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The Power of

501(c)(3) non-profit Female Empowerment Organization

Accelerating Progress For Women

Online courses
Support groups, community and sisterhood
Personal and professional growth Workshops

Why Affirmations are so important

How to use them

Why aren't my affirmations working?

How they work

Making them more effective


Affirmation challenge

What is an affirmation?


are short but meaningful statements that help us

overcome negative beliefs about ourselves, our lives, others

and the world.

It’s a short sentence that motivates, inspires and encourages

you to take action.

“Finally, brothers and sisters,

whatever is true, whatever is

noble, whatever is right,

whatever is pure, whatever is

lovely, whatever is admirable—if

anything is excellent or

praiseworthy—think about such

things. Whatever you have

learned or received or heard

from me, or seen in me—put it

into practice. And the God of

peace will be with you.”

Words and thoughts have power. When you

repeat them often, they can, in many ways,

affect and make changes in your environment.

“The tongue has the power of life and death,

and those who love it will eat its fruit.”

It is a positive

thought and belief

that can change your

thought patterns and

demolish negative

The word affirm means to state

that something is TRUE.

An affirmations purpose is to affect and program the

subconscious and conscious minds, So that in turn, they

change our:

thinking patterns

“Now faith is confidence in what we

hope for and assurance about what

we do not see.”

Why is

Affirming so


I am

“Above all else,

guard your

heart, for

everything you

do flows from it.”


Affirmations are important because

of what they do.

They motivate.

They keep the mind focused on the goal or desire


Their words influence the subconscious mind and

set in motion its powers to help you achieve your


“I press on toward the goal to win the

prize for which God has called me

heavenward in Christ Jesus.”

The words you choose to

say and write the

affirmation, usually, bring up

associated mental images in

the mind, which inspire,

energize and motivate.

The words you repeat, and the

mental images in your mind, get etch

on the subconscious mind, which

changes the:

actions and reactions

according to the repeated words.

The repeated act of affirming changes the way you

think and behave and interact with the world.

Affirmations are to make you feel positive, energetic

and active, and therefore, put you in a better position

to transform your inner and external world and make

them better.

That's part of everyone's purpose right?

“The words of the reckless pierce like

swords, but the tongue of the wise

brings healing.”

When and how to repeat

Devote some special time during the day for

repeating affirmations.

Power points of the day:

When you first wake up in the morning.

Middle of your day.

Right before you go to bed.

And right now

Repeat them wherever you are, and whenever you

Before starting, ask yourself whether you really want

to get what you want to affirm for yourself.

If you have doubts and you’re not really sure that

you want it, your doubts will stand in your way.

“For, Whoever would love life

and see good days must keep

their tongue from evil and their

lips from deceitful speech.”

1 Peter‬‭3:10‬‭NIV‬‬

The way you live is directly related to

the words you speak. What you speak

is directly related to what you think.

Affirm with:


feeling and interest

Feel and believe that your desire has already been fulfilled.

This kind of thinking will accelerate the

fulfillment of your goal.

“Do not be anxious about anything, but in

every situation, by prayer and petition,

with thanksgiving, present your requests

to God. And the peace of God, which

transcends all understanding, will guard

your hearts and your minds in Christ


Understanding a little

bit about how our

brains work
Neuroplasticity, is your brain's ability to

change and adapt to different

circumstances throughout your life,

“Do not conform to the pattern of this

world, but be transformed by the

renewing of your mind. Then you will be

able to test and approve what God’s will

is—his good, pleasing and perfect will.”

Your brain is not concerned with the difference

between reality and imagination.

Creating a mental image of yourself doing something- like

having a beautiful day or conquering your fear of performing

by singing in a choir.

Repeating affirmations regularly about yourself motivates

your brain to take these positive affirmations as fact.

When you truly believe you can do something, your

actions often follow.

“Where there is no

vision, the people

perish: But he that

keepeth the law,

happy is he.”


Why aren't my

affirmations working?
Some positive

affirmations like:

“I am beautiful”

“I love myself”

“I am debt free"

Often fail because most

people don’t truly believe

those things.
“A good man brings good

things out of the good stored

up in his heart, and an evil

man brings evil things out of

the evil stored up in his heart.

