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The Watsco, Inc. it is the largest company which is known as the distributor of equipment
related to the air conditioning, the heating, and refrigeration etc. The company is serving
various customers as have the related parts and supplies or components and tools for the
HVAC/R industry. The company is in the United States and Watsco Company was founded
60 years ago. Albert H. Nahmad is the current CEO of the company and the earned revenue
about US$4.2 billion in 2016 (Dahlberg & Herald, 2017). The Watsco Inc is focused on the
digital transformations; the company has the efficient leaders, who are focused on the app
creations so that there could be benefits in the tech transformation project. The company is
seeking to transform so that there could be enhancement with the new applications in the
industry with technology (Dahlberg & Herald, 2017). The leaders in the company believe on
the innovation so that there could be the encouragement as the company is motivating the
stakeholders and employees so that they could focus on the new revenue streams. The
company in the technology platforms serves in the HVAC industry so that there could be the
increase in the Watsco’s sales and so that there could be competitive advantages from the
largest competitors.

Watsco Inc and cultural diversity

Watsco Inc in the organization faced the issues regarding diversity in the ethnic and cultural
differences of the workforce. One of my friends named Michael was an employee there, he
was an African American and was raised in South Africa, he faced communication barriers,
issues related to ethnic and cultural differences and issues related to gender discrimination
and generation gap there. Moreover, Watsco Inc is also focused on to encourage diversity so
that there could be the increase in the return on investment and so there could be innovation
in the company products and the services. However, they are hiring the people or employees
from the different background and the culture so that company could get relevant information
about the different people and markets and there could be the better understanding of the
HVAC industry.

Description of situation
My friend named Michael faced the issues regarding cultural diversity at the Watsco Inc.
however; he is an African American and was raised in South Africa. Cultural diversity could
be explained as the differences that could be there in the people of the organization and based
on the reasons people feel superior to others. There could cultural differences based on the
race, language, socioeconomic status, gender, ethnicity, ability, culture, sexual orientation
etc. Diversity in the organization could be explained as the change, communication, and
adaptability; however, there could changes in the organization employees due to this because
there is the diverse workforce in the company and the organizations also recognizes the need
for immediate action in order to get the effectiveness for the greater variety of solutions in the
industry. However, there could be differences in the country, region, city etc. there could be
the variety of groups in the organization based on the aspects related to diversity. Cultural
diversity can help the company to focus on the wide strategies for the higher productivity in
the company. However, their cultural diversity may result in discrimination and low morale.
Michael was also part of the diverse workforce in the company, where he focuses on the
community loyalty and focus on the aspects related to innovation.

Cultural diversity is important because it helps the company to improved employee

recruitment and retention and there could be effective in the business tasks, the business
partners or the companies able to retain talent so that there could be efficient in the creativity
and problem-solving. Companies are focused on the retention and productivity of the
employees through bringing the cultural diversity and through enhancing the communication
skills in the work environment (Gaudiano & Hunt, 2016). Companies are investing in
diversity with the focus on the talent management practices so that there could be
effectiveness and company could able to survive the continually challenges. Watsco Inc. is
also investing in the diversity and cultural differences practices so that there could be the
focus on interaction with different cultures. However, the company focuses on increased
productivity so that there could be the management of the new attitudes in the company and
so that employees could focus on the new language skills.

Explanation of problem
Michael faced the issues regarding cultural diversity and discrimination in the organization.
Focus on the matters of the cultural diversity, the organization can and the people could have
the unique perspective about it, Watsco Inc also focused on the unique and innovative
culture, so that there could be betterment, commitment in the organization and people from
the different background can bring the effectiveness in the tasks. A few months back,
Michael started a job as an HR consultant in the Watsco Inc. he faced issues regarding the
culture and communication barriers because the people who were at higher post feel as a
superior and knowledgeable person. Michael is African American and was from South Africa
so do not know much about the American culture, based on that some of the subordinates
were cooperative to him and some of them made his fun.

