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This bit is more radical. Using CR effec- The ramifications of this method should
tively has always been spaghetti in 5e. be instantly apparent to a fielded GM or
No more. HARDCORE MODE prizes a player. Higher challenge monsters are
monster’s CR above all else besides Im- worth far less XP, stat diversity is flat-
munities and Abilities. All of its stats can tened and homogenized, by Bruenor’s
be derived on the fly by knowing the CR. Beard, heresy abounds!
Your Monster Manual is still critical for
details, but stats are solved in one stroke. In truth, this method will add greatly to
the numeric streamlining of play, and fit
CHALLENGE RATING FORMULAE with your lower-powered PC’s and vari-
able level progression. All the numbers
are shrinking. It’s all relative. At any time
All monster stats are created thus: when creating or playing monsters, a
• Armor Class = 10 + CR GM should ALWAYS feel free to boost a
• Hit Points = 10 X CR stat beyond its formula for special rea-
• Check and Attack Rolls = D20 + CR sons. Always augment a monster among
• XP Value = CR X 200 its mooky companions! The CR formulae
simply provide your base shortcut, and
keep your head in the moment.

One tremendous barrier to play, in any Roc Pinnacle. Your players are trying to
style, is finding a solution to character steel a Roc egg. The ZONES are:
and enemy movement, distance, and ac- • The Nest
cess to space. Measuring feet on terrain • The Cliff Edge
in tedious and asks too much of maps. • A Field of Boulders
Simply asking for a GM ruling on distance • The Ascent Route
feels fickle and rubbery. Close/Near/Far
systems can feel coarse to experienced Ebonfang. The final battle on a magical
players. Once again, HARDCORE MODE spire roof is playing out! The ZONES are:
compresses all this to a binary state. • The Altar Stone
• A Descending Stair
You are either HERE or THERE. • Out-In-the-Open
• The Battlements
HERE is a term that implies co-location
with other things. You are among these Spider Barrow. Our heroes dare a forgot-
things, be they enemies, objects, or fea- ten burial chamber. The ZONES are:
tures of an area. You can affect these • A Giant Stone Coffin
things directly without ranged ability. • A Massive Stone Door
• Tile-Adorned Nave
To move to another relevant feature, • A Mass of Webs
object, or creature(s), to go THERE, re-
quires the move action of your turn. GM: The skeleton is rising from the cof-
fin! It has a massive, rusty blade, and
This may seem flippantly simple, but it glowing eyes!
can solve all questions of movement in KORD: Me and Elos are at the stone
play. This method is commonly called door. I’ll rush over to the coffin, ready to
‘zones.’ A ZONE is a relevant location in attack next round... hold it there!
play. Fighting with a sword? You’ll need to ELOS: I’ll fire a cold arrow from here.
be in the ZONE the goblins are crouching, (Rolls) Mod 19! My cold arrow does 6
while a bow could be fired from another damage, and freezes it there.
ZONE. Transitioning between ZONES? GM: The skeleton crackles with ice, un-
Use a standard move action to do so. This able to move. Kord, roll your strike!
method is also ideal for ‘theatre-of-the- KORD: Mod 17, only 4 damage. Is there
mind’ games, as no significant visuals are any other movement in the room?
required to track the action. GM: Yes! You see three more skeletons
in the Nave! They’re coming your way!


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