Continued Endothelial Cell Loss Ten Years After Lens Implantation

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Continued Endothelial Cell Loss

Ten Years after Lens


William M. Bourne, MD,I Leif R. Nelson, BA,I David O. Hodge, MS 2

Purpose: To investigate the effects of cataract extraction and lens implantation on

the central corneal endothelium 10 years after surgery.
Methods: The authors conducted a prospective study of 253 consecutive eyes
that underwent cataract extraction with or without lens implantation by one surgeon
from 1976 to 1982. Three types of lens implant were used during this period. The
protocol included ophthalmic examinations and specular microscopy on all eyes pre-
operatively, and 2 months and 1, 3, 5, and 10 years postoperatively.
Results: The 10-year analysis was conducted on 67 (26%) of the 253 total eyes.
The remaining patients died (86 eyes [34%]), were unable to return 10 years later (93
eyes [37%]), or had secondary implants (5 eyes [2%]) or penetrating keratoplasty (2
eyes [1%]). There were no statistically significant differences among the median 10-
year endothelial cell losses of 36% in 17 control cataract extractions without lens im-
plantation (15 extracapsular and 2 intracapsular), 40% in 15 medallion iris suture implants,
32% in 28 transiridectomy clip implants, and 32% in 7 posterior chamber implants. The
median exponential rate of chronic cell loss from 1 to 10 years after surgery was 2.5%
per year, which did not differ significantly among the three implant groups or between
the implants (2.4% per year) and controls (2.7% per year). The chronic cell loss rate
was significantly higher (7.2% per year) in six eyes with cornea guttata, which was the
only preoperative endothelial morphologic feature that was significantly associated with
the chronic cell loss rate.
Conclusions: Ten years after cataract extraction, eyes continued to lose endothelial
cells from the central cornea at a rate of 2.5% per year, 2.5 to 8.0 times the rate in
healthy unoperated eyes. The rate was not affected significantly by the presence of the
three types of lens implants that the authors used. Postoperative eyes with cornea
guttata continued to lose cells at more than twice this rate. Preoperative specular mi-
croscopy did not provide additional information helpful in predicting postoperative en-
dothelial status or outcome. Ophthalmology 1994;101:1014-1023

We know from published investigations that the number

of central corneal endothelial cells after intraocular lens
Originally received: October 12, 1993.
Revision accepted: January 31, 1994. implantation decreases at rates greater than those of
healthy unoperated corneas for at least 5 years. 1,2 It is not
I Department of Ophthalmology, Mayo Clinic and Mayo Foundation,
Rochester. known if this accelerated cell loss continues or if the cor-
2 Section of Biostatistics, Mayo Clinic and Mayo Foundation, Rochester.
neas eventually stabilize with the number of central en-
dothelial cells decreasing at a minimal rate that is no
Presented at the American Academy of Ophthalmology Annual Meeting,
Chicago, November 1993.
greater than that in unoperated eyes. We conducted a
prospective trial of lens implantation at the Mayo Clinic
Supported in part by research grants EY 02037 and EY 08039 from the
National Institutes of Health, Bethesda, Maryland, an unrestricted grant from 1976 to 19823 ; the 5-year postoperative results were
from Research to Prevent Blindness, Inc, New York, New York, and reported in 1989. 1 To investigate the endothelial changes
the Mayo Foundation, Rochester, Minnesota. that occur over a longer period, we studied the lO-year
Reprints requests to William M. Bourne, MD, Mayo Clinic, 200 First postoperative results from this trial in the cohort with
St SW, Rochester, MN 55905. operations performed by a single surgeon.

