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The problem of detection of climate change and attribution of causes of change has been
formalized as a series of discrete probability judgements by experts

he study of detection and attribution of climate and further on "attributing" any detected signal to
change addresses the issue of whether, and to increases in greenhouse gases or other possible causes
what extent, human-induced increases in green- (Hasselmann 1998; Hegerl et al. 1997; Santer et al.
house gases have caused climate changes. Communi- 1996a; Zwiers 1999). Summary assessments of the
cation of the science and role of uncertainties on this detection and attribution issue have tended to take a
issue has been hindered by the lack of explicit formal qualitative approach to characterizing uncertainties
approaches for making overall conclusions on detec- (Santer et al. 1996a; Barnett et al. 1999; Mitchell et al.
tion and attribution. We have developed a protocol 2001). This study outlines some of the major uncer-
to quantify uncertainties in each component of the de- tainties in detection and attribution, uses expert
tection and attribution process and to provide a struc- judgements to quantify them, and gives an overall
tured way to make overall conclusions (Risbey et al. quantitative assessment of detection and attribution
2000). Here we describe results from use of the pro- of climate change.
tocol with a set of climate experts. In making overall assessments on detection and
Studies of detection and attribution of climate attribution of climate change, a variety of scientific
change have focused first on "detecting" climate judgements are called for. These relate to the quality
change against the background of natural variability, of the underlying data needed to monitor climate
changes, to the quality of models used to assess pos-
sible causes of those changes, to the ability to moni-
A F F I L I A T I O N S : RISBEY—School of Mathematical Sciences, Monash tor the forcing of the earth system, and to model fu-
University, Melbourne, Australia; KANDLIKAR—Faculty of Graduate
ture consequences. The probability-based protocol
Studies, University of British Columbia, Vancouver, Canada
employed here makes many of these underlying
C O R R E S P O N D I N G A U T H O R : Dr. James S. Risbey, School of
Mathematical Sciences, P.O. Box 28M, Monash University,
judgements explicit. The protocol breaks the detec-
Clayton, Vic 3800, Australia tion and attribution problem up into its component
E-mail: steps and allows for uncertainties on each of these
In final form 31 May 2002
judgements to be represented quantitatively via prob-
©2002 American Meteorological Society ability density functions (pdfs). The protocol was
completed by a set of 19 experts working in the field


