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Tema de control 2/ ASSIGNMENT 2

1. Turn into the passive voice:

a. We will allocate a sum of money for this purpose.
A sum of money … has been allocated for this purpose
b. We compile the budget annually.
The budget … has been drawn up
c. They say that the Treasury team has already prepared the budget.
It … 's been prepared by the Treasury team
d. Fortunately, the income covered the expenses last month.
Fortunately. the expenses … has been covered from last month
2 points
2. Insert an appropriate phrasal verb in each gap; choose from: knock off,
call off, put off, catch up with, hang up, go on, fill out, find out, hang on,
cut down on. USE THE RIGHT TENSE!
a. He is determined to hang on to his job.
b. Don’t put off what you have to do today, you will be too busy tomorrow.
c. I was on sick leave last week, I have to catch up with my team.
d. I need some time and an internet connection and I’ll find out the
information for you.
e. He go on working although the guests had arrived.
f. I’m afraid I have to hang up; there’s someone at the door.
g. After such a tiresome day, we call off work at five.
h. When we heard some you couldn’t attend it, we call off the meeting.
i. There’s a form to fill out when you apply for a mortgage.

j. We definitely went over budget last month; this month we have to cut
down on our household expenses.
3 points

3. Match the beginnings to the endings:

1. Production scheduling - H a) Detecting and correction
production mistakes
2. Production budget - F b) Optimizing production
processes by eliminating
3. Quality control- A c) Developing production
processes for new products
4. Production efficiency - B d) A method of production that
creates several items
together, at the same time in
a series of production steps
5. Product development - D e) Planning and controlling the
financial resources involved
in the production processes
6. Batch production - C f) an everyday low priced and
low risk product that requires
very little thought when
7. Just-in-time - G g) Forecasting and planning
production processes
8. FMCG - H h) a manufacturing strategy
wherein parts are produced
or delivered only as needed

4 points

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