Bourne et al . Endothelial Cell Loss 10 Years after Lens Implant

Methods Individual endothelial cell sizes were measured from

the projected images of the photographic negatives mag-
Two hundred fifty-three eyes of 206 patients were entered nified approximately 500 times. We either used a com-
into the trial by one surgeon (WMB) from 1976 to 1982. puter-assisted image-processing system5 to analyze trac-
Informed consent was obtained from all patients. We ex- ings of all visible cell outlines on three photographs or
cluded patients with uveitis or proliferative diabetic reti- measured the areas of at least 50 individual cells with an
nopathy, or those who had had previous intraocular surgery. electronic planimeter. The two methods of analysis had
Those younger than 65 years of age and those with glaucoma, comparable accuracy and reproducibility.6 Mean cell area
nonproliferative diabetic retinopathy, or cornea guttata were was converted to cell density (cells/mm2), and cell loss
excluded initially, but included later. Cornea guttata was was expressed as a percentage of the preoperative cell
graded according to four stages: 1+ (a small number of density. As a measure of polymegethism, we calculated
sparsely scattered guttae) to 4+ (confluent guttae). After the coefficient of variation of cell area (standard deviation/
routine observation during the first postoperative week, all mean) for each examination.
patients were asked to return for examinations 2 months We derived an exponential model rather than a linear
and 1, 3, 5, and 10 years after cataract extraction. We asked one for the decrease in endothelial cell density over time
all living patients who were unable to return for the 1O-year more than I year after cataract extraction. We chose the
examination to complete a survey inquiring about visual exponential model as being more compatible with biologic
acuity and any further ocular procedures. changes, which are usually first-order processes. Only the
The surgical techniques have been described previ- data from the 1., 3-, 5-, and 1O-year examinations were
ously".4 We administered preoperative digital ocular used in case the endothelial cell population had not sta-
massage for 10 minutes to most eyes. For intracapsular bilized within 2 months of the operation. 7,8 Using the
operations, we performed cryoextractions; a-chymotryp- least-squares method, we computed a regression line for
sin was instilled in the posteriQr chamber in one fourth each eye by applying the natural logarithm of cell density
of the eyes. For extracapsular procedures, we used an an- versus time in years. The slope of this line was used as a
teriorcapsulotomy, nuclear expression, and cortical as- measure of the annual rate of change of cell density for
piration. Six eyes received a posterior capsulotomy at sur- that eye. The rates derived are thus the instantaneous an-
gery. A commercial balanced salt solution was used for nual rates of chronic postoperative endothelial cell loss.
intraocular irrigation; it was supplemented with glucose Three eyes (1 implant, 2 controls) had measurements for
(5.6 mM), sodium bicarbonate (18 mM), and epinephrine only the I O-year examination, and therefore were excluded
(I :5,000,000) in one half of the eyes. To dilate or constrict from this analysis.
the pupil during the procedure, the surgeon injected into We used both parametric and nonparametric statistical
the anterior chamber acetylcholine (I %) in 17 eyes, car- analyses, based on the distribution of the data under con-
bachol (0.0 1%) in 33 eyes, and epinephrine (l: lOO,OOO) sideration. Group differences for continuous variables
in 21 eyes. were tested using the two-sample Student's t test for nor-
Of the 253 total eyes that underwent cataract extrac- mally distributed data and the Wilcoxon rank-sum test
tion, 76 did not receive an implant and are considered for non-normally distributed data. Differences among
controls. We implanted three types of lens implants se- more than two groups were tested using analysis of vari-
quentially over the course of the trial. Of the 177 eyes ance for normal data, and the Kruskal-Wallis test for non-
receiving implants, the first 54 received a medallion iris normal data. Differences for categorical variables were
suture lens with intracapsular cataract extraction and a tested using the chi-square test for independence. Corre-
10-0 polypropylene iris suture. The next 90 eyes received lations between continuous variables were obtained using
a transiridectomy clip lens with extracapsular extraction. Pearson's correlation coefficient for normal data and
This lens is a two-loop, capsular-fixated implant with a Spearman's rank correlation coefficient for non-normal
prepupillary lenticular portion. The final 32 eyes received data. A two-tailed probability of 0.05 or less was consid-
a posterior chamber lens with extracapsular extraction; ered statistically significant.
the implant had two J-Ioops that were placed within the For several comparisons in which no statistically sig-
capsular bag. One additional patient received an angle- nificant difference was found, we calculated the power of
supported anterior chamber lens after extracapsular ex- the study to detect a true difference. For those comparisons
traction and anterior vitrectomy. Intraocular viscoelastic involving data that were not distributed normally, the
materials were not used. power estimates represent approximations made under
Topical corticosteroids were administered in low doses the assumption of a normal distribution.
for the first 3 to 6 postoperative weeks. We performed
central corneal endothelial cell photography and pachy-
metry with a specular microscope and applanation to- Results
nometry preoperatively and 2 months and I, 3, 5, and 10
years postoperatively. In some of the eyes with cornea Of the 253 eyes entered in the trial, 1O-year postoperative
guttata, it was necessary to take photographs of the para- examinations were performed on 67 eyes of 57 patients.
central cornea to obtain cellular images that could be an- Eighty-six eyes were in 69 patients who were known to
alyzed. We also recorded any complications, reoperations, have died within 10 years after cataract extraction, and
or contact lens wear. 93 eyes were in 83 patients who were unable to complete

