnptions when you
listen to
You will deter
have to deter.

in the r u e . One statement

tions will be based on what you c a n infer be ttrue.
o r might
hear is t r u e be
will be
choice will
the cor.
mine which of the four s t a t e m e n t s you That choice
will m o s t likely
be true.
l be true o r

rect answer.

all seem true.

Problem The answer choices may
determine which
sentence and
Solution Listen carefully to the whole
one choice best matches the photo.
Analyzing Photographs / Target 1 21

These statements are true.

This is a laboratory. The people are wearing protective

There are bottles on the shelves. There are at least four people in the lab.

There is equipment on the counter. Wires run from the equipment.

These statements are probably true, but you cant tell for sure.
If you do not have
The people are lab technicians. They look like technicians, but they access to an audio
could be pharmacists. CD player, pléase
refer to the audio-
The people are srudents with a teacher. A teacher may be working uwith a class, scripts beginning on

or they may all be employees. page 575 when

prompted to listen
The technicians are doing experiments. They might be doing experiments, or to an audio

they might be producing some chemical passage.


Track Exercise For more practice,
look at the other
photos in this book
Part 1: Photographs
and try to make
Choose the statement that best describes what you see in the photo on page 20. assumptions about
what you see.

2 People
You mar have o identify the
people in photograph. YoI Imay idenify them
them by
iber ender, location, deseriion, activity, or

Problem he people may be incorrectly identified.

Solution Detemine the number,
gender, location, description, activity.
occupation ot the people as best you can.
Analyzing Photographs/ Target 2 23

Number There are four people in the photo. For more practice,
Gender There are wo men and rwo women in the photo. look at the other
Location: On the left, there are wo men. photos in this book
On the right, there are rwo women. and try to idenufy
the people you see
Description: One of the men is wearing glasses. in the photos.
Thewonman on the right is shorter than the other woman.
Acin iy The group is looking at a map.
One woman is poinung to the
All tour people are leaning on the table. STRATE6Y
Occupation: Their profession is unknown. They are looking at and discussing a
map. We can assume rthey are planners of some sort. Remember,
statements must be
completely true.
You may not be able to answer all questions. You may not know their occupation, Be careful about
for example. However, the more assumptions you can make, the easier it will be to statements that are

answer the questions. partly true, but not

totally true.
Analyze the photo
rack Exercise carefully. Pay
attention to the
Part 1: Photographs number, gender,
or occupation of

Choose the statement that best describes what you see in the photo on page 22. the people in the

Listening Comprehension

3 Things look at a photo, try to

to name
to idenifi shines in a photo. When you
ave know words, expressi
everything you see the TOEIC, you will
NOT have to
verything you see. On
For example, in the pho.
idioms that are specific to one particular occupation. oto
below, .you should know the general word "piano." You do not have to know the
bela the sn
"upright piano."
Problem YOu may not know the words needed to identify the things
in the photo.
Solution Use the context of the
photo to help you identify the things.
Analyzing Photographs / Target 3 25
Find the following items in the photo. Keep in mind the context of the photo: It is
a family scene, at home, in a living room or family room.

Words to Find
mother womann
painting wall
father parents plant door
son curtainsS sweateT door knob
daughter television toys skirt
boy video recorder (VCR) hair pants
girl Piano eyes TV stand
man sheet music carpet chair
CD 1 For more
Track Exercise vocabulary practice,
look at the other
Part 1: Photograph photos in this book
and try to name as
Choose the statement that best describes what you see in the photo on page 24. many things as
you can.
26 Listening Comprehension

4 Actions
look at a photo
U may have to identify the actions in a photo. When you ana.
lyze the time sequence of the actions. This will help you understand nd
happening nou what

Problem You may not understand what is happening in the photo.

Solution Use the context of the
photo to help you make assumptions
about what
happened before, during, and after the action.
Analyzing Photographs/ Target 4 27

Past: The workers removed the earth.
Present They are laying a pipe.
Future: They will cover the pipe with earth.

You know only what you see-the workers are laying a piece of pipe in a trench. Of
course, they must have dug the trench, but you didn't see it. You can only assume it.
They will probably cover the pipe with earth, but you won't see it. You can only
assume t .

The more assumptions you can make, the easier it will be for you to answer the
CD 1
Track Exercise For more practice,
look at the other
Part 1: Photographs photos in this book
and identify past,
Choose the statement that best describes what you see in the photo on page 26. present, and future
8 (Stenin Comorehens/O


5 General Locations
photograph. When Vou
detiy the geeral
location ot

car, a
You may have to

chies to
determine a
location. It you
Sce a

locatiOn is
ic, ssom
analyze the the an

Picturc, a5sume
in a photo, you computer
and a customer d e s k s With
and working at
epait shop. If y o u see m e n
full of clues to elp
hel you iden
assume the location is an
office. A photo is ify the
general location.

Problem You may not understand where the

action is taking place
Solution Use the context of the photograph to help you make assump
tions about the general location.

21 10:00 GUAM
10:00 NEW YOK JL951
25 12:20 LONDON JL6
11:00 ZALNL465
EA JL711
Analyzing Photographa Jarget 2

The following is a list of context ches in rhe photo. You may hear these words or For more practice,
look at the orher
variations ot these wonds in Part I. Pay attention-the words may dilfer on the
photos in this beok
actual test. and find the clues
that will help you
identify the general
Context Clues
Security oflicers
Security checkpoin1
Departure intormation Man with mobile phone
Gate sign Airline names
'eople with baggage Names of destinations
Porter with luggage cart Sign about X-ray
Security personnel Uniformed personnel
CD 1
Track Exercise
Use context clues to
Part 1: Photographs determine where

28. the action is taking

Choose the statement that best describes what you see in the photo on page
LIstening ComprehensiON
6 Specific Locations
ou may have to identifi the specitfic location of people and things in a pho

When you look at a photo, analyze the relationship of the people and thinoap

Problem The wrong preposition may be used to identity a

Solution Listen for the correct
Analyzing Photographs/ Target6 31

Prepositions and Phrases of Location For more practice,
above bencath far from ncar Over look at the other
across beside to the left of photos in this book
CXt to
and identify the
ardund berween in back of On to the right of specific location of
at by In front of On top of under each person or

below close to inside oUtside underncath thing. You should

also study the

CD1 section on
Track Exercise Prepositions in
Chapter 3, p. 185.
Part 1: Photographs
Choose the statement that best describes what you see in the photo on page 50.

Strategies for Analyzing Photographs
When you look at a photograph, analyze the people. Determine their number, gender, location,
and occupation.
Look for context dues in the photo.
Listen for the meaning of the whole sentence to detemine which choice best matches the photo.

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