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22CV1531 (EDNY) (LDH)(LB)

/s/ Ulysses T. Ware

Supp. Exhibit #9 to AIS Claim #15

The Office of Ulysses T. Ware

123 Linden Blvd.
Ste 9-L
Brooklyn, NY 11226
(718) 844-1260

April 20, 2022

Time of the essence

Damian Williams
Office of the United States Attorney
For the Southern District of New York
1 St. Andrews Plaza
New York, NY 10007

The April 20, 2022, Touhy Request of Ulysses T. Ware, No. 1.0

Re: Ware v. United States, 22cv1531 (LDH)(LB) (EDNY): the Government’s litigation position viz-
a-viz the outstanding Brady disclosure court orders, Dkt 1, Exhibit 2 (04cr1224) and Exhibit 3
(05cr1115), jointly, (the “Brady Court Orders”).

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Wednesday, April 20, 2022
Re: Ulysses T. Ware’s Touhy Request for USSG 5k perjury contracts, bogus and fabricated Rule
11 documents, letters, transcripts, travel records, and other evidence and materials in the
possession of the USAO.
Mr. Williams:
Ulysses T. Ware, the defendant in the below criminal proceedings in the District Court

(SDNY), hereby this 20th day of April 2022, pursuant to 28 C.F.R. 16.22(a), (c), makes this Touhy

demand and request, and consider this request and demand on the Office of the United States

Attorney (SDNY), (the “USAO”), regarding the proceedings in United States v. Ware, 04cr1224

(EDNY) and United States v. Ware, 05cr1115 (SDNY), (the “Moot Proceedings”).1

Mr. Ware makes this Touhy demand pursuant to United States ex rel. Touhy v. Ragen,

340 U.S. 462 (1951) and DOJ regulations 28 C.F.R. §§16.21 et seq. According to DOJ regulations

you, Mr. Williams, the current United States Attorney (SDNY), are the “proper official” designated

to respond and supply the requested information and records currently in the possession of the


Mr. Ware is “demand[ing]” the immediate—that is, forthwith, not later than 12:00 noon

on April 22, 2022, time of the essence, (1) disclosure of “all” USSG 5k, Rule 11, and cooperation

letters, records, faxes, emails, documents; and (2) pursuant to the written commands of the

The proceedings as a matter of law, ipso facto, are moot given the charging instruments, the purported
indictments, both failed, miserably to charge an “offense;” and accordingly, the USAO lacked 28 USC
547(1) and Article III standing to have filed the null and void ab initio fatally flawed instrument; and the
district courts, consequently lacked 18 USC 3231 subject matter jurisdiction to have adjudicated, and
entered any order or judgment therein the Moot Proceedings.

Page 2 of 15
Wednesday, April 20, 2022
Re: Ulysses T. Ware’s Touhy Request for USSG 5k perjury contracts, bogus and fabricated Rule
11 documents, letters, transcripts, travel records, and other evidence and materials in the
possession of the USAO.
Brady Court Orders, “all” actual innocent Brady exculpatory and impeachment materials in the

possession of the USAO or other governmental agency involved concerning:

1. Laura Taylor-Swain

2. Melisa Childs

3. John M. McEnany

4. Audrey Strauss,

5. Margaret M. Garnett,

6. Daniel Gitner,

7. Ruby Krajick,

8. Thomas J. McCarthy,

9. David Mulcahy,

10. Michael Fitzpatrick,

11. M. Regina Thomas,

12. Wendy L. Hagenau,

13. Joyce Bihary,

14. Coleman Ray Mullins,

15. Jeremy Jones,

16. Carlton Epps,

17. Myron Williams,

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Wednesday, April 20, 2022
Re: Ulysses T. Ware’s Touhy Request for USSG 5k perjury contracts, bogus and fabricated Rule
11 documents, letters, transcripts, travel records, and other evidence and materials in the
possession of the USAO.
18. Elrico Sadler,