Ophthalmology Volume 101, Number 6, June 1994

the final examination. The remaining seven eyes returned were younger and had a higher percentage with cornea
but were excluded from the analysis: 5 control eyes that guttata and with diabetes mellitus.
had undergone secondary lens implantation and 2 control The endothelial cell densities and cell losses for the 10-
eyes that had undergone subsequent penetrating kerato- year postoperative period are presented in Table 5 and
plasty (both had 3+ cornea guttata preoperatively). There Figure 1. The ranges of actual examination times for each
were no statistically significant differences between the of the postoperative intervals are 41 to 97 days (mean, 58
186 eyes that did not return at ten years and the 67 eyes days) for the 2-month examination, 186 to 538 days
with 1O-year follow-up, both control and implant groups, (mean, 379 days)for the I-year examination, 734 to 1415
for any preoperative variables (Tables 1 and 2). The en- days (mean, 1104 days) for the 3-year examination, 1462
dothelial cell loss noted 2 months postoperatively, how- to 2288 days (mean, 1841 days) for the 5-year examina-
ever, was significantly larger in the patients returning at tion, and 3303 to 4432 days (mean, 3728 days) for the
10 years (Table 2). Of the 67 eyes with 1O-year data, 17 1O-year examination. The mean cell densities were de-
were controls without lens implantation (2 intracapsular creased significantly from the previous interval at the 2-
and 15 extracapsular extractions), 15 had medallion iris month (paired Student's t test, Sd = 470 cells/mm2, P <
suture implants, 28 had transiridectomy clip implants, 0.001), 3-year (Sd = 448 cells/mm2, P < 0.001), and 10-
and 7 had posterior chamber implants. All of the lens year (Sd = 417 cells/mm2, P < 0.001) examinations. There
implantations except the first two medallion iris suture was a significant correlation between the preoperative and
implants were performed under air. 5 1O-year postoperative cell densities (r = 0.61, P < 0.001).
We attempted to locate and send survey letters to the There was no significant difference between implant and
83 patients (93 eyes) who were unable to complete the control groups at any interval. When the eyes with cornea
10-year examination. Responses were obtained from 22 guttata were removed from both groups, there was still
patients (25 eyes, 19 implants, 6 controls). All except two no significant difference in endothelial cell loss at 10 years
patients (1 implant and 1 control) could read newsprint; between the control group and the implant group.
only one eye, a control, was reported as having had a Table 6 and Figure 2 present the endothelial cell den-
secondary ocular procedure (a posterior capsulotomy) sities and cell losses in the three implant groups. A sig-
since the cataract extraction. nificant difference in cell density among the three groups
Preoperative data for the 67 eyes with 1O-year follow- was present at all intervals except 2 months postopera-
up are given in Tables 3 and 4. The preoperative endo- tively, the eyes with medallion iris suture implants having
thelial cell densities ranged from 1594 to 3581 cells/mm2. lower densities. The average ages of the patients in the
The controls differed from the implant group in that they three implant groups were not significantly different

Table 1. Preoperative Categorical Variables in Eyes with a Ten-year Follow-up

Compared with Those without a Ten-year Follow-up
10-yr Follow-up No 10-yr Follow-up
(n = 67) (n = 186)
Variable No. (%) No. (%) P*
Males 26 (39) 74 (40) 0.89
Implants 50 (75) 127 (68) 0.33
Lens style
Iris suture medallion 15 (22) 39 (21) 0.81
Posterior chamber 7 (11) 25 (13) 0.53
T ransiridectomy clip 28 (42) 62 (33) 0.21
Anterior chamber 0(0) 1 (1) 0.54
Controls 17 (25) 59 (32) 0.33
Cornea guttata
Absent 56 (84) 167 (90) 0.18
1+ 5 (8) 9 (5)
2+ 4 (6) 3 (2)
3+ 2 (3) 6 (3)
4+ 0(0) 1 (1)
Diabetes mellitus 5 (8) 9 (5) 0.42
Glaucoma 0 3 (2) 0.30
Vitreous loss at surgery 4 (6) 6 (3) 0.32
(anterior vitrectomy)

• Chi-square test.

Bourne et al . Endothelial Cell Loss 10 Years after Lens Implant

Table 2. Continuous Variables in Eyes with a Ten-year Follow-up Compared

with Those without a Ten-year Follow-up
10-yr Follow-up No 10-yr Follow-up
(n = 67) (n = 186)
Preoperative Variable Mean ± SD Median Mean ± SD Median p.
Age (yrs) 70 ± 8 70 72±13 74 0.10
Endothelial cell density (cells/mm2) 2703 ± 428 2737 2675 ± 540 2697 0.71
Coefficient of variation of cell area 0.30 ± 0.06 0.30 0.30 ± 0.12 0.29 0.78
Corneal thickness (mm) 0.55 ± 0.04 0.55 0.55 ± 0.04 0.55 0.80
Intraocular pressure (mmHg) 15 ± 3 16 15 ± 3 15 0.80
2-mo postoperative endothelial cell loss (%)t 17 ± 18 16 10 ± 21 9 0O. O8t

SD = standard deviation .
• Two-sample Student's t test.
t n = 66 and 180.
t Wilcoxon rank·sum test.

