Islami Valentina - Sls - Part 3

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Science Lesson Sequence - Part 3: Lesson Plans

Lesson 1

Anticipated Teaching Date: 3/21 - 3/25

Time Estimate: 30 Minutes

● 1 writing utensil per student
● “Evidence of energy” chart paper
● Boiling water video
● Campfire video
● Candle video
● Yosemite forest fire video

Safety Considerations:
● NA
Introduction (5 minutes)

● Students are to be sitting at their tables with a pencil

● T: “Today we will continue to look at how energy and fire are related. I will show
you some videos that further explore the phenomena and then we will discuss our
observations as a class.”
○ Display driving question on Smart board
○ Remind students of discussion etiquette
■ Raise hands
■ One student speaking at a time
■ Be respectful of everyone’s opinions
● T: “Think back to the last few lessons. What do we know about energy and what
does it have to do with fire? Turn and talk with your table partners. In one
minute, we will come back together and share our thoughts.”
○ Give students one minute to discuss with their table partners.
● T: “Which tables would like to share their thoughts?”
○ Take 3-4 hands
● T: “Great observations! Let’s get started with today’s science talk.”

Main Teaching Activities (20 minutes)

● T: “We’ll begin our discussion by first looking at a video of boiling water. While
watching these videos, I would like for you all to make observations on what you
notice about how fire and energy are related along with your own experiences.”
○ Play full boiling water video
○ Replay video if needed
● T: “What did you observe from the video? Is there evidence of energy and how do
you know?”
○ Give students a moment to think about their responses
○ Take 3-5 hands
○ Some talk moves include…
■ “Say more”
■ “How do you know?”
■ Have another student repeat the response in their own words
■ Agree/disagree
● T: This time think of when you may have seen boiled water outside of school.
What did you notice? Explain what was happening.”
○ Choose 3 -5 hands
● T: Great discussion! Now that we’ve talked about how we observed energy with
boiling water, let’s take a look at the next videos. While watching, I want you to
continue thinking about how fire and energy are related along with evidence to
support your claims.”
○ Play campfire video
○ Replay video if needed
● T: How is wood being used here? What did you observe or wonder about this
○ Take 3-5 hands
○ *Some talk moves include…
■ “Say more”
■ “How do you know?”
■ Have another student repeat the response in their own words
■ Agree/disagree
● T: Great observations! Let’s take a look at our last video. I would like for you to
pay attention to what is occurring with the candles and how it relates to our
driving question.”
○ Play candle video
○ Replay if needed
● T: How is energy being transferred in this video? How do you know?”
○ Take 3-5 hands
○ *Some talk moves include…
■ “Say more”
■ “How do you know?”
■ Have another student repeat the response in their own words
■ Agree/disagree
Conclusion (5 minutes )
● T: “Great job at making observations and discussing with your classmates about
what you noticed along with your own personal experiences! Now that we took a
closer look at our phenomena, how are some ways fire and energy related?”
○ Take 3-5 hands
● T: Think about pieces of evidence we discussed. How did the evidence of energy
change from video to video?
○ Take 2-3 hands
● T: What are some things we would want to know about fire next?”
○ Take 2-3 hands
● T: “Great job with today’s science talk! Thank you for your participation. For our
next lesson, we will take a closer look at how fire and energy have the power to
move things.”
Good work! Be sure to video record and upload to GoReact for our Class on April
7th!  Loved the videos!!! (5pts)
Lesson 2
Anticipated Teaching Date: 3/21 - 3/25

Time Estimate: 30 Minutes

● Pencil - one per student
● Sticky Notes - one per group (8)
● Evidence of energy paper
● Carousel Video
● Evidence of energy slide
● ‘How are fire and energy related?” chart paper
● Smartboard

Safety Considerations: NA

Introduction (5 minutes)
● Make sure students are seated at their tables
● T: “Last lesson, we watched videos showing heat and energy and how they
interact. Today we will be looking at how heat and energy are able to make
objects move by closely examining the ‘Scandinavian Carousel” together as a
class while making observations.”
○ Ask if there are any questions
● T: “What happens when people use fire to make things move?”
○ Think-Pair-Share with students
○ Walk around while students are sharing with their partners
○ Anticipated responses
■ “There is energy”
■ “Something might get hot”
■ “Something will move”
○ Bring class back together for whole-group
○ Take 3-5 hands
● T: “Great job participating! Since we cannot have fire in the classroom, we will
be observing an experiment by watching a video of the phenomena and writing
down evidence of energy.”

