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The Australian National University

National Institute of the Arts

School of Art

Visual Arts Graduate Program


Galen Chien-Chang Hsieh



Research into aspects of the presentation and documentation of an Australian city / culture
CODE LIGHT & MAGIC: A Virtual Canberran a body of studio work including both digital
and traditional generated still images, web design and multimedia. These postgraduate studies
take the form of two semesters of Photomedia studies and final digital works at the Canberra
School of Art Gallery from February 22 to March 1, 2002. The pieces in the exhibition are the
outcome of the studio practice project together with the report that documents the nature of
course of the study undertaken presents the outcome of my research.


Over the course of the year there have come to be many people to whom I owe a great deal
of thanks for so many reasons, especially to my supervisor, Denise Ferris. I think she is a real
superwoman that I never ever met in Australia. Another special thanks for my lovely parents
and my sister beside me in Canberra.

Deputy Director & Postgraduate Convenor: Nigel Lendon

Photomedia Workshop
Acting Head: Denise Ferris
Lecturer: Peter Fitzpatrick
Technical Officer: Jason O’Brien

IT Services
John Mills

Library Art
All of the staff


Abstract 2
Acknowledgements 3
Introduction 5
Working Program 6
The Challenge 7
Start of year / Semester Two 8
New Parts 9
Final Works 10
Method 14
Conclusion 18
Footnotes 19
Study Program 20
Curriculum Vitae 22
Bibliography 26
Project Art Works 31


This report discusses my studio practice with reference to my graduate project research
and what I have come to refer to as my graduate level professional practice. This refers to
several incredible opportunities offered by the Photomedia workshop during the year and my
involvement with them.

I have chosen to work with digital photography and multimedia as the best way for my
understanding of VIRTUAL. I am interested in what digital technology can do, but more in
how I can get it to work for me and express my thoughts that I have chosen to elucidate.

The idea to view Canberra through a foreigner’s eyes has been waiting for
many years to come true.

In the past years, there were many friends who asked of the year 1996-1999. We discussed a fantasy that
me to build a website to introduce Canberra to people could make this project come true. William visited
in Taiwan. Even through I come from Taiwan, I call Taiwan for many times and has many Asian clients.
Canberra home. I arrived in Canberra on 2 January His wife is Australian, Chinese, and Singaporean. The
1994. I have been home twice since I arrived, the plan was similar to this. We were trying to view each
last time on 25 June 1997. As a photography lover, other’s national capital city and set up an exhibition
I always travel around Canberra to take images. In in Australian and Taiwan. The plan was called off for
addition, I care about this city much more than reasons of sponsorship and family purposes. However,
my hometown, Taipei. I have taken 64 weeks to this fantasy stayed in my mind since that moment.
study English and Australian slang only. Ever since That was 1997. I enrolled the first multimedia unit
I arrived in Canberra, I started to do something that University of Canberra could offer. The project
that I called “more than a degree”. I am not only of New Media was to introduce any suburbs of
undertaking academic studies, I use most of my free Canberra. Students can choose any suburbs, at first
time for photography and understanding Canberra by taking images there. The following project is using
and Australia history. this photographic material to develop a CD-ROM.
It was the first time I had knowledge and developed
After the third year, I have the knowledge to educate skills of CD-ROM production and web design.
new students about the history of Canberra, political
activities, story of ANZAC biscuits and Australia In fact, I had many opportunities to create a website
festival. It does not matter which institute (I had like this one. However, I never have enough time
been studying the Certificate at the Canberra Institute to process this idea and further realise the project.
of Technology and ANUTECH, Bachelor at the The second time I planned a similar project was last
University of Canberra and Graduate Diploma at The July, when undertaking a Graduate Diploma at the
Australian National University), I always volunteer to Australian Centre for the Arts and Technology. I had
be an orientation week leader. only three months from taking images to build a
website and put it online. Therefore, I changed the
I do not know when I started to love this city. Then, topic soon after analysing that the project was not
I met William Hall, the ACT Portrait Photographer possible in the timeframe.