(P = 0.61). There were no significant differences in cell There were 38 reoperations required by 32 of the 67
loss among the three implant groups at any postoperative eyes over their IO-year postoperative courses. We per-
interval. formed posterior capsulotomies, either surgical discissions
The annual rates of chronic postoperative endothelial or Y AG laser capsulotomies, in 2S (SO%) of the SO eyes
cell loss for the three implant types are included in Table with extracapsular extractions, in S (33%) of 15 controls,
7. The rates did not appear to decrease with time (Figure and in 20 (57%) of 35 implants. There was no statistically
1); the annual cell loss from one to five years was not significant difference in chronic endothelial cell loss be-
significantly different from that from five to 10 years (P tween the eyes with discissions or capsulotomies and those
= 0.86). From one to 10 years postoperatively, the cell without, whether in all eyes (P = 0.41), controls (P =
density decreased 2.S% (median) in all 64 eyes-2.4% per 0.52), or implants (P = 0.82). There were three scleral
year in the implant group and 2.7% per year in the control buckles, two panretinal photocoagulations, and one each
group. The difference in rates between the two groups was of the following procedures: wound repair, peripheral ir-
not significant (P = 0.S2). There was also no difference idectomy, argon laser trabeculoplasty, trephine filtering
among the three types of implants (P = 0.60). The rate procedure, suture fixation of implant, anterior chamber
of chronic cell loss was significantly correlated with the reformation after scleral buckle, retinal cryopexy, and pars
2~month cell loss (p = 0.32, P = 0.01). plana vitrectomy.
We attempted to identify preoperative factors that were We recorded 73 postoperative complications (48 im-
predictive of chronic endothelial cell loss. There was no plants and 25 controls) in 42 eyes (31 implants and II
significant correlation between preoperative endothelial controls) of 37 patients over their IO-year postoperative
cell density, coefficient of variation of cell area, corneal courses. Opacification of the posterior capsule developed
thickness, intraocular pressure, age, or sex with the 10-
year cell loss or annual rate of chronic cell loss. Specifically,
the preoperative coefficient of variation of cell area was Table 3. Preoperative Data: Categorical Variables
not correlated significantly with cell density (Spearman's
p = 0.09, P = 0.49) or cell loss (p = O.IS, P = 0.24) 10 Implants Controls
years postoperatively or with the rate of chronic postop- (n = 50) (n = 17)
erative cell loss (p = O.OS, P = 0.72). The only preoperative Variable No. (%) No. (%) p.
factor listed in Table I that was associated with an increase
in the chronic cell loss was the presence of cornea guttata. Males 20 (40) 6 (35) 0.73
For this analysis we used only the six eyes with 2+ or Cornea guttata
more cornea guttata; these eyes would be considered by Absent 45 (90) 11 (65) 0.02
1+ 3 (6) 2 (12)
most examiners to have a progressive endotheliopathy
2+ 1 (2) 3 (18)
(i.e., early Fuchs dystrophy). Although there was no sig- 3+ 1 (2) 1 (6)
nificant difference in the 2-month cell loss, the six eyes
Diabetes mellitus 1 (2) 4 (24) 0.01
with cornea guttata had significantly greater cell losses at
10 years (median, SI % versus 31 %; P = 0.03) and greater Vitreous loss at surgery
(anterior vitrectomy) 2 (4) 2 (12) 0.24
rates of chronic endothelial cell loss (median, 7.2% versus
2.1 % per year; P = 0.003, Wilcoxon rank-sum test) than • Chi-square test.
the 61 eyes without guttae.

Ophthalmology Volume 101, Number 6, June 1994

Table 4. Preoperative Data: Continuous Variables

Implants (n = 50) Controls (n = 17)
Variable Mean ± SD Median Mean ± SD Median p'
Age (yrs) 72 ±6 73 62 ±8 62 <0.01
Intraocular pressure (mmHg) 16 ±3 16 15 ±2 16 0.42
Corneal thickness (mm) 0.55 ± 0.04 0.54 0.56 ± 0.04 0.56 0.26
Endothelial cell density (cells/mm2) 2710 ± 419 2743 2684 ± 466 2666 0.84
Coefficient of variation of cell area 0.29 ± 0.06 0.28 0.32 ± 0.06 0.33 0.06t

SD = standard deviation .
• Two-sample Student's t test.
t Wilcoxon rank-sum test.

in 25 eyes and hyphemas occurred in 8. The hyphemas without glaucoma, the differences were not statistically
all cleared without treatment or sequelae. The remaining significant. One of the eyes underwent argon laser tra-
complications and number of eyes for each were: seven beculoplasty and a trephine filtering procedure.
with macular edema, six with glaucoma, five with post- The five eyes of patients with diabetes (Table 1) were
operative ocular hypertension requiring short-term treat- not significantly different from the 62 eyes of those without
ment, five with vitreocorneal contact, four with failure of diabetes, with respect to corneal thickness, endothelial
implant to achieve capsular fixation, three with retinal cell density, or the rate of chronic endothelial cell loss.
detachment, two with implant dislocation, two with cor- There was also no significant difference in 10-year cell
neal contact by implant, two with proliferative diabetic loss or annual rate of late endothelial cell loss between
retinopathy, one with wound leak, one with pupillary the eight control eyes that wore contact lenses and the
block, one with varicella zoster keratitis, and one with nine control eyes that did not.
retinal tear. The 10-0 polypropylene iris suture was intact
in all 15 eyes with the medallion iris suture implant 10
years after surgery; however, the suture subsequently has Discussion
broken in two of the eyes.
Chronic open-angle glaucoma developed from 3 to 10 This report illustrates the difficulties in studying the long-
years postoperatively in six eyes (3 implants, 3 controls) term (lO-year) results of cataract extraction, a procedure
of five patients. Although these eyes had a greater annual in which the average age of the patient was 69.5 years.
rate of chronic postoperative endothelial cell loss (median, Approximately one third of patients died within 10 years
5.0% versus 2.2%; P = 0.18) and a greater lO-year cell of the operation, and another third was unable to complete
loss (median, 51 % versus 32%; P = 0.09) than the eyes the lO-year evaluation. We attempted to survey the pa-

