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Chapter 1 - Modul 1: Introduction

- Course Overview
- Setup Tools

Chapter 2 - Modul 9: Local Storage

- Storing & Getting Data
- Local Storage Introduction
- Stringifying & Parsing Data
- Deleting Storage Data

Chapter 3 - Modul 3: Control Flow Basics

- While Loops & Do While Loops
- If Statements
- Variable Scope
- For Loops
- Switch Statements

Chapter 4 - Modul 10: Object Oriented Programming

- Super
- Class Inheritance
- OOP Introduction
- Class Constructor
- Constructors
- Class Method & Method Chaining
- Build-In-Objects
- Class

Chapter 5 - Modul 5: Object

- Math Object
- Object in Array
- ‘This’ keyword
- Adding Property and Method
- Object Introduction
- Object Literal

Chapter 6 - Modul 7: Asynchronous JavaScript

- Async & Await
- Promise
- Asynchronous JavaScript Introduction
- Callback Function and Callback Hell
- Error Handling
- Fetch API
- JSON Data
- Response Status

Chapter 7 - Modul 6: Document Object Model (DOM)

- DOM Introduction
- DOM Selectors
- Mouse Event
- Event Bubbling & Delegation
- Adding and Changing Elements
- Keyboard & Input Event
- Event Listeners
Chapter 8 - Modul 4: Function dan Method
- Arrow Function
- Function vs Method
- Function Introduction
- Callback Function
- Function Argument dan Parameter

Chapter 9 - Modul 8: Array Method

- Chaining Array Method
- Sort Method
- Filter Method
- Map Method
- Reduce Method
- Find Method

Chapter 10 - Modul 2: JavaScript Dasar

- Konversi Tipe Data (Type Conversion)
- Menambahkan file JS ke dalam file HTML
- Komparasi (Comparison)
- Browser Console
- JavaScript Variable, Comment
- Data Types
- JavaScript Introduction

Chapter 11 - Modul 11: Projects

- Projects

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