22 Copias-Orden de Adjetivos

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Order of adjetives.

When we want to describe nouns (things) we use adjectives, but if we want to use more than one
adjective, we have to bear in mind that they have a specific order.

Let’s look at this order.

Order Type of Meaning Examples

What you think about it. Silly, beautiful,
1 Opinion horrible.

How big or small Little, big, large,

2 Size something is. small.

How old or new something New, young old,

3 Age is. ancient.

Describes the shape of Round, square,

4 Shape something. triangular,

Describes the color of Red, white, purple,

5 Color something. orange.

Describes where something French, American,

6 Origin comes from Eastern, Greek.

Describes what the thing is Wooden, plastic,

7 Material made of. metal.

Describes what the thing is Fishing, hunting,

8 Purpose used for. Often using –ing hammering,
adjectives. sleeping.

Person/thing/idea that is Chair, John, the

9 The noun receiving the adjectives. house, etc.

Chose the right option

1 1-A tiny black insect

2-A black tiny insect

2 1-A wonderful Cuban beach

2-A Cuban Wonderful Beach

3 1-An exciting new job.

2-An job new exciting

4 1-A large round island.

2-A round large island.

5 1-Smooth pop music.

2-Pop smooth music.

6 1-A black big whale.

2-A big black whale.

7 1-A family old portrait.

2-An old family portrait.

8 1-A cotton blue sleeping bag.

2-A blue cotton sleeping bag

Put the adjectives in the correct order.

A-A black brand new 6 liter Ford Mustang.

B-A broken blue cheap old car.

C-An exciting new wonderful movie.

D-A Russian round small new bottle of vodka.

E-A grey small iron hammering tool.

F-A red round aluminum climbing gear.

G-A Greek red old ugly wine.

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