Table 5. Endothelial Cell Density and Cell Loss·

Implants (n = 50) Controls (n = 17)
Cell Density Cell Density
(cells/mm 2) Cell Loss (%j (cells/mm 2) Cell Loss (%j
Time No. Mean ± SD Median Mean ±SD Median No. Mean ± SD Median Mean ± SD Median
Preoperative 50 2710 ± 419 2743 17 2684 ± 466 2666
2 mos 49 2221 ± 588 2179 19 ± 18 17 17 2344 ± 427 2206 12 ± 17 14
1 yr 48 2181 ± 601 2247 20 ± 17 18 15 2343 ± 457 2458 12 ± 20 18
3 yrs 49 2004 ± 672 1988 27 ± 19 25 15 2236±61O 2257 17 ± 15 20
5 yrs 47 1926 ± 610 1984 29 ± 18 24 15 2123 ± 705 2033 22 ± 18 19
10 yrs 50 1718 ± 548 1734 37 ± 17 32 17 1743 ± 659 1885 36 ± 19 36
10 yrs, no cornea
guttata 45 1734 ± 553 1736 36 ± 17 32 11 1991 ± 639 2116 32 ± 18 26

SD = standard deviation .
• The mean cell densities at the 2-month, 3-year, and IO-year examinations were Significantly decreased from the previous interval (P < 0.001, two-
tailed paired Student's t test). There were no statistically significant differences between the implant and control groups at any interval in either
endothelial cell density (Student's t test) or cell loss (Wilcoxon rank-sum test).

Bourne et al Endothelial Cell Loss 10 Years after Lens Implant
Implants (n = 50) IN
Controls (n =17)
_E 2,600
.!!! E
GiCil 2,400
""'NN...... " """
2,200 +1 +1 +1 +1 +1
5i.~ ...... N""'oo""
e: UI
",e: 2,000 ---------------------------------------------------_. 'l""""41"""'4NNrt"')


1,600 +----r------,c------r-----r---~
o 2 6 8 10

Time after cataract extraction (yr)

Figure 1. Changes in mean endothelial cell density over time in 67 eyes
observed for 10 years after cataract extraction. The mean cell densities
at the 2-month and 3- and 10-year examinations were decreased signifi-
cantly ftom the previous interval (P < 0.001, paired Student's t test).
There was no statistically significant difference between eyes with and
without lens implants.

tients who did not return, but most did not respond. Of ~
the 74 eyes that were followed 10 years postoperatively, ,.-J a
7 had a secondary procedure (secondary implant or pen- U
etrating keratoplasty), which made the IO-year exami- +1 +1 +1 +1 +1
nation of the corneal endothelium invalid. Thus, the study .....-I ....... N N ("f"')

is based on the remaining 67 eyes, which represent only

26% of the 253 eyes that were entered in the trial. This
proportion, however, is not low for a clinical study, es-
pecially a 10-year postoperative one. Martin et al 9 were
able to achieve examinations in only 29% of patients (17
of 59) 5 years after cataract surgery and 7% (4 of 59) 7
years after surgery. Werblin lO was able to examine 37%
of eyes (34 of 93) 5 years after phacoemulsification.
One caveat concerning this study is that we cannot be
certain that differences did not exist between the 67 eyes ::::::
that returned 10 years postoperatively and the 186 eyes U
that did not. The group that returned did seem represen-
tative of the entire cohort preoperatively (Tables I and
2). We excluded patients with glaucoma and cornea gut-
tata from the early period of the study, so fewer patients
in this trial may have these conditions than those under- ooNN"","oo
........ N N N ........
going cataract extraction in the general population. Thus, +1 +1 +1 +1 +1
our results may represent a "best-case" scenario in which "'" !'- 00 !'- ""'"
N N "'" "'" ""'"
the continuing cell loss that we measured is actually less
than that in the average postoperative eye. On the other
hand, the patients who returned at 10 years had signifi-
cantly more operative (2-month) cell loss than those who
did not (Table 2). Because operative cell loss was correlated
significantly with the chronic postoperative loss rate, the
chronic rate that we measured might be artificially high.
We have no way of knowing if either of these possibilities
is operative; they would, however, tend to offset one an-
A second caveat concerning this study is that the con-
trol group is not truly a valid one. Even in 1976, we be-
lieved that the decision of having a lens implant needed
to be made by the well-informed patient; we could not
assign patients randomly to receive or not receive a lens
implant with their cataract extractions to achieve a valid

Ophthalmology Volume 101, Number 6, June 1994

2,800 addition, we can only exclude with 80% confidence a dif-

--. Medallion (n=15)
_ .• Transiridectomyclip(n=28)
ference in rate of chronic cell loss of 2.8% per year or

••• Posterior chamber (n = 7) greater between the implanted eyes and controls.
2,400 - Control(n=l?) We included ten bilateral cases in this study despite
2,200 :
the known intrasubject correlations for many parame-
o ters. 12- 14 Because of the relatively small number of eyes
2,000 •
.............. remaining for analysis after 10 years, we elected to include
'. '. these ten eyes in the study because of the lack of evidence
'. ' or rationale for an intrasubject correlation for the param-