The Challenge
At the beginning of this project is the and urban images than any others. This
aim to introduce Canberra to Taiwan and decision to concentrate on events and people
introduce Taipei to Australia. This had been was been made sometime in April after a
discussed with the graduate panel during the postgraduate students group meeting. The
Master course interview. After a few months urban shoots without feature landmark as
processing, I found it was hard for me to Parliament House or National Museum of
do role-play and as foreigner watch
my hometown. Alternatively, to take
images and travel between Taiwan
and Australia it is easy to lose focus.
In addition, the timeframe and
budget are majority issues. Therefore,
in May I decided not to include
Taipei and Canberra’s surrounding
regions. The other big change is
to move focus from landscape and
the urban environment to people.
I accepted this challenge by my
supervisor Denise Ferris. The
original plan in Canberra region that
I would like to introduce to Taiwan is more Australia are no different as any parts of
landscape and urban aspect than people of Australia. An image that had been taken in
Canberra. The reason to choose landscape or a farm in Cooma can pretend and look like
urban it was my favourite part of photography. somewhere in Canberra.
I have been interested in photography since
I finished year six. I have this habit from
my father. The year is marked 1980. Ever
since that time, I took more landscape

Start of Year with different angles. When the target cannot
I attended many festivals in Canberra after move, I should move camera target different
I arrived in 1994. I have to admit that I images.
had not concentrated on any public events
since 1996. The Centenary of Federation I then went to the Australian Institute
in Canberra brought a great opportunity to of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander
see how Australian celebrates the national Studies (AIATSIS) building official opening
birthday. Additionally, because of this 100 ceremony. I was using digital camera to shoot
years celebration, all events were bigger than close images and a new 75-300mm lens to
ever before. take Aboriginal cultural performances images.
I am trying to take same goal with many
I processed information and took images from different angles.
the beginning. As an active person, I always
go out with one of cameras on stand-by in my There were two family groups on both sides
bag. You never know what is going on when when I was taking images at Aboriginal
you leave home, the ‘street photography’ genre dancing performances. I was moving my
requires constant searching for images. The body all the time to track kids movements
summer and autumn in Canberra were very changing places perspective. It was essential
busy. I attended many large public events and to get a different view. The photographs I
performances during the time. took were no longer close-up portraits. The
image zoomed and out to include certain
Semester Two kids’ relating and the prouder context of the
The review with postgraduate convenor Nigel situation.
Lendon and supervisor Denise Ferris at the
first time in half year helped me to consider I had my third review in early October. The
my work in progress. Furthermore, as the result was positive with my new series in
course I do is a Master degree in one year, sets. I was beginning to develop a formal
the topic should not be too wide or collect strategy for my images, to see how I may
too many sub-topics. I was always planning to connect them to communicate more fully
do a huge project in a short time. The result place and time. I used these new skills to
really turned me to very negative way. I have record “Tracking Kultja”, the first inaugural
been recommend by postgraduate convenor National Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander
to track a kid to capture a series of images cultural Festival and the United Nation Day.

New Parts
At the same time, I was trying to find
suitable interface to fit into this project. The
Director style of interactive multimedia had
been showing many times during group session
for postgraduate students. This project is more
concerned about ‘photography’ rather than
‘web graphics’. Therefore, I changed focus on
Australia Photographer online.

Obversely, nearly 99% websites are

commercial. These commercial websites are
selling images or business promotion.
There are limited websites done by students’ out from this project. There are two fonts
project or none commercial purposes. be used on website, CD-ROM and report to
keep them in series.
The right-top image is the most popular web
interfaces online; about two third websites I
visited used frame design. The other popular
icon of online photography is using ‘camera’
on the front page. It makes browser to
think direct to either ‘camera’ or ‘photography’

The other interesting point of web design is

using ‘dark colour’ background. The research
found nearly all sites are using black colour,
even it is showing ‘black + white’ photograph
as the left image.

I finally decided the project interface would

have many space and white background. My
favourite web graphics in typography is moved

The final artworks is creating to an interactive virtual
reality CD-ROM with QTVR movie format.

The idea of contents page is copied from
“SmithKline Beecham International Hepatits
B and Liver Cancer promotion campaign”.
The SB campaign is using “Immigration
Australia stamp” to warn travellers’. I used
the idea of stamp to complex with ACT
Reference map and features graphics that
related with this project.

