Coast Guard, DHS 155.310: 155.245 Damage Stability Information For Inland Oil Barges

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Coast Guard, DHS § 155.


(c) Access to the shore-based calcula- loading operation, has a capacity of at

tion program must be available 24 least:
hours a day. (i) One half barrel if it serves one or
(d) At a minimum, the program must more hoses with an inside diameter of
facilitate calculation of the following: 2 inches or less, or one or more loading
(1) Residual hull girder strength arms with a nominal pipe size diameter
based on the reported extent of dam- of 2 inches or less;
age. (ii) One barrel if it serves one or more
(2) Residual stability when the ves- hoses with an inside diameter of more
sel’s compartments are breached. than 2 inches but less than 4 inches, or
(3) The most favorable off-loading, one or more loading arms with a nomi-
ballasting, or cargo transfer sequences nal pipe size diameter of more than 2
to improve residual stability, reduce inches but less than 4 inches;
hull girder stresses, and reduce ground- (iii) Two barrels if it serves one or
force reaction. more hoses with an inside diameter of
(4) The bending and shear stresses 4 inches or more, but less than 6 inches,
caused by pinnacle loads from ground- or one or more loading arms with a
ing or stranding. nominal pipe size diameter of 4 inches
[CGD 90–068, 58 FR 67996, Dec. 22, 1993, as
or more, but less than 6 inches;
amended by USCG–1998–3799, 63 FR 35531, (iv) Three barrels if it serves one or
June 30, 1998] more hoses with an inside diameter of
6 inches or more, but less than 12
§ 155.245 Damage stability information inches, or one or more loading arms
for inland oil barges. with a nominal pipe size diameter of 6
(a) Owners or operators of inland oil inches or more, but less than 12 inches;
barges shall ensure that the vessel or
plans necessary to perform salvage, (v) Four barrels if it serves one or
stability, and residual hull strength as- more hoses with an inside diameter of
sessments are maintained at a shore- 12 inches or more, or one or more load-
based location. ing arms with a nominal pipe size di-
(b) Access to the plans must be avail- ameter of 12 inches or more;
able 24 hours a day. (2) A means of draining or removing
discharged oil or hazardous material
[CGD 90–068, 58 FR 67997, Dec. 22, 1993, as
from each container or enclosed deck
amended by USCG–1998–3799, 63 FR 35531,
June 30, 1998] area without discharging the oil or
hazardous material into the water; and
§ 155.250 Oil fuel tank protection. (3) A mechanical means of closing
each drain and scupper in the container
Each ship with an aggregate oil fuel
or enclosed deck area required by this
capacity of 600 cubic meters or more
that is delivered on or after August 1,
2010, must meet the minimum standard (b) An offshore tank barge with a
of oil fuel tank protection required by cargo capacity of 250 or more barrels
Annex I, Regulation 12A (incorporated that is carrying hazardous material as
by reference, see § 155.140). cargo and an inland tank barge with
the capacity of 250 or more barrels that
[USCG–2010–0194, 80 FR 5934, Feb. 4, 2015] is carrying oil or a hazardous material
as cargo must meet paragraph (a) of
§ 155.310 Containment of oil and haz- this section or be equipped with—
ardous material cargo discharges.
(1) A coaming, at least 4 inches high
(a) A tank vessel with a capacity of but not more than 8 inches high, en-
250 or more barrels that is carrying oil closing the immediate area of the
or hazardous material as cargo must cargo hatches, loading manifolds, and
have— transfer connections, that has a capac-
(1) Under or around each loading ity, in all conditions of vessel list and
manifold and each transfer connection trim to be encountered during the load-
point, a fixed container or enclosed ing operation, of at least one-half bar-
ehiers on DSK5VPTVN1PROD with CFR

deck area that, in all conditions of ship rel per hatch, manifold, and connection
list or trim encountered during the within the enclosed area;


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§ 155.320 33 CFR Ch. I (7–1–16 Edition)

(2) A fixed or portable container (2) A mechanical means of closing

under each loading manifold and each each drain and scupper within the coa-
transfer connection within the coa- ming; and
ming, that holds at least one-half bar- (3) A means of draining or removing
rel; discharged oil from the fixed or port-
(3) A mechanical means of closing able container and from within the
each drain and scupper within the coa- coaming without discharging the oil
ming; and into the water.
(4) A means of draining or removing
[CGD 75–124a, 48 FR 45715, Oct. 6, 1983, as
discharged oil or hazardous material
amended by CGD 86–034, 55 FR 36254, Sept. 4,
from the fixed or portable container 1990; CGD 90–068, 58 FR 67997, Dec. 22, 1993;
and from within the coamings without USCG–1998–3799, 63 FR 35531, June 30, 1998]
discharging the oil or hazardous mate-
rial into the water. § 155.320 Fuel oil and bulk lubricating
(c) All oil tankers and offshore oil oil discharge containment.
barges with a cargo capacity of 250 or (a) A ship of 300 gross tons or more
more barrels must have peripheral constructed after June 30, 1974 must
coamings, including port and starboard have a fixed container or enclosed deck
coamings and forward and aft area under or around each fuel oil or
athwartships coamings, completely en- bulk lubricating oil tank vent, over-
closing the cargo deck area, cargo flow, and fill pipe, that:
hatches, manifolds, transfer connec-
(1) For a ship of 300 or more but less
tions, and any other openings where
than 1600 gross tons has a capacity of
cargo may overflow or leak.
at least one-half barrel; and
(1) Coamings must be at least 4
inches high except in the aft corners. (2) For a ship of 1600 or more gross
(2) In the aft corners (port and star- tons has a capacity of one barrel.
board) of a vessel, the coamings must (b) A ship of 100 gross tons or more
be at least 8 inches high and extend— constructed before July 1, 1974, and a
(i) Forward at least 14 feet from each ship of 100 or more but less than 300
corner; and gross tons constructed after June 30,
(ii) Inboard at least 8 feet from each 1974 must:
corner. (1) Meet paragraph (a)(1) of this sec-
(3) Each area enclosed by the coa- tion; or
ming required under this paragraph (2) Equip each fuel oil or bulk lubri-
must have— cating oil tank vent, overflow, and fill
(i) A means of draining or removing pipe during oil transfer operations with
oil from the enclosed deck area with- a portable container of at least a 5 U.S.
out discharging oil into the water; and gallon capacity; or
(ii) A mechanical means of closing (3) If the ship has a fill fitting for
each drain and scupper in the enclosed which containment is impractical, use
deck-area. an automatic back pressure shut-off
(4) For a tankship, as defined in 46 nozzle.
CFR 30.10–67, the coaming or other bar- (c) This section does not apply to a
rier required in 46 CFR 32.56–15 may fixed or floating drilling rig or other
serve as the aft athwartships coaming platform.
if the tankship is otherwise in compli-
ance with the requirements of this sec- § 155.330 Oily mixture (bilge slops)/fuel
tion. oil tank ballast water discharges on
U.S. non-oceangoing ships.
(d) In addition to the requirements of
paragraphs (a) and (b) of this section, (a) No person may operate a U.S.
an offshore oil barge with a cargo ca- non-oceangoing ship in the navigable
pacity of 250 or more barrels must waters of the United States, unless it
have— has the capacity to retain on board all
(1) A fixed or portable container that oily mixtures and is equipped to dis-
holds at least one-half barrel under charge these oily mixtures to a recep-
each oil loading manifold and each oil tion facility.
ehiers on DSK5VPTVN1PROD with CFR

transfer connection within the coa- (b) A U.S. non-oceangoing ship may
ming; retain all oily mixtures on board in the


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