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tainty deriving from incomplete and
TABLE 1. List of experts and their institutional affiliations.
biased datasets. This is done by eliciting
the pdf, /(£.)> for the observed change
Expert Affiliation
over a specified period for each line of
Myles Allen Oxford University
evidence from the expert. The detection
step entails discriminating forced cli-
Robert Balling Arizona State University
mate changes (Shine and Forster
Curt Covey Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory 1999) from internal natural variability
Chris Folland Hadley Centre (Pelletier 1997). This requires an elici-
Klaus Hasselmann Deutsches Klimarechenzentrum tation of the pdf,/(AT), for natural vari-
ability in each line of evidence over the
Gabi Hegerl Texas A&M University
same time period. The distributions,
Phil Jones University of East Anglia
/(£.) and /(N.) can then be compared
David Karoly Monash University using statistical tests to see how similar
Haroon Kheshgi Exxon Corporate Research they are.
Michael MacCracken U.S. Global Change Research Program Following (Bell 1986) and (Zwiers
Nathan Mantua University of Washington
1999), the detector, D., is defined as
D. = N{0, cfe) when S = 0 (null hypoth-
Patrick Michaels University of Virginia
esis); D. = N(S, eg) when S* 0 (alterna-
John Mitchell Hadley Centre tive hypothesis), where D ~ &) in-
Neville Nicholls Australian Bureau of Meteorology dicates that D is normally distributed
Stephen Schneider Stanford University with the mean, ju, and variance, The
null hypothesis of no climate change is
John Wallace University of Washington
rejected at the p x 100% significance
Warren Washington National Center for Atmospheric Research
level using a one-sided z test if the value
Tom Wigley National Center for Atmospheric Research of the detector exceeds a critical value
Francis Zwiers Canadian Climate Center D = Z^cfe, where Z l p is the (1 - p)
quantile of the standard normal distri-
bution. The signal is "detected" when
of detection and attribution studies (see Table 1). Note the null hypothesis is rejected. The power of the test
that the order of experts has been scrambled in pre- or probability of detecting the signal when it is present
senting results to prevent identification with particu- is given by
lar experts. Twenty-three experts were approached to
complete the protocol and four declined to do so. The 2 2
1 foo - — ( D - S ) / (J ;
experts were selected to provide depth and diversity P(D > D )= _ exp 2 dD. (1)
in a range of different areas. For example, some were V2/ro"si c
data specialists, some modelers, some focused on
methods in detection and attribution, some were from
The conventional form of detection described above
the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change
uses only information on the critical percentile of
(IPCC) detection and attribution groups (Santer et al.
/(N.), and may be sensitive to the choice of critical
1996b; Mitchell et al. 2001), and some were not in
percentile. For that reason we perform detection tests
those groups. Further, they entertained a range of
for a range of values of the critical percentile (1%, 5%,
views about the likely magnitude of greenhouse cli-
10%, 20%). Detection implies rejection of the null
mate change. This sample of 19 experts is considered
hypothesis at the critical percentile. This does not
to be indicative, but not exhaustive.
identify the cause of any climate change or the con-
The first step in the detection and attribution pro-
tribution of natural variability to observed changes.
cess is the determination of a set of lines of evidence,
It merely identifies the likelihood that the change ex-
E.y i =1,1, which serve as signifiers of climate change.
ceeds the critical threshold.
For each expert the protocol elicits lines of evidence
that are relatively independent in order to minimize
redundant information.1 The expert must then evalu- 1 For example, changes in global mean sea level are not consid-
ate the magnitude and uncertainty in each line of evi- ered because they are a fairly direct consequence of changes in
dence, since each will be associated with some uncer- global mean temperature, which is a chosen line of evidence.

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For the attribution step, responsibility in explain- many realizations of climate change over the recent
ing observed trends (E) is partitioned out among period, the expected contribution from natural vari-
competing causes. These causes can include natural ability to the observed change would be zero. But since
variability as well as a range of various forcing pro- we have only one real observed period to draw from,
cesses. The attribution step requires the experts to it is possible that there were long-term excursions of
identify this set of forcings, and to characterize their natural variability during this particular period that
patterns and magnitude. The set of forcings consid- contributed to the observed change. As for the forc-
ered include changes in greenhouse gas forcing, aero- ing, natural variability can only contribute when it has
sol forcing, solar forcing, volcanic forcing, and ozone the same sign as the expected change. The fractional
forcing. The uncertainty in each of the j forcings rel- contribution of natural variability is calculated from
evant to a line of evidence, i, can also be represented those cases where natural variability makes a contri-
by a pdf,/(F ). Once the forcings have been charac- bution to the expected change and is given by the ra-
terized, the next step is to elicit pdfs attributing frac- tio N./E.. Sampling from /(£.) and/(IV.) in this way
tional responsibilities from 0 (no responsibility) to 1 leads to an expected contribution from natural vari-
(complete responsibility) for each forcing in explain- ability, A. nv, which can range from 0 to 1. Note that
ing the detected signal. Note that any given forcing when/(£.) and/(N.) are identical distributions, A.nv
could explain a vanishingly small fraction of the de- = 1, and natural variability is responsible for all of the
tected signal with high probability or almost all of the observed change.
signal with vanishingly low probability. Calculation of The results presented here for each step in the
the attribution to each forcing requires a convolu- above process were obtained in a set of detailed per-
tion of the forcing pdf and attribution pdf. This step sonal interviews (lasting between 4 and 8 h each)
can be simplified for the expert elicitation process by where the experts offered probabilistic judgements as
discretizing the range of values that each forcing well as the underlying rationale for their judgements.
can take, and by eliciting just the expected fraction, Though results included attributions to all potentially
Q.., of the detected signal for line of evidence, i, ac- significant forcings, we isolate only outcomes for
counted for by each forcing, j. These fractions pro- greenhouse forcing here. Greenhouse forcing is po-
vide a breakdown of the contributions of only those tentially most problematic among the forcings be-
forcings that could have caused a change in E. in the cause of its magnitude and expected persistence
direction expected. For example, when the change in (Hansen and Lacis 1990; Hansen et al. 1998; Kasting
E. is positive, the Q fractions provide a breakdown 1998).
of the total positive forcing (X Q = 1).
The attribution model described here presupposes RESULTS. Lines of evidence. Four primary lines of
a linear-additive model of the forcing, which is not evidence resulting from the protocol are the
necessarily the case (Ramaswamy et al. 2001). Our following:
approach differs from more conventional approaches
to attribution described in (Zwiers 1999) in that we M: The century-long trend in global mean surface
do not explicitly compare model outputs to observa- temperature (Jones et al. 1999);
tions to make attributions to given forcings. That ap- V: The past 30-yr trend in vertical pattern of tem-
proach measures consistency between forced model perature (Santer et al. 1996a; Tett et al. 1996;
runs and observations, but could still yield high at- Folland et al. 2001);
tributions in the case where there was no signal G: The past 30-yr trend in geographical pattern of
present—that is, the forced run is similar to observa- surface temperature (Santer et al. 1996b);
tions, but the observations are dominated by natural D: The past 30-yr trend in diurnal temperature range
variability. In the present approach, the experts pro- over land (Karl et al. 1993; Folland et al. 2001).
vide assessments of contributions from different
forcings, conditioned on the uncertainties in those The latter three lines of evidence use the shorter time
forcings. That is, the signal is partitioned on the basis period because that is the period over which more
of estimates of the relevant forcing. reliable observations are available and on which most
The final share of responsibility accorded to each detection studies of these lines of evidence have been
of the forcings (A.p in partitioning changes in E. in carried out (Santer et al. 1996b; Mitchell et al. 2001).
the expected direction is adjusted to allow for contri- For the detection and attribution exercise each line
butions from natural variability (A.nv), such that X.A^. of evidence is quantified using a single metric. The
+ A = 1. In a hypothetical world in which we had vertical pattern of temperature is quantified as the


