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Module 11 - Multimedia Video Lesson Plan

Hannah Bowen

Grade Level : 1st grade

S1L1. Obtain, evaluate, and communicate information about the basic needs of plants and

● Develop models to identify the parts of a plant—root, stem, leaf, and flower.
● Ask questions to compare and contrast the basic needs of plants (air, water, light, and
nutrients) and animals (air, water, food, and shelter).
● Design a solution to ensure that a plant or animal has all of its needs met.

“Hermit Crab Hype Video” Idea

This video will be an introductory video to the upcoming week(s) lesson(s). The standard for this
lesson is in regards to the basic needs of plants and animals. The video will mention how this week we are
learning about the needs of plants, and the students need to find a plant to bring to class. The video will
also remind the students that next week we will talk about the needs of animals, and we will have a hermit
crab in the class for a week so that we can evaluate animal needs. It will encourage students to get excited
about the hermit crab coming to class so it will be called the hermit crab hype video.

Teacher Learning Goal :

The goal for this lesson is for the students to watch the video sometime between Friday & Monday when
they return to class. The students should watch the video between classes and be prepared for class the
following week. The video is intended to wrap up what the students learned in the previous week, and get
them excited for the content of the next week. In this video, I mention an assignment where the students
are supposed to pick a plant and bring it to class on Monday (ideally). On Monday, the students can
“show & tell” their plants and we can decipher as a class if the plant is indeed a plant, and evaluate the
plants characteristics. The video, most importantly, also mentions the hermit crab coming to class for a
week. Ideally the hermit crab would be in the classroom on Monday, and introduced to the students after
the plant presentations. The video is intended to get the students excited about the upcoming week, tell the
students about their assignment, and inform the parents of what is going on in the classroom as well.

Student Learning Goal :

After watching this video, the students should be reminded of things that we talked about in class in the
previous week, but the students should also be informed of things coming up in the upcoming week. The
students should know that they need to find a plant and bring it to class on Monday. They have the
freedom to decide what they think is a plant and when they return to the classroom we will discuss all of
the “plants” as a class. The video should also excite the students about the “special guest” coming to the
class. I even mentioned in the video that the guardians should have received an email from me with a
video about hermit crabs. If the students do not know what a hermit crab is, or have never seen one
before, then they have the opportunity to watch a video to give them a little more information. This also
includes the parents in the students' learning as they will receive both videos and have the ability to watch
them with their children. They will be able to be included in the information about what we have been
learning and what the students are about to learn. It can be a hype video for both the students and their

Ideal Schedule :

Week 1 : [ Monday - Friday ]

— Discuss the qualifications of plants. Students should be able to answer the question “what is a plant”
—- Discuss the living needs of plants. What do plants need to survive?
—-- Identify the parts of a plant. Working just with 2D images of plants.

Week 1 : Weekend [ Friday - Sunday ]

— Parents receive an email with access to 2 videos. The hermit crab hype video (created by Simpleshow)
& the hermit crab informational video (likely youtube).
— Students can take home an informational piece of paper with everything that the videos entail
—- Students can watch both videos as many times as they need to.
— Students should find a plant at home (indoor or outdoor) and bring it to class with them on Monday.

Week 2 : [ Monday ]
— Students will bring their plant to class with them
— Students will present their plants & we will discuss the characteristics of the plant and what the plant
needs to survive.
— Can use the “planta” app to classify the plants they bring via camera
—- Wrap up the learning about plants specifically.
— Introduce the students to the hermit crab & compare the hermit crab to the plants the students brought

Week 2 : [ Tuesday - Friday ]

— Students get to observe the hermit crab for the week and evaluate what animals need to survive
— Students get an up close perspective of a real hermit crab
— Students get to take care of the hermit crab this week (feed it, supervise it, etc)
— Students get to compare hermit crabs to other animals and those animals’ needs.

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