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- Age level: Teenager (12-16 years old)
- Proficiency level: A2
- Class size: 15 students
- Time: 75 minutes
- Textbook: Falla, T., & Davies, P. (2016). Solutions 3rd Edition:
Pre-Intermediate: Student’s Book (3rd Revised edition). OXFORD UP ELT.

● Unit 5: Ambition
● Unit 5B: Grammar: will and going to
● Unit 5C: Changing jobs
● Context/ Topic: Dream Jobs
● Communicative purposes/functions:

1. Asking and answering questions about jobs

2. Using ‘will and going to’ in the right way to make predictions, plans,
offers, and promises.
● Previous lesson (Unit 5A): Students learned to apply the vocabulary to talk
about jobs.


● The lesson aims to provide students with the practice of speaking (and
listening) skills to talk about dream jobs. (A1)
● The lesson aims to provide students with the knowledge of vocabulary and
grammar chunks to talk about dream jobs. (A2)
● The lesson aims to provide students the knowledge about listening for gist and
note-taking skills in listening. (A3)


By the end of the lesson, students will be able to:

● Remember nouns to name jobs. (O1)
● Apply will and going to structures to make predictions, plans, offers, and
promises. (O2)
● Apply note-taking skills to listen for main ideas. (O3)
● Produce language using learned vocabulary and grammar by speaking. (O4)
● Make plans to achieve dream jobs. (O5)




Task 1: - If the teacher cannot

- To get students ready - Students are Direct method
show the video because
Greetings and to learn. motivated to study.
of technical problems or
watching a short
- To engage students’ - Students can practice internet connection. →
attention to the lesson. and be more confident Teacher will send the link
(5 minutes) in speaking, thinking. of the video to students
and they can watch it by
- Through answering
- To introduce to themselves.
the question after
students the topic of
watching the video, - Teacher raises the
the lesson.
students can practice question but no one
critical thinking to volunteers to give the
answer. → Teacher will
give the hint and ask
guess the main topic of again, then maybe invite
the lesson today. a student randomly to
give the answer.

- When students give the

wrong answer about the
question, they will be
instructed to answer
correctly again by the

Task 2: Teaching Audiolingualism - Students show no

- To help students - Students can
vocabulary response because they
prepare to learn the remember nouns to
have no knowledge about
(8 mins) main lesson. name some kinds of
the new words.
- To provide students
→ The teacher
with vocabulary - Students identify and
encourages students to
related to the topic: understand the
freely give their ideas or
Dream Jobs.
meanings of new else just introduce new
- To teach students
words. words as usual.
how to pronounce the
new vocabulary - Students will be able → Explain the meaning
correctly. to associate learned of the word again and
words with their real give more examples in
→ (A2)
life. case they do not
understand the meaning
→ (O1)
of the new word clearly.

Task 3: - Students will be able Silent Way - Students do not

- To review the learned
Vocabulary to use the new remember the words.
revision vocabulary about jobs
→ Give them clues or
- To help students have flexibly.
( 6 mins) anything related to that
a better understanding
→ (O1) word to remind them.
of the vocabulary.
- Students do not
- To help students get
participate in the activity.
used to the new
vocabulary. → Remind them that
scores are being
- To help the students
recorded, encourage
remember the new
students to join by telling
vocabulary so they can
them that this is easy for
make use of the words
them, they can do more
in the future.
than that.
→ (A2)

Task 4: - Students will be able Grammar-Translation - Students get distracted

- Introduce the new
to use “will/ be going Method or miss some points of
Teaching grammar point to the
to” correctly and the grammar.
grammar students.
→ Ask them questions
(8 mins) - Help students have a
→ (O2) while teaching to make
better expression for
future plans,
predictions, offers, and sure that they still get the
promises point.