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temperature change at 50 hPa. This choice was made portant in the Tropics, where ozone-induced cooling
because the stratospheric component is the aspect of is likely to be less important than that due to green-
the vertical pattern that discriminates it from the sur- house gases. While many experts note that the geo-
face temperature change, and because we found that graphical pattern, G, could be an important discrimi-
experts had difficulty operating on the difference of nator of greenhouse climate change, it is usually
temperature between the stratosphere and lower tro- ranked below V. This is because the observational
posphere. The geographical pattern was quantified record for which broadscale global coverage exists is
as the temperature difference between land and relatively short, there is an overlap of data with the
ocean areas (Karoly and Braganza 2001). This choice global mean temperature, and there are few model
does not capture all features of the geographical pat- runs exploring the geographical pattern response to
tern, but it is one of its more salient components. a wide range of different forcing combinations. The
These lines of evidence are fairly distinct (as judged diurnal cycle, D, generally ranks last among the pri-
by expert assessments of the dependence among mary lines of evidence. This is because there is no clear
them) and rely on a range of underlying physical expectation about what signal to expect in response
processes in response to greenhouse and other cli- to greenhouse or other forcing. Virtually all experts
mate forcing. cite the critical role of cloudiness in controlling
Most experts are comfortable with the selection of changes in D, and point to the fact that little is known
M, V, G, and D as core lines of evidence. While there about controls on long-term (low frequency) cloudi-
is a high level of agreement among the experts on the ness changes.
appropriate lines of evidence to use to detect climate Among the additional lines of evidence cited by
change and differentiate greenhouse forcing, the se- only a few experts, no single selection dominates.
lection of lines of evidence is still a potential source Some cite changes in the annual cycle over the last
of bias. That is because lines of evidence were chosen century, which shows more warming in winter than
partly on the basis that they would be useful for find- summer (Karoly and Braganza 2001). This may help
ing evidence of greenhouse climate change. Experts discriminate between greenhouse and solar forcings,
tend to select lines of evidence that are already in the since greenhouse forcing tends to reduce the annual
literature, and such lines of evidence become estab- cycle, whereas solar forcing is concentrated in sum-
lished in the literature because they are considered mer and would act to enhance it. Some experts sug-
indicative of greenhouse forcing. Were lines of evi- gested that extreme events may eventually provide
dence chosen more generically to differentiate opportunity for increasing signal-to-noise ratios for
nonspecified sources of climate change, a different set detection, but that the existing observational records
might have been selected and results may be less in- are too short (Wigley 1999). Examples cited included
dicative of a greenhouse forcing signal. increases in precipitation intensity in the upper decile
Some experts did add other lines of evidence, but of the precipitation distribution (Karl and Knight
the additional lines are rarely ranked high in terms 1998). Another line of evidence cited is the concen-
of utility for detection and attribution of greenhouse tration of warming in dry, cold anticyclones in north-
climate change. The global mean, M, is generally ern winter (Michaels et al. 2000), which act as a
ranked first on the basis that it provides a good fit to marker of greenhouse warming in regions with re-
a priori estimates of greenhouse and aerosol-induced duced water vapor feedback.
climate change for a relatively long data record. It is
often coupled with the millennial timescale proxy Sources and assessments of natural variability. Experts
temperature record (Mann et al. 1998; Briffa and tended to cite similar processes when asked to account
Osborn 1999) on the basis that the latter highlights for the major sources of natural internal variability in
the uniqueness of the trend in the century-scale each line of evidence. For example, the major sources
record. The vertical pattern, V, is generally ranked of variability cited for M were: upper-ocean air-sea
second on the basis that it provides some ability to exchanges (e.g., ENSO); deep-ocean circulation in-
discriminate between greenhouse and solar forcing at cluding the thermohaline circulation; large-scale os-
upper levels where the expected signal direction is cillations (natural modes) in the atmosphere [e.g., the
opposed. The importance of V is diminished on the North Atlantic Oscillation (NAO)]; land surface pro-
basis that the data record is short (less than 40 yr), and cesses and changes (soil moisture, vegetation, land
the stratospheric temperature signal is strongly con- use, hydrology); and snow and sea ice cover changes.
founded by changes in ozone concentration over the Experts were also asked to assess confidence in un-
period. Some point out that this confound is less im- derstanding and modeling of each of these processes

