Valentina Islami 4th Grade Bagley Elementary School Date: February 4th, 2022 Module 2 Unit 2 Lesson 2: Close Read "Fight To Survive!"

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Valentina Islami

4th Grade
Bagley Elementary School

Date: February 4th, 2022

Module 2 Unit 2; Lesson 2: Close Read “Fight to Survive!”

Purpose: In this lesson students participate in a teacher-led close read of a complex text that focuses on
understanding animal’s defense mechanisms through determining the main idea and citing evidence. Students will
research these animals in upcoming lessons as a group project.

Goals/Objectives for today’s lesson:

Goal: Students will close read passages from “Fight to Survive!” and answer questions in their research notebook.

1.) I can cite evidence from the text to support the answers to my questions. (RI.4.1, RI.4.2, RI.4.4, L.4.1c,
2.) I can determine the main idea of a text and explain how it is supported by key details. (RI.4.1, RI.4.2)

Materials and supplies:

● Writing Utensils
● Module 2 Workbook for students (pages 59-63)
● Elmo Camera
● Computer
● Lesson 2 Slides
● Practice book (teacher copy)
● Schoology assessment

Introduction (10 minutes): Academic, social and

linguistic support during each
● T: “For ELA today, we will continue to work on module 3 lesson two event
from yesterday. Who can remind the class of what we did
○ Remind students of virtual discussion norms
■ Raise hand to speak ● Display slides and
■ Talk one at a time learning targets on the
■ Type in chat screen
● Student responses…
○ “We read parts of ‘Fight to Survive!”
○ “We answered questions 1-8 from our practice book”
○ “We talked about different animals and their defense
● T: “Good! Before we continue our close reading, let’s review our ● Define words such as
learning targets. Who can read the first one out loud?” “cite” and “evidence”
○ Choose a student and use synonyms like
○ Display learning targets on the screen. “proof”
■ LT: “I can cite evidence from the text to support the
answers to my questions.”
● T: “Let’s look closer at the words evidence and cite. What is evidence?:
○ Student responses…
■ “Evidence means facts.”
■ “We can get evidence from our reading.”
○ Evidence is information taken directly from something like a
website or text to support our claims.
● T: “Why is it important to give evidence to support your claims or
○ Raise hand or type in the chat ● Provide sentence
○ Student responses… starters such as “I need
■ “Evidence can prove your claim.” to give evidence for my
■ “It makes your claim stronger.” claims because…”
● T: “Good answers. For example, when doctors tell us to eat our fruits and
vegetables to stay healthy, they provide evidence from research that
proves their claims.”
● T: “Let’s now look at the word cite. What word could we use in place of
cite and keep the meaning of the learning target?”
○ Ask students to raise their hands or type in the chat ● Allow students to either
○ Student responses include… respond in the chat,
■ “Say, give, provide” raise their hand or use
○ Cite - to cite evidence means to give evidence a reaction button
● T: “Who would like to volunteer and read the second learning target out
○ Pick a student raising their hand ● Make sure to repeat
○ LT: I can determine the main idea of a text and explain how it is any questions and
supported by key details.” rephrase in different
● T:”Have we been practicing finding the main idea of a text in past wording
lessons? How?”
○ Student responses…
■ “Yes!”
■ “Yes by giving details like in our other book Venom”
● T: “Give me a thumbs up if you understand our learning targets for ● Ask students for a
today’s lesson.” nonverbal cue while
○ Students can give a thumbs up either with reaction button or modeling it to check for
using camera understanding such as
a thumbs up.
Key Events (40 Minutes)
● T:”We’ll now continue our close read of “Fight to Survive!” Pull out
your practice books and turn to page 61. Once you have your book, show
me it on your camera or give me a thumbs up.”
○ Students either show book on their camera or use react button
*Turn on Elmo camera and display page 61 for students to see and follow along

- Ask students if they are able to view the screen

● T: “For questions 9 through 16, we’ll be looking more closely at the

section Behavioral Defense Mechanisms and its different passages.”

