Potato Squad New Trader Welcome Sheet.: Never Ever Use More Than You Are Willing To Lose

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Potato Squad New Trader Welcome Sheet. Version 2.

0 (3/21/2021) Created by smooosh#4156

Welcome to the Potato Squad trading group. You have made the first step to financial freedom. For this
to work you need to learn the strategy and follow it without deviating from the plan. Our strategy has
been back tested and works.

There are a couple rules for the strategy. They will be explained in more detail below but the overview
of them is

Rule 1). When trading we only use a maximum of 5% of the total account on cross, or 5x leverage
isolated to keep liquidation price at a 5x leverage or less. The strategy is built on using cross so that is
what we recommend you use.

Rule 2). We use our trending Time frame to enter and exit trades, 4hr or higher 8hr, 12hr, etc.

Rule 3). We take starting entries of 1-2% if we see early signs of a turn around and add more once trend
confirms triple confirmation.

Rule 4). Only when trend time frame has confirmed a triple confirmation will we add up to the 5%

Rule 5). scalp profits on a smaller time frames, while in the larger swing time frame trade, meaning you
use the 15m or 1hr to take profits in percentages without closing the position until trend time frame has
turned around and confirmed the other way.

The Set Up

You will need a Trading view account and 3 indicators for the strategy. You can use the free account, but
it is recommended that you have one of the paid versions. The indicators you will need are

1. Market Liberator/Market Cipher (donation/paid) – You can get Market Liberator by going to this
discord https://discord.gg/a8cTt5rtMa and go to the donations channel for instructions on how
to get the full version. There is a free version, but it does not have the indicator that we use in
this strategy.

2. Wolfpack Id (free) – In Trading View go to indicators and strategies (the Fx button at the top)
and search for wolfpack id (m) by darrelfischer1 and add it to your chart.

3. Potato Signal Code (free) – In the discord channel go to the indicators channel. In there you will
find a message from The Baked Potato with the pine script for the indicator. There is a video in
the indicators channel on how to install the pine script into Trading View to use.

Once you have the indicators installed it’s time to set them up for the first time. Let’s start with BTC. In
Trading View bring up the BTC chart from your favorite exchange. Make sure that it is a retail exchange
and not something like bybit. We use Coinbase for the signals in the group.

Once you have the chart up go to the top and choose indicators > invite only scripts > and you should
see Market Liberator A, B and SR. If you do not see them go back to Market Liberator discord and check
on your donation (if it has been over 48 hours). The only one that you must use is the B you can ignore
the rest or learn about them later. Before you add it to your chart it is a good idea to click the star next
to it so it will be added to your favorites. After that is done Click the indicator and it will be added to
your chart.

Bring up indicators 2 more times and add My Scripts > Potato Signal and Wolfpack. Once you have them
all added to your chart your chart will look something like this.
Now we need to set up the Potato Indicator. The other 2 can be left as default. In the upper left you will
see a list of indicators on your chart. Run you mouse over the Potato one and you will see a gear. Click
that and it will bring you to settings.
In settings you need to change the source to the second wolfpack id on the list and check the use HA
candles box. Checking the Enable Bullinger Bands box and EMA box is recommended if you do not have
another indicator for those. These are used for scalping profits.
The last thing is you need to set your chart to be using HA candles.

You are now set up and ready to move onto the strategy.

The Strategy

The strategy is based on the 4-, 8- and 12-hour time frame. Only use the 1 hour to look for a change in
market conditions and scalp. A triple confirmation in anything less than 4 hours is not a confirmation.

In the strategy we use something we call triple confirmation. We have a triple confirmation when all
three indicators are saying the same thing on candle close. For a triple confirmation you need


1. Potato Signal – Green Buy.

2. Market Liberator – Green Dot
3. Wolfpack – Green Indicator.


1. Potato Signal – Red Sell.

2. Market Liberator – Red Dot
3. Wolfpack – Red Indicator.
Below is an example of a short signal. We have all 3 indicators the same and the candle has
closed. In the below example the Wolfpack showed sell 3 candles prior to the potato and
liberator. It is not a trend change until you get all 3 indicators the same.

1. Potato Signal – Green Buy.

2. Market Liberator – Green Dot
3. Wolfpack – Green Indicator.
Below is an example of a long signal. We have all 3 indicators the same and the candle has
closed. In the below example the Wolfpack showed buy 1 candle prior to the potato and
liberator. It is not a trend change until you get all 3 indicators the same.
Common Mistakes

This is not a tripple confirmation. Everything shows red but the candle that wolfpack changed to red for
is not closed yet. It could repaint as green before the end of the time cycle.
Rules For Leverage

In this strategy we use 100% cross leverage but only use up to 5% of our account.

Example Math:

If you have $1,000 in your account, you will be using (1,000*.05) $50 of your money in your account (At
Most) in your trade. Once you know what you will be using you can figure out the contract size which is
your money * leverage. For our strategy that would be 50 * 100 so your contract size would be $5,000
(At Most).

Do not put all your money into your leverage trading account. If you get liquidated that means you will
lose everything in that account.

You can start adding up to 1-2% of your position before the triple confirmation if you see signs that the
market is turning around but this is riskier so only do this if you have trading experience or if The Baked
Potato gave the group instructions to do so.

If you want to use isolated leverage, make sure to keep your leverage to 5x or less. This will be close to
the same risk as our cross strategy but unless you are used to leverage trading you should follow the
strategy 100%.

Scalping/Taking Profits

Once you are in a trade, the potato method to taking profits is easy. We use the Bollinger bands to find
when to take profit and when to buy back in. There are 2 time frames you can use. They are

1 hour – Sell 20% / Buy back 10%

15 minute – Sell 10% / Buy Back 5%

For my example below we will be using the 1 hour. Any time the candle jets outside the top of the
Bollinger band you will sell 20% of your position. Then any time the candle jets outside the bottom of
the band you will buy back 10% of what you sold if the trend does not look like it has changed. If it looks
like a trend change wait to buy back in, in-case you triple confirm to sell your position. This will make it
so no matter what you should be closing all trades with profit.

Before Your First Trade

You now have an overview of the strategy and the knowledge to move forward. The last thing you need
to do before you make your first trade is watch the one-on-one video found here.
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=PYtIJF8KbC4&t=2028s and https://youtu.be/QvNX8OlALEw This
will go over the strategy in detail and help you get started.

If you have any questions, do not hesitate to ask a super spud in the discord. We are here to help.
Triple Confirmation Checklist

Are you looking at the 4, 8 or 12 hour Time Frame: Yes/No

If yes move on

(circle one)

Potato Indicator: Green/Red

Market Liberator: Green/Red

Wolfpack: Green/Red

Are all the indicators the same color: Yes/No

Have all candles closed for those indicators: Yes/No

If both are yes you have triple confirmation

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