→ (A2)

Task 5: - Students will be able Silent way - Students may miss “to’’
- To check students’
to apply the theory of when filling in “going
Doing grammar understanding about
the structures and the to’’ in the blanks.
exercises “will and going to”.
usages of ‘’will and
→ Teacher can remind
(8 mins) - To explain more going to’’ in real
the students.
about the usages of situations.
“will and going to’’. - Students sometimes
→ (O2)
may not be active or not
- To correct students’
- participate in the
mistakes in “will and
exercise’s activity.
be going to’’ exercises.
→ Teacher can give
→ (A2)
bonuses to encourage
Task 6: Small talk - Students will be able Communicative - Ss may feel shy to
(5 mins) - To practice more on
to speak and share Language Teaching share.
the grammar
about their future jobs.
point:"will and be → Teacher can give
going to". → (O4) small gifts or bonuses to
encourage them.
- To create the
situation leading to the - Ss may have some
topic. mispronunciation.

→ (A2) → Teacher can

correct immediately.

Task 7: - Students will be able Direct Method - Students have questions

- To introduce the
to recognize how to or do not understand the
Introducing general knowledge
listen to the gist, not lesson.
listening skill about listening for gist
every word of the
(listening for gist) (main ideas). → Teacher will give
and taking note explanation or teach
- To provide some tips
skill. again (if necessary)
for students to take
(3 mins) note (using - Students will be able
abbreviation, taking to understand how to
note of the important take note of the main
information only) ideas.

→ (A3) → (O3)

Task 8: Community Language - The Internet connection

- To help students to - To apply the
Learning is not good so that
Listening to the practice the listening knowledge about
students can not hear the
audio related to skill (listen for gist) listening for the gist to
audio really well.
the job and taking complete the exercise.
- To reinforce the
notes. → Teacher gives students
vocabulary about the - To recognize how the
the link including the file
(5 mins) job for students. new words are used in
audio in the chat box.
natural spoken English.
→ (A1, A2) Students will access and
→ (O1, O3) listen to themselves.
Task 9: - Determine the Community Language - The Internet connection
- To help students to
important information Learning is not good so that
Listening to the practice listening
of the audio. students can not hear the
audio again and skills.
audio really well.
decide whether the - Integrate the main
- To lead students to
following idea to complete the → Teacher gives students
use their note-taking to
statements are exercise. the link including the file
predict the answer.
True or False audio in the chat box.
→ (O3)
→ (A1, A3) Students will access and
(5 mins)
listen to themselves.

- Students can not find

out the answer.

→ Teacher can play the

audio again, stop at the
answer or show the
transcript (if necessary).
Task 10: - Students will be able Community Language - Students are shy to
- To help students form
to apply the nouns, Learning speak their voices.
Describing their ideas to talk
adjectives, and
pictures about dream jobs. → Teacher encourages
grammar points learnt
students to speak by
(10 mins) → (A1) in the previous tasks to
giving them some cues.
their speaking.

→ (O4)

Task 11: - To provide students - By completing the The product approach - Students do not
with the practice of task “Making an understand the task
Making an action
writing to make action plan to achieve requirement.
plan to achieve
intentions. your dream job”,
your dream job → Explain again and
students will be able to
→ (A2) give examples.
(10 mins) apply grammar points
(will & going to) and - Students cannot work
vocabulary words to out the appropriate ideas
make intentions. for their plans.
→ (O5) → Suggest ideas for the
writing task.

- Some students haven’t

finished yet.

→ Continue writing the

task at home and summit
it via Google Classroom
before the next lesson.

Task 12: - To remind students - Students will be able - Students cannot answer
of the knowledge to remember and apply the questions.
learned: the knowledge they
→ Repeat the content
(2 mins) have learnt during the
+ Nouns to name jobs. and give hints to students
class period.
so that they can
+ “Will” and “going
remember clearly about
to” structures to make
the topic today.
predictions or plans.
+ Note-taking skill. - Students may get stuck
in the usage of the tenses
and mispronounce some

→ Check their

1. Textbook: Solutions - Pre-intermediate (3rd ed.) pg 54, 55.
2. Tasks
Task 1: Watching a short video
Link video:
Task 2: Teaching vocabulary

