C. Look and Write This or That

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C. Look and write This or That. That is an 4 album. is a pencil. D. Look and write. ‘Bt & eal pes a is a window. is an umbrella. ;5 6 is a door. is a snake. Is _that a bus? an octopus? acat? No, it__ism’t . Yes, , No, Its acar. It's a tiger. 4 5 6 apen? an orange? a hat? No, Yes, 5 No, It's a pencil. It's a cap. 45 aml) These/Those @ Link and Review >> Read and write the question. @ _Are you students? Yes, we are. 1 What 2? They are dogs. 2____——_S_asinger? Yes, she is. 3 What 2? It's anut. >> Look and write. @ Youn, 5 — 4 (oun) ; 7 It_is a fish. You a nurse. Itis orange. 6 Zz He a cook. He is a doctor. They are___— 8 9 10 is an umbrella. is a school. is a bus. For Teachers: Tis page Is a cumulative quiz. The chart below show which lesson each question is om et eo to oh oe rar is 46 Ness sigs aah 5 Ii area arg cece (a va Gas @ Look and Learn >> These/Those These These 00 ee Those Those eo ew 8 Look and Say are pencils. These aren't pens. Those these Yes, they are. yencils? i No, they aren't. tin Those are buses. These aren't chairs. These are benches. 3: Are these flowers? ® > Yes, they are. Those aren’t birds. Those are kites. @ @9: Are those alligators? ®: No, they aren't. They are snakes. 47 - = | @ Look and Practice A. Point and say. "2 G9 °S@S Be a nose ears a mouth eyes "ow UM CH et hands knees legs feet, >> Write This is or These are. 1 _This is _anoseand_these are _ears. 2 a mouth and eyes. 3 hands and knees. 4 pets legsand___— "st EE feet. B. Look and circle. 1 se (This) That These Those is )are a tent. 2 i) _ This That These Those is are | horses.) 3 This That These Those is are acioud. oe 4 E ® This That These Those is are) _ trees. C. Look and write These or Those. are snakes. are boxes. are caps. D. Look and write. 1 Are those bags? snakes? No, they__aren’t Nomis iai: They are boxes. | They are socks. = oe alligators? pe eee birds Yes, 5 Cj _, ee 49 ing My/Your/Her/His @ Link and Review >> Read and write the question or the answer. | @_Are _ you _ students? Yes, we are. 1 What_ 2 They are elephants. | 2 What 2 It's analligator. | 3 dancers? Yes, you are. 4 Are they bags? No, . They are boxes. 5 Issheapainter? No, _ . She is a cook. >> Look and write This, That, These or Those. ® 6 7 Ba» These are pencils. are buses. is a flower. 8 9 10 are toys. is a house. are trees. A sc Tessar: The pare lee circlatve cuts Tho chart bai ghosie ‘which lesson each question is trom. quesdon Gila favaliee Mibsinis Gaal Wain aletis lg Oh liga bak os dea 50 asson ial a lia Mri Mca TG Lalo (ups oa sae @ Look and Learn >> Using My/Your/Her/His we our my book(s) our book(s) you your your book(s) your book(s) 7 his they thei y ir her PO°K(s) their book(s) | they their its bone(s) their bone(s) © Look and Say ' @ & This is her cat. That is his coat. This is its bone. ae This is their car. Those are their bones. 51 © Look and Practice A. Look, choose and write. ((WerdBank [| my your our his her its their ) 1 Itis_+heir house. 3 They are socks. 2 Itis house. 4 They are socks. ieee og. > That is school B. Look and write. 1 2 3 wv They aren't my dogs. Itisn’t my car, They aren’t my balls. They're her dogs r It's fi They're me C. Let's have fun! >> Go to pages 53 and 54. Enjoy reading the comics. 52 Copyright © 2007 e-future Co. Led Allights eames Practice Progress Test 1 @ Choose and write. a~ an~ 1 a dog 6 an Indian 2 PP a 8 4 9 5 10 2. =D -~s ~es 1 ducks 6 foxes Z' % Ss 8 4 9 5 10 5 for DD * @ w@ 5D EF WW FF he © write the correct word. 1 2 3 : ED You are an artist. are cooks. _____ are doctors, is an apple. are aking. am a boy. 2° : | & _____ is a student. —— are cups. is a queen. 56 @ Read and write. —Ar2®_ _you_a teacher? Yes, lam. 2 Whats Saas i) Itis a desk. 3 Is it an ant? Yes, 2 2. a 4 What Paeeeeee They are umbrellas. No, they aren't. 5 Are they doctors? y Lees Bs hake Vetse © Choose and write. Ls my your rer) 1 2 ( This is your pen. ‘> | This is cap. 3 4 That is _____ ball. These are____ books. 