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Managing Perfromances

IDP form for e-commerece sector (Flipkart and Amazon)


Activity Expectations 1 2 3 4 5
1. "Strong “Come up with a few
understanding of the tactics to deal with it."
talent pools of
multiple industries
and how to tie these
to the ecommerce
2. “Comprehensive "Hire these three to
plan in place for four candidates who
individual staffing, fit a specific
assortment, and description."
placement to ensure
that you pick expert
individuals who can
not only complete
the tasks expected of
them, but also fit
into the
3. "Investing in “Create new employee
training and development
development is strategies while
critical to attracting keeping the covid
and retaining good scenario in mind."
personnel who will
stay with your firm
for a long time. To
boost production and
morale, make sure
they're well-
equipped and
continue to learn."
4. “Each business has "Organizational
its own set of management policies,
guidelines for its both general and
employees. All specific."
employees must be
aware of and
understand these
policies, which can
be accomplished
through a new hire
exercise, an
guidebook, and
updates reflecting
any process or
5. “All workers "In the recent three
working in a months, all workers
corporation should who have left or
have their records joined the
kept up to date.” organisation should
have required
Some of the ways of managing the performance and filling the gaps.

For Amazon

1.) DACs (development assessment centres): “DACs must be developed to assist

people in assessing and developing their abilities. Within a three-month period, the
person must work on the capabilities that support both the organisational and
individual goals. Later, these competencies must be evaluated in order to evaluate an
employee's performance.”

2.) Individual Development Plan (IDP): “Following the DAC, an individual's

developmental goals in terms of learning and development experiences to advance to
the next professional stage are reflected in the individual development plan (IDP).
The idea is to list an individual's immediate and long-term professional goals in order
to improve present job performance.”

3.) Annual talent reviews: “A three-tier annual talent review process, conducted at the
unit, company, and Group levels, ensures a targeted approach to the implementation
of the IDP. The talks during the evaluation provide valuable insight into the career
and succession planning processes. Here, reports can be created in order to evaluate
the employee in the following ways:”
 “Employees should submit a report of one or more pages stating the 7 most
noteworthy accomplishments from the previous month as well as their 7
biggest primacies for the current month. Reports should be due on the 10th of
the month, and managers should react within next 6 days.”

For Flipkart

1.) Evaluate the qualifications and courses offered: “A skills gap can be spotted by
team leaders and managers from a mile away. They can train crucial members of the
team to close the gap. Expectations must be established. Some qualifications demand
a minimum of 100 hours of study time, as well as homework and tests. To succeed,
the employee must go all-in. Demonstrate them what they'll become out of it.”
2.) Create practise tasks: “A mini-challenge, or practise assignment, will help them get
through the goal's most challenging or demanding components. For example, the goal
can be to make 200 additional phone sales. Demotivation and overcoming rejection'
are one of the challenges. Preparation for patching the pothole:”
 “Prepare a list of "no" responses.”
 “Practice emotional distance.”
“They could follow another team member, read and explore online, watch
videocassettes, listen to podcasts, or take a short course to complete these mini-

3.) Organize knowledge-sharing sessions: “Schedule team meetings that are solely
focused on learning. There's a lot of knowledge to give because so many individuals
are working on honing their skills, shadowing, mentoring, and training. Encourage
them to ask questions at the end of the presentation. It is not a lecture, but rather an
opportunity for all to learn and grow. You may improve your company culture by
sharing your knowledge.”



“Performance management, as we all know, is the method of recognising and increasing

the human resource's performance in an organisation, while performance evaluation is the
process of evaluating the employee's performance. There are four steps to performance
management and appraisal. Job analysis, development of standards and measuring
methodologies, informal performance appraisal, and preparation for and conduct of
formal performance appraisal are only some of the tasks that must be completed. Despite
the fact that these two systems have numerous benefits for the firm, there are still
numerous issues.”
“E-commerce is one of the industries that continues to use these two methods. There were
some benefits when e-commerce used performance management and appraisal. The goal
orientation is the first advantage of performance management. Because it has offered
numerous daily products, the sector can lead to increased sales and profits. Another
example is performance management, which can increase the consistency of employee
pay. Employees will be satisfied with this approach since it eliminates bias and ensures
that they are treated equally in the workplace. The final benefit of performance
management is that it can help a company pinpoint performance issue.”

“The paybacks of performance appraisal, on the other hand, include career improvement.
It can assist the organisation in evolving their careers and achieving company objectives.
There is certification in second. It is a record of an employee's performance throughout
time. They can save these documents in the e-commerce sector in case they need to hunt
for another job in the future. The organisation is also given a warning when it comes to
performance appraisal. Managers can use this approach to identify problems and provide
solutions that will help them perform better.”

“When using performance management systems, there are several downsides. It will be
expensive and long. Because of the e-commerce industry's proclivity for more thorough
training and career growth for employees, it is necessary to train them. As a result, we
propose that the training charge be reduced and that effective training be provided at a
low cost to help employees enhance their skills and knowledge.”

“Whereas Personal bias is one of the drawbacks of performance appraisal. It will generate
some prejudice within the firm because the performance appraisal is based on a human
assessment, which cannot be rejected. The last is a negative relationship with the
dynamics of the workplace. This function will put a strain on the company's ability to
improve the quality of its goods and services. In conclusion, performance management
and appraisal have an impact on the structure and personal qualities of employees. We
should recommend it to be able to improve issues based on that problem. When all of the
issues are resolved, the organisation that uses these two systems can boost employee
performance and productivity.”

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