For the mouth speaks what

the heart is full of.”

A study conducted by Joanne Wood, a professor of psychology at the

University of Waterloo (Canada) shows that the use of affirmations, or

positive self-statements, sometimes don’t always help, and sometimes

they can actually be harmful if not used mindfully.

Her research states that, “among participants with high self-esteem,

those who repeated the statement or focused on how it was true felt

better than those who did not.

Repeating positive self-statements benefit certain people, but

backfire for the people who ‘need’ them the most.”

Who are those who need Affirmations the most?

People with low self-esteem

Little Faith

Conditions beliefs
Her study showed that when people with low self-

esteem repeated the statement, ‘I’m a lovable

person,’ or focused on ways in which this statement

was true of them, neither their feelings about

themselves nor their moods improved—they got

worse,” in her findings.

“Positive self-statements seemed to provide a

boost only to people with high self-esteem—those

who ordinarily feel good about themselves already.

In other words, unless you’re already feeling good

about yourself, positive self statements aren’t

going to do anything, and they could even make

you feel worse.

But why?

Why doesn’t repeating nice

things to yourself make you

feel good and help

empower your life?

Not all affirmations are equal.
It can’t feel too unrealistic.

It can’t feel too far out of your reality.

If an affirmation is perceived as overstated or

exaggerated, then the results could be negative.

When you create

your own

affirmations based

on your own

experiences and

grounded in reality,

they can have a

positive impact.

The reward centers of the brain are stimulated

and they can change the activity in your brain.

Affirmations must be:

Affirm the next step

What you need to affirm is the next step

If you achieve the next step, then

you feel inspired and encouraged.

Your mind isn’t going to let you jump from

point A to point Z.
Ask yourself?

How are your

affirmations working

for you?

How do they make you

We are affirming every time

we say or thing the words

“I am”

Affirmations work as a tool for shifting your mindset and achieving what you want.

Remember they are not a magic potion for instant success or an instant change.
(I'm not saying a change can't happen instantly)
Focus on your strengths

I am good with...
I’ve got what it takes to...
I’m able to...

Simple statements like these help shift your focus away from perceived limitation or

weakness and direct your focus towards your strengths

The positive ones you already have and also the ones you want to develop.
Action is key

Think of affirmations as a step

towards change, not the

change itself.
For example

You have a noisy neighbor who always asks questions about your personal

life and is a bit rude.

You don’t want to say anything to offend them, but you also have no

intention of answering their questions.


An affirmation like

“I can remain calm even when I feel irritated or annoyed.”

Saying that affirmation might lead you to a habit of prayer, deep

breathing or grounding exercises when you start to feel heated.

The affirmation didn’t make the change,
you did
but it did offer a starting point.

“I can remain calm even when I feel irritated or annoyed.”

How to make your

affirmations more effective

The benefits depend on how you use them.

Affirmations are just one self-help tool.

Like other strategies, they can offer some

measure of relief.
It’s important to begin to create your own

personalized affirmations.

Creating your own can help ensure

you’re choosing affirmations that

will help you most.

Tips to start developing and using

affirmations more effectively.

Set them in the present

Avoid drastic affirmation statements.

Remember neuroplasticity? You’re using

affirmations to help change long-standing

patterns and conditioned beliefs.

A good way to bring about this change is

to act as if you have already succeeded.

Affirmations are everywhere we can find them

on many things:

social media images
self-help blogs
and many other places.

It’s okay to repeat an

affirmation that you hear from someone

else or you read somewhere that really resonates with you, but

creating an affirmation specifically tailored to you may work

This can help you remain focused on the broader

picture of what really matters to you.

Link affirmations to your CORE

values, like

Keep it real!

Affirmations have the most benefit

when they center on specific traits or

realistic, achievable changes you’d like

to make on those traits.

Change is always possible, but some

changes happen more easily than

affirmations don’t work for everyone

When they might not work!

Negative ideas about self and the world can definitely hold you back, but sometimes

those ideas come from something that runs a little deeper within.

