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Book #1: Development of Jewish Law

Year: 2020-2021/5780
Grade: 7
Teacher: Rabbi Kirzner

The life or death of Judaism
An Interview with Yokhanan Ben Zakai:
(On the erev of the most important decision he will ever
Directions: We need one volunteer to be the interviewer and one volunteer to be YBZ

Who are you: My name is Yokhanan Ben Zakaii

When do you live: It is now the year 70 CE, when the

Roman Empire has taken over the Middle East.

What’s the emotional state of the Jews at this time?

Many Jews are not happy about the Roman’s being
in charge. They want to live freely. They still
remember how the Hasmoneans rose up and
defeated the Greeks and invented the Holiday of
Hanukkah. If they could do that a few hundred
years ago, then the Jews who lived in Roman times
can win as well. Four years ago, the Jews began
the Great Revolt and tried to push Roman out of
Israel once and for all.

Where do you live: I live in Jerusalem. Actually, most

Jews have now gathered in Jerusalem at this point.
This is the last city that we can protect against the
Roman forces. You see, the great revolt didn’t go too
well after all.

What can you see from your apartment window: I see

the beautiful 2nd Temple, also known as the Beit
Hamikdash. You may remember that the 1st Temple,
was destroyed by the Babylonian king
Nebuchadnezzar many, many years ago and many
Israelites were sent to Babylonia [that’s Iraq today].
But then the Persians beat up the Babylonians and
the Persians let the Israelites go back to Israel and
rebuild our Temple – and that’s exactly what we did. I
can see it standing there so beautiful and proud.

What is happening around you? The Great Revolt of

the Jewish people is underway. The Jews want their
own land and are fighting hard to keep it. However,
the Roman armies are very tough. I fear that we will
soon be destroyed. I heard that some people are
leaving tonight for Masada, where it is still supposed
to be safe.

Why are you pulling at your beard? I am nervous

because I know that this great revolt of the Jewish
people will fail. The Romans are great soldiers and
have many, many trained fighters. It is only a matter
of days …even hours, until the Romans break
through the walls that surround this city. It is only a
matter of hours until the beautiful Temple will be
surrounded by Roman flames. The Beit Hamikdash
will be no more, and Judaism will be finished forever.
But Yokhanan! You are the wisest of all the Rabbis! There must be a way to
save Judaism! There must be a way to keep people connecting to God even
with the Beit Hamikdash is burnt to the ground. You must have an idea!

Actually, I don’t. I was hoping that you’d all discuss this and give me
some advice on how I should move forward.

What’s the connection between the Beit Hamikdash

and Judaism? Why is one so connected to the other?

Time to Debate

What should Rabbi Yokhanan Ben Zakaii do to save Judaism? How would you save Judaism if it
looked like Judaism was soon to being no more? Work in groups to generate ideas for what you
would do.

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