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Sing Yin Secondary School

First Term Test (2017-2018)

English Language
Paper 1: Reading

Form 6 Time allowed: 70 mins

Full marks: 66
Name:________________________Class:_____ ( ) Marks: ______/66( ______/50)

Question-Answer Book


1. Answer ALL questions.

2. The reading passages are in a separate booklet.

3. Write your answers in the spaces provided in the Question–Answer Book. Answers written in the

margins will not be marked.

4. For multiple-choice questions, you are advised to blacken the appropriate circle with a pencil so

that wrong marks can be completely erased with a clean rubber. Mark only ONE answer to each

question. Two or more answers will score NO MARKS.

F.6 First Term Test 2017-2018 English Language Paper 1: Reading Page 2 of 9

Part A (29 marks)

Answer questions 1-20 based on the text on pages 2-3 of the Reading Passages Booklet. Write your
answer in the spaces provided. For multiple-choice questions, choose the answer and blacken ONE
circle only.

1 What can we infer from Lee ‘laughing bitterly’ (lines 2–3)?

ally believe that Hong Kong is a world-class city.

2 Find a word in paragraph 1 that has the same meaning as ‘unlucky people’.


3 Read paragraph 2 and decide whether the following statements are True, False or the information
Answers written in the margins will not be marked.

Answers written in the margins will not be marked.

is Not Given. Blacken ONE circle only for each statement. (3 marks)

Bed-space apartments are mainly in Hong Kong’s older urban
(i)   

(ii) Each bed-space apartment has its own bathroom and kitchen.   

(iii) There are never more than ten cage homes in a flat.   

4 Who are the residents of cage homes in Hong Kong?

They are too old to get work, so they cannot get enough money to live in better housing.

They are too old to get work, so they cannot get enough money to live in better housing.

5 Find a word in paragraph 3 that has the same meaning as ‘people who live in a particular

was laid off from

6 Find a word in paragraph 3 that means the opposite of ‘acceptable’.


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F.6 First Term Test 2017-2018 English Language Paper 1: Reading Page 3 of 9

7 According to paragraph 4, what can we infer was the problem with Lee’s mattress?

It had bedbugs.

8 According to paragraph 4, what is Lee scared about late at night?

insects crawling into his ears

9 Complete the following summary of paragraph 5. Use ONE word to fill in each blank.
(4 marks)

According to Mark Zhang, a cage-home dweller originally from (i)_______________, the

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Answers written in the margins will not be marked.

(ii)______________ outside in summer is actually about two degrees cooler than what it is
in the cage homes that he and his neighbours (iii)_____________. This factor only adds
to how cage homes are (iv)_____________ for the people who live in them.

10 What two factors cause the cage homes to be hotter in summer? (2 marks)


(ii) ______________________________________________________________________________

11 What is the main idea of paragraph 6?


12 What does ‘the bug’ (line 71) refer to?


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F.6 First Term Test 2017-2018 English Language Paper 1: Reading Page 4 of 9

13 Complete the following summary of how cage homes came into existence. Use ONE word to fill
in each blank. (4 marks)
Some landlords (i) possible Hong Kong’s first cage homes in the 1950s. This was because a
lot of migrant workers came to the city at that time, and its population (ii) possible . There
were so many people here that it was not (iii) possible for the government to meet their (iv)
possible for new housing.

14 In paragraph 7, what metaphor does the writer use to describe how people viewed the first cage
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Answers written in the margins will not be marked.

15 What does ‘this’ (line 93) refer to?


16 According to paragraph 8, why do cage-home dwellers tend to get electrical shocks?



17 Find a phrase in paragraph 9 that means ‘ignore’.


18 Do you think the writer believes the government is doing enough for cage-home dwellers?


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F.6 First Term Test 2017-2018 English Language Paper 1: Reading Page 5 of 9

19 This text is …
A a review. A B C D
B a story.
C an article.    
D a leaflet.

20 What is the most suitable title for this text?

A Hong Kong’s world-class cage homes A B C D
B Hong Kong’s unacceptable cage homes
   
C Why cage homes are a necessary evil
D Why cage homes are so expensive
Part B (37 marks)
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Answers written in the margins will not be marked.

Section 1 (This section is not recommended for our students. Please attempt Section 2.)
Section 2
Answer questions 21-44 based on the text on pages 4-5 of the Reading Passages Booklet. Write
your answer in the spaces provided. For multiple-choice questions, choose the answer and blacken
ONE circle only.