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as they relate to characterization of each line of evi- most experts tended to allocate nearly equal probabil-
dence. Responses were made on a qualitative five- ity masses to models underestimating and being
point scale following Moss and Schneider's (2000) about right. In general, the responses indicate that
characterization from "very high confidence" to "very model estimates of natural variability would be biased
low confidence." There was little agreement among on the underestimate side of about right (consistent
experts, with responses (for each process) ranging with Barnett 1999). Depending on the expert, this
from high to low confidence on assessments of un- bias may be moderate, or quite severe. The more se-
derstanding and the ability to model these processes. vere this bias, the more the detection studies would
In some cases experts noted that while understand- overestimate levels of detection when drawing esti-
ing of processes was reasonable, the appropriate mates of natural variability from climate model
mechanisms had not yet been incorporated in climate simulations.
models, thereby diminishing confidence in the model
simulations. Detection. The probability distributions characteriz-
For each line of evidence, respondents were asked ing century-long changes in global mean surface tem-
to make judgements about whether the natural vari- perature and natural variability for each expert are
ability was typically underestimated in models (less shown in Fig. la. Experts are in good agreement on
than half the true natural variability), about right in the size of the century-long trend, with the smallest
models (between half and one and a half times the 95% confidence band expressed encompassing the
true natural variability), or overestimated in models mean of almost all the other experts. The agreement
(greater than one and a half times the true natural on the expected value of the trend in internal natural
variability). For the global mean, M, little probabil- variability over the period is not meaningful as that
ity mass was given to possible model overestimates would be close to zero by definition—the expected
of natural variability. Experts typically assigned about value of any large ensemble of 100-yr periods should
seven-tenths of the probability mass to "about right" tend toward zero in the absence of external forcing.
and the balance to "model
underestimated." The excep-
tions were one expert who
reversed this allocation, and
one who assigned almost all
the probability mass to about
right. For the vertical pat-
tern, V, experts were less
consistent with one another
in assigning probability
masses, and tended to in-
crease the allocation of prob-
ability mass to the model un-
derestimate category. Some
experts placed the majority
of the probability mass in
this category, citing the fact
that climate models have
truncated stratospheres (re-
duced in vertical extent and
capped by a lid) with coarse
resolution. These experts
had low confidence in mod-
els simulating sufficient vari- FIG. I. The 95% confidence bands for each expert on the trend and natural
ability near the lid, and cited variability in (a) global mean surface temperature, (b) vertical temperature
pattern (50 hPa), (c) geographical pattern, and (d) diurnal temperature range.
the failure to generate a
The solid lines refer to the trend and the dashed lines refer to natural vari-
quasi-biennial oscillation ability. Some distributions are missing because the expert felt the relevant
(QBO) in the models. For available data was too sparse to allow a reasonable assessment of the
the geographical pattern, G, distribution.


