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Name: Sachith Deushan

Class: 8B

WALT- Write a 300-word story in the form of a diary entry. Your story will be called ‘The
Most Difficult Decision’.

Writing a Diary Entry

Use the five-story structure to write the diary entry.  

Start your diary entry with a date.
Write using the first person ‘I’ to relate thoughts and feelings.
Use informal and formal words.  
Use words and phrases to show the character’s feelings through their tone.
Include obstacles the main character faces  
Use language techniques to build suspense and how they do this.  
Use of different sentence types and other language features.  
Use correct spelling, capitalization and punctuation marks.
My target is…  Challenge: I have used varied sentence structures and punctuations
for effects.

What can I do to improve my writing next time? 


The Most Difficult Decision

Dear Diary, 25th May 2035

Today was a really outrageous day. I was running out of time and I needed to make
a choice before it sucks us all in and creates an extinction of life. I thought about it a
lot but still couldn't make a decision, mostly because it was a decision between life or

2 hours back… I was close to finding out the secret in opening black holes anywhere
and anytime to get to any place on earth. Who knows, we might even be able to go
to different planets or galaxies. I attached the device to my watch so it can be
portable and easier to use. I named it ‘BHO’, This was my whole life worth of
creation as I started making this since I was 8 and now, I'm 14.I was going to attach
the last piece to the puzzle but as soon as I was going to attach it, there was a knock
on my door. “Lunch is ready,” said mom. I thought why not have a break from all this
work and went down to eat lunch. That's when the catastrophe began.

When I banged the door, a glass of chillingly cold water spilled on my watch. I made
the watch water proof but I forgot to add a layer of protection to the microchip that
acted like a star, which glitched the black hole creator and opened a massive black
hole in my room. It started sucking everything around me and within seconds, my
whole room was gone. Not only one black hole but there were hundreds of black
holes opened all across the city, and it was also showing in the news.

“What is going on?” asked mom. I started explaining her on how the cold water
reacted with the protons and electrons which created a fusion and.... “In English
please Fowl,” said mom. “A cup of cold water spilled on the watch which disrupted
the system and led to the opening in these many black holes,” said fowl. Mom gave
that look which she always gives when she is upset or mad. At a stroke, there was a
flash in my light bulb, I dashed to my shed in the back yard and started wiring and
reversing the mechanics of my watch. I blasted the mother of all the black holes with
it. Houses, cars, animals and trees came shooting out of the black holes and all the
holes were finally closed. Not only that I saved the world, but I also saved his work.

My mom was very happy because he saved the world and also because I was the
first to find out how to open black holes. But my mom still had that disappointing mad
look on her face because half of our house was on top of our Neighbours car. I had
to do community clean-up work for the rest of the month, which was really hard and
boring but at the end of the day, it was all worth it.

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