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STI Colleges Lipa

Bachelor of Science in Tourism Management

Rizal’s Life and Works

Reinald Zach Ramos


Directions: Provide what is being asked in each item. Type in your answers here (3 items x 25 points).

1. Choose and define ONLY one (1) from the three (3) given terms, and state how it described Jose
Rizal’s life and works:
a. Nationalism
b. Patriotism
c. Volunteerism

Jose Rizal's life and work were idealistic that's why I chose patriotism. He was out to liberate his fellow
Fillpino from ignorance, exploitation, and discrimination. Jose Rizal's life and work definitely awakened
many Filipinos' eyes to what foreigners are truly doing or intending in our country. Rizal's life and work
became a channel of expression. Many Filipinos must have the fortitude to stand up for what they
believe in. He depicts people's experiences and pains via his works and writings, particularly his novels
Noli Me tangere and El Filibusterismo. That which he brought to light in order to awaken his countrymen
to long-unspoken facts.

2. Rizal’s ng ONLY one (1) out of the four (4) periods below to define popular nationalism, how will
you demonstrate it …
a. During the Spanish Occupation?
b. During the American Regime?
c. During the Japanese Period?
d. Today?

During the Spanish occupation, the Propagandists, who included upper-class Filipinos from all of the
lowland Christian districts, worked to “awaken the sleeping intellect of the Spaniard to the needs of our
country” and to foster a closer relationship between the two countries. The islands and the homeland
have an equal relationship. Illustration of the Philippines in the Cortes, or Spanish parliament; clergy
secularization; legalization of Spanish and Filipino equality; creation of a public establishment freelance
of the friars; abolition of the polo and vandala; assure of basic freedoms of expression and association;
and civil right for Filipinos and Spaniards to enter government service were among their specific goals.

3. In no more than five (5) sentences, justify whether the pre-colonial Philippines was a nation or

During the pre-colonial period, the Philippines was a nation or, as I like to call it, a time when indigenous
peoples engaged in healthy trade with a variety of cultures and economies in the region. This was
followed by a lengthy colonial period.

Rizal’s Life and Works

Periods of Spanish, American, and Japanese rule. The Filipinos had great civilization in the pre-colonial
era, and they had a very advanced society long before the Spanish arrived. And literacy was so high that
the pre-colonial Filipinos educated themselves so well that when the Spaniards arrived, they were
surprised to see that the Filipinos had a literacy rate higher than Madrid. This signifies that the Filipinos
have already governed territory and established themselves as a country.

Rizal’s Life and Works

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