● T: Can I have a volunteer who would like to read the passage out loud?”
○ Remind students to raise their hands
○ Pick student
● T: Direct students to look at question #9 and the title ● Display a copy of the
● T: “How does this title connect with the sentence you underlined in the practice book on the
first paragraph?” screen
○ Suggest to students to look back the previous questions
○ Student responses…
■ “Both talk about behavioral defense mechanisms.”
● T: “Great! They both talk about behavioral defense mechanisms.”
○ Read #9
○ Invite students to look at their text and think of words to circle
○ Student responses include…
■ ‘Attacker, injured, predator…” ● Point to specific
● T: Why do you think that? passages and use finger
○ “Because it’s the main idea” to follow along while
○ Answer for #9: Injure the attacker students are reading

● T:”Can I have a volunteer who would like to read the passage for #10?”
○ Choose student to read passage
○ Read question #10
● T: Call on students to share their answers
○ Student responses include… ● Students may respond
■ “They run fast” in the chat or by
■ “Their defense mechanism is running away from their raising their hands
● T: “What in the text shows us that?”
○ Student responses..
■ “Because the text says they run fast” ● Read question out loud
○ Answer for #10: Defense is running fast - underline evidence in and then repeat in
text simpler terms

● T: “Would anyone like to read the passage from #11 out loud?”
○ Remind students to raise hands
○ Choose student
○ Use finger to follow along as they’re reading
○ Read question #11
● T:” Since we answered question #9, question 11 should look familiar ● Model responses by
now. Which word should we choose and why?” writing answers down
○ Student responses… and showing students
■ “Fastest because ostriches are fast.” by using the teacher
■ “Legs because they use their legs to run really fast.” copy
○ Answer to #11: Fast runners escape predators

● T: Direct students to question #13

● T: “Can I have a volunteer read the passage out loud?”
○ Choose 2 students (longer passage)
○ Read question #13 out loud
○ Remind students to raise their hands or type in the chat
○ Student responses include….
■ “One animal tells the rest of the group”
■ “Animals work together to protect the babies.”
● T: “What in the text shows us that?”
○ Students provide evidence from the text for their claims
○ Answer to #13: One member can alert the whole group - “one
alert springbox is all that is needed to set the whole herd in

● T: Read question #14 out loud

● T: “What are some words you would choose that represent the main idea
here? Why did you choose them?”
○ Have students raise their hands
○ Type in chat
○ Select 2-3 students ● Model responses by
○ Student responses… writing answers down
■ “Group, safer, together” and showing students
○ Answer to #14: Living is safer in a group by using the teacher
● T: “Can someone read the last paragraph out loud for the class?”
○ Choose one student
○ Read question #16 out loud
● T:”So for our last question, I would like for you to go ahead and try it on
your own. I’ll give you a few minutes and then call on some of you to
share your answers and how you knew it” (Give 2-3 minutes)
○ Call on 2-3 students to share responses

Closing summary (5 Minutes)

● T: “Great job with reading out loud and participating! Can someone
share how the close reading from today relates to our learning targets?
What have you learned?”
○ Student responses…
■ “We practiced citing evidence by underlining sentences”
■ “We practiced finding the main idea by changing the
■ “We underlined details to find the main idea”
● T: “Looking at our first learning target, I would like for you to show me
how comfortable you are at citing evidence. Give me a..”
○ Thumbs up for comfortable
○ Thumbs down for uncomfortable
○ Sideways for more practice
● T: Repeat for second learning target


● T: “Great job everyone! We will continue to talk about different animal

defense mechanisms in the upcoming weeks when you begin to research
your specific animal.” ● Make sure to ask
students if they have
● T: Direct students to Schoology questions about what
● T: “Go ahead and log into Schoology and pull up your KWL assessment they should be doing
under ELA. Thinking about the animal that you were assigned a couple next
days ago, I would like for you to answer”
○ What do I know?
○ What would I like to know?
○ What did I learn?
● T: Give students 10 minutes to complete their assessment online

Assessment (10 Minutes) ● Share Schoology screen

to students and guide
Formal: them to ELA page and
● Schoology assessment assessment tab

● Nonverbal cues (thumbs up/thumbs down)
● Speaking and listening
○ “How do you know?”
○ “What in the text shows that?”
○ “What did you underline as evidence? How did you know?”

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