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The variation in expert assessment of the size of the what sensitive to the significance level selected, with
95% confidence band in natural variability spans a detections increasing slightly as the level relaxes, as
factor of 5. would be expected. Bearing that in mind, we discuss
The probability of detection for the global mean results for the 5% significance level. For the global
line of evidence M [denoted P(DM)] calculated from mean, M, a majority of experts reject the null hypoth-
these distributions [f(EM) and f(NM)] is given in esis of no climate change, thereby suggesting a near
Table 2 for the 5% level of significance. Detection consensus among experts for detection of climate
probabilities were also calculated for the 1%, 10%, and change as measured by the change in global mean
20% significance levels (not shown). Results are some- surface air temperature. The median probability of
detection for experts is high (-0.95) and the spread
across experts is relatively low. For the vertical pat-
TABLE 2 . Probability of detection for each line of tern, V, (Fig. lb) detection probabilities are generally
evidence [P(D,)]. In cases where the null higher (than for M) with even less spread across ex-
hypothesis is rejected (detection), the probabil-
perts, though two experts did not provide data for this
ity of detection is given. Otherwise, acceptance
line of evidence, citing low confidence in existing
of the null hypothesis is indicated by " 0 . "
A " — " indicates that the expert declined to observations and model results.
provide an assessment. For the diurnal cycle Results for the geographical pattern, G, and diur-
(D) this was typically because the expert did nal cycle, D, show far less support for detection of
not feel sufficiently well acquainted with the climate change based on these lines of evidence. For
data and/or did not have clear expectations G, less than half the experts reject the null hypoth-
about what signal to expect.
esis (detection) at 5% and 10% levels of significance.
For the diurnal cycle there is even less support for
Expert PV>J P(DV) P(DG) P(DD)
detection. Five of the experts declined to provide an
assessment on the diurnal cycle. The rest are almost
1 0 0 0
evenly split between accepting the null hypothesis and
2 0.97 0 0 0 rejecting it. For the experts who do reject the null
3 0.99 0.99 0 0 hypothesis, the probabilities of detection are lower
than for M and V. For the geographical pattern and
4 0.71 0.99 0.81 0.71
diurnal cycle lines of evidence, expert judgements
5 0.99 0.70 0 0 tend to reflect both a lack of confidence in the avail-
6 0.99 0.99 0.70 0.95 able data and uncertainty on their role in detection
of climate change.
7 0.99 0.99 0
8 0.77 0.99 0 0.72 Attribution. The first part of the attribution process
9 0.99 0.99 0.95 0.64 entailed an assessment of uncertainty in the key
forcings for each line of evidence. The pdfs represent-
10 0.91 0 0.80 </>
ing forcing uncertainty are discretized and then at-
1 1 0.80 0.99 0 0 tributions are made for each of the combinations of
12 0.78 0.87
discrete forcing cases. To keep the number of such
0 0
combinations manageable, solar and aerosol forcing
13 0.99 0.99 0.75 —
pdfs are represented by a "low" and "high" range only.
14 0 — 0 0.89 In the case of the global mean temperature line of
evidence, M, solar forcing low and high are defined
15 0 0
by less or more than 1 W m~2 over the century and
16 0.64 0.98 0 0 aerosol low and high are defined by less or more nega-
17 0.98 0.99 0.94 tive forcing than 1.5 W m~2. Experts produced a wide
range of estimates of the probability mass in each cat-
18 0.82 0.99 0 0.75
egory for each of the forcings. There is more expert
19 0.93 0.91 0.72 agreement in the case of solar forcing, with only five
experts allocating more than 30% of the probability
median 0.95 0.99 0.80 0.73
mass to solar forcing > 1 W m~2, and all experts allo-
cating 50% or more probability mass to solar forcing
c.v. ( f ) 0.13 0.08 0.12 0.15
< 1 W m~2. For aerosol forcing, all of the experts allo-