.... _---------------------------------
eter of concern, chronic endothelial cell loss. The corre-
lation between the two eyes of the ten bilateral subjects
o 2 4 6 8 10
was not significant for either the lO-year cell loss (p =
Time after cataract extraction (yr)
-0.28, P = 0.43) or the annual rate of chronic postop-
Figure 2. Changes in mean endothelial cell density over time by implant erative cell loss (p = -0.05, P = 0.90). In addition, the
type. The 15 eyes with medallion iris suture lenses had significantly lower mean absolute difference in chronic postoperative rate of
endothelial cell densities preoperatively as well as postoperatively, so that cell loss between the two eyes of each subject (4.3% per
there was no significant difference in cell loss among the four groups.
year) was greater than the standard deviation of chronic
cell loss in all eyes (3.5% per year, Table 7). These findings
indicate that the two eyes of each subject are reasonably
control group. As an alternative, we used eyes that· met independent with respect to chronic postoperative cell loss
the study criteria, were operated on during the study pe- and justify the use of the ten bilateral cases in this analysis.
riod, and did not receive implants. Given the choice, most Only one of the ten patients with bilateral vision had cor-
patients elected to receive an implant, so the control group nea guttata; both of these eyes had 2+ cornea guttata.
is small. In the early stages of the study, we were reluctant We found no published studies of endothelial cell loss
to place lens implants in eyes with cornea guttata or in 10 years after cataract extraction for comparison. Five
eyes of patients who were young or had diabetes mellitus. investigations reported results of sequential endothelial
Therefore, the control group was younger and contained examinations before and 5 years after lens implantation.
a significantly higher percentage of eyes with cornea gut- We excluded studies of anterior chamber implants be-
tata and with diabetes (Tables 3 and 4). cause there were none in our analysis. Liesegang et all
A third caveat for this investigation is the possibility reported a trial that included the eyes in the current study,
that some of the significant differences that we found oc- and found a similar cell loss from 1 to 5 years postop-
curred by chance alone because of the large number of eratively. Martin et al 9 analyzed 28 eyes 5 years after
statistical tests that we performed. II This possibility is intracapsular cataract extraction with or without Bink-
more likely for the statistically significant comparisons horst four-loop lens implantation, finding progressive cell
with probabilities near 0.05. Conversely, because of the losses that appeared to be in the same range as, or some-
relatively small number of patients returning at 10 years, what higher than, our control eyes and eyes with intra-
a negative test of significance excludes only large differ- capsular extractions and medallion iris suture implants.
ences. The study could detect as significant, at the 5% Kora et al 2 presented the results of sequential endothelial
level with 80% power, a difference in cell density 10 years examinations on seven children; the average decrease in
postoperatively of 454 cells/mm2 and a difference in cell cell density from 1 to 5 years after lens implantation
loss of 14%, if such differences existed. If the six eyes with appeared to be somewhat greater than the 2.5% per year
cornea guttata are omitted, the minimal detectable dif- that we found. Werblin lO reported endothelial exami-
ference at 80% power is even greater (17% cell loss). In nations 5 years after lens implantation in 34 eyes; the

Table 7. Rate of Chronic Postoperative Endothelial Cell Loss

Rate of Cell Loss
(% per year)
Group No. Mean ± SD Median P
Controls 15 3.8 ± 3.9 2.7 0.52"
Implants 49 2.8 ± 3.4 2.4
Medallion iris suture 15 2.6 ± 4.3 1.3 0.60t
Transiridectomy clip 27 2.8 ± 3.1 2.4
Posterior chamber 7 2.9 ± 2.4 3.4

SD = standard deviation .
• Wilcoxon rank-sum test.
t Kruskal-Wallis test.