19. Charles H. Jackson,

20. Ari Rabinowitz,

21. Kenneth A. Zitter,

22. Edward M. Grushko;

23. Alpha Capital, AG (Anstalt),

24. Stonestreet, L.P.,

25. Markham Holdings, Ltd,

26. Amro International, S.A.,

27. LH Financial Services,

28. Kelley Quinn,

29. David Makol,

30. Maria E. Font,

31. Edgardo Ramos,

32. LaShann DeArcy Hall,

33. Breon Peace,

34. Jeffrey B. Norris,

35. Spencer C. Barasch,

36. Damian Williams,

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Wednesday, April 20, 2022
Re: Ulysses T. Ware’s Touhy Request for USSG 5k perjury contracts, bogus and fabricated Rule
11 documents, letters, transcripts, travel records, and other evidence and materials in the
possession of the USAO.
37. Kilpatrick, Townsend, & Stockton, LLP (Dennis S. Meir, John W. Mills, III, J. Henry Walker,


38. Margaret H. Murphy,

39. John Horn

40. Sally Q. Yates,

41. Thomas W. Thrash, Jr.

42. The U.S. Marshals (NDGA, SDNY, EDNY)

43. The Bureau of Prisons,

44. The U.S. Probation Office,

45. and immediate disclosure of “all” communications, in whatever format, between

Alexander H. Southwell, the USAO, Jeffrey B. Norris, Joan E. McKown, Spencer Barasch,

Steve R. Peikin, the Securities and Exchange Commission, (“SEC”), and others within the

USAO, the SEC, and FBI concerning Ulysses T. Ware, the 02cv2219 (SDNY), 03-93031 (BC

NDGA), 03-0831 (D. NV), 04cr1224 (SDNY), and 05cr1115 (SDNY) proceedings;

46. “all” communications between the USAO and former District Judge William H. Pauley, III

(deceased), concerning Ulysses T. Ware, Jeremy Jones, the 02cv2219 (SDNY), 03-93031

(BC NDGA), 03-0831 (D. NV), 04cr1224 (SDNY), and 05cr1115 (SDNY) proceedings;

47. “all” communications between the USAO and former District Judge Robert W. Sweet

(deceased), concerning Ulysses T. Ware, the 02cv2219 (SDNY), 03-93031 (BC NDGA), 03-

0831 (D. NV), 04cr1224 (SDNY), and 05cr1115 (SDNY) proceedings;

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Wednesday, April 20, 2022
Re: Ulysses T. Ware’s Touhy Request for USSG 5k perjury contracts, bogus and fabricated Rule
11 documents, letters, transcripts, travel records, and other evidence and materials in the
possession of the USAO.
48. “all” communications between the USAO and former District Judge Leonard B. Sand

(deceased) concerning Ulysses T. Ware, the 02cv2219 (SDNY), 03-93031 (BC NDGA), 03-

0831 (D. NV), 04cr1224 (SDNY), and 05cr1115 (SDNY) proceedings;

49. “all” communications between the USAO and District Judge Kent J. Dawson concerning

Ulysses T. Ware, the 02cv2219 (SDNY), 03-93031 (BC NDGA), 03-0831 (D. NV), 04cr1224

(SDNY), and 05cr1115 (SDNY) proceedings;

50. “all” communications between the USAO and District Judge Thomas W. Thrash, Jr. (NDGA)

concerning Ulysses T. Ware, the 02cv2219 (SDNY), 03-93031 (BC NDGA), 03-0831 (D. NV),

04cr1224 (SDNY), and 05cr1115 (SDNY) proceedings;

51. “all” communications between the USAO and Marlon G. Kirton concerning Jeremy Jones,

the 02cv2219 (SDNY), 03-93031 (BC NDGA), 03-0831 (D. NV), 04cr1224 (SDNY), and

05cr1115 (SDNY) proceedings;

52. “all” communications between the USAO and the Atlanta, GA bankruptcy court

concerning Ulysses T. Ware, Alpha Capital, AG (Anstalt), the 02cv2219 (SDNY), 03-93031

(BC NDGA), 03-0831 (D. NV), 04cr1224 (SDNY), and 05cr1115 (SDNY) proceedings;