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cate 50% or more of the probability mass to aerosol
TABLE 3 . Expected fraction attributed to
forcing < 1.5 W m~2, but fewer than half of the experts
greenhouse forcing for each line of evidence
allocate more than 70% of the probability mass to this (Q | gh). The Q. . = l,kQ. j kPk, where Pk = W,.„ P, k ,
range. The low ranges of aerosol and solar forcing and Pj k are the probability masses assigned to
above encompass most of the uncertainty range for each of the k discrete forcing cases.
estimates of these forcings in (Shine and Forster
1999) and (Ramaswamy et al. 2001)—that is, the so-
Expert Q/ ^ Q^gh
called low ranges here correspond to the more con-
ventional views of the forcings. The considerable
1 0.84 0.04 0.77 0.78
spread of probability mass across the low and high
forcing ranges for most experts is consistent with the 2 0.75 0.15 0.77 0.23

"low confidence" afforded aerosol and solar forcing 3 0.75 0.25 0.72 0.50
estimates in (Shine and Forster 1999) and
4 0.63 0.20 0.44 0.40
(Ramaswamy et al. 2001).
The fraction of the signal attributed to greenhouse 5 0.71 0.40 0.71 0.78

forcing, Q. , for each line of evidence, i, is shown in 6 0.70 0.20 0.70 0.39
Table 3. The fraction 1-Q. . is the fraction attributed
7 0.72 0.20 0.61 —
to all other forcings. For both the global mean, M, and
geographical pattern, G, greenhouse forcing explains 8 0.65 0.20 0.56 0.30
more than half of the signal for most experts. For the 9 0.82 0.25 0.60 0.30
vertical pattern, V, and diurnal temperature range, D,
the fraction of responsibility attributed to greenhouse 10 0.75 0.20 0.70 0.60

forcings is much lower and the spread across experts 1 1 0.60 — 0.60 0.30
is higher. The median fraction of greenhouse respon-
12 0.61 0.15 0.47 0.59
sibility ascribed for V is only 0.2, reflecting the belief
that changes in ozone are more directly responsible 13 0.61 0.45 0.50 —

for recent stratospheric temperature changes. 14 0.50 — 0.50 0.80

The fractional attributions to greenhouse gases
15 0.80 0.20 0.80 —
reported in Table 3 represent averages over the un-
certainty in the relevant forcings. For example, the 16 0.40 0.40 0.42 0.60

attribution of greenhouse forcing to global mean tem- 17 0.74 0.20 0.75 —

perature, M, is a probability weighted average of the

18 0.77 0.50 0.49 0.30
attributions for low and high forcing combinations of
solar and aerosol forcing (described above). The ef- 19 0.74 0.50 0.77 —

