Write An Essay On One of The Following Topics

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Write an Essay on one of the following topics: 1) The COVID-19 pandemic has changed

the world as we know it. How have you been impacted and what lessons were learned. 2)
Do you believe that Jamaica will recover from the economic impact caused by the COVID-
19 pandemic? 3) Does dancehall music have a positive or negative effect on our culture?
In all cases, add arguments to bolster your answer. *

It is imperative to agree that, Dancehall music has a negative impact on our

culture. Firstly, the new era of dancehall music is only violence been
promoting. Secondly, the type of music is brain washing the adolescent in our
communities. Thirdly, Dancehall is one of the leading factors as to why
Jamaica crime rate is high. The dancehall we knew back then is totally
different from we know now.
In addition, the songs that are being broadcasting from the artists contain pure
violence. The artists are singing about guns, how much money they make and
how much men they kill. Artists are singing about when they bought their first
gun they killed 5 men in one day, as they boastful elaborate it. These type of
information causes the young minded youths to lead a stray and want to
emulate the activities they hear in the songs. Imagine listening someone living
a fancy life wouldn’t you want to life just like them? It is the same thing with
Dancehall artist are free to say what they want, so they tell people untrue
stories about how they achieve their riches and now the small minded persons
suffer in the end. Ending up in jail facing a life sentence.
Furthermore, the music brain washes the adolescent in our communities. In
numerous new reports, gleaners and magazines we have seen incidents where
teenage boys are responsible for fatal crimes. They thought what they heard in
the dancehall music is real, but they are faced with the harsh consequences
after. Criminals use Dancehall to influence young people to form gangs and
kill each other and in return they will have a lot of women. Criminals also use
Dancehall to allude to their gang member’s to do the crimes they broadcast on
their song.
Finally, approximately 68% of the crime in Jamaica is influenced by
dancehall. This is proven by the details artists sing in their songs’, as the
gruesome images the artists portray is seen on crime scenes with exacts details
of the lyrics of the song. Also when persons of authority question accusers of
why they committed the crime the often response is “is what I hear my
favourite artist doing I’m doing”
It is vital to agree that, Dancehall music has a negative impact on our culture

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