Bourne et al . Endothelial Cell Loss 10 Years after Lens Implant

pooled results and variable fonow-up did not allow an are exposure to the components of vitreous humor, which
estimation of the chronic cell loss beyond I year, al- may be detrimental to corneal endothelial cells,24 and
though the mean cell loss at 5 years was less than that changes in the aqueous humor, resulting from the lack of
in our patients. Numa et ails reported data on 15 eyes a crystalline lens in the eye, which may limit endothelial
with posterior chamber lenses that had an exponential cell nutrition.
rate of cell loss from 1 to 5 years postoperatively of ap- What are the implications of continued endothelial cell
proximately 1.1 % per year. loss in eyes after cataract extraction? If the typical eye
The 2.5% chronic endothelial cell loss rate that we loses endothelial cells at the rate of 2.5% per year after
found is much higher than that in healthy unoperated the first year after cataract extraction when it has a cell
eyes. In cross-sectional studies, the average annual cell density of 2200 cells/mm2 (Table 5), then it will require
loss rate in healthy eyes appears to be approximately 0.3% 60 years for the cell density to decrease to 500 cells/mm2,
to 0.5%.16.17 In longitudinal studies, however, the annual the level at which corneal decompensation was found to
loss has been somewhat higher, with values of 1%,18 be imminent by Bates et al. 25 This reassuring finding but-
0.8%,10 0.6%,19 and 0.3%15 per year being reported. We tresses the arguments for lens implantation in young eyes
can estimate from these studies that the 2.5% annual en- with healthy corneas. 2 If the operative cell loss is much
dothelial cell loss that we found in eyes 10 years after higher than average, however, the postoperative cell den-
surgery for cataract is 2.5 to 8.0 times the loss in unop- sity will reach 500 cells/mm2 sooner because of the sig-
erated eyes. nificant correlation between operative cell loss (measured
In an article often cited as evidence of the value of at 2 months) and chronic postoperative cell loss rate. Also,
preoperative endothelial morphologic analysis, Rao et al 20 if the operative eye has cornea guttata, a cell density of
reported the results in 118 eyes of 102 patients with iris 500 cells/mm2 will be reached much earlier because of
suture medallion lenses implanted at least 5 years previ- the increased rate of chronic cell loss with cornea guttata.
ously. They divided the group into 40 eyes in which cor- Finally, we found no preoperative endothelial factor
neal edema developed within 5 years (12 eyes required that was associated with the postoperative corneal status
penetrating keratoplasty for diffuse edema and 28 had an or outcome except cornea guttata, which is most easily
unspecified amount of peripheral corneal edema but clear observed on slit-lamp examination. These findings indi-
central corneas with good vision) and 78 eyes that did cate that preoperative specular microscopy is not a nec-
not. The group with edema had a significantly higher essary procedure for routine cataract surgery. This is con-
mean preoperative coefficient of variation of cell area sistent with recently published guidelines. 26 ,27
(polymegethism). There was no difference between the
groups in endothelial cell loss, although the time between
lens implantation and endothelial photography for deter- References
mination of cell loss varied for each eye and was not re-
ported. Although our study and that of Rao et al are not
1. Liesegang TJ, Bourne WM, Ilstrup DM. Prospective 5-year
directly comparable, our results do not seem to confirm postoperative study of cataract extraction and lens implan-
theirs. We did not notice clinically important peripheral tation. Trans Am Ophthalmol Soc 1989;87:57-78.
corneal edema in our patients. There was no significant 2. Kora Y, Inatomi M, Fukado Y, et al. Long-term study of
correlation between the preoperative coefficient of vari- children with implanted intraocular lenses. J Cataract Re-
ation of cell area and lO-year cell loss, lO-year corneal fract Surg 1992; 18:485-8.
thickness, or chronic endothelial cell loss. Bates and 3. Liesegang TJ, Bourne WM, I1strup DM. Short- and long-
Cheng21 found no evidence of a relation of any preoper- term endothelial cell loss associated with cataract extraction
ative or early postoperative endothelial morphologic and intraocular lens implantation. Am J Ophthalmol
characteristic to subsequent endothelial decompensation. 1984;97:32-9.
Numa et ailS also found no significant correlation between 4. Bourne WM, Waller RR, Liesegang TJ, Brubaker RF. Cor-
neal trauma in intracapsular and extracapsular cataract ex-
preoperative coefficient of variation of cell area and sub- traction with lens implantation. Arch Ophthalmol 1981 ;99:
sequent cell loss. 1375-6.
There are a number of possible causes for the elevated 5. Bourne WM, Brubaker RF, O'Fallon WM. Use of air to
chronic endothelial cell loss in eyes long after cataract decrease endothelial cell loss during intraocular lens im-
extraction. The presence of an artificial lens implant in plantation. Arch Ophthalmol 1979;97: 1473-5.
the eye is an obvious candidate. In the only randomized 6. Bourne WM. Morphologic and functional evaluation ofthe
trial oflens implantation, the Oxford Cataract Treatment endothelium of transplanted human corneas. Trans Am
and Evaluation Team found a higher rate of cell loss in Ophthalmol Soc 1983;81 :403-50.
eyes with implants than in those without in the first 4 7. Galin MA, Lin LL, Fetherolf E, et al. Time analysis of cor-
postoperative years.22 Their control group had intracap- neal endothelial cell density after cataract extraction. Am J
Ophthalmol 1979;88:93-6.
sular extractions, however, whereas 15 of our 17 controls 8. Inaba M, Matsuda M, Shiozaki Y, Kosaki H. Regional
had extracapsular extractions. The similar rates of cell specular microscopy of endothelial cell loss after intracap-
loss in the control and implanted eyes in our study make sular cataract extraction: a preliminary report. Acta
it unlikely that lens implantation is responsible. Chronic Ophthalmol 1985;63:232-5.
inflammation is another possible cause, although there is 9. Martin NF, Stark WJ, Maumenee AE. Continuing corneal
not good evidence to support it. 23 Other possible causes endothelial loss in intracapsular surgery with and without

Ophthalmology Volume 101, Number 6, June 1994

Binkhorst four-loop lenses: a long-term specular microscopy 19. Ambrose VMG, Walters RF, Batterbury M, et al. Long-
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11. O'Brien PC, Shampo MA. Statistical considerations for per- corneal endothelial status. Ophthalmology 1984;91: 1135-
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Arch Ophthalmol 1985;103:1478-81. aract. Ophthalmology 1993; 100(Suppl):33S-4.