53. “all” communications between the USAO and the State Bar of Georgia concerning Ulysses

T. Ware, the 02cv2219 (SDNY), 03-93031 (BC NDGA), 03-0831 (D. NV), 04cr1224 (SDNY),

and 05cr1115 (SDNY) proceedings;

54. “all” communications between the USAO and the Atlanta, GA law firm Garland, Samuel,

& Loeb, P.C., and its agents, affiliates, lawyers, and partners concerning Ulysses T. Ware,

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Wednesday, April 20, 2022
Re: Ulysses T. Ware’s Touhy Request for USSG 5k perjury contracts, bogus and fabricated Rule
11 documents, letters, transcripts, travel records, and other evidence and materials in the
possession of the USAO.
the 02cv2219 (SDNY), 03-93031 (BC NDGA), 03-0831 (D. NV), 04cr1224 (SDNY), and

05cr1115 (SDNY) proceedings;

55. “all” communications between the USAO and Michael F. Bachner concerning Ulysses T.

Ware, the 02cv2219 (SDNY), 03-93031 (BC NDGA), 03-0831 (D. NV), 04cr1224 (SDNY), and

05cr1115 (SDNY) proceedings;

56. “all” communications between the USAO and Gary G. Becker concerning Ulysses T. Ware,

the 02cv2219 (SDNY), 03-93031 (BC NDGA), 03-0831 (D. NV), 04cr1224 (SDNY), and

05cr1115 (SDNY) proceedings;

57. “all” communications between the USAO and FBI analyst Maria A. Font concerning

government trial exhibits in 05cr1115 (SDNY) GX 92 and GX 93;

58. “all” communications between the USAO and former FBI special agent David Makol

concerning Ulysses T. Ware, the 02cv2219 (SDNY), 03-93031 (BC NDGA), 03-0831 (D. NV),

04cr1224 (SDNY), and 05cr1115 (SDNY) proceedings;

59. “all” grand jury materials of any witness that testified for the government concerning the

02cv2219 (SDNY), 03-93031 (BC NDGA), 03-0831 (D. NV), 04cr1224 (SDNY), and 05cr1115

(SDNY) proceedings;

60. “all” travel records and itineraries of Jeremy Jones, including all money paid, provided to

Jones for hotels, travel, meals, expenses, costs, and other expenditures;

61. “all” records of all debriefings and pre-trial and post-trial interviews and debriefings of

government witnesses Jeremy Jones, Ari Rabinowitz, Kenneth A. Zitter, Kelley Quinn,

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Wednesday, April 20, 2022
Re: Ulysses T. Ware’s Touhy Request for USSG 5k perjury contracts, bogus and fabricated Rule
11 documents, letters, transcripts, travel records, and other evidence and materials in the
possession of the USAO.
Carlton Epps, Myron Williams, Elrico Sadler, Charles H. Jackson, Jeffery B. Norris, and

Maria A. Font;

62. “all” communications between the USAO and the offices of Senator Charles Schumer

concerning Alpha Capital, AG (Anstalt), Ari Rabinowitz, LH Financial Services, Kenneth

A. Zitter, the 02cv2219 (SDNY), 03-93031 (BC NDGA), 03-0831 (D. NV), 04cr1224 (SDNY),

and 05cr1115 (SDNY) proceedings;

63. “all” communications after April 2007 between the USAO, Gibson, Dunn, & Crutcher, LLP

Alexander H. Southwell, and/or any person employed by or retained by Gibson, Dunn or

Alexander H. Southwell concerning Ulysses T. Ware, the 02cv2219 (SDNY), 03-93031 (BC

NDGA), 03-0831 (D. NV), 04cr1224 (SDNY), and 05cr1115 (SDNY) proceedings;

64. “all” communications between the USAO and District Judges Edgardo Ramos and Laura

Taylor-Swain concerning Ulysses T. Ware, the 02cv2219 (SDNY), 03-93031 (BC NDGA), 03-

0831 (D. NV), 04cr1224 (SDNY), and 05cr1115 (SDNY) proceedings;

