The Pygmy Culture of Cameroon

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The Pygmy Culture of Cameroon

Colleen Yurko

Westmoreland Community College

Fall 2020

Intro to Gerontology



November 30, 2020

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Many topics came to mind when choosing a population to research. The pygmies of Cameroon

presented themselves as quite unique and very different from the American population. They are from

Africa. Their lifestyle is a little unusual from that of which Americans know. In existence today their

world is still primitive. Their body size is unique to their existence. A short life exitance follows the words

of the shortest people on earth. Pygmies do not live to see old age. A stated fact would be, no need for

the study of gerontology in their world. Presentation in the following pages will include the differences

between pygmy lifestyle, religion, work ethics, and responsibilities of husband-and-wife roles in their


Pygmies are the shortest people in the world. The lifestyle is very primitive. No positive information is

recorded of their exact origin however, they have been around for approximately 5,000 years and

maybe more. They are the oldest inhabitants of Africa. Approximate size of the pygmy is 120

centimeters. The male gender is about 10 centimeters longer than the female gender. Pygmy stands for

the word dwarf. Distinctive characteristics of the appearance are curly hair, fuzzy body, broad chins, flat

nose, and large eyes. Today approximately 120,000 pigmies exist. Most of these individuals live in the

forest areas of Africa. They are close to the Atlantic Ocean in Cameroon.

Two different groups of pygmies exist in Cameroon. The names are Baka Pygmies and Bage Pygmies.

Baka pygmies live deep in the forest. Their preference is to be out of the public eye. As a group they do

not like to be photographed. Bage pygmies live together among the Bantu people. They represent the

largest tribe in Cameroon. The more primitive pygmies live in small groups deep in the forest. Lifestyle
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consists of temporary living quarters, since they are constantly on the move. A hunting and gathering

lifestyle still exist for them. Homes are constructed of bamboo and large leaves. Baka pygmies do not

use money. They trade with other tribes to full fill their needs. Agriculture is not practiced. Most of

their time is spent hunting and gathering fruit and plants. In the family life, children are taught with

organized games. This teaches them hunting and gathering skills. Family lifestyle follows job sharing.

The men hunt monkey, antelope, gazelle, and elephant and the women fish and construct the cottage.

Pygmies are masters at tree climbing. The government of Cameroon initiated a program to encourage

the pygmies to live a more settled life (Yong). Education in agriculture and animal breeding are

provided. Currently the rainforests are being taken over by lumbering or are being turned into national

parks. Pygmies are not eligible to benefit from social services such as health care. Pygmies generally

choose to marry outside of their tribe. Polygamy is not forbidden however, it is rare.

Life expectancy of the pygmy is short as is their size. Is this related? Evolution presents this to be

directly related. Pygmies live with the live fast die short motto (Miglanio). Pygmy bodies develop

rapidly and the growth spurt that normally happens in puberty is missing. Pygmies procreate at an

extremely early age. The pygmy short stature is not an adaptation to their environment of lack. It is

related directly to the fact that they have adapted for survival. Their bodies mature early on the sexual

scale. Pygmies are limited with the time they must reproduce. The average adult dies between the ages

of 16-24. Only 30-50% of children live to be 15. Less than one third of the women live to the age of 37,

which is when menopause occurs (Miglanio). They reach their peak of fertility earlier than taller people


The language spoken is Mabi or Mabea. Pygmies enjoy poems and epic stories. They pass their stories

down from generation to generation. They worship one God. Komba is the name of the God. Pygmies

also believe in afterlife (Anadolu). The pygmies preserve their dead by placing them in trees and caves

(Anadolu). These people believe the souls of their ancestors are everywhere.
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Pygmies are quite the unique individuals indeed. Fall gerontology class presented many aspects of

ageing. Much material and valuable information was obtained. There are so many pieces of knowledge

that will never apply to the pygmy population. Some questions come to mind. Since they live such short

lives, do they get Alzheimer’s? No information was found on this subject. This a major difference from

American culture. Another notable difference would be the pygmy population are not eligible for health

care. They do not live long enough for Medicare. A highlight in the American population is

grandparenting. It would be noted that this pleasure does not exist either. A major confusing piece of

knowledge obtained deals with money. How do you live without money? As stated, their lives are simple

and primitive, for the most part. Even the poorest of people in the American culture are eligible for

health care and financial assistance. This alone enables the American society to live longer. Conclusion

would be stated that American culture provides many services for their aging society. They would be

public transportation, Health care, nursing homes, home health services, and the field of Gerontology.
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Work Cited

Anadolu ,2017, August, 03 Inside Cameroon’s Pygmy Community: Traditions, Lifestyle and `lifestyle and


Yong, Ed, 2010, May, 05. Short lives, short size-why are pygmies small?


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