Moreover, Michael also faced the issues from the management as he was not involved in the
decision-making process because other subordinates think that he does not know anything
about the management, even he had work experience in management in an organization in
South Africa. Michel has to leave the company after four months because he was not
tolerated in the workplace. The company had the policies regarding the appropriate training
but he was not given the training because there was no acceptance and respect for him and
there were unfair prejudices among diversified which he had to face. There were dominant
cultural and the dominant genders in the organization; most of the people are Americans in
the company; they do not allow others to get involved with them and contribute in the
organizational matters. However, the supervisor and the head of a department were females,
so they involve only women in most of the matters. Watsco Inc. only focuses on the
innovative ways in order to attract the customers and increase the sales, the company is
focused on the diversity so that there could be effective ways, in order to improve the new
employees. However, he faced the conflicts related to the discrimination, prejudice as well as
the racism, and a lack of respect. There was conflict among employees in the company and
sometimes the situations there become violent. The situation for him turns explosive and
there was no diversity training was given to him. Michael faced the disrespect and
discrimination at the job performance because people there had the unfair prejudices
regarding the ethnicity, colors, and cultures. The company has some laws and regulation on
the diversity but management there not build acceptance, thus appropriate training needs to
be provided to the well-diversified employees. Watsco Inc. has the wide range of talents but
there is no focus on the problem-solving skills as Michael faced issues in the multicultural
group because the people in the department has the personal histories, people there have
authority based on the educational backgrounds. There is a workplace diversity, which is
based on the frustrations as Michael experienced issues in diverse environment, thus, it could
be predicted that there is no effective building and maintaining of the culture of inclusion .

Terminologies related to organisational process applicable in the given case are mentioned
below :

1. Ethnocultural Differences :- There were ethnocultural disparities in the company even

though there was no acceptance for the person's culture as well as the administration
seemed prideful or had unjust preconceptions, none accepted Michael at job, since
there was no respect between workers in a timely way. Nevertheless, a corporation
must concentrate on regulations and sufficient training to ensure that cultural
differences are accepted in a diverse manner.

2. Communication barriers :- Michael also encountered communication challenges as a

result of multiculturalism; because the firm was recruiting foreigners from various
backgrounds, Michael could not speak Good English; as a result, there had been a
language barrier in the business, and teammates were not cooperative to Michael. As
a result, Watsco, Inc. must prioritise effective interaction training so that they'll be
motivated to grow in the workplace.

3. Gender discrimination :- Michael also experienced challenges with discrimination

based on gender, which was both focused on multiculturalism and general diversity
concerns, since females in the workplace did not consider michael as something of a
junior. He thought that even at the firm, there was still a lack of concentration on a
few of the conventional sex roles, therefore there have been disagreements about
these concerns based on fair pay and chances. Furthermore, workers must perform
similarly so that there are no problems handling with gender stereotyping.

4. Generation gap :- There's also a generational difference inside the top management
because the company's cultural variety as a multinational corporation; Michael
experienced challenges as from senior employees since the sales employees did not
engage Michael with in business decision making  procedure. There had been
personnel in the organisation ranging from teens to elderly people; as a result, there'd
be significant generational gaps due to challenges with numerous generations; as a
result, the firm must focus on growth and construction of mutual trust.

5. Conflicts :- Watsco, Inc. has conflict-related concerns since there were disagreements
among the personnel in the firm. Administration is worried about prejudice, racism,
and discrimination, and yet no meaningful efforts are done to decrease confrontations.
There is indeed a lack of regard since Michael encountered problems in the workplace
because there was friction between colleagues. Furthermore, the organisation must
concentrate on components of diversity initiatives in a multicultural
office environment .

Summing It Up :- It is determined that Watsco, Inc. is a corporation that promotes

diversity; yet, the business needs to improve its awareness of other cultures by developing the
workplace environment increasingly adaptable. Furthermore, it is proposed to Watsco Inc.
that the corporation reassess its administrative methods in order to conduct a better
assessment of scenarios and provide better service to its workers. As a result, Watsco Inc.
must apply guidelines and restrictions depending on ethnic diversity in order to provide fair
treatment and procedures to its workers.

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