57 @ Circle the correct word and write the sentence. Those are buses, — OB FS 5 2+ This ‘That These Those | Eecene meee J} - oa 58 il —s — a/an/the + Noun @ Link and Review >> Read and write the question or the answer. 1 What 2. They are umbrellas. 2 arabbit? Yes, itis. 3 Are they flowers? No, 4 Are you singers? No, >» Look and write. oy oy e@ This isn’t my bone. It is _its bone. They aren't my boots. They are boots. This isn't my hat. Itis__ hat. This isn’t my bag. Itis__ bag. >> Look and write This, That, These or Those. = i isa window. are houses. __——_are pens: Question tes aba 3d haus) fin 1 Dew (ugk aaa acai aoe 60 lesson og EE Meyer he pet roe YF ror tesener: Ths pageis ac Ths page sa cumulative quiz The chart below shows which lesson each quostioni fm. @ Look and Learn >> a/an/the + Noun any one thing aking a tiger an octopus specific thing the king the tiger the octopus one and only | thesun themoon the sky © Look and Say He is a king. Look at the king. rc or It is an octopus. Look at the octopus. Its the sun. It's the moon. It's the sky. 61 @ Look and Practice A. Look and complete the sentence(s) with a, an or the. e 1 Itis__a@ chair. 4 Oh, no! 2 Heis teacher. Look at banana 3 Itis banana. and____ teacher, e o au Seq af ih 5 Heis king. 7 Wow! Look at king. 6 Itis octopus. Look at octopus. B. Write a, an or the. G sun enews Earn < 8 elephant sky i moon @ — C. Look, choose and write. ) Itis_a _clock . Xu © rt a an the Itis D. Look and write a, Itis Itis @ 2 <> sun orange star moon desk clock | Itis ‘ Itis an or the. This is__a book. _The _ book is fun. Itis cloudy. Do yousee___———_s sun? Itis moon, It lives in sky. I see desk and chair. Isee___ octopus. ____ octopus has a hat. window. window is open. {tis 63 FEBS reposition +Noun @ Link and Review >> Circle the correct answer. 1 They tigers. They are lions. Oisn't @ are not @ am not 2 sandwiches? Yes, they are. © Are they @are they Olsit 3 ____ it? I's a panda. @ What are Qisit @ What is 4 is an octopus. © That @ These @ Those 5 are flowers. Olt @ That @ These 6 This is not my bag. It's bag. © your @she @ you 7 These are not my books. They are books. Oit ® their @ they 8 Itis__——s moon. @ the @an @a 9 oe acar.____caris black. D The @An On 10 Itis sun. ® the @an @a For Teachers: This page is @ curmuati — Tre Meme esi curacao sone sno ion 3 ct Lesson i aoe ae 5 6 7 Ai ed 7 Bi aa es Samed e Look and Learn >> Be + Preposition + Noun CE as S& é Look en aa cat. ___ Look at the cat. Look at the cat. OX. __ It’s on the box. It's under the box. @ Look and Say Look at the bear. It’s in the trash can. Look at the girl. She’s on the gorilla. Look at the snakes. They are under the table. Look at the bike. It's in the pond. Look at the ducks. They are on the bike. Look at the ants. They are on the table. 65 oe Look and Practice A. Choose a | ant > @ = mB ‘fo =~ S°@ cat girl ant boy snake frog tent tree house bag sock igloo j da number. Draw and write. D cys Ro MES Lae Look at the cat. —Lookat__ * [cota ans It's _in the sock, She is i ee D> ‘ E as Fo> Look at _ Locka Lookat = 66 B. Look and write the correct preposition. 1 Look at the bear. Itis__in__ the car. 2 Look at the cat. Itis____ the car. 3 Look at the frogs. They are___ the tent. 4 Look at the rabbit. Itis___the alligator. 5 Look at the gorillas. They are the tent. C. Look and write. 1 Look at the snakes. Are they on the table? No, they aren't . They're \ ‘ade : Look at the spider. Is it under the cup? No, 2 Ae aAli si f Look at the teddy bear. Is it on the chair? No, Its 67 Be + Adjective + Noun @ Link and Review >> Read and write the question or the answer. 1 Whatis it? Itis Earth. 2 Whatis that? — Itis moon. 3 What é They are rings. 4 ______adoctor? Yes, she is. >> Look and write. 6 eB. ‘ee G _is a fish. ___ are frogs. is an igloo. Z 8 They aren’t my books. The bird is the tent. They are ___ books. the wall. fre catis the table. The spiders are ___— cor tecer: Tha pone “Tecra osc a hea son me sn chine ai am sie Lesson 13, 13. ® > i é i . : “ eis saa @ Look and Learn >> Be + Adjective + Noun olor ' red Wea vetow bide green © Look and Say

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