Main Teaching Activities (20 minutes)

● T: “Let’s begin today’s lesson by first writing down in our science notebooks the
prompt ‘evidence of energy’ - make sure to have your notebooks out and a
○ Give students 2 minutes to write down the prompt in their notebooks
○ Model title on the board for additional help
● T: “It’s important that we have this written down because it will help us keep
track of our observations by writing down evidence.”
○ Ask students for a thumbs up when their prompt is written down
● T: “Now that you have your prompt written down, I would like for all of you to
pay close attention to the video I’m about to play of the Scandinavian Carousel. I
will pause frequently to discuss what is happening and how do you know. Have
you ever heard of a Scandinavian Carousel?”
○ Take 2-3 hands
○ Make sure video is loaded on Smartboard
○ Play video and stop at :45
● T: “By raising your hands to volunteer, let’s have a few students come up to the
board and point out different parts of the carousel. Then as a class we’ll discuss
why we think they’re important when looking at the relationship between heat
and energy along with helping us make our observations.”
○ Take 3-4 hands
○ Resume video
○ Pause at 1:34
● T: “Now that the candles are lit, what is beginning to happen to the carousel?
Where do you think the transfer of energy is taking place and how do you know?”
○ Have students discuss in their small groups for 2-3 minutes
■ Use timer to keep students on task
○ Bring students back together by using a verbal cue
○ Take responses from 2-3 groups
● T: “Great responses! Let’s keep watching the video until the end now.”
○ Resume video
○ Pause at 1:45
● T: “What happened to the carousel towards the end of the video? Why did you
think that happened and how do you know?”
○ Take 2-4 hands
○ Carousel began to slow down as candles were blown out - less energy transfer
● “Great discussion! Let’s now take a few minutes to write down on our worksheet
some evidence of energy that you observed while watching the video.”
○ Give students 5 minutes to write
○ Include visual timer

Conclusion (5 minutes)
● Pass out sticky notes to each student
● Have “How are energy and fire related?” chart paper up near the front of the room.
● T: “What were some general observations we made about the Scandinavian
Carousel experiment?”
○ Take 2-3 hands
● T: “Now that we’ve had the chance to write down some pieces of evidence, I want
you to think of our driving question. Using your sticky note, answer the question
“how are energy and fire related?” Once you are done, go ahead and place your
sticky note under the prompt in the front of the room.”
○ Give students 1-2 minutes to write their responses down
○ Read sticky notes
○ Thank students for their participation in today’s experiment
○ Collect ‘evidence of energy’ worksheet
● T: “For our next lesson, we will be applying what we have observed and learned
about to real life situations.”
You’ve done a nice layout for using the video! Should be fun! (5pts)
Lesson 3

Anticipated Teaching Date: 3/21 - 3/25

Time Estimate: 30 minutes

● One writing utensil per student
● Smartboard
● Fire Graphs
● Burned Acres Worksheet

Safety Considerations: NA
Introduction (5 minutes)
● Make sure students are seated
● T: “Now that we’ve had the chance to discuss videos on fire and watch an
experiment, it’s time to apply what we’ve learned so far to forest fires. For this
lesson, we want to focus on how fire and energy are related by thinking about
what does our need for fuel have to do with fire suppression. We will explore this
together by looking at graphs and completing a worksheet.”
○ Remind students of what the driving question
■ How are energy and fire related?
● T: “Think back to the videos we watched during our science talk. What were
some things that the fires needed in order to start?
○ Take 2-3 hands
■ Wood
● T: “Wood is fuel that is an important part of the fire system that transfers
energy. What are some things that we use trees and wood for?”
○ Clean air, fuel, paper, wood for homes, etc.
● T: “Great responses! We use wood for a lot of things in our daily lives. Let’s get
started with looking at graphs of the total amount of area burned by wildfires.”

Main Teaching Activities (15 minutes)

● Have graph #1 displayed on Smartboard
● Hand out a copy of the worksheet to each student
● Ask a student to read the title of the graph out loud
● Explain features of the graphs
○ Title, x-axis, y-axis, bar graph format, etc.
● T: “Take a look at the graph. What are some things that you either notice or
○ Take 3-4 hands
● T: “Since we have not worked with many graphs in the past, we will be
completing this worksheet as a whole group and working towards understanding
it together.”
○ Answer questions 1-10 together as a class
○ Have students raise their hand and read each question out loud
● T: “Looking at our graph, what observations can you make about what is
happening? Are the acres that are being burned increasing or decreasing? What
evidence can you tell the class to prove that?”
○ Take 3-4 hands
● T: “Great observations! By looking at our graphs, we can conclude that wildfires
have been burning more acres than ever before.”

Conclusion (10 minutes or X:XX-X:XY)

● Ask students to flip their papers over to the blank side
● T: “Let’s think back to what we discussed at the beginning of our lesson. Now
that we have looked at how many acres of land have been burned, what does our
need for fuel have to do with fire suppression? Why would humans want to
suppress fires?”
○ Take 3-4 hands
○ Keep air clean, wood for resources, animals live there, etc.
● T: “Take the next few minutes to write down or draw your response on the back
of your worksheet. I will collect your papers in five minutes.”
○ Collect worksheets from students
○ Thank them for their participation
Since this is going to be your assessment for the 3-day sequence, we want the students to
apply what they’ve learned to a new situation. The fill-in the blank answers will give you data,
but doesn’t allow all students to fully demonstrate what they know. Try adding a drawing
component to this worksheet that could be done on the back. It might have students draw a
habitat or area and then label some ways that fire could be suppressed. This would allow you to
have more data to work with for your analysis as the fill-in the blanks gives only opportunity for
right or wrong answers. Hope this makes sense. (4pts)

(5+5+4 = 14pts)

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