fect of forcing uncertainty on attribution can be de-

termined by placing the entire probability mass in median 0.72 0.20 0.61 0.45

either the low or high forcing case (i.e., assuming one

C.V. (£) 0.16 0.51 0.20 0.41
of these cases is true) and comparing the resulting
attribution values to those in Table 3. The results of
such an analysis for M are discussed below. must be balanced by greater positive forcing. This
The effect of solar forcing uncertainty on global tends to increase attribution to nongreenhouse
mean temperature, M, is consistent across all experts. forcings because they are typically less well known
Fractional attribution values assessed for the low so- than greenhouse forcing, and many believe they are
lar forcing assumption are within a few percent of the more plausible candidates for adjusting upward to
weighted-average values in Table 3 for most experts. balance the increased negative forcing. If uncertainty
For the high solar forcing case, most experts increased in climate sensitivity is considered more important
the fractional attribution to solar forcing and de- than uncertainty in forcing, then higher negative forc-
creased the attribution to greenhouse forcing, typi- ing does not need to be balanced by higher positive
cally by about 10%. The results for aerosol forcing forcing to explain the observed trend. In this case the
uncertainty are more subtle and depend on whether trend can be explained by lower net positive forcing
the expert considers attribution to be more sensitive and higher climate sensitivity. Experts making this
to uncertainty in forcing or to climate sensitivity. In argument typically did not adjust attributions for the
the former case, higher aerosol forcing (negative) high aerosol case. In either case the effect of aerosol


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forcing uncertainty on greenhouse attributions is lines of evidence for some experts. For the global mean
modest. For these experts then, the attributions set by surface temperature line of evidence the threshold is
weighting the fractional attributions by the probabil- exceeded for all but three experts, while for the verti-
ity masses assigned to each forcing range (as in cal temperature pattern it is not satisfied for any of
Table 3) are not substantially different from those that the experts (see Table 4). The level at which such
would be obtained if the high or low forcing cases thresholds are set can be modified to match the level
alone were considered. of responsibility deemed important, which is in part
Overall attributions to each cause take into account a value judgement (Schneider 1989). Attribution
the role of natural variability as well as climate studies can evaluate the potential contributions from
forcings. Figure 2 provides a bar plot summary of the different causes, but they cannot set the burden of re-
expected contributions of greenhouse forcing, all sponsibility required, since that entails broader social
other forcing, and natural variability to the change in judgements.
each line of evidence. It shows the consistent (across
experts) high attributions to greenhouse forcing for C O N C L U S I O N S . Among a varied sample of 19 ex-
M (and to a lesser extent, G), the dominant role of perts engaged in studies of detection and attribution
"all other forcings" in explaining changes in V, and of climate change, there are a number of issues on
the large spread of expert assessments of the green- which there is general agreement and a number on
house forcing contribution to changes in D. The fig- which there is a broad spread of expert judgement.
ure also indicates a typically small role for contribu- Caution must be used in interpreting these results,
tions of natural variability to explain changes in M and since expert agreement does not necessarily imply low
V, with more substantial contributions across experts uncertainty (all experts may be wrong), just as expert
for G and D. There are some exceptions to this pat- disagreement does not necessarily imply high uncer-
tern in each case. While most experts attribute nearly tainty (some experts may simply know better than
all the responsibility for changes in M (and V) to forc- others). Nonetheless, on a contentious issue like de-
ing, a few of the experts apportion larger
roles for natural variability. These experts
allow broader distributions for natural
variability (see Fig. 1). For both G and D
there are substantial contributions from
each of greenhouse forcing, all other forc-
ing, and natural variability across experts
such that no one cause dominates.
After levels of attribution have been
determined for each line of evidence, it is
desirable to assess the implications of that
for a more general picture of climate
change than afforded by each line of evi-
dence alone. One such picture of climate
change is obtained by considering the set
of lines of evidence.2 These can be aggre-
gated in a variety of different ways. One
way is to set thresholds for the overall at-
tributions to each potential cause. For
example, a threshold of 0.5 would imply
that the cause must be responsible for half FIG. 2. Responsibility attributed to greenhouse forcing (black seg-
or more of the change in each given line ment) [A g h ], all other forcing (medium gray segment) [A oth], and
of evidence. With that threshold, inspec- natural variability (light gray segment) [A nv ] in explaining the
tion of Fig. 2 indicates that greenhouse change in (a) global mean surface temperature, (b) vertical tem-
perature pattern (50 hPa), (c) geographical pattern, and (d) di-
forcing exceeds the threshold for some
urnal temperature range for each expert. Note that A. gh = (I -

! A,„v)» w h e r e A.nv = M / N Z
, N > O E > O
N /E
, /> w h e r e 1 represents ran-
The process of combining lines of evidence is
dom draws from f(N) and f(£), and m and n are the number of
implicit in statements such as the "balance of draws where N and £ are greater than 0, respectively, for posi-
evidence suggests ..." (Santer et al. 1996b). tive trends.