The right image is final artwork. The stamps

are scanned from my own passport on
purpose. The right-hand side dated “2 JAN The area 145 on map is covered most CBD
1994” was when I first arrived Australia. The suburbs, Capital Hill and surrounding area.
left-hand side is the third time I travelled The letter ‘A to R’ comes from horizontal
overseas from Sydney Airport. The top one is sides; number ‘1 to 20’ comes from vertical
the arrive date, the bottom one is departure sides of map to guide users. For example,
date. The graphics on the left-top side is the “145-BCD-11” is where National Museum
an Internet cable that illustrated this “web of Australia located. The “145-D-6” is meant
project”. The bottom graphics is Australia’s ANU that provide link to index/welcome
power cable with code bar that started page. The reason to use this guiding system is
with “9 3”. This number is arranged by to imagine events in locations, giving context.
international authority to represent Australia These guiding numbers are adding rollover
products code bar. effectives to show users where they will
see. When mouse moved to “145-NPQ-56”,
The map guiding system is using digital it would taking users to Australian War
numbers plus English letters that come from Memorial (AWM).
the reference map on ACT Yellow Page.

Top image: there are ten movies from several
events at the Australian War Memorial
(AWM). Each movie is showing limited
part rather than whole thing to make users
to discover all the hidden parts of the
ceremony. The interface of each movie is same.
The movie (as the right-hand screen capture
images)is in the central and titled with the
event occurring there. The blue bar offers one
option - the ‘<<<’ arrow will take back to
AWM contents page.

The feedback from assessment on 5 Dec 2001

shows the most successful part of project
is QuickTime Virtual Reality. This interface
suits the project ‘A Virtual Canberra’. The
traditional photography is flat artwork, even
on fast growing Internet industry it is still 2D.
I do think that portraits and snapshots images
are better to view on the desktop. However,
landscape and panoramic images are better to
display on 3D.

The purposes to create QuickTime Virtual
Reality at the beginning are:
§ Trying to simulate fields of events that
§ To display timing movement of
particular targets
§ To simulate ‘fish-eye’ lens effectives in
digital darkroom

The feedback from the panel of assessment

and most friends are:
§ About two third of viewers interested
in QTVR more than panoramic
collage images (2D flat).
§ The moving closer, twisting, up and
down effectives that QTVR offered
are interactive they could make the
final exhibition attract particularly
with sound.
§ The QTVR allows the viewer to feel
immersed in the activity, it have a
sense of being “in” the action, inside
the sense.

To add music on QTVR movie needs to

through Director to produce. This method
had been tested successfully. There are three
ways to get royal-free music resource database.
§ To make sound effectives through
SoundEditor 16
§ To record music/audio from other
public events
§ To use royal-free music resources


The methods used for creating the work very quick reactions and excellent focusing
outlined in this report were largely digital skills.
artworks. The equipment used included PC
and MAC computers, digital still camera, Photo Equipment
35mm SLR cameras, negative scanner, flat The advantage of the digital still camera is
scanner and various digital printers. The that allows review screen to let the user to
software used for creating and manipulating check competition. Moreover, if anything is
images is known as image manipulation wrong with the image, the user can simply
software. It allows the user to combine a delete and take another image. This option
number of photographic images into one. The a traditional film camera cannot provide.
software also allows the user to create surfaces The most disadvantage point is this high
and provide textural and lighting qualities price product cannot satisfy professional
for them. To produce a number of artworks photographers. The digital camera that I
I photographed people in public events, and have is a Kodak DC4800. This model has
manipulated them using this software. The 28-84mm zoom lens and 3.1 mega-pixels
artworks printed on different materials: photo resolution. The shape of camera is similar
glossy paper, and screen displaying based to a 35mm SLR camera with changeable
exhibition. lens aperture and shutter speeds. Hitherto,
I found traditional negative and positive
This project is focusing on People of Canberra films are offering better lighting and colour
in public events. The photographs capture temperature than digital camera. Eventually,
events and people in observation. The however, I did research a strategy to use
opportune time and location for many people digital camera to match Nikon F50 to capture
to get together is during the events named as best images.
the “Celebrate the Centenary of Federation”.
To be an unseen observer recording people at I put either 70-210mm or 75-300mm zoom
an event is difficult. I need all the skills for lenses with F50 and carry the digital camera
portraiture like compositional awareness and on my shoulder. It is offers me the focal
an understanding of lighting but also need distance from 28mm to 300mm. Therefore, I