65. “all” communications between the USAO and Magistrate Judge Michael H. Dolinger

concerning Jeremy Jones, Ulysses T. Ware, the 02cv2219 (SDNY), 03-93031 (BC NDGA),

03-0831 (D. NV), 04cr1224 (SDNY), and 05cr1115 (SDNY) proceedings;

66. “all” communications between the USAO and Magistrate Judge Andrew J. Peck

concerning Ulysses T. Ware, Jeremy Jones, the 02cv2219 (SDNY), 03-93031 (BC NDGA),

03-0831 (D. NV), 04cr1224 (SDNY), and 05cr1115 (SDNY) proceedings;

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Wednesday, April 20, 2022
Re: Ulysses T. Ware’s Touhy Request for USSG 5k perjury contracts, bogus and fabricated Rule
11 documents, letters, transcripts, travel records, and other evidence and materials in the
possession of the USAO.
67. And immediate disclosure of the Illegal Contracts, GX 1-4 and GX-5, government trial

exhibits fraudulently entered into evidence in United States v. Ware, 04cr1224 (SDNY).


Mr. Williams, you should know that the above requested information is covered within

the scope of the Brady Court Orders and DOJ regulations which you and the USAO have been

and are currently in civil contempt, and willful criminal contempt, 18 USC 401(3), for the

willful resistance and violation of the Brady Court Orders, a criminal offense.

Accordingly, Mr. Ware, is hereby this 20th day of April 2022, providing actual notice to

you, Damian Williams, and the USAO that Mr. Ware will move in the appropriate federal

court, forthwith, to enforce the Brady Court Orders and compel Damian Williams and the

USAO to immediately come into full and complete compliance with all Brady Court Orders

and DOJ regulations.


/s/ Ulysses T. Ware

Cc: Jeffrey R. Ragsdale

Breon Peace

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Wednesday, April 20, 2022
Re: Ulysses T. Ware’s Touhy Request for USSG 5k perjury contracts, bogus and fabricated Rule
11 documents, letters, transcripts, travel records, and other evidence and materials in the
possession of the USAO.
Nina C. Gupta
Edward T.M. Garland, Esq., Manibur S. Arora, Esq., the Garland, Samuel, & Loeb, P.C.
The State Bar of Georgia
The Bankruptcy Court (NDGA)
Marlon G. Kirton, Esq.

Enclosures: May 6, 2021, Touhy disclosure to Ronald L. Kuby

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Wednesday, April 20, 2022
Re: Ulysses T. Ware’s Touhy Request for USSG 5k perjury contracts, bogus and fabricated Rule
11 documents, letters, transcripts, travel records, and other evidence and materials in the
possession of the USAO.
Page 11 of 15
Wednesday, April 20, 2022
Re: Ulysses T. Ware’s Touhy Request for USSG 5k perjury contracts, bogus and fabricated Rule
11 documents, letters, transcripts, travel records, and other evidence and materials in the
possession of the USAO.
Page 12 of 15
Wednesday, April 20, 2022
Re: Ulysses T. Ware’s Touhy Request for USSG 5k perjury contracts, bogus and fabricated Rule
11 documents, letters, transcripts, travel records, and other evidence and materials in the
possession of the USAO.
Page 13 of 15
Wednesday, April 20, 2022
Re: Ulysses T. Ware’s Touhy Request for USSG 5k perjury contracts, bogus and fabricated Rule
11 documents, letters, transcripts, travel records, and other evidence and materials in the
possession of the USAO.
USAO’s (SDNY) May 6, 2021: re Touhy Disclosure to Ronald L. Kuby within one
(1) business day of receipt.

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Wednesday, April 20, 2022
Re: Ulysses T. Ware’s Touhy Request for USSG 5k perjury contracts, bogus and fabricated Rule
11 documents, letters, transcripts, travel records, and other evidence and materials in the
possession of the USAO.
End of

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Wednesday, April 20, 2022
Re: Ulysses T. Ware’s Touhy Request for USSG 5k perjury contracts, bogus and fabricated Rule
11 documents, letters, transcripts, travel records, and other evidence and materials in the
possession of the USAO.

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