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Journal 3 Sam Trumpower

Through my experience with this class, when discussing the religion of Judaism, I was

not aware that the Jewish faith was rooted in the idea of exile from God and the path leading

back to God. As discussed in God is Not One, by Prothero, Jews suffered through many exiles

and are trying to return to God. This is the main problem in Judaism: distance from God and

where they are supposed to be. The solution: return to God, where they belong. I also learned

that Judaism gave birth to Islam. I knew that Christianity was born out of Judaism, but I was

under the false impression that Islam had come from Christianity.

Likewise, from this class I learned that Islam is a religion of peace, not violence. Before

this class, I had not learned a single thing about Islam. I, like many others in the West, have been

tainted with the idea that all of those who align themselves with the Islamic faith are terrorists

who kill in the name of God. Prothero discusses this in his chapter on Islam, stating that although

Islam is a religion of peace, after 9/11 many, especially those in America, looked at the religion

as something that promotes violence. It is unfortunate that I looked at Islam in this way, and until

I learn a bit more about it, I probably still will as it is hard to get away from what you have

thought to be true for so long after 9/11. Another thing I learned about Islam is that Allah is

simply the Arabic word for God, I had no idea, I thought Allah was their name for God, just as

the Jews use YHWH for God.

I would say that, in an unexpected way, Judaism is similar to Christianity due to the many

celebrations that they hold, just like Christianity, Jews have many different celebrations that they

hold at a certain time every year and fasts that they must perform. An unexpected way in which

Judaism is different than Christianity is the lack of something like the 7 sacraments. I expected

the Jews to have something similar to that. An unexpected way that Islam is like Christianity is,

for me, the 5 pillars. In a way, the 5 pillars sort of remind me of the 7 sacraments. I think I see it
Journal 3 Sam Trumpower

to be similar is because those in Islam are called to do certain things to achieve the most from

their faith, just as Christians are called to do with the 7 sacraments. An unexpected way that

Islam is different than Christianity is the need to travel to Mecca once in their life, if able.

Christians are not called to travel to Golgotha where Jesus was crucified, even though it is a very

essential part of the faith.

I believe I have the same amount of respect for the Jewish faith as I did. I have always

admired the Jewish people for being a very tight knit community after suffering many hardships,

going back as far as Egypt and as early as the Holocaust. The Jews have always surprised me, in

being such a small community, for how many people there should be, they have constantly kept

their faith alive. As for the Muslims, I have a bit more respect for them now that I know the

Qur’an does not tell them to murder in the name of God. Although I still need to learn more

about where the violence stems from in Islam, I can say that I respect them even just a tad more

than I did before this class. As for Christianity, being a Christian myself, I have always found the

Christian people hard to respect in a way. I’m sure that is a bad thing, but I feel that many who

have been following the Christian faith are losing their touch with the church, myself included. I

can respect the Jews and Muslims for being very committed, and of course there are those in

Islam and Judaism who are not committed and those in Christianity who are very committed.

But, I wish it was just better somehow, so I will have to better myself first before judging others.

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