can always get close-up images using a digital the horrible download time, they also had to
camera and long-range images using F50. visit another site, grab the plug-in, and often
refresh their browsers before they could do or
The films used are Kodak Elite Chrome 100 see anything. Therefore, the final format of
and E100 VS Ektachrome colour slide that to this website is using universal code, HTML.
record maximise detail. I had been thinking The plug-ins is reduced to two formats,
for a long time whether to buy a digital still Shockwave and QuickTime. These two are
camera. The advantage of a digital camera most popular plug-ins at this stage. The
is the image review and the save time in QuickTime is one standard application that
developing, printing and scanning. included in Mac operation system. The Mac
computer will used for exhibition. There are
Web Design & Multimedia very limited number of pages will need to use
The method to create screen display as website Shockwave player.
and CD-ROM had been tested many times There are three steps to develop photography
with many different software applications. The based multimedia website. Firstly, place final
majority concern is to build a user-friendly image files to Adobe Illustrator 9 to add
environment. It is not a commercial website. graphics. To use Illustrator not Photoshop by
Therefore, I do not need to make a marketing majority reason of bitmap image format that
campaign to attract a generation group. I have Illustrator using. Bitmap images are made up
to put forward this artwork should suitable for of pixels, which are tiny squares that combine
all ages and generation of Internet users. like the tiles of a mosaic to create an image.
An example of a bitmap image is a scan of
Since cutting-edge web multimedia had been a colour photograph. In addition to vector
created for all these different technologies, drawing and editing tools, Illustrator 9 offers
users have paid the price. Every time users a wide range of tools for manipulating
stumbled across a new multimedia format, bitmap images. The effectives are very
more likely than not, they had to download different to compare with Photoshop 6. (Insert
a new plug-in to see the thing. Consequently, Screenshots samples) Secondly, to export finish
not only did they have to suffer through artworks to Macromedia Fireworks 4 for slice


managing. The slice tool can divide a source comes with the Kodak DC4800 digital still
image into functional areas. When the image camera package. This software application
be exported as a web page, each slice is can make perfect Panorama images by
saved as an independent file that contains its clicking some buttons. The problems of
own settings, colour palette, links, rollover lighting, colour, space and unsuccessful
effectives, and animation. It can use slices combinations will be fixed through
to achieve faster download speeds. (Insert Photoshop.
Screenshots samples)Thirdly, the slice arranged
web pages are re-editing in Macromedia QuickTime Virtual Reality
Dreamweaver UltraDev 4 for final layout. The ArcSoft Panorama Maker 2000 can
After that, the final HTML files will test on make both panorama images and QuickTime
both Internet Explorer and Netscape Navigator Virtual Reality (QTVR) at the same time.
under Windows and Mac operation systems. The QTVR supports 360-degree views called
panoramic movies, as well as object movies
Panorama Collage Images that allow users to view an object from all
The second section of work detailed in this sides. Both objects and panoramas can be
report is a series of images in Panorama. The fully interactive, with zooming, animation,
images are intricate to make into a large size and hot spots linked to other multimedia
horizontal image. These images are chosen objects.
by reason of the same groups, same location
or similar background. The effectiveness of Finished QTVR movies can be viewed on
these images is the presenting option of computers running Mac OS or Windows
multicultural society, family and community, software through the QuickTime Plug-in for
different generation, Aboriginal culture and web browsers or any application that can
the move to reconciliation. play standard QuickTime movies. The
QuickTime Plug-in for web browsers makes
The Panorama images are produced through QTVR movies exciting additions to
the ArcSoft Panorama Maker 2000. That educational, entertainment, and commercial
web sites. QTVR Authoring Studio is also ideal

for producing large, complex interactive experiences for CD-ROMs.
The following is a list of software application for the manipulative images and screen exhibit
§ Digital Darkroom / Photography: Adobe Photoshop 6.0 with KPT 3.2 / 6.0
§ Computer Graphics: Adobe Illustrator 9.0
§ Web Design: Macromedia Fireworks 4.0 / Macromedia Dreamweaver UltraDev 4.0
§ Web Animation: Macromedia Flash 5.0
§ Interactive Multimedia: Macromedia Director 8.0
§ Panorama & QTVR: ArcSoft Panorama Maker 2000
§ Image Format Convert: ACDSee 3.0
§ Report Layout: QuarkXPress 4.0 / Adobe InDesign 1.0
§ Computer Audio: Macromedia SoundEditor 16 (Mac) / MusicMatch Jukebox (PC) /
Shuffler Music Converter (PC)



