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ZONES... ABSTRACT? GM: This corridor has 3 parts, all in a

At first, several questions might assault long, linear hollow. The metal door, a
your 5e brain. But HOW FAR is a ZONE long stretch of sparse columns, and an
from another ZONE? How big is a ZONE inset grotto at the far end. Kobold eyes
in feet? If things are just ZONES, do maps can be seen in the grotto.
even matter, ‘cause maps are cool! What KORD: Can I dash all the way to the Ko-
about line of sight? What have you done bolds? “For Anterra!”
to my game?!:O GM: Since these ZONES are all lined up,
that’s a double move, your entire turn to
One of 5e’s defining aspects is its concrete get there. Elos, Kord is charging!
treatment of distance. A world measured ELOS: I’ll move up just a bit, is there a
in feet. So many players and GM’s have column I can hide behind?
spent so many words telling how many GM: Absolutely.
feet a thing is from another, or how many ELOS: Ok, I move up and fire an arrow!
feet a thing moves. All the descriptive GM: It’s dark down there, and there’s a
detail, visual depth, and tactical econo- barbarian in the way. Roll with disadvan-
my of this approach can be achieved by tage.
ZONES, especially if you apply one sim- ELOS: Ha! Still got a mod 16! 8 damage!
ple formula to ease into such a new way GM: You hear a Kobold slump to the
of seeing the game. floor, followed by a menacing low growl.
KORD: Uh oh.
30’ is a magic number in the world of 5e.
So many things seem to be right around NOW TRIM THE FAT
that size or distance. It is the base ‘Lego’ As you master the ZONE method, and
of the D&D world, and can be used to vi- design content with it in mind, you’ll find
sualize ZONES. many element of 5e are ready to be cut.
Here’s a starting list:
1 ZONE = 1 30’x30’ Area or Feature
• Opportunity Attacks: Just be rid of
Now, if you forget all the wiggly details them. They cause battles to ‘stick’
of who moves 25’ and what spell has a ra- which reduces dynamism and move-
dius of 40.’ Treat those as a single unit of ment in combat.
simpler, thematic space. • Ranges: If it’s in your encounter, it’s
in range for magic or missile attacks.
A ZONE is a conceptual summary of • Exact Speeds: Let go of measuring
what 5e describes in atomic detail. feet. Fast things outrun their pursuers
by description, not inches.

Few things slow the intensity of play like Agreed Initiative lets players array
Held Actions, Bonus Actions, and other marching order, plan coordinated
mucking about with turn order and tim- moves, or gain The Upper Hand against
ing. Start by removing these elements foes before they are detected. Winning
from your game for good. Initiative re- the iniative roll should be a major factor
mains an exciting part of play, so employ in how players approach a scene.
the HARDCORE way.
AGREED INITIATIVE Allow players to use Initiative Bonuses,
while you roll a flat D20. Then, don’t be
shy, as GM, to exploit an opportunity to
Roll initiative as GM vs. all players... go first. Immediately begin a countdown
• If players win, they decide their initia- to larger threats or escalations and de-
tive order and begin. ploy your forces and hazards within the
• If the GM wins, she goes first THEN play- bounds of the narrative. Often, a deadly
ers decide their order and go. opening move for a GM can be simply
moving enemies into the heroes’ point of


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