Access Device APIv1.0.2

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Device local service interface

Version 1 . 0 . 2

version time   description

1.0 .0 2020-02-17 LVZAINA This part is stripped from the device communication

protocol  2.2.0

1.0.1 2020-02-18 LVZAINA New overview chapter

1.0.2 2020-02-18 LVZAINA New  timestr  field in record interface






















Table of Contents
Device local service interface description........................................................................1
table of Contents...........................................................................................................................3
1. Browser access address............................................................................................4
2. The default login password.....................................................................................4
3. Record export...............................................................................................................4
Technology docking.........................................................................................................................5
Appendix 2.9 : Device local service interface description....................................5
1 , record interface...................................................................................................5
2 , Picture Interface.................................................................................................7
Appendix 1.8 : successfully pass the identification code.........................................8
Appendix 1.9 : access failure identification code.......................................................8

This function is faster and more convenient for local deployment, solves the
problems of difficult wiring and network environment, and is completely
independent of the platform function and does not affect each other.

1. Browser access address

http: // { device IP} : 10088 /

              Use the search tool to directly double-click the search result item.

2. The default login password

              The password is the same as the device interface entry setting interface,
which can be modified through the platform.
3. Record export

Click the button in the upper right corner of the interface to pop up the
time interval selection box :

              Click the export button, select the time interval, and export the
corresponding record.
Equipment default retention policy: keep the last record month,
retention 500M picture ( about 85 00 Ge);

Technology docking
              After opening the local service function, the client can obtain the
required data by accessing the device docking interface
address through HTTP-GET ;
Appendix 2.9 : Device local service interface


The device supports opening the local service interface through settings, and
the interface provides services to the outside through the http server .
If there is no special instructions, the character set is utf-8;

1 , record interface

Interface address :
              http: // { device IP} : 10088 / record
Output format :

Field list:
Field name Types of Explanation
i d Numerical value Personnel ID / Card Number
n ame String Name
t ype Numerical value Passage 1 = Success 0 = Failure
t ime String time
rt ype Numerical value When successfully identified, this field
represents the relay number
This field represents the record classification
when the failure flag
c ode Numerical value When successful identification, this field
represents the access success code
In the case of failure identification, this
field represents the pass failure identification
t emperature String Time string
Example query:
              http: // { device IP} : 10088 / record? sortby = time & order = desc & limit = 5
              GET request query field description table:
Field name Types of Explanation
sortby String Sort by field, only included in the field list
order String Ascending or descending order
limit Numerical value Limit number
                            Please read as appropriate, select the appropriate reading
frequency and time interval to avoid affecting the performance of the

2 , Picture Interface

Example query:
              http: // { device IP} : 10088 / static / { picture name }
              Passing success:
                            PASS_APPFACEU_{ device number }_{passage identification }_
{art ID / card }_{ capture time} .jpg
              Passing failure:
                            FAIL_APPFACEU_{equipment number}_{record
classification} _ {access failure indicator }_{person ID/card number }_
{ capture time} .jpg
              Strangers: (Strangers as a special passage failure situation, separate format)
                            UNKNOWN_APPFACEU_{devicenumber}_{passage identification }_{l
ocal unfamiliar person ID _{ capture time} .jpg

Appendix 1.8 : successfully pass the

identification code

value description
0x01 Reading head 1
0x02 Reading head 2
0x03 Reading head 3
0x04 Reading head 4
0x05 Reading head 5
0x06 Reading head 6
0x07 Reading head 7
0x08 Reading head 8
0x09 Keep
0x0A Face recognition
0x0B Visitor QR code to open the door
0x0C External device opens the door
0x0D Scan the code to open the door
0x0E Remote door opening
0x0F QR code reader
0x10 Password to open the door
0x11 Third-party platform opens
0x12 Bluetooth open the door
Appendix 1.9 : access failure identification code

>> Illegal swipe card & password to open the door ( record category = 0 )

Identification code: 0x00 unregistered
Identification code: 0x01 Time slot error
Identification code: 0x02 Permission error
Identification code: 0x03 Invalid validity
Identification code: 0x04 Exhausted
Identification code: 0x05 Card status error (lost report)
Identification code: 0x0 6 Wrong password
Identification code: 0x07 Wrong key
Identification code: 0x08 Protocol error
Identification code: 0x09 Card status error (blacklist)
Identification code: 0x0A Card status error (deleted)
Identification code: 0x0B Card status error ( UID card)
Identification code: 0x0C Dive card
Identification code: 0x0D wrong password
Identification code: 0x0E  
>> Two-dimensional code reading head opens the door ( record
classification = 1 )
Identification code: 0x00 Wrong key
Identification code: 0x01 wrong password
Identification code: 0x 02 Wrong version
Identification code: 0x 0 3 wrong format
Identification code: 0x 04 Expired
Identification code: 0x 05 Opening time error
Identification code: 0x 06 Exhausted
Identification code: 0x07 Repeat QR code
Identification code: 0x08 Permission error
Identification code: 0x09 QR code module reset
>> Biometric door open ( record classification = 2 )
Identification code: 0x00 Stranger face
Identification code: 0x01 Blacklist faces
Identification code: 0x02 Abnormal body temperature

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