This project is a sample of how art to production methods to find a special way to perform
occupy technology. I am interested in what this project. Concerned about how much time and
digital technology can do as well as how amount to invest this project, the digital photography
technology can support art project. On the (art) is not necessary cheaper than traditional means.
other hand, this project focused on However, the exhibition work that I presented in
multicultural movements and Aboriginal 3D on screen cannot be done using traditional
culture in the Australia national capital. Every photography.
photo I took is a reaction to an entirely
different culture and society based on my New forms of creative arts provide new forms
education, society, custom, culture background of communication. Hypothetical shifts require a
and life experiences. rethinking of traditional definitions. This project
searched for an approach to converse on two areas.
During the academic period I have produced The possible outcomes with multimedia and digital
the “Code Light & Magic: A Virtual photography and what I can make with these
Canberra” project. This project has undergone technologies to present my ideas. As I mentioned, I
some difficult times. The artwork I have have had many probabilities to develop similar project
submitted has been reduced from three parts in early stage. However, time is always an important
to one part – A series of QuickTime Virtual issue that many people may not think about. If I
Reality (QTVR) in people contents. The could develop it when I had the idea in 1997, it
outcome is changed from a website to would be a classical black and white photography.
CD-ROM production. When I planned to The technology is update from time to time. As an
produce QTVR on my early proposal it was e-generation person I am always learning software
a high-risk project - because of my poor applications without the manuals in a short time and
knowledge and no skills. I had no idea about picking up features from many different applications
how to make it happen. Moreover, the School to get best result. However I need time to be educated
of Arts and the whole university does not have and self-trained.
this application that I could use for free. A flat
image is a noun. In the QTVR environment The year of 2001 is an election year in Australia, a
images are no longer nouns but verbs. The celebration year for the Centenary of Federation and
panoramic movies are dealing with a simulated a new landmark launched in Canberra – the National
field of events, which can view in 360-degree, Museum of Australia. Those opportunities polished
zooming in and out. this project to a new interface. The supervisors I met
brought me new ideas about Australian and art. If
During the academic period I had taken I missed these opportunities, I would not have spirit
photos in public events. I had to investigate the to wait for next the celebration for the Centenary of
digital photography and interactive multimedia Federation



1. Page 9, top image, screen capture at

2. Page 9, bottom image, screen capture at
3. Page 12 - SmithKline Beecham International Advertising, RALPH, December 2000,
ACP, Australia, p168
4. Page 12 – Map 145, Big Colour Pages, Canberra version 2001
5. Page 14 – ACT Reference Map, Big Colour Pages, Canberra version 2001

The Project 292 Division, Army, National Military Services,
Code Light & Magic: A Virtual Taiwan, 1991-1993.
Studying Program

This interactive multimedia web The goal of this project is aimed to focus
project is a view of Canberra on the People of Canberra and certain events
through a foreigner’s eyes. The in I planned to take images at all public
title of project “Code Light & events including multicultural, Aboriginal
Magic” is a combination three culture and the celebration of the Centenary
features to create this website. The of Federation. Additionally, some sub-topics
CODE means the foundation of are targeting people contents in generation,
the website as Hyper Text Media regions and occupations.
Language (HTML). The LIGHT
refers to cameras that using optical It is interesting to show the relationship
technology to develop images. The between kids with parents, grandparents
MAGIC is a fantasy that created and other mature relatives. To stand as
by software applications. The code an outsider, there are some topics as to
name of project 292 is comes from how parents treat children at public events.
the number of the division, in This appears at odds with Taiwanese social
which I did service for two years. behaviours, customs, education, religions,
I was a radioman in the 292nd races and life methods. Those points are at

the heart of this project and make the ultimate images to install for graduating exhibition.
power of images have a cultural meaning. Some images will selected to make a B5 size
(or less) photography book.
Process of the Project
This project will include two parts: The Source of Software
§ Virtual Performance There is several powerful software applications
§ Exhibition installation will be used to create this unique project.
Applications are including Photoshop,
Virtual Performance Illustrator, Director, Dreamweaver and
This part will through a data projector to Fireworks. It may use SoundEditor 16, Flash
present finished artworks with web project and 3D modelling developing software
on the wall. The artworks will include still packages.
photography in multimedia format, panoramic
collage images and QuickTime Virtual Reality In Conclusion
(QTVR) movies. The first two parts are 2D This project will illustrate my viewing of People
flat images and 3D movies in QuickTime of Canberra in public events to perform the
format. different between a foreigner and local region.
Exhibition Installation
There is several Panoramic Collage images will
through colour laser printer to make large size

Curriculum Vitae

Galen C. Hsieh
Born in Roster year & Scorpion month
17 November 1969 at Taipei / Taiwan
Arrived Canberra on 2 January 1994