Uncovering past experiences that are deeply etched patterns of negative thinking is

best done with help from a coach, and sometimes even a therapist.

Also know that having little faith or low self-esteem and other negative thought

patterns often relate to mental health concerns, depression and anxiety.

A coach could help you identify potential causes of negative or unwanted thoughts

and explore helpful coping strategies, which might include affirmations along with

other tools.

Daily affirmation practice can make a solid step on

the journey towards unconditional love-self


If affirmations leave you in a worse mood, don’t take

this as a sign of failure or give up on yourself. It could

simply mean your journey towards change uses a

slightly different route.

Keeping Them Current

Often revisit and restructure your affirmations to

make them more effective.

As time passes check in with yourself.

Ask yourself are the affirmations helping

maintain control over your worries and practice
self compassion when you get down on

Or do they have little impact since you don’t

believe them yet?

When you notice them working, use that

success as inspiration
Keep them where you can see them

Seeing your affirmations

regularly can help keep them

Front and Center in your

So try:
Writing sticky notes or memos to leave

around your house or on your desk.

Setting them as notifications on your

Beginning daily journal entries by writing

your affirmations
Start developing and using affirmations more


Affirmations can

be about

Create Your own Affirmations
Examples of Success Affirmations
Here is a list of positive affirmations example, for

success choose the ones you like as a starting

point and give them a try. Then from that

affirmation create a more tailored one.

I am worthy of success and abundance.

I believe in myself and my abilities.

My goals are worthy and important.

I am grateful for every opportunity to learn

and grow.

I handle each curve ball with confidence and


I call in mindfulness and energy for my day.

I love finding creative ways to achieve my


I am open to relationships that foster my


I share my success with others and aim to

lift up everyone around me.

Examples of Morning Affirmations

Here is a list of positive affirmations example, for

mornings choose the ones you like as a starting

point and give them a try. Then from that

affirmation create a more tailored one.

I greet this day with gratitude and


I am worthy of prosperity and abundance.

I look for the good in all things.

Today will be a great day!

I am thankful for this new day.

Today is a new day; all things are possible.

I can do anything I set my mind to.

I am enough, just as I am.

Today I choose happiness

I am open to new and exciting opportunities.

Examples of Wealth Affirmations

Here is a list of positive affirmations example, for

wealth choose the ones you like as a starting point

and give them a try. Then from that affirmation

create a more tailored one.

I’m grateful for what I have.

I give myself permission to dream big and

create the most beautiful life.

I celebrate the success of others as it shows

me what’s possible!

Money is just energy and I open myself up to

receiving it.

I allow myself to release my scarcity mindset

and call in infinite abundance.

I surround myself with positive people who

celebrate everyone’s success.

Today I choose to show up with a generous

spirit and open heart.

I am worthy of receiving money and good

I am financially comfortable.

I allow my income to constantly expand.

I move beyond my present income.

I go beyond the economic forecasts.

My consciousness of finances is constantly expanding.

I am taking in new ideas about money.

I am beginning to feel more comfortable thinking about

my money.

I am willing to embrace new ways to live deeply, richly,

comfortably, and beautifully.

I release any feelings that I do not deserve.

I move into acceptance of a whole new level of financial

Examples of Nighttime Affirmations

Here is a list of positive affirmations example, for

night choose the ones you like as a starting point

and give them a try. Then from that affirmation

create a more tailored one.

I am worthy of deep, restful sleep.

I am proud of all I did today and am grateful

for this time to recharge.

I am enough

I am safe and supported

I sleep and rest with ease and wake up

refreshed and thankful

Examples of Self-love Affirmations

Here is a list of positive affirmations example, for

self-love choose the ones you like as a starting

point and give them a try. Then from that

affirmation create a more tailored one.

I am wonderfully made.

I am forgiven.

I have a future of hope.

I am accepted.

My life is restored.

I am strong.

I am strong and courageous.

I am Blessed with every spiritual Blessing.

My heart and mind have peace.

I can see beauty in everything.

I will enjoy the good in my life.

I am Loved.

My past does not define me.

My prays are answered when I believe.

I am in harmony and balance with life.

I choose to feel peaceful.

My peace is my power

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