- Journalist
- Stunt performer
- Photographer
- Police officer
- Locksmith
- Builder
- Gardener
Task 3: Vocabulary review activity:
1. Multiple choice:
A person who writes news stories or articles for a newspaper or magazine or broadcasts them on radio or television:
A. Photographer
B. Builder
C. Gardener
D. Journalist
2. Fill in the blank:
A person who performs stunts, especially instead of an actor in a film or television program is called ……
→ a stunt performer
3. True/ False
A person who takes photographs, either as a job or hobby is photography.
→ False
→ photographer
4. True/ False
A Police Officer serves to maintain law and order in local areas by protecting members of the public and their property, preventing
crime, reducing the fear of crime, and improving the quality of life for all citizens
→ True
5. Multiple choice
A person who repairs and/or makes locks and supplies keys is called:
A. Photographer
B. Builder
C. Locksmith
D. Stunt performer
6. Fill in the blank
He was the ... of a famous and beautiful city called Baghdad.
→ builder
7. Unscramble the word: rdaereng
→ gardener
Task 4: Teaching grammar

Be going to Will

Predictions The prediction is based on The prediction is based on what we

what we can hear or see know or is just a guess.

Ex: Lena is closing the door. Ex: I (don’t) think she will be an
She’s going to go to work. artist.

Plans We have already decided We are deciding what to do as we

what to do. speak.

Ex: In October, I am going to Ex: Really, you want to be a doctor

start a degree in design at in the future? Then I will be a
Brighton University. nurse.
Offers and Ex: Don’t worry, mum. I’ll be a
promises lawyer when I grow up.

Task 5: Doing exercises 5 and 6 (page 54)

Answer key:
1. Are you going to tell
2. Am going to start
3. Are you going to do
4. Am going to study
5. Am going to get
6. Will be
7. Will be
8. Am not going to do
9. Will get
10. Am not going to apply
11. Will start
12. Will be
13. Won’t be
Task 6: Small talk

Task 7: Introducing listening for gist and note-taking skills.

Listen to:
+ The general ideas of what is being said
+ Who is speaking to whom and the context of the conversation.
+ The purpose of the text.
What you need to listen to:
(✓) key words, intonation
(x) every word, evey phrase,..
For example:
A: Hello, Stu. How are you?

B: Hey, Sara! I’m well thank you. How about you?

A: I couldn’t be better. I’m having a party at 6pm this weekend and would love for you to come if you can make it.

B: Of course. That would be great!

→ Sara invites Stu to her party at 6 pm this weekend.

Note-taking skill:

- Write down the important information.

Some tips for taking note:

- Choose only important information.

- Use abbreviations (about→ abt; because → b/c; different → diff; important → impt; with→ w/; people → ppl,..)

- Use diagrams.

Task 8: Listen and take notes. (Exercise 7, p.55)

a. how he got the idea
b. money
c. what he learned from experience
Recording and Transcription
Answer key:
a. His dad told him to do something he was passionate about, but he didn’t know what that was. He set up a website and asked
employers to give him a job for just one week and he did a new job every week.
b. He was always short of money because he donated all of his money to charity.
c. He learned that you need to be passionate about your job if you’re to enjoy it, your job has to have meaning and it’s important
to work with people that you get on with.

Task 9: Listen again and decide whether the following statements are True or False. (Exercise 8, p.55)
1. After talking to his dad, Sean knew what job he wanted to do.
2. An accident outside at word prevented him from returning to his previous job.
3. He found the majority of the jobs on the internet.
4. He took a few short breaks between the jobs.
5. Sean saved a lot of money while he was working.
6. He thinks that it’s important to work with people who you have a lot in common with.
Recording and Transcription
Answer key:
1-F; 2-F; 3-T; 4-F; 5-F; 6-T

Task 10: Describe the following pictures

Task 11: Making an action plan to achieve your dream job
An English Teacher - My plan
When I was young, it always impressed me to become an English teacher. I realize that teaching is challenging and requires
high qualities and good manners, so a well-prepared plan is a must-have. Therefore, I plan to complete four years of university and
obtain the necessary skills. In December, I am going to start my internship as a teaching assistant at VUS English Center. Then I am
going to take a Chinese test as level 3, which is one of the graduation requirements of my school. After graduating, I will try to earn a
master’s degree in Linguistics to accelerate my career. Though it is a difficult journey, I will try my best to achieve my dream.

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