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tection and attribution, it is useful to know where ex-
TABLE 4. Cases where the fractional contribu-
perts agree or disagree and why, along with some in-
tion of greenhouse forcing to changes in each
dication of whether the disagreements are conse- given line of evidence exceeds an arbitrary
quential or not. threshold of 0.5—indicated by " 0 . "
Expert agreement is strongest on some aspects of
the detection phase of the detection and attribution M V G D
problem. The characterization of natural variability Expert A T surface
. AT
50hPa AT
,and-ocean A DTR
is the largest source of uncertainty at the detection
step, and there is a general belief that it has been un- 1 0
derestimated in model-based detection studies.
2 0
Experts are in agreement on selection of the key lines
of evidence that signify climate change, and there is 3 0 — 0 —

broad agreement that changes in the global mean (M) A A

and vertical pattern (V) are unlikely to be the result
of natural variability alone. For the geographical pat- 5 0 — — 0

tern and diurnal cycle lines of evidence, there is much 6 0 - 0 -

more disagreement across experts.
7 0 — — —
Expert assessments of uncertainty in key forcings
of the different lines of evidence vary quite a bit. For 8 A

the global mean temperature (M) line of evidence, the 9 1 7 1

main forcing uncertainties assessed were aerosol and
10 0 - 0 -
solar forcing. One consistency that emerges is that
most experts allocate substantial probability mass 1 1 0 — — —
to values of the forcings outside the conventional un- 12 0 — — —
certainty ranges for these forcings. The assessed ef-
13 0 — — —
fect of uncertainty in these forcings on greenhouse at-
tribution values is fairly modest, however. 14 — • — — 0
In attributing causes to the observed changes, ex- 15

7 I
perts allocate the lion's share (typically about 60%) of
the responsibility to greenhouse forcing for the glo-
bal mean surface temperature. Solar and all other 17 0

forcings and natural variability together account for

18 0 — — —
the minority of responsibility for this line of evidence.
For both the vertical pattern of temperature change 19 0 0

and the change in diurnal temperature range the re-

sponsibility allocated to greenhouse forcing is typi-
cally much lower. However, for these lines of evidence Some of the details of the results reported here will
the spread across experts is higher and several experts undoubtedly change as the evidence and science un-
declined to make assessments. In the case of the ver- derlying detection and attribution progresses. Expert
tical pattern, the low greenhouse forcing attributions levels of confidence will change, new lines of evidence
are largely due to ozone forcing in the stratosphere. will be added, and some will fall from favor. However,
While these results suggest that the vertical pattern it is interesting to note that as of circa 2000, there is a
is not very useful for discriminating a greenhouse sig- high level of confidence in detection of climate change
nal at present, it may play a bigger role in the future based on changes in global mean temperature and in
as the confounding effects of ozone forcing in the the vertical pattern of temperature change. There is
stratosphere gradually diminish. For the diurnal tem- also general agreement that points to a substantial role
perature range, experts point to higher uncertainty in for greenhouse forcing in contributing to global mean
the expected response to greenhouse forcing, citing surface temperature changes, and scattered support
key unknowns related to changes in cloudiness. This for a greenhouse role for the other lines of evidence
high uncertainty may allow for a greater role for the examined. The change in global mean surface air tem-
diurnal temperature in discriminating among differ- perature appears to be the single most important line
ent forcings as more is known about the processes of evidence in the detection of climate change and
governing its response. attribution to anthropogenic causes.


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ful to the set of experts listed in Table 1 for their participa- ing over the past six centuries. Nature, 392, 779-
tion and feedback. Thanks are also due to Peter Reichert, 787.
Peter Reinelt, Urmila Diwekar, Benoit Morel, and Karl Michaels, P. J., P. C. Knappenberger, R. C. Balling Jr.,
Braganza. and R. E. Davis, 2000: Observed warming in cold
anticyclones. Climate Res., 14, 1-6.
Mitchell, J., and Coauthors, 2001: Detection of climate
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