2001 Certificate IV in Assessment & Workplace Training (BSZ40198)
Vocational Education & Training Dept., ANUTECH (Registered Training Organisation No.
88020 with Australian National Training Authority)

2001-2001 Candidate for Master of visual Arts

School of Arts, National Institute of The Arts, The Australian National University

2000 Graduate Diploma in Electronic Arts (Interactive Multimedia)

Australian Centre for the Arts and Technology, National Institute of The Arts,
The Australian National University

1996-1999 Bachelor of Graphic Design

University of Canberra

1986-1991 Diploma in Mechanical Engineering

Szi-Hai College of Technology, Taiwan

Curriculum Vitae

FIRST 1999 Cover Image (black + white photography)
New writing by the students of the University of Canberra
Compaq International Advertising Award Competition 1999
Supporting Team in Web design & IT Assistant
Faculty of Communication, University of Canberra

Group Exhibition
§ 2000 CSIRO Discovery Centre, ACAT Performance Night, Multimedia
§ 1999 Checkout, University of Canberra Graphic Design Graduating Exhibition
§ 1998 Art Show, University of Canberra, Black & White Photography

Professional Conference & Seminar

§ 2001 IdN Fresh Conference, Sydney
§ 2000 New Media World, Sydney & AGIdeas (Australia Graphic International design
conference), Melbourne
§ 1999 AGIdeas, Melbourne
§ 1997 New Media World, Sydney
§ 1996 AGIdeas, Melbourne

Work Experience
Freelance Graphic Designer since 1996
Freelance Web Designer since 1998
Freelance CD-ROM developer since 2000

August – November 1997

Chief Editor, Mercury Journal (3rd edition)
University of Canberra Overseas Students' Organisation, University of Canberra

Curriculum Vitae

23 November 1998 - 12 February 1999 Web Designer

Taipei Economic and Cultural Office in Canberra, Australia

February - November 1998 Graphic Editor Curio Journal

University of Canberra Students' Association (UCSA), University of Canberra

1991 – 1993 Signal Officer (Corporal)

Army, National Military Services, Taiwan

1991 Assistant Editor Newsletter at Szi-Hai College of Technology

1990 Chief Editor (10th edition) Mechanical Engineering Students’ Association Journal Szi-
Hai College of Technology

1988 – 1993 Graphic Designer Test Arts Studio, Taiwan

Voluntary Experience
2001 Committee Member of the I-Ball
§ Designing all promotion kits
§ Organising events

Big Brother/Sister – Welcome to new overseas students’ program with the International
Education Office (IEO), The Australian National University

1997 – 1999 O-Week Leader

Orientation Week Leader at University of Canberra (UC)

Curriculum Vitae

1995 – 1996 Overseas Students Representative for Taiwan

& Photographer
Canberra Council for International Students (CCIS)

1990-1991 Education & Students Services Officer

Mechanical Engineering Students’ Association
Szi-Hai College of Technology

1987 Assistant of Visual Communication

Students’ Association
Szi-Hai College of Technology

Industrial Membership
Australian Graphic Design Association (AGDA)

Professional Skills
§ Qualified trainer recognised within the Australian Qualification Framework in National
Course Code: BSZ40198

§ Digital Photography, Graphic Design, Interactive Multimedia, CD-ROM production,

Marketing Communication

Software Applications Skills

Photoshop, Illustrator, QuarkXPress, InDesign, PageMaker, Fireworks, Dreamweaver, Director
& Lingo, Poser, Language C and basic knowledge of UNIX code.

1. Adams, Phillip. The Penguin Books of Australian Slang, A Dinkum Guide to OZ English,
Penguin Books Australia Ltd, Australia, 1996.

2. Adobe Photoshop 6 user guide, Adobe Systems Inc. USA, 2000.

3. Banks, Iain. Classic Glamour Photography, American Photographic Book Publishing,

New York, 1987.

4. Best of Graphics Photo II, Page one publishing, Singapore, 1993.

5. Black + white Heroes Angels Devils, Studio Magazine Pty Ltd, Australia, 1998

6. Black + white The Masters Volume 1, Studio Magazine Pty Ltd, Australia, 1999.

7. Black + white The Masters Volume 2, Studio Magazine Pty Ltd, Australia, 2001.

8. Bond, Warran. Stock on Paper, Desktop issue 130, Niche Media Group, Australia,
November 1998, p36-41.

9. Crazy Sexy Cool, Rolling Stone Press, Canada, 1996.

10. Dahmane, Benedikt Tashchen Verlag GrmbH, Germany, 1992.

11. Gray, Mitchell. Lingerie Fantasies, St. Martin’s Press, New York, 1990.

12. Grignani, Franco, Symbols’ language for our age, Essays on Design 1: AGI’s Designers of
Influence, Booth-Clibborn Editions, London, 1997.

