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Name: Muhammad Iqbal Kholik

NIM: 210107006

Class: 2A

Task 1

1. Cohesive is act of forming a whole unit to linking it together.

2. Coherence is quality of being logical, consistent and able to be understood, in other word
coherence is being make sense
3. The exact relationship between cohesion and coherence is a matter of some contention.
Coherence means the connection of ideas at the idea level, and cohesion means the
connection of ideas at the sentence level. So, it’s same as idea but in different form.
4. moreover, however and consequently
5. By add discourse markers but not overloaded
6. On the other side, but, and
7. And, but, therefore, howover, finally, so
8. To tell the reader about the similar or the different between cohesive and coherence and tell
how to solve the unlinked sentence with discourse markers
9. To help reader when they make a text, they will know how to make that text make sense
and easy to understand.
10. Because it focus on how to make the text make sense, it’s not really care reader understood
or not

Task 2

Paragraph Very briefly, a text is cohesive if its elements are linked together, and Coherent if it
1 makes sense
Paragraph Each sentence is notionally linked to the one that precedes it, using both lexical and
2 grammatical means, but the text is ultimately senseless.
Paragraph The exact relationship between cohesion and coherence is a matter of some
3 contention.
Paragraph Nevertheless, a text which is poorly organized is not going to be made more
4 coherent simply by ‘peppering it’ with discourse markers.
Paragraph Louie rushed and got ready for work, but, when he went out the door, he saw the
5 snowstorm was very heavy
Paragraph A text may be coherent to you, but incoherent to me.

Task 3

1. We’ve done a great job on the grammar. _whereas_ listening, I’m afraid we still have
some work to do
2. _Regarding_ Americans tend to eat quickly and leave the table, Italians prefer to lin ger over
their food
3. The company will introduce three new models next spring. _as a result_, they expect
profit to rise considerably
4. He was excited to go to the movies. _however_, he knew that he needed to finish studying
for an important exam
5. She warned him repeatedly not to believe everything he said. _nevertheless_, he
continued believing him until he found out that he was a compulsive liar.
6. We need to consider every angle before we begin. _therefore_, we should speak with a
number of consultants on the m atter

Task 4

Discourse markers Fungtion

And Use too connect the idea
before and after that word
In 2016 Use to strengthen the idea by

Task 5

First, many schools Require two or more years of foreign language study for graduation.
Secondly, learning other languages helps us communicate with people from other countries. Also,
knowing a foreign language can lead to job opportunities. Finally, for many people, studying foreign
languages is fun! There are many reasons to learn a foreign language.

Discourse markers and the fungtion:

First: used to begin the topic of text

Secondly: used as an addition from the previous sentence

Also: used to support the previous sentence

Finally: used to conclude all of the previous idea

Task 6

1. I always work out in my home to get a healthy body. Nevertheless, i still smoking.
2. Our lecturer always remain us to shalawat everyday. As a result, it’s make us realize to
always remember to prophet Muhammad.
3. Regarding to how hard my friend study, it’s make me want to do the same
4. I think that i choose the appropriate decision whereas my friend tell me to think again.
5. He think that killing bad people it a wise decision. therefore people call him crazy.

My friend respons:

I think the way you put the discourse markers are so common, however you’ve try your best
on it. So i do respect it and i think that it’s good enough.

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