21 What does ‘gender-neutral’ (line 1) mean?

22 What does ‘that’ refer to in line 5?

23 Complete the following summary based on paragraph 2. Use only one word on each line.
(4 marks)

Ky Hamilton has been using gender-neutral pronouns for (i)___________ ____________,

since a time when their preferred pronouns were not used regularly. In order to make life
more comfortable for their friends and co-workers, Ky had (ii)___________ their own
needs. Ky worked as a (iii)___________ ___________ and encouraged students to be
(iv)___________ with themselves and others.

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F.6 First Term Test 2017-2018 English Language Paper 1: Reading Page 6 of 9

24 What does ‘not walking the walk’ (lines 12–13) suggest about the writer’s behaviour?

25 Number the following events in chronological order. Write 1–4 on the lines provided.
Ky’s co-workers learn that Ky is genderqueer
Ky feels exhausted
Ky goes camping
Ky meets with their boss

26 What does ‘these issues’ refer to in line 20?

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Answers written in the margins will not be marked.

27 Which of the following could NOT replace ‘a boon’ in line 24?
A a blessing
B a benefit
C a fortune A B C D

D an advantage    

28 According to paragraph 4, why would things likely be different for other genderqueer people in
Ky’s situation?



29 Why does the writer say ‘it is just my story’ (line 29)?



30 What was Ky’s ‘camping in the desert moment’ (line 31)?


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F.6 First Term Test 2017-2018 English Language Paper 1: Reading Page 7 of 9

31 Find a word or phrase in paragraphs 4–5 that means ‘the issue we are currently talking about’.


32 What is a ‘thought experiment’ (line 35)?


33 Decide whether the following statements are True, False or the information is Not Given in
paragraph 7. (3 marks)
The writer thinks their country does a good job of balancing
i)   
freedom of speech with human rights.
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Answers written in the margins will not be marked.

The writer thinks the ‘Welcome to the gender-neutral pronoun
ii)   
war’ article should be retracted.

The writer wants people who use the wrong pronouns to be

iii)   
charged with a crime.

34 Who does ‘your columnist’ (line 40) refer to?


35 Why does the writer think that calling a discussion about gender-neutral pronouns a ‘war’ is


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F.6 First Term Test 2017-2018 English Language Paper 1: Reading Page 8 of 9

36 Below is a summary of paragraph 7. In three of the lines, there is ONE mistake. If you find a
mistake, underline the mistake and replace the word with one that expresses the correct idea.
Rewrite the word in the space on the right. If there is no mistake, put a tick () in the space. The
first has been done for you. (5marks)

Summary Correction
e.g. Unlike the assertion, Ky Hamilton does not believe columnist
i) that a majority of transgender people would oppose

ii) the introduction of ‘hate crime charges’ for the misuse

iii) of gender pronouns. Invoking a threat of criminal charges

iv) makes those who agree with Ky’s views on pronouns

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Answers written in the margins will not be marked.

v) feel as if they are the ones who are being threatened.

37 When Anita says that language ‘should change as society changes’, it suggests that she is
politically …

A conservative.
B engaged. A B C D
C progressive.    
D reactionary.
38 In Anita’s comment, she says that she agrees ‘in principle’ with Ky Hamilton. This means
she …
A agrees with the idea in general.
B disagrees.
C would like to be able to agree. A B C D
D agreed at first and then changed her mind.    
39 A ‘knee-jerk reaction’ (line 68) is …
A a rapid response.
B a physical response. A B C D
C a thoughtful response.    
D an unthinking response
F.6 First Term Test 2017-2018 English Language Paper 1: Reading Page 9 of 9

40 What do you think Roberta’s ‘knee-jerk reaction’ would have been?


41 What is the tone of William’s comment?

A irate
B teasing
C earnest A B C D
D disappointed    
42 What does Sheila mean by ‘before we go down that road’ (line 78)?

43 Where would you be likely to find the text?

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Answers written in the margins will not be marked.

A on a university website
B in a blog
C in an online newspaper
D in an online journal    

44 Look at Comments 1–4 and match them to the list of suggested titles in the box below. Write the
correct number (1, 2, 3, 4) in the box on the right. One title is not used and should be marked with
an ‘X’. (5 marks)
Titles Comments 1 / 2 / 3 / 4
i) Change isn’t cheap!

ii) Biology vs gender identity ‘

iii) Streamline the terminology

iv) Human rights for all

v) Embrace discomfort


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