13. Kroll, Eric, Eric Kroll’s Beauty Parade, Benedikt Tashchen Verlag GrmbH, Germany,

14. Kroll, Eric. Elmer Batters, From the tip of the toes to the top of the hose, Taschen Verlag
GrmbH, Germany, 1997.

15. Kroll, Eric, Eric Kroll’s Fetish Girls, Benedikt Tashchen Verlag GrmbH, Germany, 1994.

16. Liu, Miseki. Another Skin, Readers’ Cultural Publishing Ltd, Tokyo, 1993.

17. Jeanloup Sieff, Benedikt Tashchen Verlag GrmbH, Germany, 1991.

18. Jeff Dunas, Benedikt Tashchen Verlag GrmbH, Germany, 1988.

19. Marsack, Robyn. Essays on Design 1, AGI’s Designers of Influence, Booth-Clibborn

Editions, UK, 1997.

20. Melloul, Richard. Body Code, Warrior Company Ltd, Taiwan, 1998.

21. Mitchell, Tony. The Female Nude A Private view, Carlton Books Ltd, Italy, 1999.

22. Mitchell, Tony. Fetish, Carlton Books Ltd, Italy, 1999.

23. Rosenzweig, Gary, Advanced Lingo for games (Director), Hayden Books, USA, 2000.

24. Rubin, Cyma and Newton, Eric. Capture the Moment, The Pulitzer Prize Photographs,
The Freedom Forum Newseum, Inc. New York, 2001.

25. Stuart, Roy. Roy Stuart, Benedikt Tashchen Verlag GrmbH, Germany, 1997.

26. Stuart, Roy. Roy Stuart Volume II, Benedikt Tashchen Verlag GrmbH, Germany, 1999.

27. The Photo Book, First Publishing, London, 1997.

28. The Photographers Directory 1996, Yaffa Publishing Group Pty, Ltd. Australia, 1997.

29. The Photographers Directory 1997, Yaffa Publishing Group Pty, Ltd. Australia, 1997.

30. The Photographers Directory 2000, Yaffa Publishing Group Pty, Ltd. Australia, 1997.

31. Winton, Tim, Lands’s Edge – photographs by Ainslie, Trish & Garwood, Roger,
Plantagenet Press Pty Ltd, Western Australia, 1993.

32. World Press Photo 1995, Thames and Hudson Inc., Netherlands, 1995.


1. Adams, Mark and Davis Simon, Webguide – Web wear, Desktop issue 164, Niche Media
Group, Australia, October 2001, p44-47.

2. Bartlett, Gillian, SCRAPE, Desktop issue 164, Niche Media Group, Australia, October
2001, p50-51.

3. Brabet, Joseph. Photoshop actions, Desktop issue 130, Niche Media Group, Australia,
November 1998, p51-53.

4. Brown, Russell. Layer-upon-layer, Desktop issue 125, Niche Media Group, Australia,
November 1998, p46-47.

5. Commercial Photography, Yaffa Publishing Groups Pty, Ltd, Australia, May/June 1998.

6. Dymond, John. Shooting for the, Australian Creative, Yaffa Publishing Group
Pty, Ltd, spring 1999.

7. Editor. Child’s Play, Maxwell Optical Industries Pty Ltd, Australia, summer-autumn,
1999, p26-27.

8. Editor. Fuji ACMP Australian Photographers Collection IV, Australian Creative, Yaffa

Publishing Group Pty, Ltd, summer 1997, p23-30.

9. Editor. Interface Design with Logic, Australian Creative, Yaffa Publishing Group Pty,
Ltd, Spring 2000.

10. Editor. Nikon-Kodak Press Photo Awards, Maxwell Optical Industries Pty Ltd, Australia,
summer-autumn, 1999, p15-17.

11. Editor. Photoshop skills: Paths, IT Graphics, DWR Publishing Pty Ltd, Australia, issue
5, March 2000, p32-36.

12. Editor. The Australian INfront: the people, the story, the site, Desktop issue 160, Niche
Media Group, Australia, June 2001, p44-49.