Alan Sugar, MD

Long-term clinical research is a difficult task. Long-term research to not receive an IOL because of young age, cornea guttata, or
on the follow-up of surgical procedures is especially so. While diabetes. By the IO-year follow-up visit, only 67 eyes (26.5%) in
we can obtain good data on past techniques with difficulty, the 57 patients were available for endothelial examination. Seventeen
rapidly changing nature of surgical practice often makes it im- were control eyes, and half of these wore contact lenses. Only
possible to obtain late outcome data on the specific techniques seven patients had posterior chamber IOLs. The high rate of
we currently use. Long-term data are helpful to the extent that loss to follow-up from death or failure to return for re-exami-
they examine techniques still current, or when they define gen- nation is to be expected in patients with a mean age of almost
erally applicable principles. This study, though subject to the 70 years at entry. But the small number of remaining patients
limitations of such work, provides both. limits the power of subsequent analyses to detect small or even
In the past, Dr. Bourne and his colleagues have shown that moderate differences.
corneal endothelial cell loss at 2 years was less after extracapsular These authors, however, are statistically sophisticated. They
than intracapsular cataract extraction and that extracapsular examined sources of bias between groups and between followed
cataract extraction with a posterior chamber intraocular lens and lost patients carefully and have tried to maximize the value
(IOL) caused more cell loss than without an IOL. l Their 1984 of the information obtained from the remaining patients. The
study raised concern that the presence of an IOL, even a bag- key point from the data is that after an initial early loss of en-
placed posterior chamber IOL, contributed to continuing en- dothelial cells there was a continued cell loss at a compounded
dothelial damage. A 5-year follow-up examination showed con- or exponential rate of 2.5% per year. This is greater than the
tinuing cell loss in all groups, but there were no significant dif- 0.3% to 0.8% cell loss expected in unoperated eyes. This rate
ferences between the groups at 5 years. 2 did not differ significantly between implanted and control eyes
Bourne et al have selected their own patients from the pre- or between IOL types within the limits ofthe small sample sizes.
vious prospectively assigned groups for a IO-year analysis. The The rate of continued long-term cell loss correlated to a small
authors followed 253 eyes that had had cataract extraction from to moderate degree (r = 0.32) with the cell loss at 2 months.
1976 to 1982. Ofthese patients, the 76 who did not receive IOLs Because there is no longer a question of the value of pseu-
were considered to be "controls," although they were selected dophakia over aphakia, and the clinical success of posterior
chamber IOLs, what is the value of this information? First, it
suggests a finite "lifespan" of the endothelium in eyes with IOLs,
From the W. K. Kellogg Eye Center, University of Michigan, Ann Arbor. which on average is much longer than that necessary to maintain

Bourne et al . Endothelial Cell Loss 10 Years after Lens Implant

the cornea during the life expectancy of most patients. Second, cataract surgery is a valuable and constructive research tool, but
it suggests that minimizing the initial cell loss will prolong that its use is limited in routine clinical cataract practice.
"lifespan," a valuable gain in vulnerable eyes such as those with
cornea guttata or in those at the low end of a population distri-
bution of cell density. In fact, the ability of clinical specular References
microscopy to detect early cell loss and direct and evaluate sur-
gical change to protect the endothelium was the initial con- 1. Liesegang TJ, Bourne WM, Ilstrup DM. Short- and long-
tribution of the work of Bourne and Kaufman 3 in the term endothelial cell loss associated with cataract extraction
1970s. The current cell loss seen after posterior chamber and intraocular lens implantation. Am J Ophthalmol 1984;
phacoemulsification 4 and the use ofviscoelastics5 would be ex- 97:32-9.
pected to raise the baseline on which exponential cell loss acts 2. Liesegang TJ, Bourne WM, Ilstrup DM. Prospective 5-year
and further protect the cornea. postoperative study of cataract extraction and lens implan-
If cell loss continues after cataract extraction and IOL inser- tation. Trans Am Ophthalmol Soc 1989; 87:57-78.
tion, this would be expected to result from an effect of crystalline 3. Bourne WM, Kaufman HE. Endothelial damage associated
lens absence, an effect of the presence of an IOL, or an accelerated with intraocular lenses. Am J Ophthalmol1976; 81:482-5.
effect of aging due to the initial cell loss. Mechanical, inflam- 4. Werblin TP. Long-term endothelial cell loss following
matory, and toxic mechanisms associated with an IOL or altered phacoemulsification: model for evaluating endothelial
fluid dynamics with or without an IOL, may playa role. The damage after intraocular surgery. Refract Corneal Surg 1993;
lack of an increase of cell loss in pseudophakic over aphakic 9:29-35.
eyes is at least reassuring. 5. Koch DD, Liu JF, Glasser DB, et al. A comparison of corneal
The last point that Bourne et al makes is one with which I endothelial changes after use of Healon or Viscoat during
strongly agree. The use of specular microscopy in patients having phacoemulsification. Am J Ophthalmol 1993; 115:188-201.


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