13. Editor. Whatever Turns You On, Australian Creative, Yaffa Publishing Groups Pty, Ltd,
Australia, winter 1999, p20-23.

14. Foxworthy, Stephen. Reduce paper: publish online, Desktop issue 130, Niche Media
Group, Australia, November 1998, p48-49.

15. Johnstone, Andrew. Retrospect: Design is Kinky, Desktop issue 160, Niche Media Group,
Australia, June 2001, p32-37.

16. Gower, Robyn. Style Masters, Australian Creative, Yaffa Publishing Groups Pty, Ltd,
Australia, Spring 1995, p43-45.

17. Gower, Robyn. Talent to Burn, Australian Creative, Yaffa Publishing Groups Pty, Ltd,
Australia, autumn 1999, p36-39.

18. Huntington, Patty. Blow-up, Australian Creative, Yaffa Publishing Groups Pty, Ltd,
Australia, sprint 1997, p20-22.

19. Light Reading, Nikon Club Australia, Australia, Vol.13, No.2, 1999.

20. Needham, Kirsty. Cheeseman Typeman, Australian Creative, Yaffa Publishing Groups
Pty, Ltd, Australia, winter 1997, p10-12.

21. Muller, Shelton, The face of Egypt, Light Reading, Maxwell Optical Industries Pty Ltd,
Australia, spring-summer, 1998, p16-19.

22. Norgate, Stephen. The digital miracle, Desktop issue 164, Niche Media Group,
Australia, October 2001, p30-31.

23. Robinson, Lisa. Web words, Desktop issue 164, Niche Media Group, Australia, October
2001, p62-63..

24. Packer, Steve. WWW Vintage Virtuality, Australian Creative, Yaffa Publishing Groups
Pty, Ltd, Australia, winter 1999, p10.

25. Packer, Steve. Where ‘ digital’ is a dirty word, Australian Creative, Yaffa Publishing
Groups Pty, Ltd, Australia, winter 1999, p32-33.

26. Wise, Amanda. Web-Vertising, Australian Creative, Yaffa Publishing Groups Pty, Ltd,
Australia, Spring 1995, p32-34.

Reference CD-ROM
1. Belle Corporate Design, ACP Publishing Pty Ltd, Australia, 1996.

2. Nokia Connecting People, Nokia Corporation, Australia, 2000.

3. Omnirom v.1.1, University of NSW Press, Sydney, 2000.

4. Primer, Graphic Design Graduating Exhibition, University of Canberra, Australia,


5. What can you make? Showcase 7, Macromedia Inc, USA, 1998.

Project Art Works

ANZAC Day Ceremony
Australian War Memorial
25 April 2001
3076mm X 1288mm
ANZAC Day Ceremony
Australian War Memorial
25 April 2001
2822mm X 1341mm
Royal Canberra Show
Exhibition Park in Canberra (EPIC)
25 February 2001
4008mm X 2088mm
Tango Festival Outdoor Promotion
Canberra City
13 August 2001
5366mm X 2448mm
Canberra Day Ceremony
12 March 2001
2685mm X 1291mm
United Nation Day
28 October 2001
5345mm X 2335mm
Tracking Kultja Festival
National Museum of Australia
13-14 October 2001
4244mm X 1950mm
National Museum of Australia
Opening Ceremony
11 March 2001
3062mm X 1341mm
Australian Institute of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Studies (AIATSIS)
Building Official Opening Ceremony
17 September 2001
2826mm X 1245mm
Tracking Kultja Festival
National Museum of Australian
13-14 October 2001
2096mm X 1210mm
Australian Institute of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Studies (AIATSIS)
Building Official Opening Ceremony
17 September 2001
5179mm X 2171mm
Tracking Kultja Festival
National Museum of Australian
13-14 October 2001
3898mm X 1824mm
Tracking Kultja Festival
National Museum of Australian
13-14 October 2001
4258mm X 1926mm
Tracking Kultja Festival
National Museum of Australian
13-14 October 2001
6054mm X 1887mm
Sea of Hands
Tracking Kultja Festival
National Museum of Australian
13-14 October 2001
5898mm X 1944mm
Sea of Hands
Tracking Kultja Festival
National Museum of Australian
13-14 October 2001
5468mm X 1887mm
Tracking Kultja Festival
National Museum of Australian
13-14 October 2001
5659mm X 1866mm
Tracking Kultja Festival
National Museum of Australian
13-14 October 2001
4230mm X 1947mm

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